
309 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
<?_code # -*-bml-*-
use strict;
use vars qw(%GET %POST $title $body);
# start of content
$body = BML::ml("Backlink", {
'link' => './',
'text' => 'Advanced Customization',
my $err = sub {
$title = "Error";
$body = shift;
my $pub = LJ::S2::get_public_layers();
my $id;
if ($GET{'id'} =~ /^\d+$/) { # numeric
$id = $GET{'id'};
} elsif ($GET{'id'}) { # redist_uniq
$id = $pub->{$GET{'id'}}->{'s2lid'};
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
# show the public layers
unless ($id) {
$title = "Public Layers";
my %layerinfo;
my @to_load = grep { /^\d+$/ } keys %$pub;
LJ::S2::load_layer_info(\%layerinfo, \@to_load);
my $recurse = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $lid = shift; # layer id
my $lay = $pub->{$lid};
return unless $lay;
# set to true if the layer is not core and is not a layout
my $is_child = $lay->{'type'} ne 'core' && $lay->{'type'} ne 'layout';
my $typedes = " ($lay->{'type'}" . (! $is_child ? ": <b>$lid</b>" : '') . ")";
# show link to detailed view
$body .= "<li><a href='layerbrowse.bml?id=$lay->{'uniq'}'>" . LJ::ehtml($layerinfo{$lid}->{'name'});
$body .= "</a>$typedes</li>";
# done unless there are children to recurse through
return unless ! $is_child && $lay->{'children'};
# if we're not expanding these children, stop and show a link
if ($lay->{'type'} eq 'layout' && $GET{'expand'} != $lid) {
$body .= "<ul><li>[<a href='layerbrowse.bml?expand=$lid'>";
$body .= scalar(@{$lay->{'children'}}) . " children...</a>]</li></ul>";
# expand children
$body .= "<ul>";
foreach (@{$lay->{'children'}}) {
$self->($self, $_);
$body .= "</ul>";
# iterate through core layers
$body .= "<ul>";
foreach (grep { $pub->{$_}->{'b2lid'} == 0 } grep { /^\d+$/ } keys %$pub) {
$recurse->($recurse, $_); # start from the top
$body .= "</ul>";
### details on a specific layer ###
my $xlink = sub {
my $r = shift;
$$r =~ s/\[class\[(\w+)\]\]/<a href=\"\#class.$1\">$1<\/a>/g;
$$r =~ s/\[method\[(.+?)\]\]/<a href=\"\#meth.$1\">$1<\/a>/g;
$$r =~ s/\[function\[(.+?)\]\]/<a href=\"\#func.$1\">$1<\/a>/g;
$$r =~ s/\[member\[(.+?)\]\]/<a href=\"\#member.$1\">$1<\/a>/g;
# load layer info
my $layer = defined $pub->{$id} ? $pub->{$id} : LJ::S2::load_layer($id);
return $err->("The specified layer does not exist.")
unless $layer;
my $layerinfo = {};
LJ::S2::load_layer_info($layerinfo, [ $id ]);
my $srcview = exists $layerinfo->{$id}->{'source_viewable'} ?
$layerinfo->{$id}->{'source_viewable'} : undef;
# do they have access?
my $isadmin = !defined $pub->{$id} && # public styles are pulled from the system
(LJ::check_priv($remote, 'canview', 'styles') || # account, so we don't want to check privileges
LJ::check_priv($remote, 'canview', '*')); # in case they're private styles
return $err->("You are not authorized to view this layer.")
unless defined $pub->{$id} || $srcview == 1 ||
LJ::can_manage($remote, $layer->{'userid'}) ||
my $s2info = S2::get_layer_all($id);
my $class = $s2info->{'class'} || {};
my $xlink_args = sub {
my $r = shift;
return unless
$$r =~ /^(.+?\()(.*)\)$/;
my ($new, @args) = ($1, split(/\s*\,\s*/, $2));
foreach (@args) {
s/^(\w+)/defined $class->{$1} ? "[class[$1]]" : $1/eg;
$new .= join(", ", @args) . ")";
$$r = $new;
$body .= "<br />";
# link to layer list if this is a public layer, otherwise user's layer list
if (defined $pub->{$id}) {
$body .= BML::ml('Backlink', { 'link' => 'layerbrowse.bml', 'text' => 'Public Layers' }) . "\n";
} else {
$body .= BML::ml('Backlink', { 'link' => "layers.bml", 'text' => 'Your Layers' }) . "\n";
$body .= BML::ml('Actionlink', { 'link' => "<a href='layeredit.bml?id=$id'>Edit Layer</a>" }) . "\n";
if ($layer->{'b2lid'}) {
$body .= "[<a href=\"layerbrowse.bml?id=$layer->{'b2lid'}\">Parent Layer</a>]\n";
if (defined $pub->{$id} && (! defined $srcview || $srcview != 0) ||
$srcview == 1 ||
LJ::can_manage($remote, $layer->{'userid'}) ||
$isadmin) {
$body .= "[<a href=\"layersource.bml?id=$id\">Download</a>]\n";
$body .= "[<a href=\"layersource.bml?id=$id&fmt=html\">View as HTML</a>]\n";
# layerinfo
if (my $info = $s2info->{'info'}) {
$body .= "<?h1 Layer Info h1?>";
$body .= "<table style='margin-bottom: 10px' border='1' cellpadding='2'>";
foreach my $k (sort keys %$info) {
my ($ek, $ev) = map { LJ::ehtml($_) } ($k, $info->{$k});
$title = $ev if $k eq "name";
$body .= "<tr><td><b>$ek</b></td><td>$ev</td></tr>\n";
$body .= "</table>";
# sets
if (my $set = $s2info->{'set'}) {
$body .= "<?h1 Properties Set h1?>";
$body .= "<table style='margin-bottom: 10px' border='1' cellpadding='2'>";
foreach my $k (sort keys %$set) {
my $v = $set->{$k};
if (ref $v eq "HASH") {
if ($v->{'_type'} eq "Color") {
$v = "<span style=\"border: 1px solid #000000; padding-left: 2em; background-color: $v->{'as_string'}\">&nbsp;</span> <tt>$v->{'as_string'}</tt>";
} else {
$v = "[unknown object type]";
} elsif (ref $v eq "ARRAY") {
$v = "<i>List:</i> (" . join(", ", map { LJ::ehtml($_) } @$v) . ")";
} else {
$v = LJ::ehtml($v);
$body .= "<tr><td><b>$k</b></td><td>$v</td></tr>\n";
$body .= "</table>";
# global functions
my $gb = $s2info->{'global'};
if (ref $gb eq "HASH" && %$gb) {
$body .= "<?h1 Global Functions h1?>";
$body .= "<table style='margin-bottom: 10px' border='1' cellpadding='2'>";
foreach my $fname (sort keys %$gb) {
my $rt = $gb->{$fname}->{'returntype'};
if (defined $class->{$rt}) {
$rt = "[class[$rt]]";
my $ds = LJ::ehtml($gb->{$fname}->{'docstring'});
my $args = $gb->{$fname}->{'args'};
$body .= "<tr><td><nobr><a name='func.$fname'><tt>$args : $rt</tt></a></nobr></td><td>$ds</td></tr>";
$body .= "</table>";
if (%$class)
# class index
$body .= "<?h1 Classes h1?>";
$body .= "<table style='margin-bottom: 10px'><tr valign='top' align='left'>";
$body .= "<td width='50%'>Alphabetical";
$body .= "<ul>";
foreach my $cname (sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %$class) {
$body .= "<li><a href='#class.$cname'><b>$cname</b></a></li>\n";
$body .= "</ul>";
$body .= "</td>";
$body .= "<td width='50%'>Hierarchical";
my $dumpsub = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $parent = shift;
$body .= "<li><a href='#class.$parent'><b>$parent</b></a></li>\n"
if $parent;
my $didul = 0;
foreach my $cname (sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %$class) {
next unless $class->{$cname}->{'parent'} eq $parent;
unless ($didul++) { $body .= "<ul>"; }
$self->($self, $cname);
if ($didul) { $body .= "</ul>"; }
$dumpsub->($dumpsub, "");
$body .= "</td></tr></table>";
# classes
foreach my $cname (sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %$class) {
$body .= "<a name='class.$cname'><?h1 $cname Class h1?></a>";
my $ds = LJ::ehtml($class->{$cname}->{'docstring'});
if ($class->{$cname}->{'parent'}) {
$ds = "Child class of [class[$class->{$cname}->{'parent'}]]. $ds";
if ($ds) {
$body .= "<?p $ds p?>";
# build functions & methods
my (%func, %var);
my $add = sub {
my ($self, $aname) = @_;
foreach (keys %{$class->{$aname}->{'funcs'}}) {
$func{$_} = $class->{$aname}->{'funcs'}->{$_};
$func{$_}->{'_declclass'} = $aname;
foreach (keys %{$class->{$aname}->{'vars'}}) {
$var{$_} = $class->{$aname}->{'vars'}->{$_};
$var{$_}->{'_declclass'} = $aname;
my $parent = $class->{$aname}->{'parent'};
$self->($self, $parent) if $parent;
$add->($add, $cname);
$body .= "<table style='margin-bottom: 10px' border='1' cellpadding='2'><?h2 Members h2?>" if %var;
foreach (sort keys %var) {
my $type = $var{$_}->{'type'};
$type =~ s/(\w+)/defined $class->{$1} ? "[class[$1]]" : $1/eg;
my $ds = LJ::ehtml($var{$_}->{'docstring'});
if ($var{$_}->{'readonly'}) {
$ds = "<i>(Read-only)</i> $ds";
$body .= "<tr><td><nobr><a name='member.${cname}.$_'><tt>$type $_</tt></a></nobr></td><td>$ds</td></tr>";
$body .= "</table>" if %var;
$body .= "<table style='margin-bottom: 10px' border='1' cellpadding='2'><?h2 Methods h2?>" if %func;
foreach (sort keys %func) {
my $rt = $func{$_}->{'returntype'};
if (defined $class->{$rt}) {
$rt = "[class[$rt]]";
my $ds = LJ::ehtml($func{$_}->{'docstring'});
my $args = $_;
$body .= "<tr><td><nobr><a name='meth.${cname}::$_'><tt>$args : $rt</tt></a></nobr></td><td>$ds</td></tr>";
$body .= "</table>" if %func;
_code?><?page title=><?_code return $title; _code?>
body=><?_code return $body; _code?>