223 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File
223 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File
use strict;
package LJ::Con;
use vars qw(%cmd);
$cmd{'shared'}->{'handler'} = \&shared;
$cmd{'community'}->{'handler'} = \&community;
$cmd{'change_community_admin'}->{'handler'} = \&change_community_admin;
sub change_community_admin
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
my $sth;
my $err = sub { push @$out, [ "error", $_[0] ]; return 0; };
return $err->("This command takes exactly 2 arguments. Consult the reference.")
unless scalar(@$args) == 3;
my ($comm_name, $newowner_name) = ($args->[1], $args->[2]);
my $ucomm = LJ::load_user($comm_name);
my $unew = LJ::load_user($newowner_name);
return $err->("Given community doesn't exist or isn't a community.")
unless ($ucomm && $ucomm->{'journaltype'} eq "C");
return $err->("New owner doesn't exist or isn't a person account.")
unless ($unew && $unew->{'journaltype'} eq "P");
return $err->("You do not have access to transfer ownership of this community.")
unless $remote->{'priv'}->{'communityxfer'};
return $err->("New owner's email address isn't validated.")
unless ($unew->{'status'} eq "A");
my $commid = $ucomm->{'userid'};
my $newid = $unew->{'userid'};
# remove old maintainers' power over it
LJ::clear_rel($ucomm, '*', 'A');
# add a new sole maintainer
LJ::set_rel($ucomm, $newid, 'A');
# so old maintainers can't regain access:
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM infohistory WHERE userid=$commid");
# change password to blank & set email of community to new maintainer's email
LJ::update_user($ucomm, { password => '', email => $unew->{'email'} });
## log to status history
LJ::statushistory_add($commid, $remote->{'userid'}, "communityxfer", "Changed maintainer to '$unew->{'user'}'($newid)");
LJ::statushistory_add($newid, $remote->{'userid'}, "communityxfer", "Control of '$ucomm->{'user'}'($commid) given.");
push @$out, [ "info", "Transferred ownership of \"$ucomm->{'user'}\" to \"$unew->{'user'}\"." ];
return 1;
sub shared
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
my $error = 0;
unless (scalar(@$args) == 4) {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "This command takes exactly 3 arguments. Consult the reference." ];
return 0 if $error;
my ($shared_user, $action, $target_user) = ($args->[1], $args->[2], $args->[3]);
my $shared = LJ::load_user($shared_user);
my $shared_id = $shared->{'userid'};
my $target = LJ::load_user($target_user);
my $target_id = $target->{'userid'};
unless ($action eq "add" || $action eq "remove") {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid action \"$action\" ... expected 'add' or 'remove'" ];
unless ($shared_id) {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid shared journal \"$shared_user\"" ];
unless ($shared->{'journaltype'} eq 'S') {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "\"$shared_user\" is not a shared journal" ];
unless ($target_id) {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid user \"$target_user\" to add/remove" ];
} elsif ($target_id == $shared_id) {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "Target user can't be shared journal user." ];
unless (LJ::can_manage($remote, $shared_id) ||
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "You don't have access to add/remove users to this shared journal." ];
return 0 if ($error);
if ($action eq "add") {
if (LJ::check_rel($shared_id, $target_id, 'P')) {
push @$out, [ "error", "User \"$target->{'user'}\" already has posting access to this shared journal." ];
return 0;
# don't send request if the admin is giving themselves posting access
if ($target->{'user'} eq $remote->{'user'}) {
LJ::set_rel($shared, $target, 'P');
push @$out, [ "info", "User \"$target_user\" has been given posting access to \"$shared_user\"." ];
} else {
my $res = LJ::shared_member_request($shared, $target);
unless ($res) {
push @$out, [ 'error', "Could not add user." ];
return 0;
if ($res->{'datecreate'}) {
push @$out, [ 'error', "User \"$target->{'user'}\" already mailed on: $res->{'datecreate'}" ];
return 0;
push @$out, [ "info", "User \"$target_user\" has been sent a confirmation email and will be able to post in \"$shared_user\" once they confirm this action." ];
if ($action eq "remove") {
LJ::clear_rel($shared_id, $target_id, 'P');
push @$out, [ "info", "User \"$target_user\" can no longer post in \"$shared_user\"." ];
return 1;
sub community
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
my $error = 0;
my $sth;
unless (scalar(@$args) == 4) {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "This command takes exactly 3 arguments. Consult the reference." ];
return 0 if ($error);
my ($com_user, $action, $target_user) = ($args->[1], $args->[2], $args->[3]);
my $comm = LJ::load_user($com_user);
my $com_id = $comm->{'userid'};
my $target = LJ::load_user($target_user);
my $target_id = $target->{'userid'};
my $ci;
unless ($action eq "add" || $action eq "remove") {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid action \"$action\" ... expected 'add' or 'remove'" ];
unless ($com_id) {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid community \"$com_user\"" ];
$ci = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT userid, membership, postlevel FROM community WHERE userid=$com_id");
unless ($ci) {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "\"$com_user\" isn't a registered community." ];
unless ($target_id) {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid user \"$target_user\" to add/remove" ];
} elsif ($target_id == $com_id) {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "User \"$target_user\" can't be shared journal user." ];
} elsif ($target->{'journaltype'} ne 'P') {
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "Cannot add community/syndicated account to community." ];
# user doesn't need admin priv to remove themselves from community
unless (LJ::can_manage_other($remote, $com_id) ||
$remote->{'privarg'}->{'sharedjournal'}->{'*'} ||
($remote->{'user'} eq $target_user && $action eq "remove"))
my $modifier = $action eq "add" ? "to" : "from";
$error = 1;
push @$out, [ "error", "You don't have access to $action users $modifier this shared journal." ];
return 0 if ($error);
if ($action eq "add")
push @$out, [ 'error', 'The ability to add users to a community through the console has been removed.' ];
push @$out, [ 'error', 'Users must now request to be added to a community by visiting the community\'s' ];
push @$out, [ 'error', 'profile page and clicking the link to join.' ];
if ($action eq "remove") {
LJ::remove_friend($com_id, $target_id);
push @$out, [ "info", "User \"$target_user\" is no longer a member of \"$com_user\"." ];
LJ::clear_rel($com_id, $target_id, 'P');
LJ::clear_rel($com_id, $target_id, 'N');
push @$out, [ "info", "User \"$target_user\" can no longer post in \"$com_user\"." ];
return 1;