
353 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
$| = 1;
use lib "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/";
require "ljlib.pl";
use LJ::Blob;
use LJ::User;
use constant DEBUG => 0; # turn on for debugging (mostly db handle crap)
my $BLOCK_MOVE = 5000; # user rows to get at a time before moving
my $BLOCK_INSERT = 25; # rows to insert at a time when moving users
my $BLOCK_UPDATE = 1000; # users to update at a time if they had no data to move
# get options
my %opts;
exit 1 unless
GetOptions("lock=s" => \$opts{locktype},
"user=s" => \$opts{user},
"total=i" => \$opts{total},);
# if no locking, notify them about it
die "ERROR: Lock must be of types 'ddlockd' or 'none'\n"
if $opts{locktype} && $opts{locktype} !~ m/^(?:ddlockd|none)$/;
# used for keeping stats notes
my %stats = (); # { 'stat' => 'value' }
my %handle;
# database handle retrieval sub
my $get_db_handles = sub {
# figure out what cluster to load
my $cid = shift(@_) + 0;
my $dbh = $handle{0};
unless ($dbh) {
$dbh = $handle{0} = LJ::get_dbh({ raw => 1 }, "master");
print "Connecting to master ($dbh)...\n";
eval {
$dbh->do("SET wait_timeout=28800");
$dbh->{'RaiseError'} = 1;
my $dbcm;
$dbcm = $handle{$cid} if $cid;
if ($cid && ! $dbcm) {
$dbcm = $handle{$cid} = LJ::get_cluster_master({ raw => 1 }, $cid);
print "Connecting to cluster $cid ($dbcm)...\n";
return undef unless $dbcm;
eval {
$dbcm->do("SET wait_timeout=28800");
$dbcm->{'RaiseError'} = 1;
# return one or both, depending on what they wanted
return $cid ? ($dbh, $dbcm) : $dbh;
# percentage complete
my $status = sub {
my ($ct, $tot, $units, $user) = @_;
my $len = length($tot);
my $usertxt = $user ? " Moving user: $user" : '';
return sprintf(" \[%6.2f%%: %${len}d/%${len}d $units]$usertxt\n",
($ct / $tot) * 100, $ct, $tot);
my $header = sub {
my $size = 50;
return "\n" .
("#" x $size) . "\n" .
"# $_[0] " . (" " x ($size - length($_[0]) - 4)) . "#\n" .
("#" x $size) . "\n\n";
my $zeropad = sub {
return sprintf("%d", $_[0]);
# mover function
my $move_user = sub {
my $u = shift;
# make sure our user is of the proper dversion
return 0 unless $u->{'dversion'} == 6;
# at this point, try to get a lock for this user
my $lock;
if ($opts{locktype} eq 'ddlockd') {
$lock = LJ::locker()->trylock("d6d7-$u->{user}");
return 1 unless $lock;
# get a handle for every user to revalidate our connection?
my ($dbh, $dbcm) = $get_db_handles->($u->{clusterid});
return 0 unless $dbh;
# assign this dbcm to the user
if ($dbcm) {
or die "unable to set database for $u->{user}: dbcm=$dbcm\n";
# verify dversion hasn't changed on us (done by another job?)
my $dversion = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT dversion FROM user WHERE userid = $u->{userid}");
return 1 unless $dversion == 6;
# ignore expunged users
if ($u->{'statusvis'} eq "X" || $u->{'clusterid'} == 0) {
LJ::update_user($u, { dversion => 7 })
or die "error updating dversion";
$u->{dversion} = 7; # update local copy in memory
return 1;
return 0 unless $dbcm;
# step 0.5: delete all the bogus userblob rows for this user
# This is due to the auto_increment for the blobid overflowing
# and thus all entries recieving an id of max id for a mediumint.
# This is lame.
my $domainid = LJ::get_blob_domainid('userpic');
$u->do("DELETE FROM userblob WHERE journalid=$u->{userid} AND domain=$domainid AND blobid>=16777216");
die "error in delete: " . $u->errstr . "\n" if $u->err;
# step 1: get all user pictures and move those. safe to just grab with no limit
# since users can only have a limited number of them
my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT picid, userid, contenttype, width, height, state, picdate, md5base64 ' .
'FROM userpic WHERE userid = ?', undef, $u->{userid}) || [];
if (@$rows) {
# got some rows, create an update statement
my (@bind, @vars, @blobids, @blobbind, @picinfo);
foreach my $row (@$rows) {
my $picid = $row->[0];
push @bind, "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$row->[2] = {'image/gif' => 'G',
'image/jpeg' => 'J',
'image/png' => 'P'}->{$row->[2]};
push @vars, @$row;
# [picid, fmt]
my $fmt = {'G' => 'gif',
'J' => 'jpg',
'P' => 'png'}->{$row->[2]};
push @picinfo, [$picid, $fmt];
# picids
push @blobids, $picid;
push @blobbind, "?";
my $bind = join ',', @bind;
$u->do("REPLACE INTO userpic2 (picid, userid, fmt, width, height, state, picdate, md5base64) " .
"VALUES $bind", undef, @vars);
die "error in userpic2 replace: " . $u->errstr . "\n" if $u->err;
# step 1.5: insert missing rows into the userblob table
my $blobbind = join ',', @blobbind;
my $blobrows = $dbcm->selectall_hashref("SELECT blobid FROM userblob WHERE journalid=$u->{userid} AND domain=$domainid " .
"AND blobid IN ($blobbind)", 'blobid', undef, @blobids) || {};
my (@insertbind, @insertvars);
foreach my $pic (@picinfo) {
my ($picid, $fmt) = @$pic;
unless ($blobrows->{$picid}) {
push @insertbind, "(?, ?, ?, ?)";
my $blob = LJ::Blob::get($u, "userpic", $fmt, $picid);
my $length = length($blob);
push @insertvars, $u->{'userid'}, $domainid, $picid, $length;
if (@insertbind) {
my $insertbind = join ',', @insertbind;
$u->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO userblob (journalid, domain, blobid, length) " .
"VALUES $insertbind", undef, @insertvars);
die "error in userblob insert: " . $u->errstr . "\n" if $u->err;
# general purpose flusher for use below
my (@bind, @vars);
my $flush = sub {
return unless @bind;
my ($table, $cols) = @_;
# insert data into cluster master
my $bind = join(",", @bind);
$u->do("REPLACE INTO $table ($cols) VALUES $bind", undef, @vars);
die "error in flush $table: " . $u->errstr . "\n" if $u->err;
# reset values
@bind = ();
@vars = ();
# step 2: get the mapping of all of their keywords
my $kwrows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT picid, kwid FROM userpicmap WHERE userid=?',
undef, $u->{'userid'});
my %kwmap;
if (@$kwrows) {
push @{$kwmap{$_->[1]}}, $_->[0] foreach @$kwrows; # kwid -> [ picid, picid, picid ... ]
# step 3: get the actual keywords associated with these keyword ids
my %kwidmap;
if (%kwmap) {
my $kwids = join ',', map { $_+0 } keys %kwmap;
my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT kwid, keyword FROM keywords WHERE kwid IN ($kwids)");
%kwidmap = map { $_->[0] => $_->[1] } @$rows; # kwid -> keyword
# step 4: now migrate all keywords into userkeywords table
my %mappings;
while (my ($kwid, $keyword) = each %kwidmap) {
# reallocate counter
my $newkwid = LJ::get_keyword_id($u, $keyword);
die "Error: unable to get keyword id for $u->{user}($u->{userid}), keyword '$keyword'\n"
unless $newkwid;
$mappings{$kwid} = $newkwid;
# step 5: now we have to do some mapping conversions and put new data into userpicmap2 table
while (my ($oldkwid, $picids) = each %kwmap) {
foreach my $picid (@$picids) {
# get new data
my $newkwid = $mappings{$oldkwid};
# push data
push @bind, "($u->{userid}, ?, ?)";
push @vars, ($picid, $newkwid);
# flush?
$flush->('userpicmap2', 'userid, picid, kwid')
if @bind > $BLOCK_INSERT;
$flush->('userpicmap2', 'userid, picid, kwid');
# delete memcache keys that hold old data
LJ::MemCache::delete([$u->{userid}, "upicinf:$u->{userid}"]);
# haven't died yet? everything is still going okay, so update dversion
LJ::update_user($u, { 'dversion' => 7 })
or die "error updating dversion";
$u->{'dversion'} = 7; # update local copy in memory
return 1;
# get dbh handle
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer(); # just so we can get users...
die "Could not connect to global master" unless $dbh;
# get user count
my $total = $opts{total} || $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user WHERE dversion = 6");
$stats{'total_users'} = $total+0;
# print out header and total we're moving
print $header->("Moving user data");
print "Processing $stats{'total_users'} total users with the old dversion\n";
# loop until we have no more users to convert
my $ct;
while (1) {
# get users to move
my $sth;
if ($opts{user}) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM user WHERE user = ? AND dversion = 6");
} else {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM user WHERE dversion = 6 LIMIT $BLOCK_MOVE");
# get blocks of $BLOCK_MOVE users at a time
$ct = 0;
my (%us, %fast);
while (my $u = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
$us{$u->{userid}} = $u;
$fast{$u->{userid}} = 1;
# jump out if we got nothing
last unless $ct;
# now that we have %us, we can see who has data
my $ids = join ',', map { $_+0 } keys %us;
my $has_upics = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM userpic WHERE userid IN ($ids)");
my %uids = ( map { $_ => 1 } (@$has_upics) );
# remove folks that have userpics from the fast list
delete $fast{$_} foreach keys %uids;
# now see who we can do in a fast way
my @fast_ids = map { $_+0 } keys %fast;
if (@fast_ids) {
# update stats for counting and print
$stats{'fast_moved'} += @fast_ids;
print $status->($stats{'slow_moved'}+$stats{'fast_moved'}, $stats{'total_users'}, "users");
# block update
LJ::update_user(\@fast_ids, { dversion => 7 });
my $slow_todo = scalar keys %uids;
print "Of $BLOCK_MOVE, $slow_todo have to be slow-converted...\n";
my @ids = randlist(keys %uids);
foreach my $id (@ids) {
# this person has userpics, move them the slow way
die "Userid $id in \$has_upics, but not in \%us...fatal error\n" unless $us{$id};
# now move the user
bless $us{$id}, 'LJ::User';
if ($move_user->($us{$id})) {
print $status->($stats{'slow_moved'}+$stats{'fast_moved'}, $stats{'total_users'}, "users", $us{$id}{user});
# ...done?
print $header->("Dversion 6->7 conversion completed");
print " Users moved: " . $zeropad->($stats{'slow_moved'}) . "\n";
print "Users updated: " . $zeropad->($stats{'fast_moved'}) . "\n\n";
# helper function to randomize stuff
sub randlist
my @rlist = @_;
my $size = scalar(@rlist);
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
unshift @rlist, splice(@rlist, $i+int(rand()*($size-$i)), 1);
return @rlist;