
244 lines
7.6 KiB
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2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
use strict;
use vars qw(%GET %POST $title $body);
# set $title later because we may be changing languages
$title = "";
$body = "";
# error handling closures
my $redir = sub { BML::redirect("siteopts.bml"); };
# thumb schemes have thumbnails
# text schemes are in a drop-down
my @thumb_schemes;
my @text_schemes;
foreach (@LJ::SCHEMES) {
if (ref $_->{'thumb'} eq 'ARRAY') {
push @thumb_schemes, $_;
} else {
push @text_schemes, $_;
# saving changes
if (LJ::did_post()) {
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
# was a scheme change posted?
my $scheme;
if (exists $POST{'action:setscheme'}) {
foreach (@text_schemes) {
$scheme = $_->{'scheme'} if $POST{'scheme'} eq $_->{'scheme'};
} else {
foreach (@thumb_schemes) {
$scheme = $_->{'scheme'} if exists $POST{"action:setscheme:$_->{'scheme'}.x"};
# set scheme
if ($scheme) {
my $cval = $scheme;
# don't set cookie for default scheme
if ($scheme eq $LJ::SCHEMES[0]->{'scheme'}) {
$cval = '';
delete $COOKIE{'BMLschemepref'};
# logged in?
if ($remote) {
# set a userprop to remember their schemepref
LJ::set_userprop($remote, 'schemepref', $cval);
# cookie expires when session expires
if ($remote->{'_session'}->{'exptype'} eq 'long') {
$cval = [ $scheme, $remote->{'_session'}->{'timeexpire'} ];
# set cookie
$COOKIE{'BMLschemepref'} = $cval if $cval;
# redirect to refresh cookie settings
return $redir->();
# set language
if (exists $POST{'action:setlang'} && $POST{'lang'}) {
my $l = LJ::Lang::get_lang($POST{'lang'});
return $redir->() unless $l;
# default cookie value to set
my $cval = $l->{'lncode'} . "/" . time();
# if logged in, change userprop and make cookie expiration
# the same as their login expiration
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
if ($remote) {
LJ::set_userprop($remote, "browselang", $l->{'lncode'});
if ($remote->{'_session'}->{'exptype'} eq 'long') {
$cval = [ $cval, $remote->{'_session'}->{'timeexpire'} ];
# set cookie
$COOKIE{'langpref'} = $cval;
# set language through BML so it will apply immediately
# set title now that we have the correct language
$title = $ML{'.title'};
# preferences page output
# wrapper box to to keep tables from scrolling horizontally
$body .= "<table><tr><td>";
# scheme selector
if (@LJ::SCHEMES) {
$body .= "<?h1 $ML{'.head.scheme'} h1?>";
$body .= "<form method='post' action='siteopts.bml'>";
my $scheme = $BML::COOKIE{'BMLschemepref'};
$scheme = $LJ::SCHEMES[0]->{'scheme'} unless $scheme;
if (@thumb_schemes) {
my $ct = 0;
my $cols = 3;
my $width = int(100 / $cols +.5) . "%";
my $switch = @thumb_schemes / $cols;
$body .= "<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='2'>";
$body .= "<tr valign='top' align='left'>";
foreach my $sh (@thumb_schemes) {
if ($ct == 0) {
$body .= "<td width='$width' align='left' valign='top'>";
my $th = $sh->{'thumb'};
$body .= "<div style='float: left'><?h2 $sh->{'title'} h2?> <input type='image' ";
$body .= "name='action:setscheme:$sh->{'scheme'}' ";
$body .= "src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/$th->[0]'";
$body .= " width='$th->[1]'" if $th->[1];
$body .= " height='$th->[2]'" if $th->[2];
if ($sh->{'scheme'} eq $scheme) {
$body .= "style='border: solid 2px blue;' ";
} else {
$body .= "style='border: solid 1px black;' ";
my $alt = BML::ml('.scheme.preview', {'title' => $sh->{'title'},});
$body .= " alt='$alt' title='$sh->{'title'}'/></div>";
if (++$ct >= $switch) {
$body .= "</td>";
$ct = 0;
$body .= "</tr></table>";
if (@text_schemes) {
my $ct = 0;
my $cols = 3;
my $width = int(100 / $cols +.5) . "%";
my $switch = @text_schemes / $cols;
$body .= "<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='2'>";
$body .= "<tr valign='top' align='left'>";
foreach my $sh (@text_schemes) {
if ($ct == 0) {
$body .= "<td width='$width' align='left'>";
$body .= "<p>" .
LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'radio', 'name' => 'scheme',
'value' => $sh->{'scheme'},
'id' => "scheme-$sh->{'scheme'}",
'selected' => $scheme eq $sh->{'scheme'} });
$body .= "<label for='scheme-$sh->{'scheme'}'>$sh->{'title'}</label></p>";
if (++$ct >= $switch) {
$body .= "</td>";
$ct = 0;
$body .= "</tr><tr><td colspan='$cols' align='left'>";
$body .= LJ::html_submit('action:setscheme', $ML{'.btn.scheme'});
$body .= "</td></tr></table>";
$body .= "</form>";
# language selector
$body .= "<?h1 $ML{'.head.lang'} h1?>";
$body .= "<form method='post' action='siteopts.bml'>";
my $ct = 0;
my $cols = 3;
my $width = int(100 / $cols +.5) . "%";
my $switch = @LJ::LANGS / $cols;
my $curr = BML::get_language();
$body .= "<table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='2'>";
$body .= "<tr valign='top' align='left'>";
my @inc;
push @inc, $GET{'addlang'} if $GET{'addlang'};
foreach my $code (@LJ::LANGS, @inc) {
my $l = LJ::Lang::get_lang($code);
next unless $l;
my $item = "langname.$code";
my $namethislang = BML::ml($item);
my $namenative = LJ::Lang::get_text($l->{'lncode'}, $item);
if ($ct == 0) {
$body .= "<td width='$width' align='left'>";
$body .= "<p>" . LJ::html_check({ 'type' => 'radio', 'name' => 'lang',
'value' => $code, 'id' => "sel_$code",
'selected' => $code eq $curr });
$body .= " <label for='sel_$code'>$namenative";
$body .= " ($namethislang)" if $namethislang ne $namenative;
$body .= "</label></p>\n";
if (++$ct >= $switch) {
$body .= "</td>";
$ct = 0;
$body .= "<tr><td colspan='$cols' align='left'>";
$body .= LJ::html_submit('action:setlang', $ML{'.btn.lang'});
$body .= "</td></tr>";
$body .= "</table></form>";
$body .= "</td></tr></table>";
title=><?_code return $title; _code?>
body=><?_code return $body; _code?>