
182 lines
6.8 KiB

title=>Paid Time Transfer
use strict;
use vars qw(%GET %POST);
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
return LJ::bad_input($ML{'error.noremote'})
unless $remote;
my $has_priv = LJ::check_priv($remote, "moneyenter");
# disable authas mechanism for priv'd users
delete $GET{'authas'} if $has_priv;
my $authas = $GET{'authas'} || $remote->{'user'};
my $u = LJ::get_authas_user($authas);
return LJ::bad_input($ML{'error.invalidauth'})
unless $u;
# extra arguments for get requests
my $getextra = $authas ne $remote->{'user'} ? "?authas=$authas" : '';
my $ret = "";
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $is_perm = sub { return $_[0]->{caps} & (1 << $LJ::Pay::capinf{perm}->{bit}) };
my $paid_bit = (1 << $LJ::Pay::capinf{paid}->{bit});
my $get_days = sub { return sprintf("%0.02f", $_[0] / 86400) };
my $get_secs = sub {
return $dbh->selectrow_array
"FROM paiduser WHERE userid=?", undef, $_[0]->{userid});
if (LJ::did_post() && $POST{'submit'}) {
my $u_from = ($has_priv ? LJ::load_user($POST{user}) : $remote)
or return LJ::bad_input("User <b>$POST{user}</b> doesn't exist.");
my $u_to = LJ::load_user($POST{userto})
or return LJ::bad_input("User <b>$POST{userto}</b> doesn't exist.");
return LJ::bad_input("Source and destination users must be different")
if LJ::u_equals($u_from, $u_to);
return LJ::bad_input("Source user must be currently logged in user")
unless $has_priv || LJ::u_equals($u_from, $u);
return LJ::bad_input("Destination user already has a permanent account!")
if $is_perm->($u_to);
return LJ::bad_input("You must have purchased a permanent account to transfer paid time to another user.")
unless $has_priv || $is_perm->($u_from);
my $secs = $get_secs->($u_from);
my $days = $get_days->($secs);
return "<?h1 Error h1?><?p User " . LJ::ljuser($u_from) . " does not have any paid time left. p?>"
unless $secs > 0;
$ret .= "Transferred <b>$days</b> days from " . LJ::ljuser($u_from) . " to " . LJ::ljuser($u_to) . "\n";
# first try inserting in the case of a new paid account
LJ::update_user($u_to, { raw => "caps=caps|$paid_bit" });
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO paiduser (userid, paiduntil) " .
undef, $u_to->{userid}, $secs);
# already a paid user, just extend their existing row
if ($dbh->err) {
$dbh->do("UPDATE paiduser " .
"SET paiduntil=FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(paiduntil)+?) " .
"WHERE userid=?", undef, $secs, $u_to->{userid});
# log to statushistory so there's a record of this action
my $logmesg = "Transferred $days days: $u_from->{user} => $u_to->{user}";
LJ::statushistory_add($u_from, $remote->{'userid'}, "acct_xfer_src", $logmesg);
LJ::statushistory_add($u_to, $remote->{'userid'}, "acct_xfer_dest", $logmesg);
### take away time from source
if ($is_perm->($u_from)) {
# take away their paid until time so they can't give it away again.
# don't remove them from paiduser though, since they're permanent and need
# to be here to get the email alias generated.
$dbh->do("UPDATE paiduser SET paiduntil='0000-00-00' WHERE userid=?",
undef, $u_from->{userid});
} else {
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM paiduser WHERE userid=?",
undef, $u_from->{userid});
LJ::update_user($u_from->{userid}, { raw => "caps=caps&~$paid_bit" });
my $source = $has_priv && $POST{'anon'} ? "(ANONYMOUS)" : $u_from->{user};
LJ::send_mail({ 'to' => $u_to->{email},
'from' => $LJ::ACCOUNTS_EMAIL,
'fromname' => 'LiveJournal',
'subject' => "Gift! Paid account left-overs...",
'body' => "Hey,\n\nUser $source has decided to transfer his/her remaining paid time to you. So, you now have a paid account (if you didn't have one already) and $days more days of paid account status.\n\nYou can find out more about paid accounts and their benefits at http://www.livejournal.com/paidaccounts/\n\nEnjoy!\n",
return $ret;
# authas switcher form -- makes no sense if user is priv'd
unless ($has_priv) {
$ret .= "<form method='get' action='xfer_remaining.bml'>\n";
$ret .= LJ::make_authas_select($remote, { authas => $GET{'authas'} }) . "\n";
$ret .= "</form>\n\n";
$ret .= "<?h1 Transfer Paid Time h1?>";
# standard intro paragraph for users
if ($has_priv) {
$ret .= "<?p This tool will allow you to transfer all remaining paid time ";
$ret .= "from one user to another. p?>";
# only available to admins and perm account holders
} elsif (! $is_perm->($u)) {
$ret .= "<?p This tool is only available to users who have recently purchased permanent ";
$ret .= "accounts and wish to transfer their remaining paid time to another user. p?>";
return $ret;
# standard form for normal permanent accounts
} else {
my $secs = $get_secs->($u);
my $days = $get_days->($secs);
$ret .= "<?p This tool will allow you to transfer all of your remaining paid time ";
$ret .= "(currently $days days) " if $secs > 0;
$ret .= "to any other non-permanent account. p?>";
unless ($secs > 0) {
$ret .= "<?p You don't have any remaining paid time to transfer! Have ";
$ret .= "you already used this tool in the past? p?>";
return $ret;
# begin submission form
$ret .= "<form method='post'><table>";
# from user
$ret .= "<tr><td align='right'>From:</td><td>";
if ($has_priv) {
$ret .= LJ::html_text({ size => 15, maxlength => 15, name => 'user' });
} else {
$ret .= LJ::ljuser($u);
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
# to user
$ret .= "<tr><td align='right'>To:</td>";
$ret .= "<td>" . LJ::html_text({ size => 15, maxlength => 15, name => 'userto' });
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
# anonymous option for admins
if ($has_priv) {
$ret .= "<tr><td align='right'>Anonymous?</td>";
$ret .= "<td>" . LJ::html_check({ value => 1, name => 'anon' });
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
$ret .= "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>";
$ret .= LJ::html_submit('submit' => "Transfer");
$ret .= "</td></tr></table></form>";
return $ret;