
804 lines
22 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# * Diff selected files.
# * Push selected files live.
# * Invoke $EDITOR and parse the resulting output, selecting all files which
# match.
# * Deselect all files.
package MultiCvsUI;
use strict;
# Versioning stuff and custom includes
use vars qw{$VERSION $RCSID};
$VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.3 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };
$RCSID = q$Id: mcvsui.pl,v 1.3 2004/04/21 00:19:14 deveiant Exp $;
if ( ! $ENV{HOME} || ! -d $ENV{HOME} ) {
die "LJHOME not set or invalid";
use lib ("$ENV{LJHOME}/cgi-bin", "$ENV{LJHOME}/cvs/wcmtools/lib");
use Carp qw{confess croak};
use Curses::UI qw{};
use Cwd qw{getcwd};
use Data::Dumper qw{};
use IO::File qw{};
use IO::Handle qw{};
use List::Util qw{max min};
use File::Temp qw{tempfile tempdir};
use File::Spec qw{};
use Fcntl qw{SEEK_SET};
use MultiCVS qw{};
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
our ( $MultiCvsConf, $GoLive, %Keynames, %WindowOptions, %KeyBindings );
# The path to the multicvs config
$MultiCvsConf = $ENV{LJHOME} . "/cvs/multicvs.conf";
# The path to the golive program
$GoLive = $ENV{LJHOME} . "/bin/golive";
# Map of keys to human-readable names for onscreen keybinding documentation
%Keynames = (
"\t" => "<tab>",
"\n" => "<ret>",
"\e" => "<esc>",
%WindowOptions = (
mainWindow => [
mainWindow => 'Window',
-title => "MultiCVS UI $VERSION",
-titlereverse => 0,
-border => 1,
#-padbottom => 5,
selectionList => [
selList => 'Listbox',
-multi => 1,
-values => [],
-labels => {},
-border => 1,
-vscrollbar => 1,
-htmltext => 1,
-ipadleft => 2,
-ipadright => 2,
-ipadtop => 1,
-ipadbottom => 1,
-padbottom => 5,
helpPane => [
'' => 'Label',
-border => 0,
-width => -1,
#-height => -1,
-y => -1,
-ipad => 1,
-paddingspaces => 1,
logWindow => [
logWindow => 'Window',
-title => 'Log',
-border => 1,
-titlereverse => 0,
-padtop => 2,
-padleft => 1,
-padright => 1,
-padbottom => 6,
-ipad => 1,
logViewer => [
logViewer => 'TextViewer',
title => "Log",
-text => "",
-wrapping => 1,
pagerWindow => [
pagerWindow => 'Window',
-title => "Pager",
-border => 1,
-titlereverse => 0,
-padtop => 2,
-padleft => 1,
-padright => 1,
-padbottom => 6,
-ipad => 1,
pager => [
pager => 'TextViewer',
-text => "",
-wrapping => 0,
-showoverflow => 1,
applyDialog => [
applyDialog => "Dialog::Basic",
-title => "Apply",
-message => "Command? (d)iff, (g)olive, (u)nmark",
-buttons => ['cancel'],
# App keybindings
%KeyBindings = (
# 'l': Switch focus to the log viewer
"l" => {
desc => "Show/hide the log",
handler => "showLog",
applyable => 0,
# 'a': Apply (aggregate) next command
a => {
desc => "Apply",
handler => "applyCommand",
applyable => 0,
# 'd': Show diffs for current selection
d => {
desc => "Diff",
handler => "showDiff",
applyable => 1,
# 'g': Push files up to the live site
g => {
desc => "Golive",
handler => "pushFilesLive",
applyable => 1,
# 'e': Edit the list of selected files
e => {
desc => "Edit Selection",
handler => "editSelection",
applyable => 0,
# 'u': Unmark all selected files
u => {
desc => "Unmark All",
handler => "unmarkAll",
applyable => 1,
### M A I N B O D Y
### (CLASS) METHOD: new( undef )
### Instantiate and return a new CvsReportShell.
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
my $self = bless {
mainWindow => undef, # Main enclosing window
selList => undef, # Selection list (holds files)
logWindow => undef, # Logging window
logViewer => undef, # Log viewer window
pagerWindow => undef, # Pager top-level window
pager => undef, # Pager scrolling container
display => 'cvs', # Display 'cvs', 'live', or 'both' updates?
_log => undef,
}, $class;
# Open the logfile and append to it.
open $self->{_log}, ">>mcvsui.log" or die "Failed to open log: $!";
$self->logmsg( "\n\n>>> Starting shell at %s\n\n", scalar localtime );
# Get the interface object to the multicvs layout
die "Cannot find multicvs.conf: Is your \$LJHOME set correctly?\n"
unless -e $MultiCvsConf;
$self->{multicvs} = new MultiCVS ($MultiCvsConf)
or die "Failed to create multicvs interface";
# Create the UI object
$self->{ui} = new Curses::UI( -color_support => 0 );
# Circular reference: Be sure to break this association if the object needs
# to be destroyed.
$self->{ui}->userdata( $self );
return $self;
### METHOD: run( undef )
### Run the shell.
sub run {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
my (
$self->logmsg( "Running the shell." );
# Global keybindings
$self->{ui}->set_binding( sub {$self->exitDialog}, "\cq" );
$self->{ui}->set_binding( sub {$self->exitDialog}, "\cc" );
# Log viewer keybindings
$self->{logViewer}->set_binding( sub {$self->{selList}->focus}, "\t" );
# Add a binding and documentation for each key
foreach my $key ( keys %KeyBindings ) {
my $code;
# Either build a callback to invoke the handler by name or use an
# explicit CODE ref if present
if ( ! exists $KeyBindings{$key}{code} ) {
my $method = $KeyBindings{$key}{handler};
$code = sub { $self->$method() };
} else {
$code = $KeyBindings{$key}{code};
$self->{selList}->set_binding( $code, $key );
# List the keybindings in the help window
$self->makeHelpPane( \%KeyBindings );
# Read cvsreport's output and put it in the selectlist
# Start the main event loop
### METHOD: showLog( undef )
### Show the log viewer window.
sub showLog {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
### METHOD: applyCommand( undef )
### Apply a command to all selected files.
sub applyCommand {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
my $list = $self->{selList};
my @selections = $list->get;
my $dialog = $self->{ui}->add( @{$WindowOptions{applyDialog}} );
# Add a binding and documentation for each key
foreach my $key ( keys %KeyBindings ) {
next unless $KeyBindings{$key}{applyable};
my $code;
# Either build a callback to invoke the handler by name or use an
# explicit CODE ref if present
if ( ! exists $KeyBindings{$key}{code} ) {
# Call the handler with a true value to set 'apply mode'
my $method = $KeyBindings{$key}{handler};
$code = sub {
} else {
$code = sub {
$dialog->set_binding( $code, $key );
$dialog->set_binding( sub {}, "\e" );
$self->{ui}->delete( $WindowOptions{applyDialog}[0] );
### METHOD: makeHelpPane( \%KeyBindings )
### Given a hashref of keybindings, write the list of documentation for them to
### the help window.
sub makeHelpPane {
my $self = shift or throw Exception::MethodError;
my $bindings = shift or return ();
my (
$self->logmsg( "Building keyhelp" );
$colwidth = 0;
foreach my $key ( keys %$bindings ) {
#$self->logmsg( "Generating key help for %s: %s", $key, $bindings->{$key} );
if ( exists $Keynames{$key} ) {
$keyhelp = sprintf( '%5s %s', $Keynames{$key}, $bindings->{$key}{desc} );
} else {
$keyhelp = sprintf( ' <%s> %s', $key, $bindings->{$key}{desc} );
push @keydocs, $keyhelp;
$colwidth = length $keyhelp if length $keyhelp > $colwidth;
# Make all the column widths the same by padding with spaces.
$colpat = "\%${colwidth}s";
@keydocs = map { sprintf $colpat, $_ } @keydocs;
# Calculate columns and rows
$cols = int( $self->{helpPane}->canvaswidth / $colwidth + 2 );
$rows = min( (int(scalar @keydocs / $cols) || 1), $self->{helpPane}->canvasheight );
return () if $cols < 1 || $rows < 1;
# Build the actual text rows
$helptext = '';
foreach my $row ( 0 .. ($rows - 1) ) {
$curcol = $cols * $row;
$helptext .= " " . join(' ', @keydocs[$curcol .. $curcol + $cols]) . " \n";
$self->{helpPane}->text( $helptext );
### METHOD: editSelection( @items )
### Edit the list of the selected items as text, making any changes necessary to
### reflect the changes made in the file.
sub editSelection {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
my $list = $self->{selList};
my @items = $list->get;
my @newItems = $self->forkEditor( join("\n", @items) . "\n" );
# Explode space-separated lines into multiple entries, discarding null
# entries.
@newItems = grep { defined } map { split /(?!<\\)\s+/, $_ } @newItems;
#$self->logmsg( "Got modified selection list: %s", \@newItems );
$self->populateSelectionList( @newItems );
### METHOD: pushFilesLive( @files )
### Ask the golive script to publish the specified I<files>.
sub pushFilesLive {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
my $applyMode = shift || 0;
my $list = $self->{selList};
my @files = ();
if ( $applyMode ) {
@files = $list->get;
} else {
@files = ( $list->get_active_value );
$self->{ui}->status( sprintf("Pushing %d files live.", scalar @files) );
my @output = $self->forkRead( $GoLive, @files );
$self->logmsg( "Output from golive:\n%s", join('', @output) );
### METHOD: unmarkAll( undef )
### Unmark all marked files.
sub unmarkAll {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
### METHOD: showDiff( @files )
### Ask cvsreport for a diff and display it in the pager window.
sub showDiff {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
my $applyMode = shift || 0;
my $list = $self->{selList};
my @files = ();
if ( $applyMode ) {
@files = $list->get;
} else {
@files = ( $list->get_active_value );
$self->logmsg( "Got list of files to diff: %s", \@files );
# Slice out just the tuples that are needed for the diff
my @tuples = @{$self->{changes}}{ @files };
$self->logmsg( "Got list of tuples for files to diff: %s", \@tuples );
# Get unified diffs
#$self->{multicvs}{_debug} = 1;
my @diffs = $self->{multicvs}->get_diffs( ['-u'], @tuples );
#$self->{multicvs}{_debug} = 0;
$self->logmsg( "Got diffs: %s", \@diffs );
my $title = sprintf( "Differences (%d files)", scalar @files );
$self->showPager( $title, @diffs );
### METHOD: showPager( $text )
### Fork an instance of the user's pager as defined by C<$PAGER> and pipe the
### given I<text> to it after temporarily leaving curses mode.
sub showPager {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
my $title = shift;
my $text = join '', @_;
# If they have a pager configured, use that to display the output
if ( ($ENV{PAGER} || $ENV{MCVSUI_PAGER}) && $ENV{MCVSUI_PAGER} ne 'builtin' ) {
$self->forkWrite( $text, $ENV{MCVSUI_PAGER}||$ENV{PAGER} );
# Otherwise use the built-in page
else {
$self->{pagerWindow}->title( $title || 'Pager' );
$self->{pager}->text( $text );
# 'htdocs/site/free.bml' => {
# 'cvs_time' => 1075506514,
# 'to' => '/Library/LiveJournal/cvs/local/htdocs/site/free.bml',
# 'type' => 'l',
# 'from' => '/Library/LiveJournal/htdocs/site/free.bml',
# 'module' => 'local',
# 'live_time' => 1075935006
# },
### METHOD: populateSelectionList( @selected )
### Run cvsreport and populate the selectlist with the files which are reported
### as actionable. Files in I<selected> will be pre-selected.
sub populateSelectionList {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
my @selected = @_;
my (
$changes = $self->{multicvs}->find_changed_files;
# Get the list of relpaths to display based on the current view mask
@displayKeys = grep {
$self->{display} eq 'both'
( $self->{display} eq 'cvs' && $changes->{$_}{type} eq 'c' )
$self->{display} eq 'live'
} sort keys %$changes;
$self->logmsg( "Selected %d '%s' changes of %d total",
scalar @displayKeys,
scalar keys %$changes );
# If there were changes to list, list 'em
if ( @displayKeys ) {
$maxlength = max map { length $_ } @displayKeys;
$self->logmsg( "Got %d items to set in the select list.", scalar @displayKeys );
$count = 0;
# For each file cvsreport says needs moving, add the filename to the
# list of raw items, make a label for display purposes, and note the
# item's position so it can be highlighted later.
foreach my $relpath ( @displayKeys ) {
$labels{ $relpath } =
sprintf( "%-*s [%s]", $maxlength, $relpath,
$changes->{$relpath}{module} );
$selectPositions{ $relpath } = $count;
# Stuff the items into the select list. Merge the selected item
# filenames with the map of their indexes.
$self->logmsg( "Setting the select list to: %s", \@displayKeys );
$self->{changes} = $changes;
$self->{selList}->values( \@displayKeys );
$self->{selList}->labels( \%labels );
$self->{selList}->set_selection( @selectPositions{@selected} );
$self->{selList}->title( scalar @displayKeys . " Pending Files" );
} else {
$self->{changes} = undef;
$self->{selList}->labels( {} );
$self->{selList}->title( "No Pending Files" );
### METHOD: logmsg( $fmt, @args )
### Write a message to a logfile and to the log window if it's been created
### already. The I<fmt> is a C<printf>-style output format, and I<args> is a
### list of arguments to the C<sprintf> call, with the additional functionality
### of dumping references instead of just stringifying them as-is for C<%s>.
sub logmsg {
my $self = shift or confess "Can't be used as a function";
my ( $format, @args ) = @_;
chomp( $format );
$format .= "\n";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#args; $i++ ) {
next unless ref $args[$i];
$args[$i] = Data::Dumper->Dumpxs( [$args[$i]], [qw{$i}] );
$self->{_log}->printf( $format, @args ) if $self->{_log};
$self->appendToLogWindow( sprintf($format, @args) );
### METHOD: appendToLogWindow( $text )
### Append the specified I<text> to the log window if it's been created already.
sub appendToLogWindow {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
my $text = shift;
my $lv = $self->{logViewer} or return ();
$lv->text( $lv->get . $text );
### METHOD: forkRead( $cmd, @args )
### Fork and exec the specified I<cmd>, giving it the specified I<args>, and
### return the output of the command as a list of lines.
sub forkRead {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
my ( $cmd, @args ) = @_;
my (
#$self->logmsg( "Reading from a forked child." );
# Fork-open and read the child's output as the parent
if (( $pid = open($fh, "-|") )) {
@lines = <$fh>;
# Child - capture output for diagnostics and progress display stuff.
else {
die "Couldn't fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
$self->{ui}->clear_on_exit( 0 );
open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" or die "Can't dup stdout: $!";
{ exec $cmd, @args };
# Only reached if the exec() fails.
close STDERR;
close STDOUT;
exit 1;
#$self->logmsg( "Read %d lines from '%s'", scalar @lines, $cmd );
return @lines;
### METHOD: forkWrite( $output, $cmd, @args )
### Fork and exec the specified I<cmd> with the specified I<args> and
### print the given I<output> to it.
sub forkWrite {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
my ( $output, $cmd, @args ) = @_;
my (
$self->logmsg( "Leaving curses..." );
# Fork-open and read the child's output as the parent
if (( $pid = open($fh, "|-") )) {
print $fh $output;
# Child - capture output for diagnostics and progress display stuff.
else {
die "Couldn't fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
{ exec $cmd, @args };
# Only reached if the exec() fails.
exit 1;
$self->logmsg( "Curses restored." );
### METHOD: forkEditor( $content )
### Write the given I<content> to a tempfile and invoke $ENV{EDITOR} on it,
### returning whatever was left in it after the editor returns.
sub forkEditor {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
my $content = shift || '';
my (
# Pick the editor based on the environment or a sensible default
$editor = $ENV{EDITOR} || $ENV{VISUAL} || 'vi';
# Pick a temporary directory on this platform
$tempdir = File::Spec->tmpdir;
# Open a tempfile and write the conte to it
( $tempfile, $fname ) = tempfile( "mcvsui.XXXXX", DIR => $tempdir );
$self->logmsg( "Writing %d bytes to '%s'", length $content, $fname );
$tempfile->print( $content );
# Switch off curses
$self->logmsg( "Leaving curses..." );
# Invoke the editor on the tempfile
unless ( system($editor, $fname) == 0 ) {
die "Could not invoke '$editor': Error $?\n\n";
# Restore the curses ui
$self->logmsg( "Curses restored." );
# Rewind and re-read the tempfile back in
$tempfile = new IO::File( $fname, "r" )
or die "open: $fname: $!";
@rlines = <$tempfile>;
unlink $fname if -e $fname;
chomp( @rlines );
$self->logmsg( "Read in:\n%s", \@rlines );
return @rlines;
### METHOD: setupWindows( undef )
### Set up all the initial windows.
sub setupWindows {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
# Create the main window
$self->{mainWindow} = $self->{ui}->add( @{$WindowOptions{mainWindow}} );
$self->{selList} = $self->{mainWindow}->add( @{$WindowOptions{selectionList}} );
$self->{helpPane} = $self->{mainWindow}->add( @{$WindowOptions{helpPane}} );
$self->logmsg( "Created main window." );
# Create the log window at the bottom of the screen and put a text viewer in
# it.
$self->{logWindow} = $self->{ui}->add( @{$WindowOptions{logWindow}} );
$self->{logViewer} = $self->{logWindow}->add( @{$WindowOptions{logViewer}} );
$self->{logViewer}->set_binding( sub {$self->{mainWindow}->focus} => 'q' );
$self->logmsg( "Created log window." );
# Create the pager window and widget
$self->{pagerWindow} = $self->{ui}->add( @{$WindowOptions{pagerWindow}} );
$self->{pager} = $self->{pagerWindow}->add( @{$WindowOptions{pager}} );
$self->{pager}->set_binding( sub {$self->{mainWindow}->focus} => "q" );
$self->logmsg( "Create the pager window." );
### METHOD: exitDialog( undef )
### Display an confirmation dialog and quit if the user confirms.
sub exitDialog {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be used as a function";
exit( 0 );
#my $return = $self->{ui}->dialog(
# -message => "Really quit?",
# -title => "Confirm",
# -buttons => ['yes', 'no'],
# );
#exit(0) if $return;
### C L E A N U P
package mcvsui;
use strict;
open STDERR, ">err.out" or die "open: STDERR: $!";
my $sh = new MultiCvsUI;