
269 lines
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2019-02-05 21:49:12 +00:00
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
$| = 1;
my $help = 0;
my $sync = 0;
my $diff = 0;
my $cvsonly = 0;
my $liveonly = 0;
my $init = 0;
my $conf;
my $opt_update;
my $opt_justfiles;
my $opt_ignore_space;
my $these_flag;
exit 1 unless GetOptions('conf=s' => \$conf,
'help' => \$help,
'sync' => \$sync,
'diff' => \$diff,
'cvsonly|c' => \$cvsonly,
'liveonly' => \$liveonly,
'init' => \$init,
'update' => \$opt_update,
'justfiles|1' => \$opt_justfiles,
'no-space-changes|b|w' => \$opt_ignore_space,
'these|t' => \$these_flag,
if ($help or not defined $conf) {
die "Usage: multicvs.pl --conf=/path/to/multicvs.conf [opts] [files]\n" .
" --help Get this help\n" .
" --sync Put files where they need to go.\n" .
" All files, unless you specify which ones.\n".
" --diff Show diffs of changed files.\n".
" --cvsonly Don't consider files changed in live dirs.\n".
" --liveonly Don't consider files changed in the CVS dirs.\n".
" --init Copy all files from cvs to main, unconditionally.\n" .
" --update Updates files in the CVS dirs from the cvs repositories.\n".
" --justfiles -1 Only output files, not the old -> new arrow. (good for xargs)\n".
" --no-space-changes -b Do not display whitespace differences.\n".
" --these -t Refuse to --sync if no files are specified.\n";
if ($init) {
$sync = 1;
die "Can't set --liveonly or --cvsonly with --init\n"
if $cvsonly or $liveonly;
$diff = 0;
unless (-e $conf) {
die "Specified conf file doesn't exist: $conf\n";
my @paths;
my $read_conf = sub
my $file = shift;
my $main = shift;
open (C, $file) or die "Error opening conf file.\n";
while (<C>)
next unless /\S/;
s/\$(\w+)/$ENV{$1} or die "Environment variable \$$1 not set.\n"/ge;
if (/(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+)/) {
my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2);
unless ($main) {
die "Included config files can't set variables such as $k.\n";
if ($k eq "LIVEDIR") { $DIR_LIVE = $v; }
elsif ($k eq "CVSDIR") { $DIR_CVS = $v; }
else { die "Unknown option $k = $v\n"; }
if (/(\S+)\s+(.+)/) {
my ($from, $to) = ($1, $2);
my $maybe = 0;
if ($from =~ s/\?$//) { $maybe = 1; }
push @paths, {
'from' => $from,
'to' => $to,
'maybe' => $maybe,
} else {
die "Bogus line: $_\n";
close C;
$read_conf->($conf, 1);
if ($conf =~ /^(.+)(multicvs\.conf)$/) {
my $localconf = "$1multicvs-local.conf";
$read_conf->($localconf) if -e $localconf;
my %cvspath; # live path -> cvs path
my %have_updated;;
foreach my $p (@paths)
unless (-e "$DIR_CVS/$p->{'from'}") {
warn "WARNING: $p->{'from'} doesn't exist under $DIR_CVS\n"
unless $p->{'maybe'};
if ($opt_update) {
my $root = $p->{'from'};
$root =~ s!/.*!!;
my $dir = "$DIR_CVS/$root";
if (-d $dir && ! $have_updated{$dir}) {
chdir $dir or die "Can't cd to $dir\n";
print "Updating CVS dir '$root' ...\n";
system("cvs", "update", "-dP");
$have_updated{$dir} = 1;
if (-f "$DIR_CVS/$p->{'from'}") {
$cvspath{$p->{'to'}} = $p->{'from'};
$p->{'to'} =~ s!/$!!;
my $to_prefix = "$p->{'to'}/";
$to_prefix =~ s!^\./!!;
my @dirs = ($p->{'from'});
while (@dirs)
my $dir = shift @dirs;
my $fulldir = "$DIR_CVS/$dir";
opendir (MD, $fulldir) or die "Can't open $fulldir.";
while (my $file = readdir(MD)) {
next if ($file =~ /~$/); # ignore emacs files
next if ($file =~ /^\.\#/); # ignore CVS archived versions
next if ($file =~ /\bCVS\b/);
next if $file eq "." or $file eq "..";
if (-d "$fulldir/$file") {
unshift @dirs, "$dir/$file";
} elsif (-f "$fulldir/$file") {
my $to = "$dir/$file";
$to =~ s!^$p->{'from'}/!!;
$cvspath{"$to_prefix$to"} = "$dir/$file";
close MD;
# If the user has specified that there must be arguments, require @ARGV to
# contain soemthing.
die "These what?\n\nWith --these specified, you must provide at least one file to sync.\n"
if $these_flag && $sync && !@ARGV;
my @files = scalar(@ARGV) ? @ARGV : sort keys %cvspath;
foreach my $relfile (@files)
my $status;
next unless exists $cvspath{$relfile};
my $root = $cvspath{$relfile};
$root =~ s!/.*!!;
my ($from, $to); # if set, do action (diff and/or sync)
my $lfile = "$DIR_LIVE/$relfile";
my $cfile = "$DIR_CVS/$cvspath{$relfile}";
if ($init) {
$status = "main <- $root";
($from, $to) = ($cfile, $lfile);
} else {
my $ltime = mtime($lfile);
my $ctime = mtime($cfile);
next if $ltime == $ctime;
if ($ltime > $ctime && ! $cvsonly) {
$status = "main -> $root";
($from, $to) = ($lfile, $cfile);
if ($ctime > $ltime && ! $liveonly) {
$status = "main <- $root";
($from, $to) = ($cfile, $lfile);
next unless $status;
my $the_diff;
if ($diff && -e $from && -e $to) {
my $opt;
$opt = '-b' if $opt_ignore_space;
$the_diff = `diff -u $opt $to $from`; # getting from destination to source
if ($the_diff) {
# fix the -p level to be -p0
my $slashes = ($DIR_LIVE =~ tr!/!/!);
$the_diff =~ s/((^|\n)[\-\+]{3,3} )\/([^\/]+?\/){$slashes,$slashes}/$1/g;
} else {
# don't touch the files that don't have a diff if we're ignoring spaces
# as there might really be one and we just don't see it
next if $opt_ignore_space;
# no real change (just touched/copied?), so copy
# cvs one on top to fix times up.
copy($from, $to);
if ($sync) {
copy($from, $to);
if ($opt_justfiles) {
print "$relfile\n";
} else {
printf "%-25s %s\n", $status, $relfile;
print $the_diff;
sub mtime
my $file = shift;
return (stat($file))[9];
sub make_dirs
my $file = shift;
return 1 unless $file =~ s!/[^/]*$!!;
return 1 if $MADE_DIR{$file};
my @dirs = split(m!/!, $file);
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@dirs); $i++) {
my $sd = join("/", @dirs[0..$i]);
my $makedir = "$DIR_LIVE/$sd";
unless (-d $makedir) {
mkdir $makedir, 0755
or die "Couldn't make directory $makedir\n";
$MADE_DIR{$file} = 1;
# was using perl's File::Copy, but I want to preserve the file time.
sub copy
my ($src, $dest) = @_;
my $ret = system("cp", "-p", $src, $dest);
return ($ret == 0);