
132 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable File

# This tool is to be run from apache's mod_rewrite,
# not from command line.
# If there's an argument, it's taken to be a key
# in the $LJ::WEB_POOLS hash specifying the hosts which
# this balancer is to work with.
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Select;
my $port = 4446;
my $MAXLEN = 512;
my $BCAST_VER = 1;
my %allowed; # ip_text -> 1 (if broadcasting server is in our watched pool)
eval { require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl"; };
$LJ::FREECHILDREN_BCAST =~ /^(\S+):(\d+)$/) {
$port = $2;
if ($ARGV[0] && $LJ::WEB_POOLS{$ARGV[0]}) {
foreach (@{$LJ::WEB_POOLS{$ARGV[0]}}) {
$allowed{$_} = 1;
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>'udp',
or die "couldn't create socket\n";
$sock->sockopt(SO_BROADCAST, 1);
my $sel = IO::Select->new();
my %servers; # ip_text -> { bcast_ver => 1 , free => \d+, active => \d+, _time => unix }
my %free; # ip_text -> num_free
my $total_free = 0;
sub get_server {
return "" unless $total_free;
# delete servers that haven't reported back in a while
my $now = time();
my @del;
while (my ($k, $v) = each %servers) {
push @del, $k if $v->{_time} < $now - 20;
foreach (@del) { delete_server($_); }
return "" unless $total_free;
my $choice = rand($total_free);
my $count = 0;
while ($_ = each %free) {
$count += $free{$_};
if ($count >= $choice) { # can only happen if $free{$_}>0
return $_;
return "";
sub delete_server {
my $key = shift; # key = ip_text
$total_free -= $free{$key} if $free{$key};
delete $servers{$key};
delete $free{$key};
sub parse_message {
my ($sock, $message) = @_;
my ($port, $ipaddr) = sockaddr_in($sock->peername);
my $ip_text = inet_ntoa($ipaddr);
return if %allowed and not $allowed{$ip_text};
my $host;
foreach my $pair (split /\n/, $message) {
$host->{$1} = $2 if $pair =~ /^(\S+)=(\S*)$/;
$host->{_time} = time();
return unless $host->{bcast_ver} eq $BCAST_VER;
if ($host->{free}) {
$servers{$ip_text} = $host;
$free{$ip_text} = $host->{free};
$total_free += $host->{free};
my @backlog; # unserviced uris, with trailing newlines
sub process_requests
my $server;
while (@backlog && ($server = get_server())) {
my $uri = shift @backlog;
print "http://$server/$uri";
while(1) {
my @ready = $sel->can_read();
foreach my $fh (@ready) {
if ($fh == $sock) {
my $message;
while($sock->recv($message, $MAXLEN)) {
parse_message($sock, $message);
if ($fh == \*STDIN) {
$_ = <STDIN>;
push @backlog, $_;
exit 1 if @backlog > 2000; # something's horribly wrong