
319 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
use strict;
use vars qw(%FORM);
BML::set_content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8");
my $lang = $FORM{'lang'};
my $l = LJ::Lang::get_lang($lang);
return "<b>Invalid language</b>" unless $l;
my $lp = $l->{'parentlnid'} ? LJ::Lang::get_lang_id($l->{'parentlnid'}) : undef;
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $dbh;
my ($sth, $ret);
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
my $can_edit = (LJ::check_priv($remote, "translate", "*") ||
LJ::check_priv($remote, "translate", $l->{'lncode'}));
my $can_delete = LJ::check_priv($remote, "translate", "[itemdelete]");
my $can_rename = LJ::check_priv($remote, "translate", "[itemrename]");
my $mode = {
'' => 'view',
'save' => 'save',
return "bogus mode" unless $mode;
my $MAX_EDIT = 100;
if ($mode eq "view")
my @load;
foreach (split /,/, $FORM{'items'})
next unless /^(\d+):(\d+)$/;
last if @load >= $MAX_EDIT;
push @load, { 'dmid' => $1, 'itid'=> $2 };
return "Nothing to show." unless @load;
$ret .= "<form method='post' action='editpage.bml'>";
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden('lang', $lang,
'mode', 'save');
# load item info
my %ml_items;
my $itwhere = join(" OR ", map { "(dmid=$_->{'dmid'} AND itid=$_->{'itid'})" } @load);
$sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT dmid, itid, itcode, notes FROM ml_items WHERE $itwhere");
while (my ($dmid, $itid, $itcode, $notes) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$ml_items{"$dmid-$itid"} = { 'itcode' => $itcode, 'notes' => $notes };
# getting latest mappings for this lang and parent
my %ml_text;
my %ml_latest;
$sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT lnid, dmid, itid, txtid, chgtime, staleness FROM ml_latest ".
"WHERE ($itwhere) AND lnid IN ($l->{'lnid'}, $l->{'parentlnid'})");
return $dbr->errstr if $dbr->err;
while ($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$ml_latest{"$_->{'dmid'}-$_->{'itid'}"}->{$_->{'lnid'}} = $_;
$ml_text{"$_->{'dmid'}-$_->{'txtid'}"} = undef; # mark to load later
# load text
$sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT dmid, txtid, lnid, itid, text FROM ml_text ".
"WHERE " . join(" OR ",
map { "(dmid=$_->[0] AND txtid=$_->[1])" }
map { [ split(/-/, $_) ] } keys %ml_text));
while ($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$ml_text{"$_->{'dmid'}-$_->{'txtid'}"} = $_;
if ($can_delete) {
$ret .= "<p style='font-size:9pt'><b>To delete an item:</b> edit text to be \"XXDELXX\"</p>";
# show all editing items
my $ict = 0;
foreach my $i (@load)
my ($dmid, $itid) = ($i->{'dmid'}, $i->{'itid'});
my $ituq = "$dmid-$itid";
my $it = $ml_items{$ituq};
my $lat = $ml_latest{$ituq}->{$l->{'lnid'}};
next unless $it and $lat;
my $plat;
if ($lp && defined $ml_latest{$ituq}->{$lp->{'lnid'}}) {
$plat = $ml_latest{$ituq}->{$lp->{'lnid'}};
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden("dom_$ict", $dmid,
"itid_$ict", $itid,
"oldtxtid_$ict", $lat->{'txtid'},
"oldptxtid_$ict", $plat ? $plat->{'txtid'} : 0,
# top bar
$ret .= "<table bgcolor='#c0c0c0' width='100%'><tr><td><b>Code:</b> ";
if ($dmid != 1) {
my $d = LJ::Lang::get_dom_id($dmid);
$ret .= "[$d->{'uniq'}] ";
my $difflink;
if ($lat->{'staleness'}) {
$difflink = "($plat->{'chgtime'}, <a target='_new' href='diff.bml?it=$i->{'dmid'}:$i->{'itid'}&lang=$lp->{'lncode'}'>diff</a>)";
$ret .= "$it->{'itcode'} $difflink</td>";
$ret .= "<td align='right'><b><a target='_new' href='help-severity.bml'>Sev</a>:</b> $lat->{'staleness'}</td>";
$ret .= "</tr></table>";
$ret .= "<dl>";
if ($it->{'notes'}) {
my $notes = $it->{'notes'};
$notes =~ s!\n!<br />!g;
$ret .= "<dt><b>Notes:</b></dt><dd>$notes</dd>";
my $show_edit = 0;
my $use_textarea = 0;
if ($plat) {
$ret .= "<dt><b>$lp->{'lnname'}:</b></dt>";
my $t = $ml_text{"$plat->{'dmid'}-$plat->{'txtid'}"}->{'text'};
if ($t =~ /\n/) { $use_textarea = 1; }
if (length($t) > 255) { $use_textarea = 1; }
$t = LJ::eall($t);
$t =~ s/\n( *)/"<br \/>" . "&nbsp;"x length($1)/eg;
$ret .= "<dd>$t</dd>";
my $curtext = LJ::eall($ml_text{"$lat->{'dmid'}-$lat->{'txtid'}"}->{'text'});
if ($curtext =~ /\n/) { $use_textarea = 1; }
if (length($curtext) > 255) { $use_textarea = 1; }
if ($lat->{'staleness'} >= 3) {
# if wrong language, why populate it with stuff they'll just have to delete?
$curtext = "";
$ret .= "<dt><b>$l->{'lnname'}</b>:</b></dt><dd>";
my $disabled = "disabled='disabled'";
if ($lat->{'staleness'} >= 3) {
$disabled = "";
# when something's this stale, assume both it's being
# edited and that the severity is major (going from wrong
# language to right language is a major change, afterall)
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden("ed_$ict", "1",
"sev_$ict", "2",
} else {
$ret .= "<input name='ed_$ict' type='checkbox' value='1' id='ed_$ict' onClick='a=document.getElementById(\"newtext_$ict\"); a.disabled=!this.checked; if (this.checked) a.focus();' /><label for='ed_$ict'>Edit Text</label>";
if ($l->{'children'} && @{$l->{'children'}}) {
$ret .= " Severity: ";
$ret .= LJ::html_select({ 'name' => "sev_$ict", "selected" => 1 },
0 => "Typo/etc (no notify)",
1 => "Minor (notify translators)",
2 => "Major (require translation updates)");
$ret .= "<br />";
if ($use_textarea) {
$ret .= "<textarea name='newtext_$ict' id='newtext_$ict' $disabled wrap='soft' rows='10' cols='60'>$curtext</textarea>";
} else {
$ret .= "<input name='newtext_$ict' id='newtext_$ict' $disabled size='60' value=\"$curtext\"/>";
$ret .= "</dd>\n";
$ret .= "</dl>";
if ($ict) {
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden("ict", $ict);
my $disabled = $can_edit ? "" : "disabled='disabled'";
$ret .= "<table width='100%' bgcolor='#e0e0e0'><tr><td align='center'><input type='submit' $disabled value='Save' /></td></tr></table>";
} else {
$ret .= "No items to show. (since been deleted, perhaps?)";
$ret .= "</form>";
return $ret;
if ($mode eq "save")
my $num = $FORM{'ict'}+0;
$num = $MAX_EDIT if $num > $MAX_EDIT;
my (@errors, @info);
unless ($can_edit) {
push @errors, "You don't have access to edit text for this language.";
$num = 0;
unless (LJ::text_in(\%FORM)) {
push @errors, "You seem to have changed your browser's encoding to something other than UTF-8. It needs to be in UTF-8.";
push @errors, "Nothing saved.";
$num = 0;
my $saved = 0; # do any saves?
for (my $i=1; $i<=$num; $i++)
next unless $FORM{"ed_$i"};
my ($dom, $itid, $oldtxtid, $oldptxtid, $sev) =
map { int($FORM{"${_}_$i"}+0) } qw(dom itid oldtxtid oldptxtid sev);
my $itcode = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT itcode FROM ml_items WHERE dmid=$dom AND itid=$itid");
unless (defined $itcode) {
push @errors, "Bogus dmid/itid: $dom/$itid";
$dbh ||= LJ::get_db_writer();
my $lat = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM ml_latest WHERE lnid=$l->{'lnid'} AND dmid=$dom AND itid=$itid");
unless ($lat) {
push @errors, "No existing mapping for $itcode";
unless ($lat->{'txtid'} == $oldtxtid) {
push @errors, "Another translator updated '$itcode' before you saved, so your edit has been ignored.";
my $plat;
if ($lp) {
$plat = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM ml_latest WHERE lnid=$lp->{'lnid'} ".
"AND dmid=$dom AND itid=$itid");
my $ptid = $plat ? $plat->{'txtid'} : 0;
unless ($ptid == $oldptxtid) {
push @errors, "The source text of item '$itcode' changed while you were editing, so your edit has been ignored.";
# did they type anything?
my $text = $FORM{"newtext_$i"};
next unless $text =~ /\S/;
# delete
if ($text eq "XXDELXX") {
if ($can_delete) {
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM ml_latest WHERE dmid=$dom AND itid=$itid");
push @info, "Deleted: '$itcode'";
} else {
push @errors, "You don't have access to delete items.";
# did anything even change, though?
my $oldtext = $dbr->selectrow_array("SELECT text FROM ml_text WHERE dmid=$dom AND txtid=$lat->{'txtid'}");
if ($oldtext eq $text && $lat->{'staleness'} == 2) {
push @errors, "Severity of source language change requires change in text for item '$itcode'";
# keep old txtid if text didn't change.
my $opts = {};
if ($oldtext eq $text) {
$opts->{'txtid'} = $lat->{'txtid'};
$text = undef;
$sev = 0;
# if setting text for first time, push down to children langs
if ($lat->{'staleness'} == 4) {
$opts->{'childrenlatest'} = 1;
# severity of change:
$opts->{'changeseverity'} = $sev;
# set userid of writer
$opts->{'userid'} = $remote->{'userid'};
my $res = LJ::Lang::set_text($dom, $l->{'lncode'}, $itcode, $text, $opts);
unless ($res) {
push @errors, LJ::Lang::last_error();
} else {
push @info, "Saved: $itcode";
$saved = 1;
$dbh ||= LJ::get_db_writer();
$dbh->do("UPDATE ml_langs SET lastupdate=NOW() WHERE lnid=$l->{'lnid'}") if $saved;
if (@errors) {
$ret .= "<b>ERRORS:</b><ul>";
foreach (@errors) { $ret .= "<li>$_</li>"; }
$ret .= "</ul>";
if (@info) {
$ret .= "<b>Results:</b><ul>";
foreach (@info) { $ret .= "<li>$_</li>"; }
$ret .= "</ul>";
if (! @errors && ! @info) {
$ret .= "<i>No errors & nothing saved.</i>";
return $ret;