
211 lines
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Executable File

package LJR::Viewuserstandalone;
use strict;
# A function to canonicalize sitename: take one of the possible
# abbreviations for a given known site, and returns the siteid
# from the list. Otherwise, assume that abbreivation is actually the
# full URL, and return it "as is", without the possible leading http://.
# Right now we work case-by-case, since the number of known
# abbreviations is small.
# Known sites:
# 0 -- local
# 1 -- www.livejournal.com
# 2 -- greatestjournal.com
# 3 -- npj.ru
# 4 -- dreamwidth.org
# TODO: add third level domains
sub canonical_sitenum {
my ($site)=@_;
if ( ($site eq "LJR") || ($site =~ m/.*lj\.rossia\.org.*/) )
{return 0;}
elsif ( ($site eq "LJ") || ($site =~ m/.*livejournal\.com.*/) )
{return 1;}
elsif ( ($site eq "GJ") || ($site =~ m/.*greatestjournal\.com.*/) )
{return 2;}
elsif ( ($site eq "NPJ") || ($site =~ m/.*npj\.ru.*/) )
{return 3;}
elsif ( ($site eq "DW") || ($site eq "dw") || ($site =~ m/.*dreamwidth\.org.*/) )
{return 4;}
else {return $site;}
# Provides a representation of a user.
# Format: we receive a username and a site, where site is either a
# number or a string. If a non-zero number, this is a known site; we take
# information about it from the alianservers table in the db. If
# zero, site is ourselves. If a string, we do not know anything about
# the site and treat it as an OpenID guest; we assume site is the URL.
# We return the HTML code.
# <lj user="username" site="sitename"> should be expand to
# ljuser( $username, {'site'=> canonical_sitenum($sitename),
# 'type'=>'P','imgroot'=>''} )
# For lj comm, replace 'P' with 'C'; 'imgroot' should be equal to the
# current value of $LJ::IMGPREFIX -- right now it is differs
# between test and production!!
sub ljuser {
# we assume $opts->{'site'} to be a siteid of a known site or a full
# URL of a site we do not have in db
my $user = shift;
my $opts = shift;
my $u;
my $name="";
my $url;
my $uicon;
my $cicon;
my $commdir;
my $udir;
my $lj_type;
# If site is not given, assume native (siteid=0)
unless ($opts->{'site'}) {$opts->{'site'}=0;}
# Check if site is a number
if($opts->{'site'} =~ m/(\d+)/) {
# Site a number (known site)
$opts->{'site'} = $opts->{'site'}+0;
# now we've got default - $LJ::DOMAIN
if ($opts->{'site'}==0){
# local
$cicon='community.gif'; # default local commicon
$uicon='userinfo.gif'; # default local usericon
} elsif ($opts->{'site'}==1) {
# LJ
} elsif ($opts->{'site'}==2) {
# GJ
} elsif ($opts->{'site'}==3) {
# LJ
} elsif ($opts->{'site'}==4) {
# DW
} else { return "[Unknown LJ user tag]"; }
} else {
# site is not a number -- unknown alien site
$uicon=''; # default unknown alien usericon
$cicon=''; # default unknown alien commicon
my $andfull = $opts->{'full'} ? "&amp;mode=full" : "";
my $img = $opts->{'imgroot'};
my $make_tag = sub {
my ($s, $n, $fil, $dir) = @_;
if ($n eq ""){
return "<span class='ljruser' style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='http://$s/userinfo.bml?user=$user$andfull'><img src='$img/$fil' alt='[info]' style='vertical-align: bottom; border: 0;' /></a><a href='http://$s/$dir$user/'><b>$user</b></a></span>";
} else {
if ($lj_type eq 'Y') {
# If the site is known and has an lj-type engine, then we now how to
# refer to userinfo; make the info icon link to this
return "<span class='ljruser' style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='http://$s/userinfo.bml?user=$user$andfull'><img src='$img/$fil' alt='[info]' style='vertical-align: bottom; border: 0;' /></a><a href='http://$s/$dir$user/'><b>$user</b> [$n]</a></span>";
} else {
# If not lj-type, let the info icon link to the user journal
return "<span class='ljruser' style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href='http://$s/$dir$user/'><img src='$img/$fil' alt='[info]' style='vertical-align: bottom; border: 0;' /></a><a href='http://$s/$dir$user/'><b>$user</b> [$n]</a></span>";
if ($opts->{'type'} eq 'C') {
return $make_tag->( $url, $name, $cicon, $commdir);
} else {
return $make_tag->( $url, $name, $uicon, $udir);
sub expand_ljuser_tags {
my ($string)=@_;
return "" unless $string;
my $imgroot='http://lj.rossia.org/img';
$string=~ s/<lj\s+user=\"?(\w+)\"?\s+site=\"?([^"]+)\"?\s*\/?>/
$string=~ s/<lj\s+comm=\"?(\w+)\"?\s+site=\"?([^"]+)\"?\s*\/?>/
$string=~ s/<ljr\s+user=\"?(\w+)\"?\s*\/?>/
$string=~ s/<ljr\s+comm=\"?(\w+)\"?\s*\/?>/
return $string;