
208 lines
5.7 KiB

package HTMLCleaner;
use strict;
use base 'HTML::Parser';
use CSS::Cleaner;
sub new {
my ($class, %opts) = @_;
my $p = new HTML::Parser('api_version' => 3);
$p->handler('start' => \&start, 'self, tagname, attr, attrseq, text' );
$p->handler('end' => \&end, 'self, tagname' );
$p->handler('text' => \&text, 'self, text' );
$p->handler('declaration' => \&decl, 'self, tokens' );
$p->{'output'} = $opts{'output'} || sub {};
$p->{'cleaner'} = CSS::Cleaner->new;
$p->{'valid_stylesheet'} = $opts{'valid_stylesheet'} || sub { 1 };
$p->{'allow_password_input'} = $opts{'allow_password_input'} || 0;
bless $p, $class;
my %bad_attr = (map { $_ => 1 }
qw(datasrc datafld));
my %eat_tag = (map { $_ => 1 }
qw(script iframe object applet embed param));
my @eating; # push tagname whenever we start eating a tag
sub start {
my ($self, $tagname, $attr, $seq, $text) = @_;
$tagname =~ s/<//;
my $slashclose = 0; # xml-style
if ($tagname =~ s!/(.*)!!) {
if (length($1)) { push @eating, "$tagname/$1"; } # basically halt parsing
else { $slashclose = 1; }
my @allowed_tags = ('lj-embed');
push @eating, $tagname if
$eat_tag{$tagname} && ! grep { lc $tagname eq $_ } @allowed_tags;
return if @eating;
my $clean_res = eval {
my $cleantag = $tagname;
$cleantag =~ s/^.*://s;
$cleantag =~ s/[^\w]//g;
no strict 'subs';
my $meth = "CLEAN_$cleantag";
my $code = $self->can($meth)
or return 1; # don't clean, if no element-specific cleaner method
return $code->($self, $seq, $attr);
return if !$@ && !$clean_res;
my $ret = "<$tagname";
foreach (@$seq) {
if ($_ eq "/") { $slashclose = 1; next; }
next if $bad_attr{lc($_)};
next if /^on/i;
next if /(?:^=)|[\x0b\x0d]/;
if ($_ eq "style") {
$attr->{$_} = $self->{cleaner}->clean_property($attr->{$_});
if ($tagname eq 'input' && $_ eq 'type' && $attr->{'type'} =~ /^password$/i && !$self->{'allow_password_input'}) {
delete $attr->{'type'};
my $nospace = $attr->{$_};
$nospace =~ s/[\s\0]//g;
# IE is brain-dead and lets javascript:, vbscript:, and about: have spaces mixed in
if ($nospace =~ /(?:(?:(?:vb|java)script)|about):/i) {
delete $attr->{$_};
$ret .= " $_=\"" . ehtml($attr->{$_}) . "\"";
$ret .= " /" if $slashclose;
$ret .= ">";
if ($tagname eq "style") {
$self->{'_eating_style'} = 1;
$self->{'_style_contents'} = "";
sub CLEAN_meta {
my ($self, $seq, $attr) = @_;
# don't allow refresh because it can refresh to javascript URLs
# don't allow content-type because they can set charset to utf-7
# why do we even allow meta tags?
my $equiv = lc $attr->{"http-equiv"};
if ($equiv) {
$equiv =~ s/[\s\x0b]//;
return 0 if $equiv =~ /refresh|content-type|link|set-cookie/;
return 1;
sub CLEAN_link {
my ($self, $seq, $attr) = @_;
if ($attr->{rel} =~ /\bstylesheet\b/i) {
my $href = $attr->{href};
return 0 unless $href =~ m!^https?://([^/]+?)(/.*)$!;
my ($host, $path) = ($1, $2);
my $rv = $self->{'valid_stylesheet'}->($href, $host, $path);
if ($rv == 1) {
return 1;
if ($rv) {
$attr->{href} = $rv;
return 1;
return 0;
# Allow blank <link> tags through so RSS S2 styles can work again without the 'rel="alternate"' hack
return 1 if (keys( %$attr ) == 0);
return 1 if $attr->{rel} =~ /^(?:service|openid)\.\w+$/;
my %okay = map { $_ => 1 } (qw(icon shortcut alternate next prev index made start search top help up author edituri file-list previous home contents bookmark chapter section subsection appendix glossary copyright child));
return 1 if $okay{lc($attr->{rel})};
# Allow link tags with only an href tag. This is an implied rel="alternate"
return 1 if (exists( $attr->{href} ) and (keys( %$attr ) == 1));
# Allow combinations of rel attributes through as long as all of them are valid, most notably "shortcut icon"
return 1 unless grep { !$okay{$_} } split( /\s+/, $attr->{rel} );
# unknown link tag
return 0;
sub end {
my ($self, $tagname) = @_;
if (@eating) {
pop @eating if $eating[-1] eq $tagname;
if ($self->{'_eating_style'}) {
$self->{'_eating_style'} = 0;
sub text {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
return if @eating;
if ($self->{'_eating_style'}) {
$self->{'_style_contents'} .= $text;
# this string is magic [hack]. (See $out_straight in
# cgi-bin/LJ/S2.pm) callers can print "<!-- -->" to HTML::Parser
# just to make it flush, since HTML::Parser has no
# ->flush_outstanding text tag.
return if $text eq "<!-- -->";
# the parser gives us back text whenever it's confused
# on really broken input. sadly, IE parses really broken
# input, so let's escape anything going out this way.
sub decl {
my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
$self->{'output'}->("<!" . join(" ", map { eangles($_) } @$tokens) . ">");
sub eangles {
my $a = shift;
$a =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$a =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
return $a;
sub ehtml {
my $a = shift;
$a =~ s/\&/&amp;/g;
$a =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
$a =~ s/\'/&\#39;/g;
$a =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$a =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
return $a;