
166 lines
5.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
use strict;
use vars qw(%GET %POST);
use vars qw($body);
my $jsmode = $GET{mode} eq "js";
$body = "";
my $error = sub {
if ($jsmode) {
return "alert('" . LJ::ejs($_[0]) . "'); 0;";
$body = "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p $_[0] p?>";
my $bad_input = sub {
return $error->("Bad input: $_[0]") if $jsmode;
$body = LJ::bad_input($_[0]);
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
return $bad_input->($ML{'error.noremote'})
unless $remote;
return $error->("Missing parameters.") unless $GET{'journal'} ne "" && $GET{'id'};
# $u is user object of journal that owns the talkpost
my $u = LJ::load_user($GET{'journal'});
return $bad_input->($ML{'error.nojournal'})
unless $u;
# can't delete if you're suspended
return $bad_input->($ML{'.error.suspended'})
if $remote->{statusvis} eq 'S';
return $error->($LJ::MSG_READONLY_USER) if LJ::get_cap($u, "readonly");
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
return $error->($ML{'error.nodb'})
unless $dbcr;
# $tp is a hashref of info about this individual talkpost row
my $tpid = $GET{'id'} >> 8;
my $tp = $dbcr->selectrow_hashref("SELECT jtalkid AS 'talkid', nodetype, state, " .
"nodeid AS 'itemid', parenttalkid, journalid, posterid " .
"FROM talk2 ".
"WHERE journalid=? AND jtalkid=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $tpid);
return $bad_input->($ML{'.error.nocomment'})
unless $tp;
return $bad_input->($ML{'.error.invalidtype'})
unless $tp->{'nodetype'} eq 'L';
return $bad_input->($ML{'.error.alreadydeleted'})
if $tp->{'state'} eq "D";
# get username of poster
$tp->{'userpost'} = LJ::get_username($tp->{'posterid'});
# userid of user who posted journal entry
my $jposterid = $dbcr->selectrow_array("SELECT posterid FROM log2 WHERE " .
"journalid=? AND jitemid=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $tp->{'itemid'});
my $jposter = LJ::load_userid($jposterid);
# can $remote delete this comment?
unless (LJ::Talk::can_delete($remote, $u, $jposter, $tp->{'userpost'})) {
my $err = $u->{'journaltype'} eq 'C' ? $ML{'.error.cantdelete.comm'} : $ML{'.error.cantdelete'};
return $error->($err);
my $can_manage = LJ::can_manage($remote, $u);
# can ban if can manage and the comment is by someone else and not anon
my $can_ban = $can_manage && $tp->{'posterid'}
&& $remote && $remote->{'userid'} != $tp->{'posterid'};
my $can_delthread = $can_manage || $jposterid == $remote->{userid};
### perform actions
if (LJ::did_post() && $POST{'confirm'}) {
# mark this as spam?
LJ::Talk::mark_comment_as_spam($u, $tp->{talkid})
if $POST{spam};
# delete entire thread? or just the one comment?
if ($POST{delthread} && $can_delthread) {
# delete entire thread ...
LJ::Talk::delete_thread($u, $tp->{'itemid'}, $tpid);
} else {
# delete single comment...
LJ::Talk::delete_comments($u, "L", $tp->{'itemid'}, [$tpid]);
# ban the user, if selected
my $msg;
if ($POST{'ban'} && $can_ban) {
LJ::set_rel($u->{'userid'}, $tp->{'posterid'}, 'B');
$msg = BML::ml('.success.andban', { 'user' => LJ::ljuser($tp->{'userpost'}) });
$msg ||= $ML{'.success.noban'};
$msg .= "<?p $ML{'.success.spam'} p?>" if $POST{spam};
if ($jsmode) {
return "1;";
} else {
$body = "<?h1 $ML{'.success.head'} h1?><?p $msg p?>";
### show confirmation form
$body .= "<?h1 $ML{'.confirm.head'} h1?>";
$body .= "<?p $ML{'.confirm.body'} p?>";
$body .= "<form method='post' action='delcomment.bml?";
$body .= "journal=$u->{'user'}&id=$GET{'id'}'>\n";
$body .= "<?standout ";
$body .= "<div align='center' style='margin: 8px'>" . LJ::html_submit('confirm', $ML{'.confirm.submit'}) . "</div>\n";
if ($can_ban) {
$body .= "<div>" . LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'check', 'name' => 'ban', 'id' => 'ban' });
$body .= "<label for='ban'>";
$body .= BML::ml('.confirm.banuser', { 'user' => LJ::ljuser($tp->{'userpost'}) });
$body .= "</label></div>";
if ($tp->{'posterid'} != $remote->{'userid'}) { # Despite the idea of natural selection, don't let users report their own comments as spam
$body .= "<div>" . LJ::html_check({name => 'spam', id => 'spam'});
$body .= "<label for='spam'>$ML{'.confirm.spam'}</label></div>";
if ($can_delthread) {
$body .= "<div>" . LJ::html_check({name => 'delthread', id => 'delthread'});
$body .= "<label for='delthread'>$ML{'.confirm.delthread'}</label></div>";
$body .= " standout?>";
if ($can_manage) {
my $msg = BML::ml('.changeoptions', { 'link' =>
"<a href='/editinfo.bml?authas=$u->{'user'}'>$ML{'/editinfo.bml.title'}</a>" });
$body .= "<?p $msg p?>";
$body .= "</form>\n";
title=><?_ml .title _ml?>
body=><?_code return $body; _code?>
page?><?_c <LJDEP>
link: htdocs/editinfo.bml
post: htdocs/delcomment.bml
</LJDEP> _c?>