
255 lines
7.0 KiB
Executable File

# lib: Proc::ProcessTable, cgi-bin/ljlib.pl
# </LJDEP>
use strict;
use Getopt::Long
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl";
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/supportlib.pl";
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljcmdbuffer.pl";
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/talklib.pl";
my $opt_foreground;
my $opt_debug;
my $opt_stop;
exit 1 unless GetOptions('foreground' => \$opt_foreground,
'debug' => \$opt_debug,
'stop' => \$opt_stop,
$LJ::OPTMOD_PROCTABLE = eval "use Proc::ProcessTable; 1;";
my $pidfile = $LJ::QBUFFERD_PIDFILE || "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/var/qbufferd.pid";
my $pid;
if (-e $pidfile) {
open (PID, $pidfile);
chomp ($pid = <PID>);
close PID;
if ($opt_stop) {
if (kill 15, $pid) {
print "Shutting down qbufferd.\n";
} else {
print "qbufferd not running?\n";
my $processes = Proc::ProcessTable->new()->table;
if (grep { $_->cmndline =~ /perl.+qbufferd/ && $_->pid != $$ } @$processes) {
} else {
if (kill 0, $pid) {
# seems to still be running (at least something is with that pid)
if ($opt_stop) {
print "qbufferd not running?\n";
$SIG{'INT'} = \&stop_qbufferd;
$SIG{'TERM'} = \&stop_qbufferd;
$SIG{'HUP'} = sub {
# nothing. maybe later make a HUP force a flush?
if (!$opt_foreground && ($pid = fork))
unless (open (PID, ">$pidfile")) {
kill 15, $pid;
die "Couldn't write PID file. Exiting.\n";
print PID $pid, "\n";
close PID;
print "qbufferd started with pid $pid\n";
if (-s $pidfile) { print "pid file written ($pidfile)\n"; }
# Close filehandles unless running in --debug or --foreground mode.
unless ( $opt_debug || $opt_foreground ) {
close STDIN && open STDIN, "</dev/null";
close STDOUT && open STDOUT, "+>&STDIN";
close STDERR && open STDERR, "+>&STDIN";
# fork off a separate qbufferd process for all specified
# job types in @LJ::QBUFFERD_ISOLATE, and then
# another process for all other job types. The current process
# will keep tabs on all of those
my %isolated;
my %pids; # job -> pid
my %jobs; # pid -> job
my $working = 0; # 1 for processes that do actual work
my $my_job;
foreach my $job (@LJ::QBUFFERD_ISOLATE) {
$isolated{$job} = 1;
foreach my $job (@LJ::QBUFFERD_ISOLATE, "_others_") {
if (my $child = fork) {
# parent.
$pids{$job} = $child;
$jobs{$child} = $job;
} else {
# child.
$0 .= " [$job]";
$my_job = $job;
$working = 1;
# at this point, $my_job is either the specialized 'cmd' to run, or
# '_others_' to mean everything besides stuff with their own processes.
# $working is 1 for nonempty values of $my_job .
sub stop_qbufferd
# stop children
unless ($working) {
foreach my $job (keys %pids) {
my $child = $pids{$job};
print "Killing child pid $child job: $job\n" if $opt_debug;
kill 15, $child;
unlink $pidfile;
print "Quitting: " . ($working ? "job $my_job" : "parent") . "\n" if $opt_debug;
while(not $working) {
# controlling process's cycle
my $pid;
$pid = wait();
print "Child exited, pid $pid, job $jobs{$pid}\n" if $opt_debug;
if ($jobs{$pid}) {
my $job = $jobs{$pid};
print "Restarting job $job\n" if $opt_debug;
delete $pids{$job};
delete $jobs{$pid};
if (my $child = fork) {
# parent.
$pids{$job} = $child;
$jobs{$child} = $job;
} else {
# child.
$0 .= " [$job]";
$my_job = $job;
$working = 1; # go work
# the actual work begins here
my @all_jobs = qw(delitem weblogscom send_mail support_notify dirty);
foreach my $hook (keys %LJ::HOOKS) {
next unless $hook =~ /^cmdbuf:(\w+):run$/;
push @all_jobs, $1;
while (LJ::start_request())
my $cycle_start = time();
print "Starting cycle. Job $my_job\n" if $opt_debug;
# syndication (checks RSS that need to be checked)
if ($my_job eq "synsuck") {
system("$ENV{'LJHOME'}/bin/ljmaint.pl", "-v0", "synsuck");
print "Sleeping. Job $my_job\n" if $opt_debug;
my $elapsed = time() - $cycle_start;
sleep ($DELAY-$elapsed) if $elapsed < $DELAY;
# do main cluster updates
my $dbh = LJ::get_dbh("master");
unless ($dbh) {
sleep 10;
# keep track of what commands we've run the start hook for
my %started;
# handle clusters
foreach my $c (@LJ::CLUSTERS) {
print "Cluster: $c Job: $my_job\n" if $opt_debug;
my $db = LJ::get_cluster_master($c);
next unless $db;
my @check_jobs = ($my_job);
if ($my_job eq "_others_") { @check_jobs = grep { ! $isolated{$_} } @all_jobs; }
foreach my $cmd (@check_jobs) {
my $have_jobs = $db->selectrow_array("SELECT cbid FROM cmdbuffer WHERE cmd=? LIMIT 1",
undef, $cmd);
next unless $have_jobs;
print " Starting $cmd...\n" if $opt_debug;
unless ($started{$cmd}++) {
LJ::Cmdbuffer::flush($dbh, undef, "$cmd:start");
LJ::Cmdbuffer::flush($dbh, $db, $cmd);
print " Finished $cmd.\n" if $opt_debug;
# monitor process size and job counts to suicide if necessary
my $size = 0;
if (open(S, "/proc/$$/status")) {
my $file;
{ local $/ = undef; $file = <S>; }
$size = $1 if $file =~ /VmSize:.+?(\d+)/;
close S;
# is it our time to go?
my $kill_job_ct = LJ::Cmdbuffer::get_property($cmd, 'kill_job_ct') || 0;
my $kill_mem_size = LJ::Cmdbuffer::get_property($cmd, 'kill_mem_size') || 0;
if ($kill_job_ct && $started{$cmd} >= $kill_job_ct ||
$kill_mem_size && $size >= $kill_mem_size)
# trigger reload of current child process
print "Job suicide: $cmd. (size=$size, rpcs=" . ($started{dirty}+0) . ")\n"
if $opt_debug;
# run end hooks before dying
foreach my $cmd (keys %started) {
LJ::Cmdbuffer::flush($dbh, undef, "$cmd:finish");
exit 0;
# run the end hook for all commands we've run
foreach my $cmd (keys %started) {
LJ::Cmdbuffer::flush($dbh, undef, "$cmd:finish");
print "Sleeping. Job $my_job\n" if $opt_debug;
my $elapsed = time() - $cycle_start;
sleep ($DELAY-$elapsed) if $elapsed < $DELAY;