1318 lines
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1318 lines
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# MogileFS client library
# Copyright 2004 Danga Interactive
# Authors:
# Brad Whitaker <whitaker@danga.com>
# Brad Fitzpatrick <brad@danga.com>
# Mark Smith <marksmith@danga.com>
# License:
# GPL or Artistic License
# FIXME: add url to website (once we have one)
# FIXME: add POD docs (Michael?)
# MogileFS class
package MogileFS;
use strict;
use Carp;
use IO::WrapTie;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use fields qw(root domain backend);
sub new {
my MogileFS $self = shift;
$self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self;
return $self->_init(@_);
sub reload {
my MogileFS $self = shift;
return undef unless $self;
return $self->_init(@_);
sub errstr {
my MogileFS $self = shift;
return undef unless $self;
return $self->{backend}->errstr;
# expects as argument a hashref of "standard-ip" => "preferred-ip"
sub set_pref_ip {
my MogileFS $self = shift;
if $self->{backend};
# returns MogileFS::NewFile object, or undef if no device
# available for writing
sub new_file {
my MogileFS $self = shift;
my ($key, $class, $bytes) = @_;
$bytes += 0;
my $res = $self->{backend}->do_request
("create_open", {
domain => $self->{domain},
class => $class,
key => $key,
multi_dest => 1,
}) or return undef;
my $dests = []; # [ [devid,path], [devid,path], ... ]
# determine old vs. new format to populate destinations
unless (exists $res->{dev_count}) {
push @$dests, [ $res->{devid}, $res->{path} ];
} else {
for my $i (1..$res->{dev_count}) {
push @$dests, [ $res->{"devid_$i"}, $res->{"path_$i"} ];
my $main_dest = shift @$dests;
my ($main_devid, $main_path) = ($main_dest->[0], $main_dest->[1]);
# create a MogileFS::NewFile object, based off of IO::File
if ($main_path =~ m!^http://!) {
return IO::WrapTie::wraptie('MogileFS::NewHTTPFile',
mg => $self,
fid => $res->{fid},
path => $main_path,
devid => $main_devid,
backup_dests => $dests,
class => $class,
key => $key,
content_length => $bytes+0,
} else {
return MogileFS::NewFile->new(
mg => $self,
fid => $res->{fid},
path => $main_path,
devid => $main_devid,
class => $class,
key => $key
# old style calling:
# get_paths(key, noverify)
# new style calling:
# get_paths(key, { noverify => 0/1, zone => "zone" });
# but with both, second parameter is optional
sub get_paths {
my MogileFS $self = shift;
my ($key, $opts) = @_;
# handle parameters, if any
my ($noverify, $zone);
if (ref $opts) {
$noverify = 1 if $opts->{noverify};
$zone = $opts->{zone} || undef;
} else {
$noverify = 1 if $opts;
my $res = $self->{backend}->do_request
("get_paths", {
domain => $self->{domain},
key => $key,
noverify => $noverify ? 1 : 0,
zone => $zone,
}) or return undef;
my @paths = map { $res->{"path$_"} } (1..$res->{paths});
return @paths if scalar(@paths) > 0 && $paths[0] =~ m!^http://!;
return map { "$self->{root}/$_"} @paths;
# given a key, returns a scalar reference pointing at a string containing
# the contents of the file. takes one parameter; a scalar key to get the
# data for the file.
sub get_file_data {
# given a key, load some paths and get data
my MogileFS $self = $_[0];
my ($key, $timeout) = ($_[1], $_[2]);
my @paths = $self->get_paths($key, 1);
return undef unless @paths;
# iterate over each
foreach my $path (@paths) {
next unless defined $path;
if ($path =~ m!^http://!) {
# try via HTTP
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->timeout($timeout || 10);
my $res = $ua->get($path);
if ($res->is_success) {
my $contents = $res->content;
return \$contents;
} else {
# open the file from disk and just grab it all
open FILE, "<$path" or next;
my $contents;
{ local $/ = undef; $contents = <FILE>; }
close FILE;
return \$contents if $contents;
return undef;
# TODO: delete method on MogileFS::NewFile object
# this method returns undef only on a fatal error such as inability to actually
# delete a resource and inability to contact the server. attempting to delete
# something that doesn't exist counts as success, as it doesn't exist.
sub delete {
my MogileFS $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $rv = $self->{backend}->do_request
("delete", {
domain => $self->{domain},
key => $key,
# if it's unknown_key, not an error
return undef unless defined $rv ||
$self->{backend}->{lasterr} eq 'unknown_key';
return 1;
# just makes some sleeping happen. first and only argument is number of
# seconds to instruct backend thread to sleep for.
sub sleep {
my MogileFS $self = shift;
my $duration = shift;
$self->{backend}->do_request("sleep", { duration => $duration + 0 })
or return undef;
return 1;
# this method renames a file. it returns an undef on error (only a fatal error
# is considered as undef; "file didn't exist" isn't an error).
sub rename {
my MogileFS $self = shift;
my ($fkey, $tkey) = @_;
my $rv = $self->{backend}->do_request
("rename", {
domain => $self->{domain},
from_key => $fkey,
to_key => $tkey,
# if it's unknown_key, not an error
return undef unless defined $rv ||
$self->{backend}->{lasterr} eq 'unknown_key';
return 1;
# used to get a list of keys matching a certain prefix. expected arguments:
# ( $prefix, $after, $limit )
# prefix specifies what you want to get a list of. after is the item specified
# as a return value from this function last time you called it. limit is optional
# and defaults to 1000 keys returned.
# if you expect an array of return values, returns:
# ($after, $keys)
# but if you expect only a single value, you just get the arrayref of keys. the
# value $after is to be used as $after when you call this function again.
# when there are no more keys in the list, you will get back undef(s).
sub list_keys {
my MogileFS $self = shift;
my ($prefix, $after, $limit) = @_;
my $res = $self->{backend}->do_request
("list_keys", {
domain => $self->{domain},
prefix => $prefix,
after => $after,
limit => $limit,
}) or return undef;
# construct our list of keys and the new after value
my $resafter = $res->{next_after};
my $reslist = [];
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $res->{key_count}+0; $i++) {
push @$reslist, $res->{"key_$i"};
return wantarray ? ($resafter, $reslist) : $reslist;
# MogileFS class methods
sub _fail {
croak "MogileFS: $_[0]";
sub _debug {
return 1 unless $MogileFS::DEBUG;
my $msg = shift;
my $ref = shift;
chomp $msg;
eval "use Data::Dumper;";
print STDERR "$msg\n" . Dumper($ref) . "\n";
return 1;
sub _init {
my MogileFS $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
# FIXME: add actual validation
# root is only needed for NFS based installations
$self->{root} = $args{root};
# get domain (required)
$self->{domain} = $args{domain} or
_fail("constructor requires parameter 'domain'");
# create a new backend object if there's not one already,
# otherwise call a reload on the existing one
if ($self->{backend}) {
$self->{backend}->reload( hosts => $args{hosts} );
} else {
$self->{backend} = MogileFS::Backend->new( hosts => $args{hosts} );
_fail("cannot instantiate MogileFS::Backend") unless $self->{backend};
_debug("MogileFS object: [$self]", $self);
return $self;
# MogileFS::Admin class
package MogileFS::Admin;
use strict;
use Carp;
use fields qw(backend);
sub new {
my MogileFS::Admin $self = shift;
$self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self;
my %args = @_;
$self->{backend} = new MogileFS::Backend ( hosts => $args{hosts} )
or _fail("couldn't instantiate MogileFS::Backend");
return $self;
sub get_hosts {
my MogileFS::Admin $self = shift;
my $hostid = shift;
my $args = $hostid ? { hostid => $hostid } : {};
my $res = $self->{backend}->do_request("get_hosts", $args)
or return undef;
my @ret = ();
foreach my $ct (1..$res->{hosts}) {
push @ret, { map { $_ => $res->{"host${ct}_$_"} }
qw(hostid status hostname hostip http_port remoteroot) };
return \@ret;
sub get_devices {
my MogileFS::Admin $self = shift;
my $devid = shift;
my $args = $devid ? { devid => $devid } : {};
my $res = $self->{backend}->do_request("get_devices", $args)
or return undef;
my @ret = ();
foreach my $ct (1..$res->{devices}) {
push @ret, { (map { $_ => $res->{"dev${ct}_$_"} } qw(devid hostid status)),
(map { $_ => $res->{"dev${ct}_$_"}+0 } qw(mb_total mb_used)) };
return \@ret;
# get a hashref of statistics on how the MogileFS server is doing. there are several
# sections of statistics, in this form:
# {
# replication => { "domain-name" => { "class-name" => { devcount => filecount }, ... }, ... },
# }
sub get_stats {
my MogileFS::Admin $self = shift;
my $ret = {};
# do the request, default to request all stats if they didn't specify any
push @_, 'all' unless @_;
my $res = $self->{backend}->do_request("stats", { map { $_ => 1 } @_ })
or return undef;
# get replication statistics
foreach my $i (1..$res->{"replicationcount"}) {
$ret->{replication}->{$res->{"replication${i}domain"}}->{$res->{"replication${i}class"}}->{$res->{"replication${i}devcount"}} = $res->{"replication${i}files"};
# get file statistics
foreach my $i (1..$res->{"filescount"}) {
$ret->{files}->{$res->{"files${i}domain"}}->{$res->{"files${i}class"}} = $res->{"files${i}files"};
# get device statistics
foreach my $i (1..$res->{"devicescount"}) {
$ret->{devices}->{$res->{"devices${i}id"}} = {
host => $res->{"devices${i}host"},
status => $res->{"devices${i}status"},
files => $res->{"devices${i}files"},
# return the created response
return $ret;
# get a hashref of the domains we know about in the format of
# { domain_name => { class_name => mindevcount, class_name => mindevcount, ... }, ... }
sub get_domains {
my MogileFS::Admin $self = shift;
my $res = $self->{backend}->do_request("get_domains", {})
or return undef;
my $ret;
foreach my $i (1..$res->{domains}) {
$ret->{$res->{"domain$i"}} = {
map {
$res->{"domain${i}class${_}name"} =>
} (1..$res->{"domain${i}classes"})
return $ret;
# create a new domain
sub create_domain {
my MogileFS::Admin $self = shift;
my $domain = shift;
my $res = $self->{backend}->do_request("create_domain", { domain => $domain });
return undef unless $res->{domain} eq $domain;
return 1;
# create a class within a domain
sub create_class {
my MogileFS::Admin $self = shift;
# wrapper around _mod_class(create)
return $self->_mod_class(@_, 'create');
# update a class's mindevcount within a domain
sub update_class {
my MogileFS::Admin $self = shift;
# wrapper around _mod_class(update)
return $self->_mod_class(@_, 'update');
# change the state of a device; pass in the hostname of the host the
# device is located on, the device id number, and the state you want
# the host to be set to. returns 1 on success, undef on error.
sub change_device_state {
my MogileFS::Admin $self = shift;
my ($host, $device, $state) = @_;
my $res = $self->{backend}->do_request("set_state", {
host => $host,
device => $device,
state => $state,
}) or return undef;
return 1;
# MogileFS::Admin class methods
sub _fail {
croak "MogileFS::Admin: $_[0]";
*_debug = *MogileFS::_debug;
# modify a class within a domain
sub _mod_class {
my MogileFS::Admin $self = shift;
my ($domain, $class, $mindevcount, $verb) = @_;
$verb ||= 'create';
my $res = $self->{backend}->do_request("${verb}_class", {
domain => $domain,
class => $class,
mindevcount => $mindevcount,
return undef unless $res->{class} eq $class;
return 1;
# MogileFS::Backend class
package MogileFS::Backend;
use strict;
no strict 'refs';
use Carp;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use POSIX ();
use fields ('hosts', # arrayref of "$host:$port" of mogilefsd servers
'host_dead', # "$host:$port" -> $time (of last connect failure)
'lasterr', # string: \w+ identifer of last error
'lasterrstr', # string: english of last error
'sock_cache', # cached socket to mogilefsd tracker
'pref_ip', # hashref; { ip => preferred ip }
'timeout', # time in seconds to allow sockets to become readable
sub new {
my MogileFS::Backend $self = shift;
$self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self;
return $self->_init(@_);
sub reload {
my MogileFS::Backend $self = shift;
return undef unless $self;
return $self->_init(@_);
sub set_pref_ip {
my MogileFS::Backend $self = shift;
$self->{pref_ip} = shift;
$self->{pref_ip} = undef
unless $self->{pref_ip} &&
ref $self->{pref_ip} eq 'HASH';
sub _wait_for_readability {
my ($fileno, $timeout) = @_;
return 0 unless $fileno && $timeout;
my $rin;
vec($rin, $fileno, 1) = 1;
my $nfound = select($rin, undef, undef, $timeout);
# undef/0 are failure, 1 is success
return $nfound ? 1 : 0;
sub do_request {
my MogileFS::Backend $self = shift;
my ($cmd, $args) = @_;
_fail("invalid arguments to do_request")
unless $cmd && $args;
local $SIG{'PIPE'} = "IGNORE" unless $FLAG_NOSIGNAL;
my $sock = $self->{sock_cache};
my $argstr = _encode_url_string(%$args);
my $req = "$cmd $argstr\r\n";
my $reqlen = length($req);
my $rv = 0;
if ($sock) {
# try our cached one, but assume it might be bogus
_debug("SOCK: cached = $sock, REQ: $req");
$rv = send($sock, $req, $FLAG_NOSIGNAL);
if ($! || ! defined $rv) {
# undef is error, but $! may not be populated, we've found
undef $self->{sock_cache};
} elsif ($rv != $reqlen) {
return _fail("send() didn't return expected length ($rv, not $reqlen)");
unless ($rv) {
$sock = $self->_get_sock
or return _fail("couldn't connect to mogilefsd backend");
_debug("SOCK: $sock, REQ: $req");
$rv = send($sock, $req, $FLAG_NOSIGNAL);
if ($!) {
return _fail("error talking to mogilefsd tracker: $!");
} elsif ($rv != $reqlen) {
return _fail("send() didn't return expected length ($rv, not $reqlen)");
$self->{sock_cache} = $sock;
# wait up to 3 seconds for the socket to come to life
unless (_wait_for_readability(fileno($sock), $self->{timeout})) {
return _fail("socket never became readable");
my $line = <$sock>;
_debug("RESPONSE: $line");
return _fail("socket closed on read")
unless defined $line;
# ERR <errcode> <errstr>
if ($line =~ /^ERR\s+(\w+)\s*(\S*)/) {
$self->{'lasterr'} = $1;
$self->{'lasterrstr'} = $2 ? _unescape_url_string($2) : undef;
_debug("LASTERR: $1 $2");
return undef;
# OK <arg_len> <response>
if ($line =~ /^OK\s+\d*\s*(\S*)/) {
my $args = _decode_url_string($1);
_debug("RETURN_VARS: ", $args);
return $args;
_fail("invalid response from server: [$line]");
return undef;
sub errstr {
my MogileFS::Backend $self = shift;
return join(" ", $self->{'lasterr'}, $self->{'lasterrstr'});
# MogileFS::Backend class methods
sub _fail {
croak "MogileFS::Backend: $_[0]";
*_debug = *MogileFS::_debug;
sub _connect_sock { # sock, sin, timeout
my ($sock, $sin, $timeout) = @_;
$timeout ||= 0.25;
# make the socket non-blocking for the connection if wanted, but
# unconditionally set it back to blocking mode at the end
if ($timeout) {
IO::Handle::blocking($sock, 0);
} else {
IO::Handle::blocking($sock, 1);
my $ret = connect($sock, $sin);
if (!$ret && $timeout && $!==EINPROGRESS) {
my $win='';
vec($win, fileno($sock), 1) = 1;
if (select(undef, $win, undef, $timeout) > 0) {
$ret = connect($sock, $sin);
# EISCONN means connected & won't re-connect, so success
$ret = 1 if !$ret && $!==EISCONN;
# turn blocking back on, as we expect to do blocking IO on our sockets
IO::Handle::blocking($sock, 1) if $timeout;
return $ret;
sub _sock_to_host { # (host)
my MogileFS::Backend $self = shift;
my $host = shift;
# create a socket and try to do a non-blocking connect
my ($ip, $port) = $host =~ /^(.*):(\d+)$/;
my $sock = "Sock_$host";
my $connected = 0;
my $proto = $PROTO_TCP ||= getprotobyname('tcp');
my $sin;
# try preferred ips
if ($self->{pref_ip} && (my $prefip = $self->{pref_ip}->{$ip})) {
_debug("using preferred ip $prefip over $ip");
socket($sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto);
$sin = Socket::sockaddr_in($port, Socket::inet_aton($prefip));
if (_connect_sock($sock, $sin, 0.1)) {
$connected = 1;
} else {
_debug("failed connect to preferred ip $prefip");
close $sock;
# now try the original ip
unless ($connected) {
socket($sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto);
$sin = Socket::sockaddr_in($port, Socket::inet_aton($ip));
return undef unless _connect_sock($sock, $sin);
# just throw back the socket we have so far
return $sock;
sub _init {
my MogileFS::Backend $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
# FIXME: add actual validation
$self->{hosts} = $args{hosts} or
_fail("constructor requires parameter 'hosts'");
_fail("'hosts' argument must be an arrayref")
unless ref $self->{hosts} eq 'ARRAY';
_fail("'hosts' argument must be of form: 'host:port'")
if grep(! /:\d+$/, @{$self->{hosts}});
_fail("'timeout' argument must be a number")
if $args{timeout} && $args{timeout} !~ /^\d+$/;
$self->{timeout} = $args{timeout} || 3;
$self->{host_dead} = {};
return $self;
# return a new mogilefsd socket, trying different hosts until one is found,
# or undef if they're all dead
sub _get_sock {
my MogileFS::Backend $self = shift;
return undef unless $self;
my $size = scalar(@{$self->{hosts}});
my $tries = $size > 15 ? 15 : $size;
my $idx = int(rand() * $size);
my $now = time();
my $sock;
foreach (1..$tries) {
my $host = $self->{hosts}->[$idx++ % $size];
# try dead hosts every 5 seconds
next if $self->{host_dead}->{$host} &&
$self->{host_dead}->{$host} > $now - 5;
last if $sock = $self->_sock_to_host($host);
# mark sock as dead
_debug("marking host dead: $host @ $now");
$self->{host_dead}->{$host} = $now;
return $sock;
sub _escape_url_string {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\,\-.\/\\\: ])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
$str =~ tr/ /+/;
return $str;
sub _unescape_url_string {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$str =~ tr/+/ /;
return $str;
sub _encode_url_string {
my %args = @_;
return undef unless %args;
return join("&",
map { _escape_url_string($_) . '=' .
_escape_url_string($args{$_}) }
grep { defined $args{$_} } keys %args
sub _decode_url_string {
my $arg = shift;
my $buffer = ref $arg ? $arg : \$arg;
my $hashref = {}; # output hash
my $pair;
my @pairs = split(/&/, $$buffer);
my ($name, $value);
foreach $pair (@pairs) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$hashref->{$name} .= $hashref->{$name} ? "\0$value" : $value;
return $hashref;
# MogileFS::NewFile object
package MogileFS::NewFile;
use strict;
use IO::File;
use base 'IO::File';
use Carp;
sub new {
my MogileFS::NewFile $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $mg = $args{mg};
# FIXME: validate %args
my $file = "$mg->{root}/$args{path}";
# Note: we open the file for read/write (+) with clobber (>) because
# although we mostly want to just clobber it and start afresh, some
# modules later on (in our case, Image::Size) may want to seek around
# in the file and do some reads.
my $fh = new IO::File "+>$file"
or _fail("couldn't open: $file: $!");
my $attr = _get_attrs($fh);
# prefix our keys with "mogilefs_newfile_" as per IO::Handle recommendations
# and copy safe %args values into $attr
$attr->{"mogilefs_newfile_$_"} = $args{$_} foreach qw(mg fid devid key path);
return bless $fh;
# some getter/setter functions
sub path { return _getset(shift, "path"); }
sub key { return _getset(shift, "key", @_); }
sub class { return _getset(shift, "class", @_); }
sub close {
my MogileFS::NewFile $self = shift;
# actually close the file
# get a reference to the hash part of the $fh typeglob ref
my $attr = $self->_get_attrs;
my MogileFS $mg = $attr->{mogilefs_newfile_mg};
my $domain = $mg->{domain};
my $fid = $attr->{mogilefs_newfile_fid};
my $devid = $attr->{mogilefs_newfile_devid};
my $path = $attr->{mogilefs_newfile_path};
my $key = shift || $attr->{mogilefs_newfile_key};
("create_close", {
fid => $fid,
devid => $devid,
domain => $domain,
key => $key,
path => $path,
}) or return undef;
return 1;
# MogileFS::NewFile class methods
sub _fail {
croak "MogileFS::NewFile: $_[0]";
*_debug = *MogileFS::debug;
# get a reference to the hash part of the $fh typeglob ref
sub _get_attrs {
return \%{*{$_[0]}};
sub _getset {
my MogileFS::NewFile $self = shift;
my $item = shift;
my $attrs = $self->_get_attrs;
# we're a setter
if (@_) {
return $attrs->{"mogilefs_newfile_$item"} = shift;
# we're a getter
return $attrs->{"mogilefs_newfile_$item"};
# MogileFS::HTTPFile object
# NOTE: This is meant to be used within IO::WrapTie...
package MogileFS::NewHTTPFile;
use strict;
no strict 'refs';
use Carp;
use POSIX qw( EAGAIN );
use Socket qw( PF_INET SOCK_STREAM );
use vars qw($PROTO_TCP);
use fields ('host',
'sock', # IO::Socket; created only when we need it
'data', # buffered data we have
'pos', # simulated file position
'length', # length of data field
'content_length', # declared length of data we will be receiving (not required)
'path', # full URL to save data to
'bytes_out', # count of how many bytes we've written to the socket
'data_in', # storage for data we've read from the socket
sub path { _getset(shift, 'path'); }
sub class { _getset(shift, 'class', @_); }
sub key { _getset(shift, 'key', @_); }
sub _parse_url {
my MogileFS::NewHTTPFile $self = shift;
my $url = shift;
return 0 unless $url =~ m!http://(.+?)(/.+)$!;
$self->{host} = $1;
$self->{uri} = $2;
$self->{path} = $url;
return 1;
my MogileFS::NewHTTPFile $self = shift;
$self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self;
my %args = @_;
return undef unless $self->_parse_url($args{path});
$self->{data} = '';
$self->{length} = 0;
$self->{backup_dests} = $args{backup_dests} || [];
$self->{content_length} = $args{content_length} + 0;
$self->{pos} = 0;
$self->{$_} = $args{$_} foreach qw(mg fid devid class key);
$self->{bytes_out} = 0;
$self->{data_in} = '';
return $self;
*new = *TIEHANDLE;
sub _sock_to_host { # (host)
my MogileFS::NewHTTPFile $self = shift;
my $host = shift;
# setup
my ($ip, $port) = $host =~ /^(.*):(\d+)$/;
my $sock = "Sock_$host";
my $proto = $PROTO_TCP ||= getprotobyname('tcp');
my $sin;
# create the socket
socket($sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto);
$sin = Socket::sockaddr_in($port, Socket::inet_aton($ip));
# unblock the socket
IO::Handle::blocking($sock, 0);
# attempt a connection
my $ret = connect($sock, $sin);
if (!$ret && $! == EINPROGRESS) {
my $win = '';
vec($win, fileno($sock), 1) = 1;
# watch for writeability
if (select(undef, $win, undef, 3) > 0) {
$ret = connect($sock, $sin);
# EISCONN means connected & won't re-connect, so success
$ret = 1 if !$ret && $! == EISCONN;
# just throw back the socket we have
return $sock if $ret;
return undef;
sub _connect_sock {
my MogileFS::NewHTTPFile $self = shift;
return 1 if $self->{sock};
my @down_hosts;
while (!$self->{sock} && $self->{host}) {
# attempt to connect
return 1 if
$self->{sock} = $self->_sock_to_host($self->{host});
push @down_hosts, $self->{host};
if (my $dest = shift @{$self->{backup_dests}}) {
# dest is [$devid,$path]
$self->_parse_url($dest->[1]) or _fail("bogus URL");
$self->{devid} = $dest->[0];
} else {
$self->{host} = undef;
_fail("unable to open socket to storage node (tried: @down_hosts): $!");
# abstracted read; implements what ends up being a blocking read but
# does it in terms of non-blocking operations.
sub _getline {
my MogileFS::NewHTTPFile $self = shift;
return undef unless $self->{sock};
# short cut if we already have data read
if ($self->{data_in} =~ s/^(.*?\r?\n)//) {
return $1;
my $rin = '';
vec($rin, fileno($self->{sock}), 1) = 1;
# nope, we have to read a line
my $nfound;
while ($nfound = select($rin, undef, undef, 3)) {
my $data;
my $bytesin = sysread($self->{sock}, $data, 1024);
if (defined $bytesin) {
$self->{data_in} .= $data;
} else {
next if $! == EAGAIN;
_fail("error reading from node for device $self->{devid}: $!");
# return a line if we got one
if ($self->{data_in} =~ s/^(.*?\r?\n)//) {
return $1;
# if we got here, nothing was readable in our time limit
return undef;
# abstracted write function that uses non-blocking I/O and checking for
# writability to ensure that we don't get stuck doing a write if the
# node we're talking to goes down. also handles logic to fall back to
# a backup node if we're on our first write and the first node is down.
# this entire function is a blocking function, it just uses intelligent
# non-blocking write functionality.
# this function returns success (1) or it croaks on failure.
sub _write {
my MogileFS::NewHTTPFile $self = shift;
return undef unless $self->{sock};
my $win = '';
vec($win, fileno($self->{sock}), 1) = 1;
# setup data and counters
my $data = shift();
my $bytesleft = length($data);
my $bytessent = 0;
# main sending loop for data, will keep looping until all of the data
# we've been asked to send is sent
my $nfound;
while ($bytesleft && ($nfound = select(undef, $win, undef, 3))) {
my $bytesout = syswrite($self->{sock}, $data, $bytesleft, $bytessent);
if (defined $bytesout) {
# update our myriad counters
$bytessent += $bytesout;
$self->{bytes_out} += $bytesout;
$bytesleft -= $bytesout;
} else {
# if we get EAGAIN, restart the select loop, else fail
next if $! == EAGAIN;
_fail("error writing to node for device $self->{devid}: $!");
return 1 unless $bytesleft;
# at this point, we had a socket error, since we have bytes left, and
# the loop above didn't finish sending them. if this was our first
# write, let's try to fall back to a different host.
unless ($self->{bytes_out}) {
if (my $dest = shift @{$self->{backup_dests}}) {
# dest is [$devid,$path]
$self->_parse_url($dest->[1]) or _fail("bogus URL");
$self->{devid} = $dest->[0];
# now repass this write to try again
return $self->_write($data);
# total failure (croak)
$self->{sock} = undef;
_fail("unable to write to any allocated storage node");
sub PRINT {
my MogileFS::NewHTTPFile $self = shift;
# get data to send to server
my $data = shift;
my $newlen = length $data;
$self->{pos} += $newlen;
# now make socket if we don't have one
if (!$self->{sock} && $self->{content_length}) {
$self->_write("PUT $self->{uri} HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-length: $self->{content_length}\r\n\r\n");
# write some data to our socket
if ($self->{sock}) {
# save the first 1024 bytes of data so that we can seek back to it
# and do some work later
if ($self->{length} < 1024) {
if ($self->{length} + $newlen > 1024) {
$self->{length} = 1024;
$self->{data} .= substr($data, 0, 1024 - $self->{length});
} else {
$self->{length} += $newlen;
$self->{data} .= $data;
# actually write
} else {
# or not, just stick it on our queued data
$self->{data} .= $data;
$self->{length} += $newlen;
*print = *PRINT;
sub CLOSE {
my MogileFS::NewHTTPFile $self = shift;
# if we're closed and we have no sock...
unless ($self->{sock}) {
$self->_write("PUT $self->{uri} HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-length: $self->{length}\r\n\r\n");
# set a message in $! and $@
my $err = sub {
$@ = "$_[0]\n";
return undef;
# get response from put
if ($self->{sock}) {
my $line = $self->_getline;
return $err->("Unable to read response line from server")
unless defined $line;
if ($line =~ m!^HTTP/\d+\.\d+\s+(\d+)!) {
# all 2xx responses are success
unless ($1 >= 200 && $1 <= 299) {
# read through to the body
my ($found_header, $body);
while (defined (my $l = $self->_getline)) {
# remove trailing stuff
$l =~ s/[\r\n\s]+$//g;
$found_header = 1 unless $l;
next unless $found_header;
# add line to the body, with a space for readability
$body .= " $l";
$body = substr($body, 0, 512) if length $body > 512;
return $err->("HTTP response $1 from upload: $body");
} else {
return $err->("Response line not understood: $line");
my MogileFS $mg = $self->{mg};
my $domain = $mg->{domain};
my $fid = $self->{fid};
my $devid = $self->{devid};
my $path = $self->{path};
my $key = shift || $self->{key};
my $rv = $mg->{backend}->do_request
("create_close", {
fid => $fid,
devid => $devid,
domain => $domain,
size => $self->{content_length} ? $self->{content_length} : $self->{length},
key => $key,
path => $path,
unless ($rv) {
# set $@, as our callers expect $@ to contain the error message that
# failed during a close. since we failed in the backend, we have to
# do this manually.
return $err->("$mg->{backend}->{lasterr}: $mg->{backend}->{lasterrstr}");
return 1;
*close = *CLOSE;
sub TELL {
# return our current pos
return $_[0]->{pos};
*tell = *TELL;
sub SEEK {
# simply set pos...
_fail("seek past end of file") if $_[1] > $_[0]->{length};
$_[0]->{pos} = $_[1];
*seek = *SEEK;
sub EOF {
return ($_[0]->{pos} >= $_[0]->{length}) ? 1 : 0;
*eof = *EOF;
# no-op, we're always in binary mode
*binmode = *BINMODE;
sub READ {
my MogileFS::NewHTTPFile $self = shift;
my $count = $_[1] + 0;
my $max = $self->{length} - $self->{pos};
$max = $count if $count < $max;
$_[0] = substr($self->{data}, $self->{pos}, $max);
$self->{pos} += $max;
return $max;
*read = *READ;
# MogileFS::NewHTTPFile class methods
sub _fail {
croak "MogileFS::NewHTTPFile: $_[0]";
*_debug = *MogileFS::debug;
sub _getset {
my MogileFS::NewHTTPFile $self = shift;
my $what = shift;
if (@_) {
# note: we're a TIEHANDLE interface, so we're not QUITE like a
# normal class... our parameters tend to come in via an arrayref
my $val = shift;
$val = shift(@$val) if ref $val eq 'ARRAY';
return $self->{$what} = $val;
} else {
return $self->{$what};