
5241 lines
182 KiB
Executable File

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#/talkpost.bml.opt.ljuser=LJR user:
#/talkpost.bml.opt.ljuser2=LJR user
/accountstatus.bml.btn.status|notes=Submit button for form
/accountstatus.bml.btn.status=Change Status
/accountstatus.bml.error.db=There has been a database error processing your request.
/accountstatus.bml.error.invalid=Invalid status type
/accountstatus.bml.error.nochange.expunged=This account has been purged from the system.
/accountstatus.bml.error.nochange.suspend|notes=You can't change a journal to be unsuspended. This message is for users who attempt to do so.
/accountstatus.bml.error.nochange.suspend=Cannot change journal status from suspended.
/accountstatus.bml.journalstatus.about=If you want to delete or undelete your journal, this is where you do it. Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, just in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
/accountstatus.bml.journalstatus.head=Journal Activation Status
/accountstatus.bml.message.nochange=Your journal status has been left as <b>[[statusvis]]</b>.
/accountstatus.bml.message.success=Your journal status has been successfully changed to <b>[[statusvis]]</b>.
/accountstatus.bml.title=Account Status
/allpics.bml.current=Current Pictures
/allpics.bml.edit2=You may be interested in <a href='[[editlink]]'>editing your picture keywords</a> or <a href='[[uploadlink]]'>uploading a new picture</a>.
/allpics.bml.error.noparam=You need to specify a user parameter.
/allpics.bml.nopics.text.other=This user has not uploaded any user pictures.
/allpics.bml.nopics.text2=You have no pictures uploaded. To upload one, go <a href='[[link]]'>here</a>.
/allpics.bml.nopics.title=No Pictures
/allpics.bml.pics=Here are the user pictures for [[user]].
/allpics.bml.title=User Pictures
You have been added to [[comm]].
Click <a [[aopts]]>here</a> to add the community to your friends list.
You have approved the membership request of [[user]] in [[comm]].
Click <a [[aopts]]>here</a> to visit the member list for this community to set
other options for this user.
/approve.bml.error.actionperformed=This action has already been performed
/approve.bml.error.approving=There was an error approving this request to join.
/approve.bml.error.internerr.invalidaction=Internal error: invalid action
/approve.bml.error.invalidargument=Invalid argument given
/approve.bml.error.unknownactiontype=Unknown action type
You have been given posting access to [[shared]].
Click <a [[aopts]]>here</a> to add the shared journal to your friends list.
/approve.bml.title=Action Approval
/birthdays.bml.description=Below are the birthdays for everyone that you list as a friend.
/birthdays.bml.description.others=Below are the birthdays for everyone that [[user]] lists as a friend.
/birthdays.bml.error.badstatus=[[user]] is not a currently active account.
/birthdays.bml.error.invaliduser=Invalid user: <b>[[user]]</b>. The specified account does not exist.
/birthdays.bml.findothers=If you would like to see the birthdays of the friends of another user, or of the members of a community, enter a username below:
/birthdays.bml.nobirthdays=There are no birthdays to display. This happens when a user doesn't have anyone added to their Friends list, or if none of the user's friends list their birthday publically.
/changepassword.bml.changepassword.header=Change Password
/changepassword.bml.changepassword.instructions=Fill out the form below to change your password.
Your password has been changed at [[sitename]].
To retrieve it in the future, visit:
[[sitename]] Team
/changepassword.bml.email.subject=Change of Password
/changepassword.bml.error.badcheck=Bad new password: [[error]]
/changepassword.bml.error.badnewpassword=Your new passwords do not match. Retype both again... you made a typo on one of them.
/changepassword.bml.error.badoldpassword=Your old password is not correct.
/changepassword.bml.error.blankpassword=Your new password cannot be blank.
/changepassword.bml.error.changetestaccount=Cannot change the test account's password.
/changepassword.bml.error.characterlimit=Passwords are limited to a maximum of 30 characters.
/changepassword.bml.error.invaliduser=Invalid user <B>[[user]]</B>. This user does not exist. Are you sure you typed it correctly?
/changepassword.bml.error.mustenterusername=You must enter your username.
/changepassword.bml.error.nonascii=Passwords are restricted to ASCII symbols. Please choose a password that does not use non-ASCII symbols.
/changepassword.bml.error.notvalidated=You cannot change your password if your current email address has not been validated.
/changepassword.bml.newpassword=New Password:
/changepassword.bml.newpasswordagain=New Password (again):
/changepassword.bml.oldpassword=Old Password:
/changepassword.bml.proceed.instructions=Press the button below and your password will be changed. You will receive an email as well, noting the password change.
/changepassword.bml.relogin=In addition, you have been logged out from all your existing sessions. You should <a [[aopts]]>log in again</a> before continuing.
/changepassword.bml.success.text=Your password has been changed and email has been sent to you with a reminder message.
/changepassword.bml.title=Change Password
/community/create.bml.btn.create=Create Community
/community/create.bml.create.text=Creating a new community is easy, just follow the instructions below.
/community/create.bml.error.notactive=Your account must be active in order to create a community. Please make sure your account is not currently marked as deleted or suspended and try again.
/community/create.bml.error.notperson=You must be logged in as a personal account to create a community.
/community/create.bml.error.postrequired=POST required.
/community/create.bml.error.username.inuse=Account name already in use; please select a different one.
/community/create.bml.error.username.mustenter=You must enter an account name.
/community/create.bml.error.username.reserved=Sorry, that is a reserved account name.
/community/create.bml.errors.label=Please note the following problems and resubmit:
/community/create.bml.name.head=Community Name
/community/create.bml.name.text=What's the name of this community? This will appear at the top of the community, and in the user directory should you choose to list the community in it.
/community/create.bml.person=Would you rather <a [[aopts]]>create a personal journal</a>?
/community/create.bml.success.btn.enterinfo=Enter Community Information
/community/create.bml.success.text1=Your community has been created. Additionally, your account has been made an administrator of it.
/community/create.bml.success.text2=Your community will be available at:
/community/create.bml.success.text3=Now, please take the time to fill in some information about the community. It's mostly optional, but it lets other users have an idea of what this community is for.
/community/create.bml.title=Create New Community
/community/create.bml.username.charsallowed=The community account name may contain only lower-case letters (a-z), digits (0-9) and the underscore character (_). Additionally, it must not be longer than 15 characters.
/community/create.bml.username.head=Account name
/community/create.bml.username.text=Each [[sitename]] account must have their own unique account name. The account name is what appears in the address to the community.
<?h1 Welcome! h1?>
Welcome to the Community Center. This is the place to find out how and where to
interact with the fellow members of your community! This site isn't only a great
place for keeping a journal - it's a place where people meet, interact, share
common interests, and have a good time.
<?h1 What is a Community? h1?>
A community is a journal run by a member of the site for people with common interests.
Communities are free to use and create... anyone can have them, and they're easy to set up.
<p align='center' style='font-size: 1.7em'><a href='./settings.bml?mode=create'>Create a Community Now!</a></p>
/community/index.bml.title=Community Center
/community/join.bml.button.join=Join Community
/community/join.bml.error.already.member=You are already a member of this community.
/community/join.bml.error.closed=This community is closed to new members. If you wish to join, please contact one of the following maintainers: [[admins]]
/community/join.bml.error.statusvis.body=The account you are logged in as is not an active account.
/community/join.bml.error.statusvis.title=Unable to Join Communities
/community/join.bml.label.addtofriends=Add "[[maintainer]]" to friends list.<br>
/community/join.bml.label.allowposting=This community allows posting by all members, so you now have access to post in it. If you already have a LiveJournal client open on your computer, you'll have to log out and log back in for this journal to show up in your list of journals you can post to.
/community/join.bml.label.auth=Although you are now listed as a member, this community only allows posting by authorized users. Contact one of the maintainers if you desire posting access. Below is the list of maintainers for this community: [[admins]]
/community/join.bml.label.banned=The maintainer(s) of this community have banned you from joining.
/community/join.bml.label.closed=This community is closed. If you're interested in joining it, please contact one of its maintainers. Below is the list of maintainers for this community: [[admins]]
/community/join.bml.label.commlogged=You're logged in as a shared/community account, not your personal account.
/community/join.bml.label.errorcomminfo=The specified community information is not valid.
/community/join.bml.label.expls=Press the button below to join the "[[maintainer]]" community. Uncheck the box below if you want to join the community without seeing community entries on your friends page.
/community/join.bml.label.loginfirst=To join a community you must first <a href="/login.bml?ret=1">log in</a>.
/community/join.bml.label.membernow=You are now a member of the <a href="/userinfo.bml?user=[[username]]">[[commname]] Community</a>
/community/join.bml.label.sure=You sure?
/community/join.bml.reqsubmitted.body=Your request to join has been submitted to the maintainers:
/community/join.bml.reqsubmitted.title=Join Request Submitted
/community/join.bml.request.body=The [[comm]] community does not have open membership. Please verify that you wish to join this community by clicking below.
/community/join.bml.request.reason=<i>Optionally</i>, enter a reason you would like to join this community:
/community/join.bml.request.title=Request to Join
/community/join.bml.title=Join Community
/community/leave.bml.button.leave=Leave Community
/community/leave.bml.label.buttontoleave=Press the button below to leave the "[[commname]]" community.
/community/leave.bml.label.infoerror=The specified community information is not valid.
/community/leave.bml.label.lastmaintainer=You are not allowed to leave this community because you are the sole maintainer. If you wish to leave the community, please appoint another maintainer and then try leaving again.
/community/leave.bml.label.logoutfirst=To leave a community you must first <a href="/login.bml?ret=1">log in</a>.
/community/leave.bml.label.removed=You are now removed from the <a href="/userinfo.bml?user=[[commuser]]">[[commname]] Community</a>
/community/leave.bml.label.removefromfriends=Also remove "[[user]]" from friends list.
/community/leave.bml.sure=You sure?
/community/leave.bml.title=Leave Community
/community/manage.bml.commlist.actmembers=<b>[<a href='[[link]]'>Members</a>]</b>
/community/manage.bml.commlist.actpending|notes=This is appended to /community/manage.bml.commlist.actmembers2 when there are pending people.
/community/manage.bml.commlist.actpending=, <a [[aopts]]>[[num]] pending</a>
/community/manage.bml.commlist.actsettings=<b>[<a href='[[link]]'>Settings</a>]</b>
/community/manage.bml.commlist.header=Your communities
/community/manage.bml.commlist.moderation=Awaiting Moderation
/community/manage.bml.commlist.moderation.num=[<a href='[[link]]'>[[num]] in queue</a>]
/community/manage.bml.commlist.none=<i>You are not managing any communities.</i>
/community/manage.bml.commlist.text=Here are the communities that you manage or co-manage:
/community/manage.bml.create.header=Create a community
/community/manage.bml.create.text=You can also <a href='[[link]]'><b>create a new community</b></a>.
/community/manage.bml.error.badaccounttype=You must be logged in as a regular user account in order to access this page.
/community/manage.bml.joinmail.body=For communities with closed memberships, you have several e-mail options:
/community/manage.bml.joinmail.email.all=E-mail every time someone requests to join
/community/manage.bml.joinmail.email.digest=One e-mail each day with a list of all pending requests
/community/manage.bml.joinmail.email.none=No e-mail, I will use this page to look for new requests
/community/manage.bml.joinmail.save=Save Settings
/community/manage.bml.joinmail.title=Administrative options
/community/manage.bml.modemail.body=For moderated communities, you can choose whether to send emails or not:
/community/manage.bml.modemail.no=No email, I will manage the moderation queue manually
/community/manage.bml.modemail.yes=Email me every time someone submits a post to the queue
/community/manage.bml.title=Community Management
/community/members.bml.error.adding=[[user]] has banned this community from sending them invitations.
/community/members.bml.error.alreadyadded=[[user]] was not added because they already have access to this community.
/community/members.bml.error.alreadysent=[[user]] could not be added because they were already sent a confirmation email on: <i>[[datetime]]</i>. Please wait for them to respond.
/community/members.bml.error.invaliduser=Cannot add community or syndicated account: [[user]]
/community/members.bml.error.limit=Unable to invite [[user]], the outstanding invitation limit for this community has been exceeded.
/community/members.bml.error.noaccess=Only community maintainers are able to edit membership lists. You are not a maintainer of community [[comm]].
/community/members.bml.error.noattr=No attributes selected for user: [[user]]
/community/members.bml.error.nocomm=Community not found.
/community/members.bml.error.notactive=Account is not active: <b>[[user]]</b>
/community/members.bml.error.nouser=User does not exist: <b>[[user]]</b>
/community/members.bml.error.unknown=Error inviting [[user]]. Please make sure they're not already a member and try again.
/community/members.bml.key.post=<b>Posting Access</b>
/community/members.bml.manage2=Manage communities
/community/members.bml.name=<b>Community name:</b> [[name]]
/community/members.bml.nextlink=<i>(Next page...)</i>
/community/members.bml.prevlink=<i>(Previous page...)</i>
/community/members.bml.reinvited2=[[user]] has been reinvited to join this community. They will need to accept the invite from the <a [[aopts]]>Community Invitation Page</a>.
/community/members.bml.settings=[<a href='[[link]]'>Settings</a>]
/community/members.bml.success.added=added: [[list]]
/community/members.bml.success.deleted=removed: [[list]]
/community/members.bml.success.invited2=The following users have been successfully invited to this community with the listed privileges. They will need to accept the invite from the <a [[aopts]]>Community Invitation Page</a> before they can become a member of the community.
/community/members.bml.success.message2=The following changes have been made:
/community/members.bml.success.nochanges=No changes have been made.
/community/members.bml.success.return=<a href='[[link]]'>Return to the list</a>
/community/members.bml.title=Community Members
/community/members.bml.update=Update settings
/community/moderate.bml.approve.button=Yes, approve it
/community/moderate.bml.approve.header=Approve this entry?
/community/moderate.bml.approve.preapprove=Also, add user [[user]] to the list of pre-approved users for this community.
/community/moderate.bml.approve.text=Are you sure you want to approve this entry?
/community/moderate.bml.brlist.subject=Subject begins
/community/moderate.bml.browse.empty=The moderation queue is empty.
/community/moderate.bml.browse.header=Moderate Community
/community/moderate.bml.browse.text=Here is the moderation queue for the community [[link]]
/community/moderate.bml.error.noaccess=You do not moderate the community [[comm]].
/community/moderate.bml.error.noentry=Entry not found (perhaps already handled by another moderator).
/community/moderate.bml.error.nolist=You do not moderate any communities.
/community/moderate.bml.error.notfound=Community account not found.
/community/moderate.bml.manage=Manage communities
/community/moderate.bml.moderate=Moderate this community
/community/moderate.bml.modlist.count=Queue size
/community/moderate.bml.modlist.header=Moderate Communities
/community/moderate.bml.posted.apptext=Additionally, the user [[user]] has been added to the list of pre-approved users for this community.
/community/moderate.bml.posted.proterror=The entry has not been posted due to this protocol error: [[err]]
/community/moderate.bml.posted.text=The entry has been successfully posted.
/community/moderate.bml.reject.button=Yes, reject it
/community/moderate.bml.reject.header=Reject this entry?
/community/moderate.bml.reject.reason=You can also explain to the poster your reasons for rejecting their entry. They will be sent to the poster by email.
/community/moderate.bml.reject.text=Are you sure you want to reject this entry?
/community/moderate.bml.rejected.text=The entry has been rejected.
/community/moderate.bml.title=Community Moderation
/community/pending.bml.approve.title=<b>Approve Membership?</b>
/community/pending.bml.nopending.body=There are no pending membership requests for this community.
/community/pending.bml.nopending.title=Nobody Pending
/community/pending.bml.success.added=You have added [[num]] [[?num|person|persons]] to this community.
/community/pending.bml.success.ignored=[[num]] [[?num|request is|requests are]] still on file pending decisions.
/community/pending.bml.success.previous=[[num]] [[?num|request has|requests have]] not been processed, as they were no longer pending. Another maintainer might have already processed [[?num|it|them]].
/community/pending.bml.success.rejected=You have rejected [[num]] [[?num|request|requests]] to join this community.
/community/pending.bml.title=Pending Membership Requests
/community/search.bml.button.clear=Clear Form
/community/search.bml.checkbox.onlywithpics=Only communities with pictures
/community/search.bml.label.byinterest=By Interest
/community/search.bml.label.bylocation=By Location
/community/search.bml.label.bytime=By Journal Update Time
/community/search.bml.label.displayoptions=Display Options
/community/search.bml.label.hasmember=Has Member
/community/search.bml.label.othercriteria=Other Criteria
/community/search.bml.label.outputformat=Output Format:
/community/search.bml.label.records=Records per page:
/community/search.bml.label.searchcomm=Search Communities
/community/search.bml.label.selecriteria=Select the criteria below that you'd like to find communities by. The results returned are the intersection of all search criteria. In other words, each checkbox you click means "AND", not "OR".
/community/search.bml.label.sortmethod=Sorting Method:
/community/search.bml.label.updated=Updated in last
/community/search.bml.sel.bypicture=By Picture
/community/search.bml.sel.communityname=Community Name
/community/search.bml.sel.commview=Community View
/community/search.bml.sel.updatetime=Update Time
/community/search.bml.sel.username=User Name
/community/search.bml.title=Community Search
/community/sentinvites.bml.date=Date Sent
/community/sentinvites.bml.key.sentby=Sent By
/community/sentinvites.bml.none.body=No invites have been sent in the past 30 days. If you wish to invite people to this community, please visit the <a [[aopts]]>Members page</a>.
/community/sentinvites.bml.none.title=No Invites Found
/community/sentinvites.bml.send=Send Invitations
/community/sentinvites.bml.title=Sent Invitations
/community/settings.bml.button.changecommunity=Update Settings
/community/settings.bml.button.createcommunity=Create Community
/community/settings.bml.error.alreadycomm=Account is already a community.
/community/settings.bml.error.badpassword=Invalid community password
/community/settings.bml.error.hasentries=This account already has entries and cannot be converted.
/community/settings.bml.error.maintainertype=Maintainer account must be a person, not another shared account.
/community/settings.bml.error.noaccess=Only community maintainers are able to edit community settings. You are not a maintainer of community [[comm]].
/community/settings.bml.error.notcomm=Not a community account.
/community/settings.bml.error.notfound=Community account not found.
/community/settings.bml.error.samenames=Maintainer account and community account cannot be the same.
/community/settings.bml.label.anybodycan=<b>All Members</b><br />Anybody can post immediately once a member.
/community/settings.bml.label.changeheader=Change Community Settings
/community/settings.bml.label.changetext=Here you can change the settings for the community you own or maintain.
/community/settings.bml.label.closedmemb2=<b>Closed Membership</b><br />Nobody can join the community.
/community/settings.bml.label.commchanged=Your community settings have been changed.
/community/settings.bml.label.commcreate=This is the account that you want to turn into a community. It must <a href="/create.bml">already be created</a>, but should not already be in use by an individual, because after this, many different people will potentially be able to post in it.
/community/settings.bml.label.commcreated=Your community is now set up.
/community/settings.bml.label.commheader=Community Account
/community/settings.bml.label.comminfo=Community info
/community/settings.bml.label.commopts=Community Options
/community/settings.bml.label.commsite=Community website
/community/settings.bml.label.createheader=Create Community
/community/settings.bml.label.createtext=From here you can create a community account. A community is a special type of account that other users can join and post in. For an example of a community, check out the <a href="/userinfo.bml?user=seattle">Seattle Party Community</a>.
/community/settings.bml.label.howoperates=Choose how your community operates. You can change these later.
/community/settings.bml.label.maintainer.login=If this is not the maintainer account, <a href='/login.bml?ret=1'>login</a> as somebody else.
/community/settings.bml.label.managepage=<a [[aopts]]>Community Management</a> - to add members, grant posting access, appoint moderators, etc.
/community/settings.bml.label.moderatedmemb=<b>Moderated Membership</b><br />Requests to join are emailed to you for approval.
/community/settings.bml.label.modis=<b>Moderated</b><br />New entries must be approved by a moderator.
/community/settings.bml.label.modisnt=<b>Unmoderated</b><br />New entries appear immediately.
/community/settings.bml.label.modtext=Are submissions to this community moderated?
/community/settings.bml.label.nmcan=<b>Non-Members Can Post</b><br />Users can post to this community without having to join it.
/community/settings.bml.label.nmcant=<b>Non-Members Cannot Post</b><br />Users have to join this community in order to post in it.
/community/settings.bml.label.nmheader=Non-Member Posting
/community/settings.bml.label.nmtext=Can users post to this community without having to join it?
/community/settings.bml.label.openmemb=<b>Open Membership</b><br />Anybody can join without getting approved.
/community/settings.bml.label.postaccess=Posting Access
/community/settings.bml.label.rellinks=Relevant links:
/community/settings.bml.label.selcan=<b>Select Members</b><br />Only some members are able to post, once they've been given access by the maintainer account.
/community/settings.bml.label.whocanjoin=Who can join your community?
/community/settings.bml.label.whocanpost=Who can post to this community?
/community/settings.bml.manage2=Manage communities
/community/settings.bml.members=[<a href='[[link]]'>Members</a>]
/community/settings.bml.name=<b>Community name:</b> [[name]]
/community/settings.bml.title.create=Create Community
/community/settings.bml.title.modify=Community Settings
/community/transfer.bml.account=Community Account
/community/transfer.bml.badstatus.body=The account you are logged in as is not active and cannot use this page at this time.
/community/transfer.bml.badstatus.title=Account Status
/community/transfer.bml.body=If you have the password to a community and are not currently a maintainer, you can make yourself a maintainer by filling out the following form.
/community/transfer.bml.button.title=Transfer Community
/community/transfer.bml.error.alreadyadmin=Already a maintainer of community.
/community/transfer.bml.error.badstatus=Community is not active.
/community/transfer.bml.error.mismatch=Password does not match.
/community/transfer.bml.error.nopassword=No password provided.
/community/transfer.bml.error.notcomm=Account not a community.
/community/transfer.bml.error.notfound=Account not found.
/community/transfer.bml.password=Community Password
/community/transfer.bml.success.body=You have successfully added yourself as a maintainer of [[comm]].
/community/transfer.bml.title=Transfer Community
/create.bml.birthday.head=Age Verification
/create.bml.birthday.question=Please select the month, day, and year you were born. We require this information to create an account in order to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). This information is not stored in our database and is only used during account creation. Read our <a [[aopts]]>privacy policy</a> for more information on our information practices.
/create.bml.btn.create=Create Journal
/create.bml.captcha.audiodesc=Type the numbers you hear to prove that you're not a spam robot:
/create.bml.captcha.desc=Type the letters and numbers you see below, to prove that you're not a spam robot. If you can't read the text, type "AUDIO" and take a sound test instead.
/create.bml.captcha.invalid=Invalid answer to previous challenge. Try another.
/create.bml.captcha.play=Play the sound
/create.bml.captcha.prove=Prove that you're a human
/create.bml.clusterselect.clusternum=Cluster [[number]]
/create.bml.clusterselect.head=Cluster Selection
/create.bml.clusterselect.nocluster=No Cluster
/create.bml.clusterselect.text=Please select the cluster you want to create this account on. <b>Note:</b> This is a debugging/test option only. In production, users won't pick this, or know anything about it.
/create.bml.community=Would you rather <a [[aopts]]>create a community</a>?
/create.bml.create.head=Creating a New Journal
/create.bml.create.text=Creating a new Journal is easy, just follow the instructions below!
/create.bml.email.head=Your email address
/create.bml.email.input.head=Email Address:
/create.bml.email.text3=For verification and security purposes, we need your email address. Read our <a [[aopts]]>privacy policy</a> for more information on our information practices.
/create.bml.error.birthday.invalid=You must enter a valid birthday.
/create.bml.error.coppa.under13=Sorry, due to COPPA restrictions, you cannot use the service until you're 13 years old. Please come back on your 13th birthday.
/create.bml.error.email.blank=You must provide your email address.
/create.bml.error.email.lj_domain=You cannot use a [[domain]] alias when creating an account. Please enter a different email address.
/create.bml.error.email.nospaces=No spaces allowed in email address. If you're on AOL, remember that your Internet Email address is your screen name with all spaces removed, followed by <b>@aol.com</b>
/create.bml.error.password.asciionly=You can only use ASCII symbols in the password.
/create.bml.error.password.blank=You must enter a password.
/create.bml.error.password.nomatch=Passwords do not match.
/create.bml.error.postrequired=POST required.
/create.bml.error.username.blank=Please supply a name or handle/alias.
/create.bml.error.username.inuse=Username already in use; please select a different one.
/create.bml.error.username.iscode=Username appears to be an invite code, not a username.
/create.bml.error.username.mustenter=You must enter a username.
/create.bml.error.username.reserved=Sorry, that is a reserved username.
/create.bml.errors.label=Please note the following problems and resubmit:
/create.bml.initialfriends=Add these journals to your friends list to be kept up to date on site news and information.
/create.bml.initialfriends.heading=Starter Friends
/create.bml.name.head=Your Name
/create.bml.name.text=What's your name or handle? This will appear at the top of your journal, and in the user directory should you choose to be listed in it. You do not have to provide your full name or even your real name.
/create.bml.password.input.head2=Re-type password:
/create.bml.password.secure=You must choose a secure password that is not based on a dictionary word, your username, or your email address.
/create.bml.password.text=Select a password.
/create.bml.success.btn.enterinfo=Enter Personal Information
/create.bml.success.text1=Your journal has been created. Important registration information has been emailed to <font size="+1"><b>[[email]]</b></font> containing further instructions. Be sure to confirm your journal creation by clicking on the link sent to you in email.
/create.bml.success.text2=Your Journal will be available at:
/create.bml.success.text3=Now, please take the time to fill in some information about yourself. It's mostly optional, but it lets us get an idea of who's using [[sitename]].
/create.bml.title=Create New Journal
/create.bml.tos.heading=Terms of Service
/create.bml.tos.p1.3=Before continuing you must read and agree to the <a [[aopts]]>Terms of Service</a> (which includes our privacy policy).
/create.bml.useacctcodes.entercode=To create a new account, enter an account creation code:
/create.bml.username.charsallowed=Your username may contain only lower-case letters (a-z), digits (0-9) and the underscore character (_). Additionally, it must not be longer than 15 characters.
/create.bml.username.forpaidaccts=Or, for paid accounts:
/create.bml.username.ljaddress=Your journal will be at these addresses:
/create.bml.username.text=Each [[sitename]] user must have their own unique username. Your username is what appears in the address to your journal and what you use to log into the [[sitename]] server. It also shows up when you post comments in other people's journals.
/customize/index.bml.choose=Do you want to use the old style system, or the new one?
/customize/index.bml.choose.header=Choose style system
/customize/index.bml.choose.s1=Old system (S1)
/customize/index.bml.choose.s2=New system (S2)
/customize/index.bml.error.cant_generate_user_layer=Could not generate user layer
/customize/index.bml.error.disallowed_custom_layer=Your account status does not allow access to this custom layer
/customize/index.bml.error.fail_create_style=Failed to create new style.
/customize/index.bml.error.not_your_layout=Not your layout.
/customize/index.bml.error.not_your_theme=Not your theme
/customize/index.bml.error.no_core_parent=No core parent?
/customize/index.bml.s1.2=The old style system is configured through the <a [[aopts]]>Modify Journal</a> page.
/customize/index.bml.s1.header=Using S1
/customize/index.bml.s2.advanced.denied=Your account is not permitted to use the advanced customization features.
/customize/index.bml.s2.advanced.header=Advanced Customizations
/customize/index.bml.s2.advanced.permitted=To create new layers and styles from scratch, visit <a href='./advanced/'>the advanced customization</a> center.
/customize/index.bml.s2.customize=The following settings are layout-dependent.
/customize/index.bml.s2.customize.header=Step 2: Customize Layout
/customize/index.bml.s2.customize.language=The following languages are fully or partially supported by this layout.
/customize/index.bml.s2.customize.settings=If you want to customize your journal further, here you can tweak individual settings to get it looking exactly how you want.
/customize/index.bml.s2.customize.settings.delete=Remove Customizations
/customize/index.bml.s2.customize.settings.delete.confirm=Are you sure you want to remove these customizations?
/customize/index.bml.s2.customize.settings.edit=Edit Customizations
/customize/index.bml.s2.customize.settings.header=Change Individual Settings
/customize/index.bml.s2.customize.themes=Choose from the following optional themes for this layout.
/customize/index.bml.s2.customize.themes.default=(Layout Default)
Pick your layout. Because theme selection and custom modifications depend
on your layout, changing this setting discards all other edits you may have made.
/customize/index.bml.s2.layout.header=Step 1: Layout
/customize/index.bml.s2.related.editinfo.about=Set your journal's titles and various options.
/customize/index.bml.s2.related.header=Related Pages
/customize/index.bml.s2.related.links.about=Some styles can include your managed link list.
/customize/index.bml.s2.related.modify.about=Set your journal's mood icon set.
/customize/index.bml.title=Customize Journal
<strong>Note:</strong> From the [[link]] page, you can choose
whether to allow <em>all</em>, <em>registered users</em>, or
<em>friends only</em> to post comments.
/delcomment.bml.confirm.banuser=Ban [[user]] from commenting in your journal
/delcomment.bml.confirm.body=Are you sure you want to delete this comment?
/delcomment.bml.confirm.delthread=Delete thread (all subcomments)
/delcomment.bml.confirm.head=Delete this comment?
/delcomment.bml.confirm.spam=Mark this comment as spam
/delcomment.bml.confirm.submit=Delete Comment
/delcomment.bml.error.alreadydeleted=The specified comment has already been deleted.
/delcomment.bml.error.cantdelete=A comment may only be deleted by its author or the journal owner.
/delcomment.bml.error.cantdelete.comm=A comment may only be deleted by its author, the author of the journal entry, or a community maintainer.
/delcomment.bml.error.invalidtype=Invalid comment type. This page only handles comments on journal entries.
/delcomment.bml.error.nocomment=The specified comment does not exist.
/delcomment.bml.error.suspended=You are not allowed to delete comments while your account is suspended.
/delcomment.bml.success.andban=The comment has been deleted, and user [[user]] has been banned from commenting in your journal.
/delcomment.bml.success.noban=The comment has been deleted.
/delcomment.bml.success.spam=Additionally, the administrators of this site have been notified that this comment was spam. Thank you for your report.
/delcomment.bml.title=Delete Comment
/directory.bml.browse.country.desc=Select a country to read journals from that country...
/directory.bml.browse.country.title=Browse Journals by Country
/directory.bml.browse.usa.desc=Click a US state below to read journals from that state, or click a country name below the map to read journals from that country.
/directory.bml.browse.usa.title=Browse Journals by US State
Sorry, your account type doesn't permit usage of the
directory, or you aren't currently <a href='/login.bml'>logged in</a>. If your account type permits
directory usage, be sure that you are logged in and then try again.
/directory.bml.navcrap.matches=[[count]] matches
/directory.bml.navcrap.xofy=Page [[curpage]] of [[totpages]] shown (records [[reca]]-[[recb]])
/directory.bml.search.monkey=Hundreds of trained monkeys are currently running about finding your search results. Please stand by.
/directory.bml.search.new=New Query
/directory.bml.search.overflow=<b>Search results limited to [[count]] results. Please refine your query.</b>
Welcome to [[sitename]] documentation repository, where you can find information
on most topics regarding our service or server software. Please select
a topic from below:
/doc/index.bml.docs.faq.about=Frequently Asked Questions
/doc/index.bml.docs.guides.about=Supplemental FAQ information
/doc/index.bml.docs.howto.about=Tips and tricks to help customize your [[sitename]] account
/doc/index.bml.docs.tour.about=Designed for new visitors to become familiar with the site
/doc/index.bml.volunteering.about=If you'd like to help out with [[sitename]] documentation, check out the following forums:
It shouldn't be a surprise to you that there are many members with interests similar to yours.
To this end, we offer the ability to create communities, or journals that many people can post to.
We are a membership-based blogging community. This page explains what membership entails,
why membership is important, and the benefits of membership. It also includes a form to create
your own account.
/doc/tour/index.bml.create.title=Creating an Account
You can keep track of your friends as well, by using the built&ndash;in "friends" feature.
If you find a journal you think is interesting, add it to your friends list, which will let you read all of
your friends' entries from the same page.
This tour is designed for new visitors to become familiar with the site.
It will show you where the most important sections are located, as well
as some of the more interesting features.
It is also possible to format your journal in a number of different ways, by making use
of predefined styles and color schemes. Make your journal as unique as you want!
/doc/tour/index.bml.nav.next=Next --&gt;
/doc/tour/index.bml.nav.prev=&lt;-- Prev
Our members are encouraged to add information about themselves into their profiles, so that
we can get an idea of who uses the site and how we can best serve them. However, none of this is required
&mdash; the only information that is required to start using [[sitename]] is a name, an e-mail address, and a password.
Hopefully this tour gave you some helpful starting information about our site and service.
If you need help with anything related to [[sitename]], feel free to contact
<a href="/support/">our support department</a>. If you want to explore further, please
refer to <a href="/site/">the site map</a> to see a list of all the pages on this site.
/doc/tour/index.bml.sitemap.title=Site Map
The support page lists areas that help explain what [[sitename]] is,
frequently asked questions about the site, and other helpful information
about the service, the company, and the community at large.
/doc/tour/index.bml.support.title=Getting Help
/doc/tour/index.bml.title=Tour - [[title]]
Updating a journal is the core of our service. Updating a journal is simple. Simply write
an entry in the supplied box and press the "Update Journal" button. We also offer some
additional features on our update page, like the ability to supply extra information
about your entries, such as your current music or current mood.
/editinfo.bml.advanced.about=Don't worry about this stuff if you don't know what it is.
/editinfo.bml.advanced.title=Advanced Options
You should keep this option enabled. This lets other people be able to contact
you by showing your email address, ICQ number, and screenname
all on your [[sitename]].
/editinfo.bml.allowshowcontact.email=If visible, email address to be displayed:
/editinfo.bml.allowshowcontact.email.actual_only=Actual address only
/editinfo.bml.allowshowcontact.email.both=Both (actual + [[domain]])
/editinfo.bml.allowshowcontact.email.lj_only=Site address only
/editinfo.bml.allowshowcontact.email.neither=Neither. Don't show any email address.
/editinfo.bml.allowshowcontact.email.no_show=Don't show email address
/editinfo.bml.allowshowcontact.email.show=Show email address
With the option above, you may also choose to hide your email address
(while still showing other contact information), only show your site email address,
only show your real address, or show them both.
With the option above, you may also choose to hide your email address
(while still showing other contact information).
/editinfo.bml.allowshowcontact.title=Show your contact information on your Journal?
/editinfo.bml.allowshowinfo.about=Turn this on if you want your city/state/country and birthday to be visible to other users.
/editinfo.bml.allowshowinfo.title=Show location &amp; birthday?
/editinfo.bml.bday.year.opt=year is optional
/editinfo.bml.bdayreminders.about=If you want to get email reminding you of birthdays for your friends on [[sitename]], click this box.
/editinfo.bml.bdayreminders.header=Send me birthday reminders (currently disabled)
/editinfo.bml.bio.about=Here you can enter a little mini-biography about yourself. This will show up on your User Info page.
/editinfo.bml.bio.header=About You
If you check this option, robots will be told to go away.
Not all robots respect the rules.
/editinfo.bml.blockrobots.header=Block Robots/Spiders from indexing your journal
/editinfo.bml.chat.aolim.title=AOL IM
/editinfo.bml.chat.icquin.title=ICQ UIN
/editinfo.bml.chat.msnusername.title=MSN Username
/editinfo.bml.chat.yahooid.title=Yahoo! ID
/editinfo.bml.country.choose=Pick a country
/editinfo.bml.enableboards.about=Check this if you want people to be able to reply to journal entries you post.
/editinfo.bml.enableboards.header=Enable message boards
/editinfo.bml.encoding.about=Don't worry about this stuff. In general, only international users that write in several different languages will need to change anything here.
/editinfo.bml.encoding.header=Encoding Options
/editinfo.bml.error.day.notinmonth=Invalid day for that month.
/editinfo.bml.error.day.outofrange=Invalid birthday day. Enter a day from 1-31.
You cannot enter an @[[domain]] email address.
Enter your real address in that field.
If you're a paid user, your [[user]]@[[domain]] address will forward to your real address.
To choose which email address (or both) is displayed publicly, see the option below the "Show your Contact Information" option.
/editinfo.bml.error.email.none=You must provide your email address
No spaces are allowed in an email address.
If you're on AOL, remember that your Internet Email address is your screen name with all spaces removed, followed by <b>@aol.com</b>
Sorry, you listed too many interests. The limit is 150, but you've listed [[intcount]].
Any changes you made to your interests were not saved. Go back and cut down your list,
then save again.
/editinfo.bml.error.locale.country_ne_state=You specified United States as your country, but you typed in a non-US state in the "other state" field.
/editinfo.bml.error.locale.invalid_country=Somehow you selected an invalid country.
/editinfo.bml.error.locale.state_ne_country=You specified a non-US country but selected a US state.
Your zip code does not match the state you specified.
Either correct the information, or erase one or both of the state and zip code fields.
You entered a zip code but you did not select United States as your country.
We only collect zip code information about people in the US.
Please go back and remove the zip code or select United States as your country.
/editinfo.bml.error.month.outofrange=Invalid birthday month. Enter a month from 1-12. (Jan-Dec)
/editinfo.bml.error.noname=Your name is a required field. At least provide your first name, or a nickname or handle.
/editinfo.bml.error.tm.require.number=If you're going to use text messaging, you must enter your phone number.
If you're going to use text messaging, you must select your service provider.
If yours is not listed, please contact us with information about how your service's text messaging feature works so we can add support for it.
/editinfo.bml.error.year.notenoughdigits=Invalid birthday year. Enter a 4-digit year.
/editinfo.bml.error.year.outofrange=Invalid birthday year.
/editinfo.bml.finished.about=When done, press the "Save Changes" button below:
/editinfo.bml.finished.save_button=Save Changes
/editinfo.bml.foafurl.about=If you do not want to use the default FOAF page we provide, any URL you enter above will be used as your FOAF resource instead. We will redirect FOAF requests to the specified URL.
/editinfo.bml.foafurl.title=External FOAF URL:
/editinfo.bml.getreplies.about=Check this if you want to get email updates when people reply to your journal entries in the message boards.
/editinfo.bml.getreplies.header=Get message board replies
/editinfo.bml.getselfemails.about=Check this if you wish to get an email every time you post a comment in a journal or community. You will not get email for anonymous comments.
/editinfo.bml.getselfemails.header=Get comments you post emailed to you
/editinfo.bml.hidefriendof.about=If you check this, the list of people that list you as a friend is hidden on your profile page.
/editinfo.bml.hidefriendof.header=Hide "Friend of" list
Just for curiosity's sake, where did you hear about [[sitename]] from?
If it was a specific person, enter their username; if it
was from another source/article/link/website, enter the appropriate information.
Check this if your email program fully supports HTML in your email.
Many clients try to support it but fail horribly.
If you uncheck it, [[sitename]] will only send text emails.
/editinfo.bml.htmlemail.header=Send HTML Emails
/editinfo.bml.imagelinks.about=Placeholders are useful if you are browsing at work or over a slow connection, replacing inline images with links. What size images do you want placeholders to be used for?
/editinfo.bml.imagelinks.header=Use image placeholders on your friends page
/editinfo.bml.imagelinks.size.all=Use placeholders for all images
/editinfo.bml.imagelinks.size.custom=Custom: use placeholders for images larger than [[width]]x[[height]]
/editinfo.bml.imagelinks.size.medium=Use placeholders for large images (over [[width]]x[[height]])
/editinfo.bml.imagelinks.size.small=Use placeholders for medium images (over [[width]]x[[height]])
If you want other people to be able to search the directory and find you by interest,
list below everything you're interested in, separated by commas.
Short single-word phrases are best. <b>Rule of thumb:</b> You should be able to put
the interest in the sentence "I like ________". When referring to nouns, use the
plural form for consistency. "I like DVDs" instead of "I like DVD".
/editinfo.bml.int.ex.bad=<FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B>BAD</B></FONT> Example: <B>I like lots of bands and watching movies and talking to friends and going to clubs.</B> That sort of stuff goes in your bio above.
/editinfo.bml.int.ex.good=<FONT COLOR=#009000><B>GOOD</B></FONT> Example: <B>biking, snow skiing, computers, dvds, mp3s, cheese, women</B>
/editinfo.bml.login.enterinfo=Enter your username and password to modify your personal information.
/editinfo.bml.login.forgot.header=Forget something?
/editinfo.bml.login.forgot.recover=If you forgot your username or password, <a href='lostinfo.bml'>recover it here!</a>.
/editinfo.bml.logip.anon_only=Anonymous posters only
/editinfo.bml.logip.header=Log IP addresses of people replying?
If you have the above option selected and are afraid spam-robots will find your email
address on [[sitename]], select this option. Your email address will be modified
so your email address won't be found by email-collecting robots.
/editinfo.bml.mangleaddress.header=Mangle your displayed email address
/editinfo.bml.mutualfriends.about=This option adds a new list to your profile page: the mutual friends list. People who you list as a friend and who also list you as a friend will be put on this list.
/editinfo.bml.mutualfriends.header=Display mutual friends on profile page
You have just changed the email address for your [[sitename]] account "[[username]]". To validate the change, please go to this address:
[[sitename]] Team
/editinfo.bml.newemail.subject=Email Address Changed
/editinfo.bml.numcomments.about=Check this if you want to append the comment count to URLs to make your browser possibly display the links in a different color.
/editinfo.bml.numcomments.header=Add &amp;nc=xx to comment URLs
If you want to know when we add some cool new feature to LiveJournal, check this box.
We aren't currently using this feature, but we might in the future.
Your email address will not be visible to other users, and you can turn this off at anytime.
/editinfo.bml.opt_in.header=Send me [[sitename]] news.
Fill in some quick information about yourself, for our own curiosity and statistical purposes.
We're not going to do anything evil or annoying with this information, we'd just like to see
who and where our users are. Please, fill it in correctly. If you're concerned,
read our <a href="/legal/privacy.bml">privacy policy</a>.
/editinfo.bml.persinfo.header=Personal Information
/editinfo.bml.screen.header=Which replies do you want screened by default?
/editinfo.bml.screen.nonfriends=By non-friends
/editinfo.bml.screen.nonmembers=By non-members
/editinfo.bml.security.visibility.friends=Friends only
/editinfo.bml.security.visibility.regusers=Registered Users
/editinfo.bml.settings.friendspage.title=Friends Page Title:
/editinfo.bml.settings.friendspage.title.optional=<i>Optionally</i>, enter a title for your friends view pages. (no HTML)
/editinfo.bml.settings.journal.subtitle=Journal Subtitle:
/editinfo.bml.settings.journal.subtitle.optional=<i>Optionally</i>, enter a title and subtitle for your journal. (no HTML).
/editinfo.bml.settings.journal.title=Journal Title:
/editinfo.bml.settings.privacy.about=Select below your personal privacy options and preferences.
/editinfo.bml.settings.privacy.header=Privacy Options
/editinfo.bml.state.other=Or, type other state/province/territory
/editinfo.bml.state.us=US States
/editinfo.bml.stylemine.about=Check this option to view comment pages in your journal style when following links from your friends page.
/editinfo.bml.stylemine.header=View comment pages in your journal style?
/editinfo.bml.success.message=Your information and <a href="/users/[[user]]/">journal</a> settings and <a href="/userinfo.bml?user=[[user]]">profile</a> have been updated.
/editinfo.bml.switch.header=Switch Journal
/editinfo.bml.switch.workwith=Work with journal:
/editinfo.bml.title=Edit Personal Information
/editinfo.bml.tm.details=<a href="/tools/textmessage.bml?mode=details">details</a>
/editinfo.bml.tm.phonenum=Full phone number:
/editinfo.bml.tm.sec.about=Enable text messaging from other users.
/editinfo.bml.tm.sec.title=Security Level:
/editinfo.bml.tm.servprov=Service Provider
/editinfo.bml.tm.title=Text Messaging
By default, [[sitename]] sends all cyrillic e-mail using KOI8 encoding
(this is the standard way, and it works with pretty much all mail
clients). If you wish, you may change the e-mail encoding here, for
instance to CP1251 (Windows) or UTF-8 (Unicode). Do this only if you
are absolutely sure this is what you want.
/editinfo.bml.translatemailto.header=Translate email notifications into:
/editinfo.bml.unbanusers.about=You have the following users banned from posting in your journal. Check the checkbox by their username to remove the ban on them.
/editinfo.bml.unbanusers.header=Unban Users
Below is the miniature picture you have uploaded to represent you
throughout [[sitename]] and in your journal and in your friends' journals:
/editinfo.bml.userpic.edit=To delete this picture, or upload a new one, <a href="/uploadpic.bml" target="_blank">go here</a>.
/editinfo.bml.userpic.header=Your Picture
/editinfo.bml.userpic.none=no image uploaded
/editinfo.bml.weblogscom.about=Select this option if you would like to have Weblogs.com list your journal when you post new public entries.
/editinfo.bml.weblogscom.header=Notify Weblogs.com of updates
/editinfo.bml.webpagename.title=Webpage Name
/editinfo.bml.webpageurl.title=Webpage URL
/editinfo.bml.whoreply.header=Who can reply to your entries?
/editinfo.bml.zip.title=ZIP Code
/editinfo.bml.zip.usonly=5 digit ZIP code; US residents only
/editjournal.bml.certainday=Certain Day:
/editjournal.bml.desc=Please use the form below to find the entry you would like to edit.
/editjournal.bml.in=In community:
/editjournal.bml.recententries=most recent entries
/editjournal.bml.recententry=Most recent entry
/editjournal.bml.success.delete=Journal entry was deleted.
/editjournal.bml.success.deletespam=Additionally, the entry was marked as spam. Thank you for your report.
/editjournal.bml.title=Edit Journal Entries
/editjournal.bml.viewwhat=View What Entries:
Edit the fields of your journal entry you'd like to modify and press the save button at the
bottom of the page. Alternately, you can press the delete button to delete the entry.
/editjournal_do.bml.btn.delete=Delete Entry
/editjournal_do.bml.btn.deletespam=Delete and Mark As Spam
/editjournal_do.bml.btn.edit=Edit Selected Entry
/editjournal_do.bml.btn.preview=Preview Entry
/editjournal_do.bml.btn.save=Save Journal Entry
/editjournal_do.bml.continue.head=Press to continue...
/editjournal_do.bml.continue.text=After you select an item to edit or delete, press the Edit button below.
/editjournal_do.bml.currmood=Current <A HREF="/moodlist.bml">Mood</A>:
/editjournal_do.bml.currmusic=Current Music:
/editjournal_do.bml.delete.confirm=Are you sure you want to delete this entry?
/editjournal_do.bml.deletespam.confirm=Are you sure you want to delete this entry and mark it as spam?
/editjournal_do.bml.edit.text=Edit the fields of your journal entry you'd like to modify and press the save button at the bottom of the page. To delete the entry, just delete all the text and press save... the entry will be deleted.
/editjournal_do.bml.error.getting=There was an error getting the journal entries to edit:
/editjournal_do.bml.error.modify=An error occurred modifying your journal:
/editjournal_do.bml.error.nofind=Could not find selected journal entry.
/editjournal_do.bml.localtime=Local time:
/editjournal_do.bml.noneother=None, or other:
/editjournal_do.bml.opt.backdate=Backdate Entry:
/editjournal_do.bml.opt.backdate.about=won't show on friends view
/editjournal_do.bml.opt.nocomments=Disallow Comments:
/editjournal_do.bml.opt.noemail=Don't email Comments:
/editjournal_do.bml.opt.noformat=Don't auto-format:
/editjournal_do.bml.opt.spellcheck=Spell check entry before saving
/editjournal_do.bml.pickentry.head=Pick an entry to edit
/editjournal_do.bml.pickentry.text=Select which item you want to edit and press the edit button at the bottom of the page.
/editjournal_do.bml.picture=<a href="[[url]]">Picture</a> to use:
/editjournal_do.bml.preview.header=Preview Entry
/editjournal_do.bml.preview.text=This is how the entry will look when posted. Using the form below, you can edit the entry further, or you can submit it as is.
/editjournal_do.bml.save.head=Press to save...
/editjournal_do.bml.save.text=After you're done editing your journal entry, press Save.
/editjournal_do.bml.spellchecked=Your spell-checked post:
/editjournal_do.bml.subject=<B>Subject:</B> <I>(optional, for use on longer entries)</I>
/editjournal_do.bml.success.delete=Journal entry was deleted.
/editjournal_do.bml.success.deletespam=Additionally, the entry was marked as spam. Thank you for your report.
/editjournal_do.bml.timeformat=24 hour time
/editjournal_do.bml.title=Edit Journal Entries
/editpics.bml.btn.save=Save Settings
/editpics.bml.curpics=Current Pictures
/editpics.bml.curpics.desc=Here are the pictures you've uploaded in the past. You can assign keywords to them so you can use them by keyword later, select which one to use as your default, or delete old ones. To upload a new one, use the form at the bottom of the page.
/editpics.bml.error.badurl=The address for the picture to be uploaded does not look correct. It should start with <b>http://</b>
/editpics.bml.error.filetoolarge=Image uploaded is too large. File size cannot exceed [[maxsize]].
/editpics.bml.error.imagetoolarge=The dimensions of your image ([[imagesize]]) exceed maximum size. Your picture can only be 100x100 pixels large. Use a image/photo editing program to reduce the image to thumbnail-size.
/editpics.bml.error.invalidimage=Invalid image file.
/editpics.bml.error.keywords=You used the keyword "[[ekw]]" for multiple pictures. One was randomly chosen, but likely not the one you wanted. You may want to go back and fix that.
/editpics.bml.error.toomanykeywords=The [[?numwords|keyword|keywords]] "[[words]]" [[?numwords|has|have]] not been saved as [[?numwords|its|their]] user picture icon already has [[max]] keywords.
/editpics.bml.error.toomanypics2=You are already at your limit of [[maxpics]] pictures. You cannot upload this picture until you delete one of your existing ones.
/editpics.bml.error.toomanypics3=You are currently at your limit of [[max]] [[?max|picture|pictures]]. You will not be able to upload additional pictures until you delete one or more of your current pictures.
/editpics.bml.error.unsupportedtype=Files of type [[filetype]] are not supported. You can only upload GIF, PNG or JPG files. Nearly all image/photo programs can do this conversion for you.
/editpics.bml.error.urlerror=An error ocurred while trying to fetch your image.
/editpics.bml.fromfile=From <u>F</u>ile:
/editpics.bml.fromfile.key|notes=Enter here a <b>lower-case</b> version of the letter you underlined in ".fromfile". This is the shortcut key for the fromfile option.
/editpics.bml.fromurl=From U<u>R</u>L:
/editpics.bml.fromurl.key|notes=Enter here a <b>lower-case</b> version of the letter you underlined in ".fromurl". This is the shortcut key for the fromurl option.
/editpics.bml.imagesize.by|notes=This character is inserted between two numbers to indicate "by" when specifying image dimensions, for example "100x100".
/editpics.bml.makedefault=Make this your <u>d</u>efault picture
/editpics.bml.makedefault.key|notes=Enter here a <b>lower-case</b> version of the letter you underlined in ".makedefault". This is the shortcut key for the makedefault option.
/editpics.bml.nodefault=No Default Picture
/editpics.bml.noneupload=You have no pictures uploaded. Please upload one using the form below.
/editpics.bml.nopics=No Pictures
/editpics.bml.piclimitstatus=Currently uploaded: [[current]] out of [[max]].
/editpics.bml.restriction.fileformat=File format must be either PNG, GIF or JPG
/editpics.bml.restriction.filesize=File size must be less than 40k
/editpics.bml.restriction.imagesize=Image dimensions must be no larger than 100x100 pixels
/editpics.bml.restriction.keywords=Picture will be unusable if keywords are not supplied
/editpics.bml.restriction.keywords.faq=Picture will be unusable if <a [[aopts]]>keywords</a> are not supplied
/editpics.bml.title=Edit User Pictures
/editpics.bml.uploaddesc=Use the form below to upload a new picture.
/editpics.bml.uploaddesc.fb=Upload a thumbnail of an image hosted on your <a [[aopts]]>[[sitename]]</a> account as a new user picture.
/editpics.bml.uploadheader=Upload a New Picture
/editpics.bml.uploadheader.fb=Upload a New Picture From Fotobilder
/editpics.bml.warning.keywords=One or more of your pictures do not have keywords defined and thus cannot currently be used
/editpics.bml.warning.keywords.faq=One or more of your pictures do not have <a [[aopts]]>keywords</a> defined and thus cannot currently be used
/edittags.bml.button.save=Save changes
/edittags.bml.current=Current tags:
/edittags.bml.disabled=Sorry, the tags system is currently disabled.
/edittags.bml.error.db=Sorry, we encountered a database error. Please try again.
/edittags.bml.intro=Use the form below to edit the tags on this entry.
/edittags.bml.invalid.entry=Specified entry is invalid.
/edittags.bml.invalid.journal=Specified journal is invalid.
/edittags.bml.invalid.link=You have reached this page in an invalid way. Please follow a link from an entry to edit tags.
/edittags.bml.invalid.notauthorized=You do not have access to view that entry.
/edittags.bml.permissions.add.yes=You may add tags from the list above.
/edittags.bml.permissions.control.yes=You may remove tags or create new ones.
/edittags.bml.permissions.none=(You do not have permission to edit tags on this entry.)
/edittags.bml.title=Edit Tags on Entry
/edittags.bml.users=User's tags:
/edittags.bml.view=<a [[aopts]]>View</a> this entry.
/export.bml.description=This feature lets you download your entire journal to a custom format for backup purposes.
/export.bml.format.csv=CSV (Comma Separated Values)
/export.bml.label.field.allowmask=Allow Mask
/export.bml.label.field.currents=Current Mood &amp; Music
/export.bml.label.field.eventtime=Event Time (from user's clock)
/export.bml.label.field.itemid=ID Number
/export.bml.label.field.logtime=Log Time (from system's clock)
/export.bml.label.field.security=Security Level
/export.bml.label.month=Select month:
/export.bml.label.notranslation=Do not translate between encodings
/export.bml.label.what=Export what:
/export.bml.title=Export Journal
/export.bml.what.entries=Journal entries
/export_do.bml.error.encoding=Invalid encoding selected
/friends/add.bml.add.text=User [[ljuser]] was added to your friend list. You can view your friends page <a href="[[url]]">here</a>.
/friends/add.bml.add.title=Friend Added!
/friends/add.bml.btn.add=Add [[user]]
/friends/add.bml.colors.hover=(Hover your mouse over a color to see its name)
/friends/add.bml.colors.text=You may also optionally select the colors that will represent [[user]] in your friends list.
/friends/add.bml.confirm.header=Add <b>[[user]]</b> as a friend?
/friends/add.bml.confirm.syn.header=Add syndicated feed <b>[[user]]</b> as a friend?
/friends/add.bml.confirm.syn.title=Add Syndicated Feed
/friends/add.bml.confirm.text=To add <b>[[user]]</b> to your friends list, click the button below.
/friends/add.bml.confirm.title=Add Friend
/friends/add.bml.error1.header=Log In First
To add a user to your friends list you must first go and <a href="/login.bml?ret=1">log in</a>. If you don't
already have an account you can <a href="/create.bml">create one</a> to track your friend's journals.
/friends/add.bml.error1.title=Add Friend
/friends/add.bml.error2.text=Invalid or missing username given. To add a friend, go to the <a href="/friends/edit.bml">edit friends</a> page.
/friends/add.bml.error3.text=You already have <b>[[user]]</b> listed as a friend. However, you can modify the colors you've chosen to represent him/her.
/friends/add.bml.error3.title=Modify Friend
/friends/add.bml.groups.header=Friends Groups
/friends/add.bml.groups.nogroup=No friend groups setup.
/friends/add.bml.groups.text=What friend groups do you want to put this user in? Friend groups are used for filtering your friends list view and also for group-based viewing security of items.
/friends/add.bml.remove.text=User [[ljuser]] was removed from your friend list. You can view your friends page <a href="[[url]]">here</a>.
/friends/add.bml.remove.title=Friend Removed!
/friends/edit.bml.title=Edit Friends
/friends/editgroups.bml.btn.mv.down=Move down
/friends/editgroups.bml.btn.mv.up=Move up
/friends/editgroups.bml.confirm.delete=Are you sure you wish to delete this custom friends group?
/friends/editgroups.bml.done.btn=Save Changes
/friends/editgroups.bml.done.text=When you are done, press the button below to save your changes.
/friends/editgroups.bml.error.max30|notes=It is important for the JavaScript on this page to work that this string remains a single line without linebreaks. Additionally, it must not contain any quotation marks.
/friends/editgroups.bml.error.max30=You have reached the maximum limit of 30 custom friends groups. If you have deleted one or more groups but have not saved the changes yet, do so now, then come back to this page and reload it. You will then be able to create new custom friends groups.
/friends/editgroups.bml.error.text=The server returned the following error message:
/friends/editgroups.bml.ingroup=In group:
/friends/editgroups.bml.ingroup.not=Not in group:
/friends/editgroups.bml.prompt.newname=Enter the name for the new custom friends group:
/friends/editgroups.bml.prompt.rename=Rename this custom friends group to:
/friends/editgroups.bml.saved.text=Your custom friends groups are now saved.
This page allows you to edit your custom friends groups. Custom friends groups are used
for setting security on items and for filtering your friends page.
This page requires JavaScript to work.
<strong>Security note:</strong> If you wish to delete a group and make a new group,
do <strong>not</strong> do this by renaming one group and then editing it.
If you do this, all your old entries which are accessible to the old group will
then be accessible to the new group.
/friends/editgroups.bml.title=Edit Custom Friends Groups
/friends/editgroups.bml.yourgroups=Your custom friends groups:
/friends/edit_do.bml.addfriends.head=Add Friends
/friends/edit_do.bml.addfriends.text=Enter your friends' [[sitename]] user names in the boxes below, and pick what background and foreground colors you want to associate with them....
/friends/edit_do.bml.bgcolor=Background Color:
/friends/edit_do.bml.btn.save=Save Changes
/friends/edit_do.bml.btn.toggle=Toggle Preview Window
/friends/edit_do.bml.done.text=When done, press the "Save Changes" button below...
/friends/edit_do.bml.error.updating=There was an error updating your friends list:
/friends/edit_do.bml.fellowfriends.head=Fellow Friends
/friends/edit_do.bml.fellowfriends.text=The following people have listed you as a friend. You may want to list them as your friend too. This is provided as a reference, so that you know their [[sitename]] usernames. You are under no obligation to add them to your list.
/friends/edit_do.bml.hover=Hover your mouse over a color to see its name
/friends/edit_do.bml.mrcolor=Mr. Color Viewer
/friends/edit_do.bml.needmore=If you need to add more friends than you have room for on this form, save the changes below, then come back to add more.
/friends/edit_do.bml.nofriends.head=No Friends?
/friends/edit_do.bml.nofriends.text=You do not currently have any friends defined. However, we're sure you have to have a few friends! <tt>:)</tt> Just enter their [[sitename]] names below....
/friends/edit_do.bml.opt.addtolist=Add friend
/friends/edit_do.bml.success.text=Your friends have been updated. You may view your newly updated friends page <a href="[[url]]">here</a>.
/friends/edit_do.bml.textcolor=Text Color:
/friends/edit_do.bml.title=Edit Friends
/friends/edit_do.bml.viewer=Color Viewer
/friends/edit_do.bml.yourfriends.head=Your Friends
/friends/edit_do.bml.yourfriends.text=You have the following friends currently defined:
/friends/filter.bml.editgroups=If you want to edit your friends groups, go to the [[link]] page.
/friends/filter.bml.error.nogroups=You cannot filter your friends list because you must first <a href="/friends/editgroups.bml">setup your friend groups</a>.
/friends/filter.bml.error.nogroups.header=No Groups Defined
/friends/filter.bml.select=Check the group(s) of friends you want to view on your friends list.
/friends/filter.bml.select.header=Select Groups
/friends/filter.bml.title=Friends Filter
Here we have the concept of a "friends list".
By adding other users to your friends list, you can easily keep
track of what is going on in their lives from your friends page.
Friends aren't limited by individuals, you can add communities and
syndicated feeds to your friends list as well.
/friends/index.bml.edit.about=Add, edit, or remove users from your friends list.
/friends/index.bml.editgroups.about=Create, edit, or delete sub groups of your friends.
These friend groups can be used to filter your friends list: you can
pick a specific friend group to view.
/friends/index.bml.filter.about=Filter your friends list according to specific sub groups.
/friends/index.bml.groups=In addition, subgroups of friends can be specified.
/friends/index.bml.security=Your friends list is also used for posts with restricted access.
/friends/index.bml.security.custom=With "Custom" posts, you can specify which friend groups can view your post.
/friends/index.bml.security.only=With "Friends-Only" posts, all of the other users on your friends list can view your post.
/friends/index.bml.title=Friends Tools
/go.bml.defaultbody=No parameters given.
/go.bml.error.noentry.next=There is no entry following this one.
/go.bml.error.noentry.prev=There is no entry preceding this one.
/go.bml.error.noentrytitle=No Entry
/go.bml.error.redirkey=Bogus redir_key.
/go.bml.error.usernotfound=User not found.
/index.bml.about.header=About [[sitename]]
/index.bml.about.joining=Joining the site is free. Users can choose to <a [[aopts1]]>upgrade</a> their accounts for <a [[aopts2]]>extra features</a>.
/index.bml.about.us=LiveJournal is a simple-to-use (but extremely powerful and customizable) personal publishing ("blogging") tool, built on <a [[aopts]]>open source software</a> developed by <a href="http://www.bradfitz.com">Brad Fitzpatrick</a>. By far the largest site using this software is <a href="http://www.livejournal.com">www.livejournal.com</a>. We're running the same software (slightly rewritten) and offering the same service (slightly more censorship-free).
/index.bml.boldcreate=Create your own blog at [[sitename]]!
/index.bml.learnmore.header= Want to learn more?
/index.bml.learnmore.text=Please read our <a [[aopts1]]>feature overview</a>. Convinced? <b><a [[aopts2]]>Create</a></b> your own blog as [[sitename]]!
/index.bml.meta.desc=[[sitename]] is a place where you can share your valuable thoughts with the world (whether it wants it, or not).
/index.bml.meta.keywords=diary, journal, online journal, diaries, writing, online diary, web diary
/index.bml.news.text=The latest <a [[aopts]]>site news</a>:
/index.bml.news.title=Latest News
/index.bml.post=Live Post Stats
/index.bml.post.hour=Per Hour:
/index.bml.post.latest=Latest Posts
/index.bml.post.min=Per Minute:
/interests.bml.add.added.text=The interest has been added to your list.
/interests.bml.add.btn.text=Add [[interest]]
/interests.bml.add.confirm.text=To add <b>[[interest]]</b> as an interest, click the button below.
/interests.bml.add.toomany.text=You already have [[maxinterests]] interests defined.
/interests.bml.addint=If you're also interested in this and would like to be added to this list, <a href="/interests.bml?mode=add&amp;intid=[[qintid]]">click here</A>.
/interests.bml.communities.head=Relevant Communities
/interests.bml.communities.text=The following communities are also interested in <b>"[[interest]]"</b>.
Below are the interests of [[user]]. Check the boxes next to the interests you would like
to add to your own, and uncheck the checkboxes next to the interests you would like to remove
from your own. When you're done, click "Save Changes".
Below are the interests of [[user]]. Check the boxes next to the interests you would like
to add to those of [[target]], and uncheck the checkboxes next to the interests you would
like to remove. When you're done, click "Save Changes".
Uncheck the checkboxes next to the interests you would like to remove.
When you're done, click "Save Changes".
/interests.bml.enmasse.btn=Show list
/interests.bml.enmasse.header=Add/Remove interests
/interests.bml.enmasse.intro=Modify your interests based on those of:
/interests.bml.error.add.mustlogin=You have to be logged in to add an interest this way.
/interests.bml.error.enmasse.mustlogin=You must be <a href='/login.bml?ret=1'>logged in</a> to use this feature.
/interests.bml.error.enmasse.noaccess=You do not appear to have access to the journal [[user]].
/interests.bml.error.findsim_do.intnotfound=Interest wasn't found.
/interests.bml.error.nointerests=The selected user does not exist or has not specified any interests.
/interests.bml.findsim.searchwait=<b>Please note:</b> Search will take several seconds. Be patient.
/interests.bml.findsim_do.account.notallowed=Sorry, your account type doesn't let you use this tool.
/interests.bml.findsim_do.magic=Magic<br />Index
/interests.bml.findsim_do.magic.head=Magic Index?
/interests.bml.findsim_do.magic.text=Each matching user gets computed a magic index, which is a weighting of two factors: the raw number of like interests, and some extra points for sharing uncommon interests.
/interests.bml.findsim_do.nomatch.head=No Matches
/interests.bml.findsim_do.nomatch.text=No users are similar to [[user]].
/interests.bml.findsim_do.notdefined=User [[user]] has no defined interests.
/interests.bml.findsim_do.similar.head=Similar Users
/interests.bml.findsim_do.similar.text=The following are the most related users to [[user]]
/interests.bml.finished.about=When you're done, press the "Save Changes" button below:
/interests.bml.finished.save_button=Save Changes
/interests.bml.interested.in=Find people interested in:
/interests.bml.interests.findsim=Find users with interests similar to those of:
/interests.bml.interests.text=Here are some fun things you can do with interests.
/interests.bml.interests.viewpop=View popular interests
/interests.bml.login.enterinfo=Enter your username and password to modify your interests.
/interests.bml.match=[[count]] match:
/interests.bml.matches=[[count]] matches:
/interests.bml.morestuff=More fun stuff can be found on the <A HREF="/interests.bml">interests page</A>.
/interests.bml.nointerests.text=Don't have any interests listed? Add some by going to the <A HREF="/editinfo.bml">Edit Personal Info & Settings</A> page.
/interests.bml.popular.disabled=Sorry, the popular interests feature has been disabled.
/interests.bml.popular.head=Popular Interests
/interests.bml.popular.text=The following are the most popular interests.
/interests.bml.results.added=The interests you selected were successfully added to your interests list.
/interests.bml.results.both=The interests you selected were successfully added to your interests list, and those you deselected were removed.
/interests.bml.results.deleted=The interests you deselected were successfully removed from your interests list.
The interests you deselected were successfully removed from your interests list.
However, you selected too many interests to add. You may only have [[intcount]]
interests in total. None of the selected interests were added to your interests list.
You may wish to go back and try again, selecting fewer interests to add.
/interests.bml.results.goback=You may wish to go back to [[user]]'s <a href='[[url]]'>profile</a> which you were viewing previously.
/interests.bml.results.message=See your updated <a href='[[url]]'>profile page</a>.
/interests.bml.results.nothing=You did not make any changes.
You selected too many interests to add. You may only have [[intcount]] interests
in total. None of the selected interests were added to your interests list.
You may wish to go back and try again, selecting fewer interests to add.
/interests.bml.toomany.body=There are [[intcount]] people and/or communities listing this as an interest. A list will not be shown.
/interests.bml.toomany.head=Many matches
/interests.bml.users.head=Interested users
/interests.bml.users.text=The following users are also interested in <b>[[interest]]</b>.
/invite/index.bml.genmore=Generate more codes
/invite/index.bml.how_detail=Depending on a <a href="[[factors_url]]">number of factors</a>, existing users are allowed to invite a certain number of other users to join the site. To invite somebody you need to generate an invitation code and then give it to them.
/invite/index.bml.how_header=How does it work?
/invite/index.bml.redeemed=Redeemed by
/invite/index.bml.title=Invite others to [[sitename]]...
/invite/index.bml.why_codes=Unofrtunately, as a means to control growth and prevent server overload, creating an account now requires either buying an account or getting invited by an existing user.
/legal/tos.bml.title=Terms of Service
/login.bml.bindip.label=Bind to IP address:
/login.bml.bindip.no=No (works with all ISPs)
/login.bml.bindip.yes=Yes (safer)
/login.bml.error.mustenterusername=You must <a href='/login.bml'>enter a username</a>.
/login.bml.expire.btn.neverexpire=Change expiration mode to NEVER
/login.bml.expire.btn.sessiononly=Change expiration mode to SESSION ONLY
/login.bml.expire.neverexpire.text=Your login will <b>never expire</b>, so if you're at a public internet terminal, a school, library, or other place where people may be using this computer shortly, make sure you log out when you're done! Or, change your login mode to expire when you close your browser:
/login.bml.expire.sessiononly.text=Your login will expire after you close your browser. If this is your own computer and you're the only user, you may want to set your login expiration such that it never expires:
/login.bml.links.link1=Your <a href='/users/[[username]]/friends'>friends page</a>.
/login.bml.links.link2=Your <a href='/todo/'>to-do list</a>.
/login.bml.links.text=In the future this page will have all sorts of links and relevant information, but for now here are a few places you may want to go:
/login.bml.loggedin.head=Logged in!
/login.bml.loggedin.text=You are now logged in.
/login.bml.login.btn.changeopts=Change Options
/login.bml.login.otheropts=Other Options:
/login.bml.login.text1=To login to [[sitename]], enter your username and password below. <b>New Users:</b> To create an account, <a href='/create.bml'>go here</a>.
/login.bml.login.text2=By default your login will expire when you close your browser, which is best on public computers. However, if you're the only user of your computer and nobody else has access to it, you may choose to remain logged in forever.
/login.bml.login.text3=[[username]], you are now logged in to [[sitename]].
/login.bml.login.whenbrowsercloses=When browser closes
/login.bml.logout.btn=Log Out
/login.bml.whylogin.benefit1=You won't have to enter your username/password anywhere on the site anymore.
/login.bml.whylogin.benefit2=You'll be able to view "protected" journal entries from your friends that give you access to read them.
/login.bml.whylogin.benefit3=A lot of features are only visible or accessible when you're logged in.
/login.bml.whylogin.head=Why Login?
/login.bml.whylogin.text=Here are some of the main benefits of logging in:
/logout.bml.already.head=Already logged out
/logout.bml.already.text=You are already logged out.
/logout.bml.killall.btn=Expire all my sessions
/logout.bml.killall.head=Other sessions
/logout.bml.killall.text=You have other active sessions, from other computers. Do you want to expire all your sessions, and not just this one?
/logout.bml.loggedout.already=Already logged out.
/logout.bml.loggedout.head=Logged out
/logout.bml.loggedout.killedall=All your sessions have been expired.
/logout.bml.loggedout.success=Logged out.
/logout.bml.loggedout.text=You are now logged out.
/logout.bml.logout.btn=Log out
/logout.bml.logout.head=Log out?
/logout.bml.logout.text=Click the button below to log out.
/lostinfo.bml.enter_email=Enter your email address:
/lostinfo.bml.enter_email_optional=Email address: (optional)
/lostinfo.bml.enter_username=Enter your username:
/lostinfo.bml.error.commnopassword=The account you are trying to retrieve the password for is a community. This kind of account does not have a password to retrieve. All community management can be accomplished by logging in as a maintainer of the community.
/lostinfo.bml.error.no_email=You must enter an email address in order to recover your username.
/lostinfo.bml.error.purged=Cannot retrieve password for a deleted account once it has been purged.
/lostinfo.bml.error.renamed=Cannot retrieve password for a renamed account.
/lostinfo.bml.error.syndicated=The account you are trying to retrieve the password for is a syndicated account. This kind of account does not have a password to retrieve.
/lostinfo.bml.error.sysbanned=Your account is not allowed to e-mail passwords.
/lostinfo.bml.error.toofrequent=You are trying to send too many e-mails at once. You may only request three lost information e-mails within twenty-four hours.
/lostinfo.bml.lostpassword.text=If you've lost your password, enter your username and optionally, the email address you'd like the password sent to. Note that the email address must be one you've used at [[sitename]] before and had confirmed at one point. If you leave the email field blank, it'll be mailed to your current address.
/lostinfo.bml.lostpassword.title=Lost your password?
/lostinfo.bml.lostusername.text=If you've lost your username, enter your email address and we'll send you your username.
/lostinfo.bml.lostusername.title=Lost your username?
/lostinfo.bml.title=Lost Information
/lostinfo_do.bml.error.no_usernames_for_email=No username(s) for this email address: [[address]] .
/lostinfo_do.bml.error1.text=You never used that email address with this account or it was never validated.
*** This is an automated email. You do not need to respond to it. ***
This is your requested password reminder from [[sitename]].
Below is your username, password, and email address your journal is
registered under.
Username: [[username]]
Password: [[password]]
EMail Address: [[emailadr]]
/lostinfo_do.bml.lostpasswordmail.part2=To validate your email address, go here:
This information was requested on the website from [[remoteip]].
If you didn't request to have this password emailed to you, don't panic.
After all, you're the one who's seeing this email, and not the other person.
It's possible that the user who made the request is mistaken and
believes that he or she controls this username. It's also possible that
someone made a typo in a username or email address.
/lostinfo_do.bml.lostpasswordmail.part4|notes=Site-local text. For 'en', it's blank.
Useful links:
Your Journal:
Update your journal online:
The site team
/lostinfo_do.bml.lostpasswordmail.subject=Lost Password
/lostinfo_do.bml.password_mailed.text=Success. Your password has been mailed.
/lostinfo_do.bml.password_mailed.title=Password mailed!
/lostinfo_do.bml.title=Lost Information
/lostinfo_do.bml.username_mailed.text=Success. Your username has been mailed.
/lostinfo_do.bml.username_mailed.title=Username mailed!
/manage/index.bml.about=Managing your account is easy. Just choose from the following areas below:
/manage/index.bml.communities=Create and manage your own communities:
/manage/index.bml.communities.create.about=Create a new community
/manage/index.bml.communities.invites.about=View any pending invitations you have received to join communities.
/manage/index.bml.communities.manage.about=Manage your communities' settings and members
/manage/index.bml.customization=Customize the look of your journal pages:
/manage/index.bml.customization.advanced=Advanced Customization
/manage/index.bml.customization.advanced.about=Browse, create, and edit your S2 layouts and styles
/manage/index.bml.customization.customize=Customize Journal
/manage/index.bml.customization.customize.about=Change the appearance of your journal
/manage/index.bml.customization.links=Links List
/manage/index.bml.customization.links.about=Create a list of links to appear in your journal
/manage/index.bml.customization.modify.about=Modify your journal's display properties
/manage/index.bml.customization.moodtheme.editor=Create and edit your custom mood themes
/manage/index.bml.customization.moodtheme.editor.header=Mood Theme Editor
/manage/index.bml.customization.moodtheme.header=Mood Themes
/manage/index.bml.customization.moodtheme.set=Select which mood theme set your journal will use
/manage/index.bml.customization.moodtheme.set.header=Set Your Mood Theme
/manage/index.bml.customization.s1.header=S1 Style System
/manage/index.bml.customization.s2.header=S2 Style System
/manage/index.bml.entries=Work with entries you have made in your account's journal:
/manage/index.bml.entries.edit.about=Edit and delete entries in your journal
/manage/index.bml.entries.header=Journal Entries
/manage/index.bml.entries.memories.about=View and work with your memorable posts
/manage/index.bml.friends=Manage your friends and friend groups, or filter your friends page according to your saved friend groups:
/manage/index.bml.friends.edit.about=Add, edit, or remove users from your friends list
/manage/index.bml.friends.filter=Filter Friends Page
/manage/index.bml.friends.filter.about=Filter your friends list to display a specific friend group
/manage/index.bml.friends.groups.about=Create, edit, or delete subgroups of your friends list
/manage/index.bml.information=Choose what information is displayed on your account:
/manage/index.bml.information.changepass=Change Account Password
/manage/index.bml.information.changepass.about=Change your account's password
/manage/index.bml.information.editinfo.about=Edit your account information and various options
/manage/index.bml.information.emailpost=Email Gateway Settings
/manage/index.bml.information.emailpost.about=Manage your email addresses and PIN for post-by-email support
/manage/index.bml.information.header=Account Information
/manage/index.bml.information.siteopts.about=Select your preferred site layout &amp; language
/manage/index.bml.information.status=Account Status
/manage/index.bml.information.status.about=Set your account's activation status
The following links will navigate you to pages where your login information
is required. To save yourself some time, you can <a href="/login.bml?ret=1">log in</a> beforehand.
/manage/index.bml.title=Manage Accounts
/manage/index.bml.userpictures=Upload and manage user picture icons for your account:
/manage/index.bml.userpictures.edit.about=Upload and Manage Your User Picture Icons
/manage/index.bml.userpictures.header=User Picture Icons
/manage/invites.bml.accepted.body=You have joined the following communities, with the mentioned abilities:
/manage/invites.bml.accepted.title=Invitations Accepted
/manage/invites.bml.back=Manage invites
/manage/invites.bml.fromline=From [[user]] ([[date]])
/manage/invites.bml.label.post=Can Post
/manage/invites.bml.manage=Manage account
/manage/invites.bml.none.body=You have no pending community invitations at this time.
/manage/invites.bml.none.title=Nothing Pending
/manage/invites.bml.rejected.body=You have rejected the following community invitations:
/manage/invites.bml.rejected.title=Invitations Rejected
/manage/invites.bml.submit=Submit Selections
/manage/invites.bml.title=Manage Community Invitations
/manage/invites.bml.undecided.body=You have not decided on actions for the following invitations:
/manage/invites.bml.undecided.title=Invitations Still Pending
/manage/links.bml.about=Use the form below to create a list of links to appear on your journal. Links will only appear if this feature is supported by your S2 style.
/manage/links.bml.about.blank=To create a blank line, enter a "-" for the title.
/manage/links.bml.about.heading=To create a heading, enter a title with no URL.
/manage/links.bml.about.reorder=To reorder links in the list, modify the order number at left (decimal numbers are ok).
/manage/links.bml.error.s2required=The link list is only available on supported S2 styles. To switch to S2, see the [[link]] page.
/manage/links.bml.error.s2required.header=S2 Required
/manage/links.bml.success=Success! Your links have been saved.
/manage/links.bml.title=Links List
/manage/pubkey.bml.error.invalidkey=That doesn't appear to be a valid PGP/GPG key.
/manage/pubkey.bml.error.notconfigured=This site is not configured with PGP support.
/manage/pubkey.bml.header=PGP/GPG key
/manage/pubkey.bml.info=Publishing your public key allows others to view it via your <a [[aoptsinfo]]>userinfo</a> page, and you can post to the email gateway with signed messages. See instructions <a [[aoptshelp]]>here</a>.
/manage/pubkey.bml.pastekey=Paste your key in its entirety (ascii armored format) into the below field:
/manage/pubkey.bml.successtext=Your public key been saved. You may view it <a [[aopts]]>here</a>.
/manage/pubkey.bml.title=Set Public Key
/manage/pubkey.bml.whatis=Don't know what a public key is? Need help exporting your key? Read more about <a [[aoptspgp]]>PGP</a> and <a [[aoptsgpg]]>GPG</a>.
/manage/siteopts.bml.btn.lang=Switch Language
/manage/siteopts.bml.btn.scheme=Switch Scheme
/manage/siteopts.bml.head.lang=Select Your Language
/manage/siteopts.bml.head.scheme=Select Your Preferred Scheme
/manage/siteopts.bml.scheme.preview=[Preview of [[title]] scheme]
/manage/siteopts.bml.title=Browse Preferences
/manage/tags.bml.addnew=Add new tags here!
/manage/tags.bml.button.delete=Remove selected tag(s)
/manage/tags.bml.button.show=Show journal entries
/manage/tags.bml.confirm.delete=Are you sure you want to remove the selected tags? This operation is not reversible.
/manage/tags.bml.hint.create=You can create multiple tags by separating them with commas.
/manage/tags.bml.hint.delete=Remove all references to the selected tag(s).
/manage/tags.bml.hint.entries=Display journal entries marked with the selected tag(s).
/manage/tags.bml.hint.rename=Change a tag name.
/manage/tags.bml.intro=Use this page to review and edit tags you have defined.
/manage/tags.bml.label.tags=Tag properties
/manage/tags.bml.label.yours=Your tags
/manage/tags.bml.none=You haven't created any tags yet.
/manage/tags.bml.sort.a=<strong>sort</strong>: <a [[aopts]]>alphabetically</a> or by usage
/manage/tags.bml.sort.b=<strong>sort</strong>: alphabetically or by <a [[aopts]]>usage</a>
/manage/tags.bml.title=Tags Management
/meme.bml.meme.disabled=The site administrator has disabled this feature.
/modify.bml.title=Modify Journal
/modify_do.bml.availablestyles.disabledstyles=Disabled Styles:
/modify_do.bml.availablestyles.head=Available Styles
/modify_do.bml.availablestyles.userstyles=User Styles:
/modify_do.bml.colortheme.about=Here you can select what color theme will be applied to the layout options you pick above. Or, if you don't like the provided colors, specify your own! If you come up with something really sexy looking, let us know and we'll name a theme after it.
/modify_do.bml.colortheme.area.head=Usage Area
/modify_do.bml.colortheme.color.head2=(#rrggbb or name)
/modify_do.bml.colortheme.customcolors=Custom Colors
/modify_do.bml.colortheme.defaulttheme=Default Theme
/modify_do.bml.colortheme.head=Color Theme
/modify_do.bml.domainalias.about=If you have a domain name already registered (or which you're planning on registering) and would like it to automatically load your Journal, enter it here:
/modify_do.bml.domainalias.domainname=Domain name:
/modify_do.bml.domainalias.example=Example: <i>my-journal.com</i>
/modify_do.bml.domainalias.head=Domain Aliasing
/modify_do.bml.domainalias.helptext=For this to work, you'll need to arrange to have your domain name's DNS point to the same IP address of [[sitename]].
/modify_do.bml.done.btn.savechanges=Save Changes
/modify_do.bml.done.text=When done, press the "Save Changes" button below...
/modify_do.bml.error.dupdomainalias=Another user has already registered themselves as using your selected domain alias.
/modify_do.bml.error.stylenotavailable=One of the styles you've selected is not available. This is either the result of somebody deleting the style, or you trying to pick one that you don't have access to.
/modify_do.bml.friends.about=Here are options that control how your friends page looks.
/modify_do.bml.friends.head=Friends View
/modify_do.bml.friends.opt.usesharedpic.about=This option controls what picture you see on your friends page when a user posts in a shared or community journal. If you check it, then you'll see the community's icon. If you leave it unchecked, then you'll see the person that's actually posting's personal user icon.
/modify_do.bml.friends.opt.usesharedpic.head=Use shared journal pictures instead of poster's user picture
/modify_do.bml.journaloptions.about=From here you can customize the look of your [[sitename]] pages. If you're really curious how everything works, read the <A HREF="/developer/" target='_blank'>developer information</A>. Otherwise, we'll assume you're satisfied with the basic options below:
/modify_do.bml.journaloptions.head=Journal Options
/modify_do.bml.journalstatus.about=If you want to delete or undelete your journal, this is where you do it. Once you delete your journal you have 30 days to undelete it, just in case you change your mind. After 30 days, the journal will be permanently deleted and there will be no way to recover it.
/modify_do.bml.journalstatus.head=Journal Activation Status
/modify_do.bml.moodicons.about=When posting journal entries you can also specify your current mood. Different users have submitted different sets of mood icons that you can use. Or, select "None" if you don't want any pictures beside your moods. (or, you don't even have to use the Current Mood feature at all.)
/modify_do.bml.moodicons.head=Mood Icons
/modify_do.bml.moodicons.opt.forcefriends.about=Force this mood theme for all friends on your friends page
/modify_do.bml.moodicons.personal=Personal Themes:
/modify_do.bml.moodicons.select=Select mood icon set:
/modify_do.bml.overrides.about=You can ignore this section. This is for tweaking very specific things about your page layout. See the <a href="/developer/" target='_blank'>developer section</A> for details. Also note that overrides are for overriding only one or two things about a style. If you'd like to override everything, you need to <a href="/styles/create.bml" target='_blank'>create your own style</A>.
/modify_do.bml.overrides.head=Style Overrides
/modify_do.bml.overrides.note=Please note that not all style variables can be overridden. See the <a href="/developer/varlist.bml">documentation</a> for more details.
/modify_do.bml.overrides.warning=THIS IS <U>NOT</U> WHERE YOU TYPE YOUR JOURNAL!!
/modify_do.bml.pagelayoutstyle.about=Setting this controls how your journal is laid out on the screen.
/modify_do.bml.pagelayoutstyle.head=Page Layout Style
/modify_do.bml.pagelayoutstyle.warning=Your account type only permits you to select between a small number of default styles.
/modify_do.bml.success.text=Your journal settings have been updated. You can view your journal <a href="[[url]]">here</a>.
/multisearch.bml.formaterror=Format Error
/multisearch.bml.noaddress.text=You did not enter an email address.
/multisearch.bml.noaddress.title=No Address
/multisearch.bml.nointerest.text=You did not enter an interest.
/multisearch.bml.nointerest.title=No Interest
/multisearch.bml.nomatch.text=There were no results for the criteria you specified.
/multisearch.bml.nomatch.title=No Match
You can search by region in one of the following formats:
<li>City *</li>
<li>City, State *</li>
<li>State, Country</li>
<li>City, State, Country</li>
<li>* searching for only a city or a city and state defaults to assuming the country is the United States.</li>
<li>Country can either be the country's full name, or its two letter country code</li>
If you want to do a different type of search, check out the <a href='/directorysearch.bml'>directory search</a>.
/multisearch.bml.region.head=Search by Region
/poll/create.bml.button.editpoll=Edit Poll
/poll/create.bml.button.postpoll=Post Poll
/poll/create.bml.button.preview=Preview Poll
/poll/create.bml.button.seecode=See Code
/poll/create.bml.button.startover=Start Over
/poll/create.bml.elements.limitreached=Element limit reached
/poll/create.bml.error.accttype=Your account type does not permit you to use the poll creation feature.
/poll/create.bml.error.allitemsblank=All items cannot be blank.
/poll/create.bml.error.notext=You need text explaining your question
/poll/create.bml.error.parsing=Error parsing poll:
/poll/create.bml.error.pqmaxlengthinvalid=Maxlength attribute on lj-pq text tags must be an integer from [[min]] to [[max]].
/poll/create.bml.error.pqsizeinvalid=Size attribute on lj-pq text tags must be an integer from [[min]] to [[max]].
/poll/create.bml.error.scalemaxlessmin=Scale 'from' value must be less than 'to' value.
/poll/create.bml.error.scalemininvalid=Scale increment must be at least [[min]].
/poll/create.bml.error.scaletoobig=Limit of [[max]] selections (to-from)/by > 20
/poll/create.bml.error.texttoolong=The text of your option is too long and has been truncated.
/poll/create.bml.haserrors=You have one or more errors with your poll. Please scroll down for more details.
/poll/create.bml.insertquestion=Insert question here:
/poll/create.bml.options.limitreached=Option limit reached
/poll/create.bml.pollname=Poll Name: <i>(opt.)</i>
/poll/create.bml.preview.desc=Below is a preview of your poll. This is exactly how it will look once it is placed on your journal. Use the buttons below to go back and make changes or post this poll to your journal.
/poll/create.bml.properties=Poll Properties
/poll/create.bml.questionnum=Question #[[num]]
/poll/create.bml.questions=Poll Questions
/poll/create.bml.title=Poll Creator
/poll/create.bml.type.check=Check Boxes
/poll/create.bml.type.drop=Drop-down box
/poll/create.bml.type.radio=Radio Buttons
/poll/create.bml.type.text=Text entry
/poll/create.bml.whoview=Who can view this poll?
/poll/create.bml.whovote=Who can vote in this poll?
/poll/index.bml.discuss=Discuss Results
/poll/index.bml.error.cantview=Sorry, you're not permitted to see this poll.
/poll/index.bml.error.postdeleted=Owning post deleted, so poll no longer accessible.
/poll/index.bml.filloutpoll=Fill out Poll
/poll/index.bml.gotocreate=This is the address to participate in a poll. You've stumbled onto an address which does nothing right now. If you'd like, you can <a href='create.bml'>create a new poll</a>.
/poll/index.bml.pollnotfound=Poll not found.
/poll/index.bml.submitted.text=Your poll answers have been submitted.
/poll/index.bml.viewresults=View Poll Results
/pubkey.bml.error.notconfigured=This site is not configured with PGP support.
/pubkey.bml.error.nousername=No username specified.
/pubkey.bml.info.desc=Don't know what a public key is? Read more about <a [[aoptspgp]]>PGP</a> and <a [[aoptsgpg]]>GPG</a>.
/pubkey.bml.info.upload=Want to upload your key? Click <a [[aopts]]>here</a>.
/pubkey.bml.label=Public key for [[user]]:
/pubkey.bml.nokey=[[user]] has not uploaded a public key yet.
/pubkey.bml.title=View Public Key
/register.bml.ask.body=Click the button below to have <?sitename?> send a validation email to <b>[[email]]</b>.
/register.bml.ask.header=Validate Email
/register.bml.asterisk.comment=(Please note that accounts marked with an * have not yet been validated)
/register.bml.asterisk.name=* [[journal]]
/register.bml.email.body|notes=This string is used to create an option in the "Work as user" drop down list to allow a user to view all of their journals. The * signifies that the acount, specified by [[journal]], is not validated yet.
This is the validation email as you have requested.
To complete validating your account, please visit this URL:
You may have to copy and paste this link into your browser's window.
/register.bml.email.subject=Validate Email
/register.bml.error.emailchanged=This verification link is out of date. Please <a [[aopts]]>request a new verification email</a>.
/register.bml.error.invalidcode=Invalid validation code.
/register.bml.error.useralreadyvalidated=The email address for [[user]] has already been validated.
/register.bml.error.usernotfound=User not found.
/register.bml.new.bodyuser=Thanks! The email address for [[user]] has now been verified. From here, you may be interested in doing the following things:
/register.bml.new.editinfo=<a href="/editinfo.bml">Edit Information</a> -- Fill out your user profile and set various settings.
/register.bml.new.login=<a href="/login.bml">Login</a> -- So you don't have to enter your username and password everywhere.
/register.bml.new.modify=<a href="/modify.bml">Modify Journal</a> -- Modify the look of your journal.
/register.bml.new.update=<a href="/update.bml">Update Journal</a> -- Write in your journal.
/register.bml.sent.body=A validation email has been sent to <b>[[email]]</b>. In order to complete validation, you need to click the link in that email.
/register.bml.title=Validate Email
/register.bml.trans.body=Your new email address has been validated.
/styles/create.bml.choosebase=Choose base style to start with and edit:
/styles/create.bml.createstyle.head=Create a Style
/styles/create.bml.createstyle.text=From here you can create a new personal-style, useful if you're going to either embed your journal in your homepage or you want to make a public style that everybody can use and you need to work on it here first, rather than in your overrides section.
/styles/create.bml.enterstyleid=Or, enter a non-system public Style ID#:
/styles/create.bml.noneorother=(None, or other below:)
/styles/create.bml.selecttype.head=Select Style Type
/styles/create.bml.selecttype.text=A style only affects one view type. If you want to create a matching set of styles for your journal, you have to create your style for each view type.
/styles/create.bml.submit=Create Style
/styles/create.bml.title=Create Style
/styles/create_do.bml.editstyle=Edit Style
/styles/create_do.bml.error.accounttype=Your account type doesn't permit you to make styles.
/styles/create_do.bml.error.invalidview=You did not select a valid style type.
/styles/create_do.bml.error.styleexists=You already have a style of this type named <b>[[des]]</b>. If you really want to create a new style of type <b>[[view]]</b>, then go modify your old [[view]] style, change its name, and then come back here to create a new style of this type.
/styles/create_do.bml.error.stylenotfound=The style you're trying to make a new style from ([[baseid]]) does not seem to exist.
/styles/create_do.bml.error.stylenotpublic=The style you're trying to make a new style from ([[baseid]]) is not public, so you cannot copy it.
/styles/create_do.bml.success.text=Your style has been created and has been temporarily named <b>[[des]]</b>. You can begin editing it by pressing the button below.
/styles/create_do.bml.title=Create Style
<p>This section of the site allows you to create, edit and delete
customised styles. This allows you to control the look of your account to a great extent,
whether you want to make it look like your website, or just feel like being different.
<p>You can also create <em>embedded</em> styles which, rather than
creating a full page, include only the entries and leave
you to embed your journal in another site.</p>
/styles/index.bml.about.header=Creating and Using Custom Styles
/styles/index.bml.nav.browse=Style Browser
/styles/index.bml.nav.browse.about=The style browser lets you browse through public styles created by other users.
/styles/index.bml.nav.create=Create a new style
/styles/index.bml.nav.create.about=Create a new style from scratch, or base your style on an existing public style.
/styles/index.bml.nav.edit=Edit or Delete an existing style
You may only edit styles &ldquo;owned&rdquo; by your account. In order to customize
a system style, you must first create a new style based on that system style.
/styles/index.bml.nav.modify=Modify your account
/styles/index.bml.nav.modify.about=Change your account's default style, either one of the system provided styles
/styles/index.bml.title=Custom Styles
<dt><span style='font-size: 1.2em'><strong><a href="/tools/memories.bml?user=suggestions">Check prior suggestions</a></strong></span></dt><dd>
First, read over past suggestions to make sure that something similar hasn't already been brought up. If it has, you can read the comments on the entry. Sometimes, things might look as though they've been ignored, but they might be in development. Sometimes, ideas are rejected or delayed due to other concerns.
<dt><span style='font-size: 1.2em'><strong>Couldn't find your idea? <a href="/suggestions/generator.bml">Share it with us!</a></strong></span></dt><dd>
The template must be used for all suggestions. Be sure to fill out all areas of the template, and make sure your suggestion is correct and complete before you post it. Also, the suggestion generator does not add in line breaks, so you can use the &lt;br&gt; tag to produce whitespace. This makes your suggestion easier to read.
<dt><span style='font-size: 1.2em'><strong>Submit It!</strong></span></dt><dd>
You can add the <lj comm=suggestions> community to your Friends list <a href="http://www.livejournal.com/friends/add.bml?user=suggestions">here</a>. Once a suggestion is posted, people will discuss it. If we think it's a good idea, it will be added to the list of developer projects, and will be worked on as time permits. Not all suggestions can be implemented immediately, so please be patient with the process.
/suggestions/index.bml.howto.title=How do I make a suggestion?
There are a few things to keep in mind:
<li>Many suggestions have already been proposed and discussed, but simply not implemented yet. Be sure that you're not submitting a duplicate.</li>
<li>Flaming will not be tolerated. Everyone has different ideas about how LiveJournal should work; remember that promoting your opinion is all right, but flaming someone else's opinion is not.</li>
<li>Be as thorough as possible with your suggestion. A suggestion that contains detailed implementation notes is more likely to be accepted than one that doesn't. You don't need to know how to program; just try to think about what else your idea would affect, and bring up any problems you can see with it.</li>
<li>Be sure to read the <a href="/support/faq.bml">FAQs</a> first, to see if your idea already exists, or if an existing aspect of the site can be used to do what you want.</li>
<li>If you want to ask a question about how the software works, aren't certain if something exists or not, or are having a problem, don't submit a suggestion. Ask <a href="/support/">Support</a> instead.</li>
/suggestions/index.bml.title=Suggestion Area
/suggestions/index.bml.welcome.text=In many respects, we're starting from scratch, so, user suggestions are important for us. If you have something that you think would be a useful idea, you can follow these procedures to bring it to the attention of the people who run the site.
/support/append_request.bml.back.requests=Back to the <a href="help.bml">list of open requests</a>.
/support/append_request.bml.back.support=Back to the <a href="/support/">support area</a>.
/support/append_request.bml.bounce.noemail=No email address specified for bounce.
/support/append_request.bml.bounce.notauth=You are not authorized to bounce this request.
/support/append_request.bml.bounce.toomany=You can only send to up to 5 email addresses. You have specified more than 5.
/support/append_request.bml.bounced.success=<?h1 Bounced h1?><?p The selected support request has been bounced to [[addresslist]] and closed. p?>
/support/append_request.bml.closed.text=This support request has since been closed.
/support/append_request.bml.internal.approve=To approve an answer, you must select "Internal Comment / Action" and optionally explain why you're approving it.
/support/append_request.bml.internal.changecat=To change a request's category, you must select "Internal Comment / Action" and optionally explain why you're changing it.
/support/append_request.bml.internal.changesum=To change the summary of a request, you must select "Internal Comment / Action" and enter in the new summary.
/support/append_request.bml.internal.touch=To touch a request, you must select "Internal Comment / Action" and explain why you're touching it.
/support/append_request.bml.invalid.blank=Your message was blank. Please type at least something in the message field.
/support/append_request.bml.invalid.noanswer=Invalid screened response to approve.
/support/append_request.bml.invalid.nocat=That category doesn't seem to exist.
/support/append_request.bml.invalid.noid=This action requires a support request ID.
/support/append_request.bml.invalid.nosummary=You must enter a request summary.
/support/append_request.bml.invalid.type=Invalid Reply Type.
/support/append_request.bml.logged.text=Your action/comment/response has been recorded. Thanks.
/support/append_request.bml.login.required=You must <a href="/login.bml">login</a> to help people out.
<li>Go back to <a href='[[back]]'>Request #[[number]]</a></li>
<li>Go back to the <a href='[[open]]'>open support requests</a></li>
<li>Go back to the <a href='[[opencat]]'>open support requests in the the same category</a></li>
<li>Go to <a href='[[prevopen]]'>previous</a> /
<a href='[[nextopen]]'>next</a> open request</li>
<li>Go to <a href='[[cprevopen]]'>previous</a> /
<a href='[[cnextopen]]'>next</a> open request in the same category</li>
/support/append_request.bml.title=Append Comment/Response
/support/append_request.bml.unknown.request=Unknown support request.
/support/encodings.bml.edit.header=I cannot edit my entries in the web interface!
<?p <b>Short answer:</b> <i>(applicable if you write your journal in English)</i>: Go to your
<a href="/editinfo.bml">personal settings page</a>. Find an option
neat the bottom of the page that is called <b>Auto-convert older entries from:</b>. Choose
"Western European (Windows)" from the pull-down menu and save your settings. Your entries should
now be editable. p?>
<?p <b>Long answer</b>: In order to allow you to edit a non-Unicode entry, LiveJournal code needs to
know which encoding that entry has been posted in. For users of English and other West European
languages, this will normally be "Western European (Windows)", although if that doesn't work well
for quote characters and other similar meta-characters, try "Western European (ISO)". Users
writing in other languages should select their encoding; if it isn't in the supplied list,
contact <a href="/support/">Support</a> and explain the problem. p?>
<?p Note that "non-Unicode entry" may mean either a journal entry posted before LiveJournal underwent
the conversion to Unicode, or a new journal entry posted recently with a client program that
is not Unicode-compatible. p?>
/support/encodings.bml.editcl.header=I cannot edit my entries in the client program!
<?p If there is a newer version of your client program that supports Unicode,
upgrade. If not, you will be able to edit entries which contain ASCII symbols only (basically
the Latin alphabet and the usual punctuation signs). For entries any fancy symbols or other
languages you will have to resort to editing via the web interface, which works fine in any case. p?>
/support/encodings.bml.groups.header=I cannot edit my friend lists with my client program!
<?p This is probably due to you having friend groups with names that aren't exclusively ASCII (for
example, written in non-Latin languages or containing accent symbols). In order to successfully
work with such group names, you have to use a Unicode-supporting client. Alternatively, you
can rename your groups to ASCII-only names on the
<a href="/friends/editgroups.bml">group editing page</a> and then use your client program. p?>
/support/encodings.bml.overview.header=What is this all about?
<?p LiveJournal uses Unicode to store and display everything:
text of journal entries, comments, names and personal information... everything.
Unicode is a very powerful standard for working with text.
For example, it allows users to store and input information in many languages at once.
It supports the infrastructure of translating and maintaining the user interface in
languages other than English. p?>
<?p Journal entries and comments which had been stored before LiveJournal switched
to Unicode need to be converted to Unicode on-the-fly in order for the user to be able
to view or edit them. This page explains how to deal with some of the common problems in
that area. p?>
/support/encodings.bml.still.header=Still stumped?
/support/encodings.bml.still.text=<?p You can try asking your question in the <a href="/support/">Support Area</a>. p?>
/support/faqbrowse.bml.backfaq=Back to <a href="faq.bml">the FAQ</a>.
/support/faqbrowse.bml.backfaqcat=Back to <a href="faqbrowse.bml?faqcat=[[faqcat]]">the parent FAQ category</a>.
/support/faqbrowse.bml.backsupport=Back to <a href="./">the support area</a>.
/support/faqbrowse.bml.edit.faq=Edit this FAQ
/support/faqbrowse.bml.error.nofaq=The specified FAQ does not exist.
/support/faqbrowse.bml.lastupdated=Last Updated:
/support/faqbrowse.bml.title_cat=FAQ - [[catname]]
/support/faqbrowse.bml.title_num=FAQ Question #[[num]]
/support/help.bml.interim=The support queue is intended for use by people with support privileges.
/support/see_overrides.bml.error.noprivs=Only users with the supportviewinternal or supporthelp privilege can view another user's overrides.
/support/see_overrides.bml.error.nos1=This user is not using S1.
/support/see_overrides.bml.header=Overrides for <?ljuser [[user]] ljuser?>:
/support/see_overrides.bml.nooverrides=No overrides found for <?ljuser [[user]] ljuser?>.
/support/see_overrides.bml.title=User Overrides
/syn/index.bml.add=Add Feed
/syn/index.bml.add.byurl.text=Add a feed to your friends list by entering the feed URL below.
/syn/index.bml.add.byurl.title=Add Feed by URL
/syn/index.bml.add.pop.text=The following are some popular feeds you're not currently watching:
/syn/index.bml.add.pop.title=Add Popular Feed
/syn/index.bml.add.selected=Add Selected
/syn/index.bml.create=Create Feed
/syn/index.bml.create.name=The URL you have entered is not currently being syndicated on this site. Please enter an account name to use to syndicate this feed.
/syn/index.bml.error.nocreate=The URL you have entered is not currently being syndicated on this site. Your account type does not have the ability to create new syndicated feeds.
/syn/index.bml.error.unknown=Unknown Error
/syn/index.bml.feed.url=Feed URL:
/syn/index.bml.invalid.accountname=Invalid account name.
/syn/index.bml.invalid.cantadd=You can't add RSS feeds from this site.
/syn/index.bml.invalid.http.text=There was an error retrieving this URL. The server may be down or the content unavailable at this time. Please verify the URL you have provided and try again.
/syn/index.bml.invalid.http.title=Error retrieving content
/syn/index.bml.invalid.inuse.text=That account name is already in use.
/syn/index.bml.invalid.inuse.title=Username in use
/syn/index.bml.invalid.needname.text=To add a syndicated account that doesn't exist, go back and give it an account name.
/syn/index.bml.invalid.needname.title=Need an account name
/syn/index.bml.invalid.needurl=You must enter either a syndicated account's username or URL to add a new feed.
/syn/index.bml.invalid.notexist=No syndicated account exists with that username.
/syn/index.bml.invalid.notrss.text=The URL provided does not appear to contain XML formatted data.
/syn/index.bml.invalid.notrss.title=Data not XML formatted
/syn/index.bml.invalid.port=Non-standard port number not allowed
/syn/index.bml.invalid.reserved=This account name is reserved. Please choose a different account name.
/syn/index.bml.invalid.submission=Invalid form submission
/syn/index.bml.invalid.url=The URL you have typed is invalid. Please make sure you have typed the URL correctly and try again.
/syn/index.bml.loginrequired.text=To manage your syndicated accounts, first <a href="/login.bml?ret=1">login</a>.
/syn/index.bml.loginrequired.title=Login Required
/syn/index.bml.promo.text=After you've created a syndicated account, share it with others! The more people there are watching a syndicated account, the more points are freed up to read and create syndicated accounts. Please don't create syndicated accounts unless you are sure they will have many readers. It's prohibited to make a syndication for your own blog. Ask someone else, if you need.
/syn/index.bml.remove=Remove Selected
/syn/index.bml.user.nomatch=User posting doesn't match user that filled out the form.
/syn/index.bml.using.text=Here you can add syndicated feeds (RSS) from other sites to your friends list, removing the need to check a dozen sites every day.
/syn/index.bml.using.title=Using [[sitename]] for syndication
/syn/list.bml.error.nofeeds=<b>Error:</b> No syndicated feeds have been updated in the past 24 hours.
/syn/list.bml.feeddesc=Feed Description
/syn/list.bml.feedurl=Feed URL
/syn/list.bml.numreaders=Number of readers
/syn/list.bml.title=Syndicated Feeds
/syn/list.bml.xml_icon.alt=[View Raw Feed]
/talkmulti.bml.deleted.body=The comments have been deleted. You can view the rest of the thread <a href="[[link]]">here</a>.
/talkmulti.bml.deleted.title=Comments deleted
/talkmulti.bml.error.comms_deleted=One of the comments has been deleted since you selected it. For security reasons, please go back and try again.
/talkmulti.bml.error.inconsistent_data=The supplied data is inconsistent.
/talkmulti.bml.error.invalid=Invalid parameters specified.
You have not selected one of the actions. Please go back and choose
if you would like to screen, unscreen, or delete the comments.
/talkmulti.bml.error.login=You are not logged in.
/talkmulti.bml.error.none_selected=You have not selected any comments.
/talkmulti.bml.error.privs.delete=You do not have permission to delete these comments.
/talkmulti.bml.error.privs.screen=You do not have permission to screen these comments.
/talkmulti.bml.error.privs.unscreen=You do not have permission to unscreen these comments.
/talkmulti.bml.screened.body=The comments have been screened. You can view them <a href="[[link]]">here</a>.
/talkmulti.bml.screened.title=Comments screened
/talkmulti.bml.title.delete=Delete Multiple Comments
/talkmulti.bml.title.screen=Screen Multiple Comments
/talkmulti.bml.title.unscreen=Unscreen Multiple Comments
/talkmulti.bml.unscreened.body=The comments have been unscreened. You can view them <a href="[[link]]">here</a>.
/talkmulti.bml.unscreened.title=Comments unscreened
/talkpost.bml.allowedhtml=Allowed HTML
/talkpost.bml.error.cannotreplynopost=You cannot reply to a non-existent post
/talkpost.bml.error.nocommentsjournal=User has disabled comments in their journal.
/talkpost.bml.error.nocommentspost=User has disabled comments for this particular post.
/talkpost.bml.error.noreplypost=Replyto post not found (deleted?)
/talkpost.bml.error.noreply_deleted=This comment had been deleted. You cannot reply to it.
/talkpost.bml.error.noreply_frozen=This comment is frozen and cannot be replied to.
/talkpost.bml.error.noreply_screened=This comment is screened and you have no permissions to see it or reply to it.
/talkpost.bml.label.picturetouse2=<a [[aopts]]>Picture</a> to use:
/talkpost.bml.loganonip=<b>Notice!</b> This user has turned on the option that logs IP addresses of anonymous posters.
/talkpost.bml.logyourip=<b>Notice!</b> This user has turned on the option that logs your IP address when posting.
/talkpost.bml.noaccount=Don't have an account? <a [[aopts]]>Create one now</a>.
/talkpost.bml.nosubjecthtml=No HTML allowed in subject
/talkpost.bml.opt.bannedfrom= - you have been banned from commenting in this journal.
/talkpost.bml.opt.friendsonly=- this user has disabled anonymous and non-friend posting. You may post here if [[username]] lists you as a friend.
/talkpost.bml.opt.ljuser=[[sitename]] user:
/talkpost.bml.opt.ljuser2=[[sitename]] user
/talkpost.bml.opt.loggedin=<b>Logged in user:</b> [[username]]
/talkpost.bml.opt.noanonpost=- this user has disabled anonymous posting.
/talkpost.bml.opt.noautoformat=Don't auto-format:
/talkpost.bml.opt.noimage=No Image
/talkpost.bml.opt.spellcheck=Spell check entry before posting
/talkpost.bml.opt.submit=Post Comment
/talkpost.bml.opt.willscreen=(will be screened)
/talkpost.bml.opt.willscreenfriend=(will be screened if not a friend)
/talkpost.bml.paraformat=Paragraphs will be automatically formatted by default.
/talkpost.bml.postresponse=Post a comment in response:
/talkpost.bml.title=Post Comment
You have entered a username, but you have deselected the '[[sitename]] user' option.
Please either clear the user textbox or select the relevant posting mode and try again.
/talkpost.bml.warnscreened=<b>Notice:</b> This comment is screened. Replying to it will automatically un-screen it and make it visible.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.badpassword=Incorrect password given for the username specified. You can recover your password <a href='/lostinfo.bml'>here</a> if you've forgotten it.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.badusername=The [[sitename]] username you specified does not exist. You can recover your username <a href='/lostinfo.bml'>here</a> if you've forgotten it, or you may post as "Anonymous" instead.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.banned=You are not allowed to post in this user's journal.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.blankmessage=Your message was blank. Please type at least something in the message field.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.confused_identity=You entered a username, but selected to post anonymously or as the currently logged in user. Go back and decide which you really want to do.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.deleted=Your journal has been deleted. You can't post messages.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.friendsonly=Only friends of [[user]] may post in this journal.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.lostcookie=Your login cookie seems to have disappeared?
/talkpost_do.bml.error.manybytes=Sorry, but your comment of [[current]] exceeds the maximum byte length of [[limit]]. Please go back, shorten it, and try posting it again.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.manychars=Sorry, but your comment of [[current]] characters exceeds the maximum character length of [[limit]]. Please go back, shorten it, and try posting it again.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.mustlogin=You must be logged in or using a username/password to reply to this protected entry.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.noanon=You can't post anonymously in this person's journal.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.noauth=You are not authorized to reply to this protected entry.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.nocomments=User has disabled commenting on this journal entry.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.noparent=Cannot reply to a non-existent comment.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.notafriend=Sorry, user <b>[[user]]</b> does not list you as a friend, and they've set the "friends only" option for who can reply to their journal.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.nousername=You did not enter your [[sitename]] username. You can choose to post as "Anonymous" if you don't have a [[sitename]] user account.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.noverify=Sorry, you aren't allowed to post comments in other people's journals until your email address has been verified. If you've lost the confirmation email to do this, you can have it resent from the <a href='/lostinfo.bml'>lost information page</a>.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.postshared=You can't post as a shared or community account. Shared accounts represent groups of people, not individual people.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.screened=You have no permission to reply to this screened comment.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.suspended=Your journal has been suspended. You can't post messages.
/talkpost_do.bml.error.testacct=Test accounts can only be used in test account journals.
/talkpost_do.bml.preview=This is how your comment will look when posted. Using the form below, you can edit your comment further, or you can submit it as is.
/talkpost_do.bml.preview.subject=<b>Subject: </b>
/talkpost_do.bml.success.loggedin=You are now logged in.
/talkpost_do.bml.success.message=Your comment has been added. You can view it <a href="[[link]]">here</a>.
/talkpost_do.bml.success.screened.comm=Your comment has been added. According to this community's settings, it was marked as screened, and will be visible only to you and the community maintainers until they choose to unscreen it. You can view your comment <a href="[[link]]">here</a>.
/talkpost_do.bml.success.screened.comm.anon=Your anonymous comment has been added. According to this community's settings, it was marked as screened, and will be visible only to the community maintainers until they choose to unscreen it. You can go back to the comment thread <a href="[[link]]">here</a>.
/talkpost_do.bml.success.screened.user=Your comment has been added. According to this journal's settings, it was marked as screened, and will be visible only to you and the journal's owner until the owner chooses to unscreen it. You can view your comment <a href="[[link]]">here</a>.
/talkpost_do.bml.success.screened.user.anon=Your anonymous comment has been added. According to this journal's settings, it was marked as screened, and will be visible only to the journal's owner until the owner chooses to unscreen it. You can go back to the comment thread <a href="[[link]]">here</a>.
/talkpost_do.bml.success.unscreened=Additionally, the screened comment you were replying to has been unscreened and is now visible.
/talkpost_do.bml.title=Post Comment
/talkpost_do.bml.title.error=Comment Not Posted
/talkpost_do.bml.title.preview=Comment Preview
/talkread.bml.button.more=More Options...
/talkread.bml.button.post=Post Comment
/talkread.bml.confirm.action=Are you sure you wish to delete the selected comments?
/talkread.bml.deletedpost=<b>(Deleted post)</b>
/talkread.bml.deleteduser=<i>(Deleted user: [[username]])</i>
/talkread.bml.fromip=(from [[ip]])
/talkread.bml.noreplies=No replies
/talkread.bml.nosubject=(no subject)
/talkread.bml.posted=Comment Posted Successfully
/talkread.bml.qr.spellcheck=Check spelling and preview
/talkread.bml.replysuspended=<b>(Reply from suspended user)</b>
/talkread.bml.screenedpost=<b>(Screened Post)</b>
/talkread.bml.talkmulti.des=<b>Mass action</b> on selected comments:
/talkread.bml.talkmulti.submit=Perform Action
/talkread.bml.title=Read Comments
/talkscreen.bml.error.login=You must be logged in to work with screened comments.
/talkscreen.bml.error.privs.freeze=You do not have permission to freeze this thread.
/talkscreen.bml.error.privs.screen=You do not have permission to screen this comment.
/talkscreen.bml.error.privs.unfreeze=You do not have permission to unfreeze this thread.
/talkscreen.bml.error.privs.unscreen=You do not have permission to unscreen this comment.
/talkscreen.bml.freeze.doit=Yes, freeze this thread
/talkscreen.bml.freeze.sure.body=Are you sure you want to freeze this thread? No further responses will be allowed to it or any of the comments underneath it.
/talkscreen.bml.freeze.sure.title=Freeze this thread?
/talkscreen.bml.frozen.body=The thread has been frozen.
/talkscreen.bml.link=Go back to <a [[aopts]]>the post</a>.
/talkscreen.bml.screen.doit=Yes, screen this comment
/talkscreen.bml.screen.sure.body=Are you sure you want to screen this comment?
/talkscreen.bml.screen.sure.title=Screen this comment?
/talkscreen.bml.screened.body=The comment has been screened.
/talkscreen.bml.title2=Change Comment Status
/talkscreen.bml.unfreeze.doit=Yes, unfreeze this thread
/talkscreen.bml.unfreeze.sure.body=Are you sure you want to unfreeze this thread?
/talkscreen.bml.unfreeze.sure.title=Unfreeze this thread?
/talkscreen.bml.unfrozen.body=The thread has been unfrozen.
/talkscreen.bml.unscreen.doit=Yes, unscreen this comment
/talkscreen.bml.unscreen.sure.body=Are you sure you want to unscreen this comment?
/talkscreen.bml.unscreen.sure.title=Unscreen this comment?
/talkscreen.bml.unscreened.body=The comment has been unscreened.
/tools/emailmanage.bml.address.current.title=Current Address
The following is a list of email addresses that were used with your account,
and the time they were deactivated as the primary email address. Check the ones
you wish to delete.
/tools/emailmanage.bml.address.old.title=Previous Addresses
/tools/emailmanage.bml.delete_selected=Delete Selected
This page only lets you remove email addresses that were used after the first time
you used the email address your account is currently validated with. In particular,
this means the attacker isn't able to remove your original email address.
This page lets you remove past email addresses that were used with your account.
By removing them, they'll no longer be able to have your password mailed to them.
This is useful if somebody discovered your password and hijacked your journal. Simply
have the new password mailed to your old address, change it back, and remove the
attacker's email address.
/tools/emailmanage.bml.log.deleted=Deleted: [[email]] @ [[time]]
/tools/emailmanage.bml.log.deleted.title=Changes Saved
To use this tool, your current email address [[email]] must be validated.
To do this, visit the <a href='/lostinfo.bml'>lost info</a> page, which will
send you an authorization URL. After visiting it, come back here.
/tools/emailmanage.bml.notvalidated.title=Email not validated
/tools/emailmanage.bml.title=Email Management
<?h1 Add to memories... h1?>
<?p To add the journal entry you were just viewing to your "memories", fill out the form below. p?>
/tools/memadd.bml.body.added.body2=Your list of memorable posts has been updated. You may return to <a [[aopts]]>the entry</a> just added.
Give this journal entry a description that you can remember it by.
To delete this entry from your list of memorable posts, enter a blank description.
/tools/memadd.bml.error.deleted.body=The journal entry previously described as "[[desc]]" has been removed from your list of memorable posts.
/tools/memadd.bml.error.deleted.title=Memory deleted
/tools/memadd.bml.error.entry_deleted=Journal entry no longer exists. Memory deleted.
/tools/memadd.bml.error.fivekeywords=Only 5 keywords/categories are allowed per memorable post.
/tools/memadd.bml.error.invalid_security=Invalid or missing security option.
/tools/memadd.bml.error.login=You must be <a href="/login.bml?ret=1">logged in</a> to use this feature. Go login and you'll be brought back here.
/tools/memadd.bml.error.maxsize=This keyword exceeds the maximum allowed size: "[[keyword]]"
To add a journal entry to your list of memories, you need to provide a description.
To delete a memory, you can edit it and remove the description, but you didn't already have this entry in your memories.
/tools/memadd.bml.error.nodescription.title=No description
/tools/memadd.bml.keywords.example=Example: <B>Funny, Geeky, Romantic</B>
/tools/memadd.bml.keywords.select=Or, you can also select keywords you've used in the past:
Why is this post memorable?
Enter up to five comma separated keywords or categories so you can find it later. You can also select keywords you've used in the past.
/tools/memadd.bml.login.enterinfo=Enter username and password of the account you wish to save the memory into.
/tools/memadd.bml.login.forgot.header=Forget something?
/tools/memadd.bml.login.forgot.recover=If you forgot your username or password, <a href='lostinfo.bml'>recover it here!</a>.
/tools/memadd.bml.multiple_selections=Hold down 'Control' while clicking keywords to select multiple ones.
/tools/memadd.bml.security.friendsonly=Friends Only
/tools/memadd.bml.title=Add to Memories
/tools/memadd.bml.title.add_memory=Add Memorable Entry
/tools/memadd.bml.title.edit_memory=Edit Memorable Entry
Who can see that you've marked this post as memorable?
Everybody, only people you list as a friend, or just you?
Who can see that you've marked this post as memorable?
Everybody, only members of the community, or only maintainers of the community?
<?h1 [[keyword]] h1?>
<?p The following is a list of "[[keyword]]" journal entries that user <B>[[user]]</B> found memorable. p?>
<?h1 Memorable Posts h1?>
<?p The following is a list of categories that user <b>[[user]]</b> has placed memorable journal entries in. p?>
/tools/memories.bml.body.memorable=The following is a list of uncategorized journal entries that user <B>[[user]]</B> found memorable.
/tools/memories.bml.delete=Delete Selected
/tools/memories.bml.delete.confirm=You are about to delete one or more memories. Are you sure you want to do this?
/tools/memories.bml.delete.deleted.text=The selected memories have been deleted. You may return to your <a [[aopts]]>list of memorable posts</a>.
/tools/memories.bml.delete.deleted.title=Memories Deleted
/tools/memories.bml.delete.error.dberror=There was a database error while deleting your memories. The error is [[error]]. Please try again.
/tools/memories.bml.delete.error.noneselected=You did not select any memories to delete.
This could be because: <ol>
<li>the user hasn't defined any memorable events,</li>
<li>the user's memorable events are protected and you don't have access to view them, or</li>
<li>the user doesn't have any memories that match your filter criteria.</li></ol>
/tools/memories.bml.error.noentries.title=No memories found.
/tools/memories.bml.filter.all=All memories
/tools/memories.bml.filter.other=Only other entries
/tools/memories.bml.filter.own=Only '[[user]]' entries
/tools/memories.bml.form.filter=Filter entries by:
/tools/memories.bml.form.sort=Sort entries by:
/tools/memories.bml.login=In order to view your own memories, please <a [[aopts]]>log in</a>.
/tools/memories.bml.plur_entry=[[num]] [[?num|entry|entries]]
/tools/memories.bml.sort.orderadded=Order Added
/tools/memories.bml.title.keyword=Memorable [[keyword]] Posts
/tools/memories.bml.title.memorable=Memorable Posts
/tools/recent_comments.bml.maxnotshown=Your account is only permitted to see the latest [[current]] entries, not the full limit of [[max]].
/update.bml.altpost=Journal to post in:
/update.bml.btn.update=Update Journal
/update.bml.currmood=Current <a href="/moodlist.bml">Mood</a>:
/update.bml.currmusic=Current Music:
/update.bml.defaultjournal=([[user]]) -- default
/update.bml.error.cantpost=Sorry, you cannot post at this time.
/update.bml.error.disabled=Your account type does not permit posting.
/update.bml.error.disabled.title=Posting access disabled
/update.bml.error.login=Error logging on:
/update.bml.error.nopass=Enter Password
/update.bml.error.update=Error updating journal:
/update.bml.full=Full Update Page
/update.bml.htmlokay.norich=(HTML okay; by default, newlines will be auto-formatted to <tt>&lt;br&gt;</tt>)
/update.bml.htmlokay.rich=(HTML okay; by default, newlines will be auto-formatted to <tt>&lt;br&gt;</tt> - or, use the <a [[opts]]>rich text</a> mode.)
/update.bml.htmlokay.rte_nosupport=(Sorry, your browser does not currently support the rich text environment.)
/update.bml.localtime=Local time:
/update.bml.loggedinas=You are currently logged in as <b>[[user]]</b>.<br />To post as another user, <a href="update.bml[[altget]]">click here</a>.
/update.bml.loggingin=Logging in to server...
/update.bml.noneother=None, or other:
/update.bml.note=<b>Note:</b> The time/date above is from our server. Correct them for your timezone before posting.
/update.bml.opt.backdate=Backdate Entry:
/update.bml.opt.backdate.about=won't show on friends view
/update.bml.opt.nocomments=Disallow Comments:
/update.bml.opt.noemail=Don't email Comments:
/update.bml.opt.noformat=Don't auto-format:
/update.bml.opt.spellcheck=Spell check entry before posting
/update.bml.options=Optional Settings
/update.bml.picture=<a href="[[url]]">Picture</a> to use:
/update.bml.preview.text=This is how the entry will look when posted. Using the form below, you can edit the entry further, or you can submit it as is.
/update.bml.rowarn=<b>Warning:</b> Your account is currently in [[a_open]]read-only mode[[a_close]]. Due to this maintenance you may be unable to post to your journal at this time.
/update.bml.security.head=Security Level:
/update.bml.servermsg=Also, the server has a message for you:
/update.bml.simple=You're looking at the simple page. For more options, <a href="[[url]]">click here</a>.
/update.bml.spellchecked=Your spell-checked post:
/update.bml.subject=<b>Subject:</b> <i>(optional, for use on longer entries)</i>
/update.bml.success.links=Now that you've posted, you can:
/update.bml.success.links.edit=Edit the entry
/update.bml.success.links.memories=Add the entry to your memories
/update.bml.success.links.tags=Edit this entry's tags
/update.bml.success.links.view=View the entry
/update.bml.timeformat=24 hour time
/update.bml.title=Update Journal
/update.bml.title.readonly=Read-only mode
/update.bml.update.alternate=If you don't want to <a href="/download/">download a client</a> for your computer, or if one doesn't exist for your computer, you may use this page to update your journal. This is also useful if you're on vacation or away from your primary computer.
/update.bml.update.head=Update your Journal...
/update.bml.update.success=Update successful. You may view your updated journal <a href="[[uri]]">here</a>.
/update.bml.updating=Updating journal...
/uploadpic.bml.error.unsupportedtype=Files of type [[filetype]] are not supported. You can only upload GIF, PNG or JPG files. Nearly all image/photo programs can do this conversion for you.
/userinfo.bml.body.leave= You may <a href="/community/leave.bml?comm=[[commname]]">leave the community</a> at any time.
/userinfo.bml.comminfo.body=Below is information about the "[[commname]]" community on [[sitename]].
/userinfo.bml.comminfo.name=Community Information
/userinfo.bml.error.malfname=Malformed username.
/userinfo.bml.error.notloggedin=If you wish to view your own user profile, you need to <a href='/login.bml?ret=1'>login</a>.
/userinfo.bml.fbpictures.lessthan=less than [[count]] public
/userinfo.bml.fbpictures.over=over [[count]] public
/userinfo.bml.friendof.comm=Watched by:
/userinfo.bml.friendof.syndreadcount=Number of Readers
/userinfo.bml.friendof.user=Friend of:
/userinfo.bml.label.addbuddy=Add Buddy
/userinfo.bml.label.adduser=Add User
/userinfo.bml.label.alsofriendof=Also Friend of:
/userinfo.bml.label.aolim=AOL IM:
/userinfo.bml.label.clientsused=<a href="[[siteroot]]/download/">Clients</a> used:
/userinfo.bml.label.composted=<b>Posted:</b> [[num]] -
/userinfo.bml.label.comreceived=<b>Received:</b> [[num]]
/userinfo.bml.label.datecreated=Date created:
/userinfo.bml.label.dateupdated=Date updated:
/userinfo.bml.label.icquin=ICQ UIN:
/userinfo.bml.label.interests.modifyyours=Modify yours
/userinfo.bml.label.interests.removesome=Remove some
/userinfo.bml.label.intsnotshown=<b>... [[intnotshown]] interests not shown</b>
/userinfo.bml.label.journalentrs=Journal entries:
/userinfo.bml.label.memberof=Member of
/userinfo.bml.label.moredetails=(more details...)
/userinfo.bml.label.msnusername=MSN Username:
/userinfo.bml.label.mutual=Mutual Friends:
/userinfo.bml.label.nofriends=<i>None listed.</i>
/userinfo.bml.label.post=Post to "[[journal]]"
/userinfo.bml.label.postalt=Update your journal
/userinfo.bml.label.reqfinduser=Only users with 'finduser' priv can lookup users by userid.
/userinfo.bml.label.searchjournal=Search This Journal
/userinfo.bml.label.sendmessage=Send Message
/userinfo.bml.label.shared=Posting Access:
/userinfo.bml.label.supportpoints=Support points
/userinfo.bml.label.syndicatedfrom=Syndicated from:
/userinfo.bml.label.syndicatedstatus=Syndication Status:
/userinfo.bml.label.todo=To-Do List
/userinfo.bml.label.userprofile=User Profile
/userinfo.bml.label.viewfriends=View Friends
/userinfo.bml.label.viewmembers=View Members
/userinfo.bml.label.yahooid=Yahoo! ID:
/userinfo.bml.membership.body=To join this community, <a href="/community/join.bml?comm=[[commname]]">click here</a>.
/userinfo.bml.memories.entries=[[count]] entries
/userinfo.bml.memories.entry=[[count]] entry
/userinfo.bml.monitor.comm=Monitor Community
/userinfo.bml.monitor.user=Add this user to your friends list
/userinfo.bml.nonexist.body=The username <b>[[user]]</b> is not currently registered.
/userinfo.bml.nonexist.name=Unknown user
/userinfo.bml.sendmessage.body=<a href="[[link]]">Send <b>[[user]]</b> a text message</a><br />on his/her cellphone/pager.
/userinfo.bml.syn.lastcheck=Last checked:
/userinfo.bml.syn.nextcheck=Next check:
/userinfo.bml.syn.parseerror=Error Message:
If you would like articles from the syndicated site to appear on your friends page,
you can <a href="[[addtofriends]]">add this journal to your friends list</a>.
/userinfo.bml.syndinfo.name=Syndication Journal
/userinfo.bml.tellafriend=Tell a Friend!
/userinfo.bml.timeupdate.dayago=1 day ago
/userinfo.bml.timeupdate.daysago=[[num]] days ago
/userinfo.bml.timeupdate.hourago=1 hour ago
/userinfo.bml.timeupdate.hoursago=[[num]] hours ago
/userinfo.bml.timeupdate.minuteago=1 minute ago
/userinfo.bml.timeupdate.minutesago=[[num]] minutes ago
/userinfo.bml.timeupdate.secondago=1 second ago
/userinfo.bml.timeupdate.secondsago=[[num]] seconds ago
/userinfo.bml.timeupdate.weekago=1 week ago
/userinfo.bml.timeupdate.weeksago=[[num]] weeks ago
/userinfo.bml.title=User Info
/userinfo.bml.title.communityinfo=Community Info
/userinfo.bml.title.syndicated=Syndicated Account
/userinfo.bml.userinfo.body=Below is user information for [[username]]. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at <a href="[[siteroot]]/editinfo.bml">the Edit Info page</a>.
/userinfo.bml.userinfo.name=User Information
Backlink=[<a href="[[link]]">&lt;&lt;</a> [[text]]]
bml.badcontent.body=One or more errors occurred processing your request. Please go back, correct the necessary information, and submit your data again.
bml.badinput.body=Your browser sent some text which is not recognised as valid text in the UTF-8 encoding, as it should be. This might happen if you forced your browser to view the previous page in some other encoding rather than UTF-8. It may also indicate a bug in the browser. If you cannot get around this error, contact us.
bml.badinput.head=Bad Unicode Input
bml.needlogin.body2=In order to view this page, you must <a href="/login.bml?ret=1">log in</a>.
bml.needlogin.head=Login Required
BML.parse_multipart.parse=Error parsing upload
BML.parse_multipart.toolarge=Upload too large
BML.parse_multipart.unknowntype=Unknown content type
bml.requirepost=As a security precaution, the page you're viewing requires a POST request, not a GET. If you're trying to submit this form legitimately, please contact us.
crumb.about=About [[sitename]]
crumb.abusereport=Report Abuse to the local KGB (you sure you want to do this?)
crumb.acctfeatures=Features By Account Type
crumb.acctstatus=Account Status
crumb.addfriend=Add Friend
crumb.addtodo=Add To-Do Item
crumb.advcustomize=Customize Advanced S2 Settings
crumb.banners=Advertising Banners
crumb.changepass=Change Password
crumb.comminvites=Community Invitations
crumb.commmembers=Community Membership
crumb.commpending=Pending Memberships
crumb.commsearch=Community Search
crumb.commsentinvites=Sent Invitations
crumb.commsettings=Community Settings
crumb.community=Community Center
crumb.contract=Our Social Contract
crumb.createcommunity=Create Community
crumb.createjournal=Create Journal
crumb.createstyle=Create Style
crumb.customize=Customize S2 Settings
crumb.delcomment=Delete Comment
crumb.editentries=Edit Entries
crumb.editentries_do=Edit Entry
crumb.editfriendgrps=Edit Friends Groups
crumb.editfriends=Edit Friends
crumb.editinfo=Personal Info
crumb.editpics=User Pictures
crumb.editstyle=Edit Style
crumb.emailgateway=Email Gateway
crumb.emailmanage=Email Management
crumb.encodings=About Encodings
crumb.export=Export Journal
crumb.faq=Frequently Asked Questions
crumb.feedstersearch=Search a Journal
crumb.filemanager=File Manager
crumb.friends=Friends Tools
crumb.friendsfilter=Friends Filter
crumb.guidingprinciples=Our Guiding Principles
crumb.itsfree=It's Free?
crumb.joincomm=Join Community
crumb.latestposts=Latest Posts
crumb.layerbrowse=Public Layer Browser
crumb.leavecomm=Leave Community
crumb.linkslist=Your Links
crumb.lostinfo=Lost Info
crumb.manage=Manage Accounts
crumb.managecommunity=Community Management
crumb.meme=Meme Tracker
crumb.memories=Memorable Posts
crumb.moderate=Community Moderation
crumb.modify=Journal Settings
crumb.moodlist=Mood Viewer
crumb.paidaccounts=Paid Accounts
crumb.paidacctstatus=Paid Account Status
crumb.phonepostsettings=Phone Post
crumb.popfaq=Popular FAQs
crumb.preview=Layout Previews
crumb.privacy=Privacy Policy
crumb.register=Validate Email
crumb.searchinterests=By Interest
crumb.searchregion=By Region
crumb.securechangepass=Change Password
crumb.securecreatejournal=Create Journal
crumb.securemanage=Manage Accounts
crumb.seeoverrides=View User Overrides
crumb.setpgpkey=Public Key
crumb.singles=LiveJournal Singles
crumb.singlesopts=Modify Availability
crumb.singlessearch=Search for Singles
crumb.sitemap=Site Map
crumb.siteopts=Browse Preferences
crumb.sizechart=Sizing Chart
crumb.suggestions=Suggestions Generator
crumb.supportact=Request Action
crumb.supportappend=Append to Request
crumb.supporthelp=Request Board
crumb.supportnotify=Notification Settings
crumb.supportscores=High Scores
crumb.supportsubmit=Submit Request
crumb.textmessage=Send Text Message
crumb.themes=Theme Previews
crumb.todo=Todo List
crumb.tos=Terms of Service
crumb.transfercomm=Transfer Community
crumb.update=Update Journal
crumb.utf8convert=UTF-8 Converter
crumb.yourlayers=Your Layers
crumb.yourstyles=Your Styles
dystopia.hello_anonymous=Welcome to [[sitename]]!
dystopia.hello_loggedin=Hello, [[username]]!
dystopia.nav.contact=Contact Info
dystopia.nav.createjournal=Create a Journal
dystopia.nav.developer=Developer Area
dystopia.nav.editentries=Edit Entries
dystopia.nav.editfriends=Your Friends
dystopia.nav.editpassword=Your Password
dystopia.nav.editpics=Your Pictures
dystopia.nav.editstyle=Edit Style
dystopia.nav.findcomm=By Community
dystopia.nav.finddir=Directory Search
dystopia.nav.findint=By Interest
dystopia.nav.findregion=By Region
dystopia.nav.journalinfo=User Info
dystopia.nav.legaltos=Terms of Service
dystopia.nav.lostinfo=Lost Password
dystopia.nav.manage=Manage Accounts
dystopia.nav.modifyjournal=Modify Journal
dystopia.nav.paidaccts=Paid Accounts
dystopia.nav.paymentarea=Payment Area
dystopia.nav.personalinfo=Personal Info
dystopia.nav.sitemap=Site Map
dystopia.nav.siteopts=Browse Options
dystopia.nav.support=Have a question?
dystopia.nav.updatejournal=Update Journal
dystopia.nav.width|notes=Some languages require the bar on the left to be wider. Feel free to keep the default value.
dystopia.navhead.findusers=Find Users
dystopia.navhead.help=Help & Support
dystopia.navhead.journal=Your Journal
dystopia.navhead.settings=Your Settings
dystopia.search.icq=ICQ Number
dystopia.searchlj=Search [[sitename]]:
email.newacct.body|notes=This string is no longer in use, please translate email.newacct2.body instead.
Congratulations, you have a new [[sitename]] account!
To complete your journal creation and verify your email address, go
The URL that your new journal is located at is:
and also:
Below is your [[sitename]] username and password:
Username: [[username]]
Password: [[password]]
[[sitename]] Team
email.newacct.subject=Welcome to [[sitename]]
email.newacct2.body|notes=This string replaces email.newacct.body. You may refer to the old string while translating if you wish.
Congratulations, you have a new [[sitename]] account!
To complete your journal creation and verify your email address,
please visit the following location. Verifying your email address
will help to protect your account as well as allow you to utilize
more features within your journal.
You may access your journal at the following two URLs:
Below is your [[sitename]] username that you registered:
Username: [[username]]
If you need to retrieve your password, you can do so at any time by
visiting the following URL:
[[sitename]] Team
entryform.backdated=Entry is Backdated:
entryform.comment.screening=Screen Comments:
entryform.comment.settings=Comment Settings:
entryform.comment.settings.noemail=Don't E-mail
entryform.date.24hournote=(24 hour time)
entryform.delete=Delete Entry
entryform.delete.confirm=Are you sure you want to delete this entry?
entryform.deletespam=Delete and Mark as Spam
entryform.deletespam.confirm=Are you sure you want to delete this entry and mark it as spam?
entryform.format=Text Formatting:
entryform.htmlokay.norich=(HTML okay; by default, newlines will be auto-formatted to <tt>&lt;br&gt;</tt>)
entryform.htmlokay.rich=(HTML okay; by default, newlines will be auto-formatted to <tt>&lt;br&gt;</tt> - or, use the <a [[opts]]>rich text</a> mode.)
entryform.htmlokay.rte_nosupport=rte_nosupport=(Sorry, your browser does not currently support the rich text environment.)
entryform.mood.noneother=None, or other:
entryform.nojstime.note=<b>Note:</b> The time/date above is from our server. Correct them for your timezone before posting.
entryform.postto=Post to:
entryform.save=Save Entry
entryform.spellcheck=Spell check
entryform.spellcheck.noerrors=No spelling errors found
entryform.spellchecked=Spell checked entry:
entryform.update=Update Journal
entryform.userpics=User Picture Icon:
error.badpassword=Incorrect Password.
error.code.comm_not_comm=Account is not a community
error.code.comm_not_found=Community not found
error.code.comm_not_member=User is not a member of this community
error.dberror=A database error occurred:
error.deleted.text=This journal has been deleted. If you are [[user]], you have a period of 30 days from the deletion time to undelete the journal. After 30 days we will delete all content permanently from our servers.
error.deleted.title=Deleted Account
error.expiredchal=Login window expired. Please try again.
error.invalidauth=You could not be authenticated as the specified user.
error.invalidform=Invalid form submission. Please refresh and try again.
error.ipbanned=Your IP address is temporarily banned for exceeding the login failure rate.
error.malformeduser=Malformed username.
error.nobutton=No button pressed?
error.nocommlogin=Logging in as a community has been disabled.
error.nodb=Database temporarily unavailable.
error.nodbmaintenance=This part of the database is temporarily down for maintenance. Try again in a few minutes.
error.noentry=No such journal entry.
error.nojournal=Unknown Journal
error.noremote=You have to <a href="/login.bml">login</a> in order to use this page.
error.procrequest=There was an error processing your request:
error.purged.text=This journal has been deleted and purged.
error.purged.title=Purged Account
error.suspended.text=This journal has been either temporarily or permanently suspended by [[sitename]] for policy violation. If you are [[user]], contact us for more information.
error.suspended.title=Suspended Account
error.tempdisabled=This is disabled temporarily.
error.unknownmode=Unknown mode.
error.usernameinvalid=Username contains invalid characters.
error.usernamelong=Username is too long, 15 character max.
error.username_notfound=Username not found.
label.screening.all=All comments
label.screening.anonymous=Anonymous only
label.screening.header=Screened Comments:
label.screening.nonfriends=By non-friends
label.security.head=Security Level:
label.switch.header=Switch Journal
label.switch.workwith=Work with journal:
ljcom.account.feature.email=[[sitename]] e-mail address
ljcom.account.feature.full2=For the full table, <a [[aopts]]>see this page</a>.
ljcom.account.feature.ownblog=Your own journal/weblog
ljcom.account.feature.photo=100MiB Integrated photo hosting
ljcom.account.feature.pp=Phone Posting
ljcom.account.feature.search=Directory search
ljcom.account.feature.styles=Create/customize styles
ljcom.account.feature.syn=Friends and syndicated feeds aggregator
ljcom.account.free=Free Account
ljcom.account.paid=Paid Account
ljcom.account.paid12=Paid for 12 Months
ljcom.account.paid2=Paid for 2 Months
ljcom.account.paid6=Paid for 6 Months
ljcom.accounttype=Account Type
ljcom.badpass.email=Your password cannot be based on your e-mail address.
ljcom.badpass.realname=Your password cannot be based on your real name.
ljcom.badpass.username=Your password cannot be based on your username.
ljcom.menu.upgrade=Upgrade your account
ljcom.userinfo.accounttype=Account type
ljcom.userinfo.paiduser=Paid User
ljcom.userinfo.types.early=Early Adopter
ljcom.userinfo.types.free=Free Account
ljcom.userinfo.types.paid=Paid Account
ljcom.userinfo.types.paid_early=Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter
ljcom.userinfo.types.paid_early_expiring=Paid Account, expiring [[paiduntil]], previously an Early Adopter
ljcom.userinfo.types.paid_expiring=Paid Account, expiring [[paiduntil]]
ljcom.userinfo.types.permanent=Permanent Account
ljcom.userinfo.types.permanent_early=Permanent Account, previously an Early Adopter
ljlib.pageofpages=Page [[page]] of [[total]]
ljrlook.nav.create=Create journal
ljrlook.nav.createstyle=Create style
ljrlook.nav.customize=Customize S2
ljrlook.nav.editinfo=Info & Settings
ljrlook.nav.editjournal=Journal entries
ljrlook.nav.editstyle=Edit style
ljrlook.nav.fullupdate=Full update
ljrlook.nav.login=Log in
ljrlook.nav.logout=Log out
ljrlook.nav.lostinfo=Lost password?
ljrlook.nav.modify=Modify journal
ljrlook.nav.paidaccounts=Paid Accounts
ljrlook.nav.update=Update journal
ljrlook.nav.userinfo=User Info
ljrlook.nav.yourjournal=Your journal
lostinfo.head=Forget something?
lostinfo.text=If you forgot your username or password, <a href="lostinfo.bml">recover it here</a>.
lynx.nav.help=Technical Support
lynx.nav.recent=Recent Entries
lynx.nav.sitemap=Site Map
lynx.nav.siteopts=Browse Options
lynx.nav.update=Update Journal
password.max30=Passwords may not be longer than 30 characters.
poll.dberror=Database error: [[errmsg]]
poll.dberror.items=Database error inserting items: [[errmsg]]
poll.dberror.questions=Database error inserting questions: [[errmsg]]
poll.error.badmaxlength=Maxlength attribute on lj-pq text tags must be an integer from 1-255.
poll.error.badsize=Size attribute on lj-pq text tags must be an integer from 1-100.
poll.error.cantview=Error: you don't have access to view these poll results.
poll.error.cantvote=Sorry, you don't have permission to vote in this particular poll.
poll.error.missingljpoll=All lj-pq tags must be nested inside an enclosing lj-poll tag.
poll.error.missingljpq=All lj-pi tags must be nested inside an enclosing lj-pq tag.
poll.error.nested=You cannot nest [[tag]] tags. Did you forget to close one?
poll.error.noentry=Error: this poll is not attached to this journal entry
poll.error.noitems=You must have at least one item in a non-text poll question.
poll.error.noitemstext=lj-pq tags of type 'text' cannot have poll items in them.
poll.error.nopollid=pollid parameter is missing.
poll.error.noquestions=You must have at least one question in a poll.
poll.error.notext=Need text inside an lj-pq tag to say what the question is about.
poll.error.pitoolong=Text inside an lj-pi tag must be between 1 and 255 characters. Yours is [[len]].
poll.error.pollnotfound=Error: poll #[[num]] not found
poll.error.questionnotfound=Error: this poll question doesn't exist.
poll.error.scalefromlessto=Scale 'from' value must be less than 'to' value.
poll.error.scaleincrement=Scale increment must be at least 1.
poll.error.scaletoobig=Your scale exceeds the limit of 20 selections (to-from)/by > 20.
poll.error.tagnotopen=You cannot close an [[tag]] tag that's not open.
poll.error.truncated=... truncated
poll.error.unknownpqtype=Unknown type on lj-pq tag.
poll.error.unlockedtag=Unlocked [[tag]] tag.
poll.error.whoview=whoview must be 'all', 'friends', or 'none'.
poll.error.whovote=whovote must be 'all' or 'friends'.
poll.pollnum=Poll #[[num]]
poll.scaleanswers=<b>Mean:</b> [[mean]] <b>Median:</b> [[median]] <b>Std. Dev</b> [[stddev]]
poll.security=Open to: <b>[[whovote]]</b>, results viewable to: <b>[[whoview]]</b>
poll.submit=Submit Poll
poll.viewanswers=View Answers
portal.bdays.count.des=By default, the 5 friends with the soonest birthdays are shown.
portal.bdays.count.name=Birthdays to Display
portal.login.portalname=Login Box
portal.memories.portalname=Memorable Posts
portal.memories.portaltitle=Memorable Posts
portal.ministats.title=User Stats
portal.newtolj.name=Site Links
portal.popfaq.portalname=10 Most Viewed FAQs
portal.popfaq.portaltitle=10 Most Viewed FAQs
portal.randuser.count.des=By default, 1 random user is shown, but you can have up to 10 vertically in the narrow columns, or 5 horizontally in a wide column
portal.randuser.count.name=Number of random users to show
portal.randuser.error.tableempty=There are no random users. Contact admin.
portal.randuser.hidename.des=By default, the random user name is shown. Check this to remove it.
portal.randuser.hidename.name=Hide Name
portal.randuser.hidepic.des=By default, the random user picture is shown, if available. Check this to remove it.
portal.randuser.hidepic.name=Hide User Picture
portal.randuser.portalname=Random User
portal.randuser.portaltitle=Random User
portal.randuser.portaltitleplural=Random Users
portal.recent.error.noentries=Sorry. No entries.
portal.recent.error.notsetup=You have to configure this box. Click the plus symbol to setup the journal you'd like to watch here.
portal.recent.error.userstatus=User has deleted or suspended their account.
portal.recent.items.description=By default, only the most recent entry is shown.
portal.recent.items.name=Items to display
portal.recent.journal.description=What journal do you want to see the recent items from?
portal.recent.nosubject=(No Subject)
portal.recent.portalname=Recent Entry View
portal.recent.portaltitle=Recent Entry Box
portal.recent.showtext.description=By default only subjects will be shown.
portal.recent.showtext.name=Include Text
portal.stats.journalentyest=Journal entries yesterday
portal.stats.portalname=Site Statistics
portal.stats.totalusers=Total users
portal.update.mode.des=Full mode gives you a ton of extra posting options ... including posting in communities and setting your current mood, music, and picture. Simple mode is nicer if you hardly use those features and would prefer not to see it all.
portal.update.portalname=Journal Update
portal.update.portaltitle=Update Your Journal
protocol.bad_password=Your password is too easy to guess. It's recommended that you change it, otherwise you risk having your journal hijacked. Visit [[siteroot]]/changepassword.bml to change your password.
protocol.hello_test=Hello Test Account!
protocol.mail_bouncing=You are currently using a bad email address. All mail we try to send you is bouncing. We require a valid email address for continued use. Visit the support area for more information.
protocol.modpost=Your entry has been put into the moderation queue. It will be accepted or rejected by one of the community moderators.
protocol.must_revalidate=You need to validate your new email address. Your old one was good, but since you've changed it, you need to re-validate the new one. Visit [[siteroot]]/support for more information.
protocol.not_validated=You are currently not validated. You may continue to use [[sitename]], but please validate your email address for continued use. See the instructions that were mailed to you when you created your journal, or see [[siteroot]]/support/ for more information.
protocol.old_win32_client=There are significantly newer Windows LiveJournal clients available, and we recommend that you upgrade. Visit [[siteroot]]/download/ to download a newer client.
protocol.readonly=Your account is temporarily in read-only mode. Some operations will fail for a few minutes.
Sorry|notes=typically used to announce that the requested action can't be done.
talk.anonwrote=Someone wrote,
talk.anonwrote_comm=Someone wrote in [[commlink]],
talk.commentpost=Post a new comment
talk.commentsread=Read comments
talk.curname_Mood=<b>Current mood:</b>
talk.curname_Music=<b>Current music:</b>
talk.curname_Tags=<b>Entry tags:</b>
talk.error.bogusargs=Bogus arguments
talk.error.comm_deleted=This comment has been deleted.
talk.error.deleted=This journal is deleted.
talk.error.mustlogin=You must be logged in to view this protected entry.
talk.error.nocomment=The comment does not exist.
talk.error.noentry=No such entry.
talk.error.nojournal=Error: couldn't determine journal from arguments.
talk.error.nosuchjournal=No such journal
talk.error.notauthorised=You are not authorized to view this protected entry.
talk.error.suspended=This journal/poster is suspended.
talk.frozen=Replies frozen
talk.readsimilar=Read similar journal entries:
talk.replytothis=Reply to this
talk.somebodywrote=[[realname]] ([[userlink]]) wrote,
talk.somebodywrote_comm=[[realname]] ([[userlink]]) wrote in [[commlink]],
talk.spellcheck=Check spelling during preview
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tos.mustread=Before continuing you must read and agree to the <a [[aopts]]>Terms of Service.</a>
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