
458 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

package LJ::Con;
use strict;
use vars qw(%cmd);
$cmd{'expunge_userpic'}->{'handler'} = \&expunge_userpic;
$cmd{'suspend'}->{'handler'} = \&suspend;
$cmd{'unsuspend'}->{'handler'} = \&suspend;
$cmd{'getemail'}->{'handler'} = \&getemail;
$cmd{'get_maintainer'}->{'handler'} = \&get_maintainer;
$cmd{'get_moderator'}->{'handler'} = \&get_moderator;
$cmd{'finduser'}->{'handler'} = \&finduser;
$cmd{'infohistory'}->{'handler'} = \&infohistory;
$cmd{'change_journal_status'}->{'handler'} = \&change_journal_status;
$cmd{'set_underage'}->{'handler'} = \&set_underage;
sub set_underage {
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
my $err = sub { push @$out, [ "error", shift ]; 0; };
my $info = sub { push @$out, [ "info", shift ]; 1; };
return $err->("This command takes three arguments. Consult the reference for details.")
unless scalar(@$args) == 4;
return $err->("You don't have the necessary privilege (siteadmin:underage) to change an account's underage flag.")
unless LJ::check_priv($remote, 'siteadmin', 'underage') || LJ::check_priv($remote, 'siteadmin', '*');
my $u = LJ::load_user($args->[1]);
return $err->("Invalid user.")
unless $u;
return $err->("Account is not a person type account.")
unless $u->{journaltype} eq 'P';
return $err->("Second argument must be 'on' or 'off'.")
unless $args->[2] =~ /^(?:on|off)$/;
my $on = $args->[2] eq 'on' ? 1 : 0;
my $note = $args->[3];
return $err->("You must provide a reason for this change as the third argument.")
unless $note;
# can't set state to what it is already
return $err->("User is already of the requested underage state.")
unless $on ^ $u->underage;
my ($res, $sh, $status);
if ($on) {
$status = 'M'; # "M"anually turned on
$res = "User marked as underage.";
$sh = "marked; $note";
} else {
$status = undef; # no status change
$res = "User no longer marked as underaged.";
$sh = "unmarked; $note";
# now record this change (yes we log it twice)
LJ::statushistory_add($u->{userid}, $remote->{userid}, "set_underage", $sh);
$u->underage($on, $status, "manual");
return $info->($res);
sub change_journal_status {
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
my $err = sub { push @$out, [ "error", shift ]; 0; };
my $info = sub { push @$out, [ "info", shift ]; 1; };
return $err->("This command takes two arguments. Consult the reference for details.")
unless scalar(@$args) == 3;
return $err->("You don't have the necessary privilege (siteadmin:users) to change account status.")
unless LJ::check_priv($remote, 'siteadmin', 'users') || LJ::check_priv($remote, 'siteadmin', '*');
my $u = LJ::load_user($args->[1]);
return $err->("Invalid user.")
unless $u;
# figure out the new status
my $status = $args->[2];
my $opts = {
#name => [ 'status-to', 'valid-statuses-from', 'error-message-if-from-fails', 'success-message' ]
normal => [ 'V', 'ML', 'The user must be in memorial or locked status first.', 'User status set back to normal.' ],
memorial => [ 'M', 'V', 'The user must be in normal status first.', 'User account set as memorial.' ],
locked => [ 'L', 'V', 'The user must be in normal status first.', 'User account has been locked.' ],
# make sure we got a valid $opts arrayref
return $err->("Invalid status. Consult the reference for more information.")
unless defined $opts && ref $opts eq 'ARRAY';
# verify user's from-statusvis is okay (it's contained in $opts->[1])
return $err->($opts->[2]) unless $opts->[1] =~ /$u->{statusvis}/;
# okay, so we need to update the user now and update statushistory
LJ::statushistory_add($u->{userid}, $remote->{userid}, "journal_status", "Changed status to $status from $u->{statusvis}.");
LJ::update_user($u->{'userid'}, { statusvis => $opts->[0], raw => 'statusvisdate=NOW()' });
return $info->($opts->[3]);
sub expunge_userpic {
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
unless (scalar(@$args) == 3) {
push @$out, [ "error", "This command takes exactly two arguments, username and picid. Consult the reference." ];
return 0;
my $user = $args->[1];
my $picid = $args->[2]+0;
unless (LJ::check_priv($remote, 'siteadmin', 'userpics') || LJ::check_priv($remote, 'siteadmin', '*')) {
push @$out, [ "error", "You don't have access to expunge user picture icons." ];
return 0;
my $u = LJ::load_user($user);
# the actual expunging happens in ljlib
my ($rval, $hookval) = LJ::expunge_userpic($u, $picid);
push @$out, $hookval if @{$hookval || []};
# now load up from the return value we got
unless ($rval && $u) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Error expunging user picture icon." ];
return 0;
# but make sure to log it
LJ::statushistory_add($u->{userid}, $remote->{userid}, 'expunge_userpic', "expunged userpic; id=$picid");
push @$out, [ "info", "User picture icon $picid for $u->{user} expunged from $LJ::SITENAMESHORT." ];
return 1;
sub suspend
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
my $confirmed = 0;
if (scalar(@$args) == 4 && $args->[3] eq 'confirm') {
pop @$args;
$confirmed = 1;
unless (scalar(@$args) == 3) {
push @$out, [ "error", "This command takes exactly 2 arguments. Consult the reference." ];
return 0;
my $cmd = $args->[0];
my ($user, $reason) = ($args->[1], $args->[2]);
if ($cmd eq "suspend" && $reason eq "off") {
push @$out, [ "error", "The second argument to the 'suspend' command is no longer 'off' to unsuspend. Use the 'unsuspend' command instead." ];
return 0;
unless ($remote->{'priv'}->{'suspend'}) {
push @$out, [ "error", "You don't have access to $cmd users." ];
return 0;
# if the user argument is an email address...
my @users;
if ($user =~ /@/) {
push @$out, [ "info", "Acting on users matching email $user..." ];
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $names = $dbr->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT user FROM user WHERE email = ?', undef, $user);
if ($dbr->err) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Database error: " . $dbr->errstr ];
return 0;
unless ($names && @$names) {
push @$out, [ "error", "No users found matching the email address $user." ];
return 0;
# bail unless they've confirmed this mass action
unless ($confirmed) {
push @$out, [ "info", " $_" ] foreach @$names;
push @$out, [ "info", "To actually confirm this action, please do this again:" ];
push @$out, [ "info", " $cmd $user \"$reason\" confirm" ];
return 1;
push @users, $_ foreach @$names;
} else {
push @users, $user;
foreach my $username (@users) {
my $u = LJ::load_user($username);
unless ($u) {
push @$out, [ "error", "$username invalid/unable to load." ];
my $status = ($cmd eq "unsuspend") ? "V" : "S";
if ($u->{'statusvis'} eq $status) {
push @$out, [ "error", "$username was already in that state ($status)" ];
LJ::update_user($u->{'userid'}, { statusvis => $status, raw => 'statusvisdate=NOW()' });
$u->{statusvis} = $status;
LJ::statushistory_add($u->{'userid'}, $remote->{'userid'}, $cmd, $reason);
LJ::Con::fb_push( $u );
push @$out, [ "info", "User '$username' ${cmd}ed." ];
return 1;
sub getemail
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
unless (scalar(@$args) == 2) {
push @$out, [ "error", "This command takes exactly 1 argument. Consult the reference." ];
return 0;
my ($user) = ($args->[1]);
my $userid = &LJ::get_userid($user);
unless ($remote->{'priv'}->{'suspend'}) {
push @$out, [ "error", "You don't have access to see email addresses." ];
return 0;
unless ($userid) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid user \"$user\"" ];
return 0;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT email, status FROM user WHERE userid=$userid");
my ($email, $status) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
push @$out, [ "info", "User: $user" ];
push @$out, [ "info", "Email: $email" ];
push @$out, [ "info", "Status: $status (A=approved, N=new, T=transferring)" ];
return 1;
sub finduser
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
unless ($remote->{'priv'}->{'finduser'}) {
push @$out, [ "error", "$remote->{'user'}, you are not authorized to use this command." ];
return 0;
my ($crit, $data);
if (scalar(@$args) == 2) {
# new form; we can auto-detect emails easy enough
$data = $args->[1];
if ($data =~ /@/) {
$crit = 'email';
} else {
# TODO: autodetect ip and userid...
$crit = 'user';
} else {
# old format...but new variation
$crit = $args->[1];
$data = $args->[2];
# if they gave us a username and want to search by email, instead find
# all users with that email address
if ($crit eq 'email' && $data !~ /@/) {
my $u = LJ::load_user($data);
unless ($u) {
push @$out, [ "error", "User doesn't exist." ];
return 0;
$data = $u->{email};
my $qd = $dbh->quote($data);
my $userids;
my $ip;
if ($crit eq "email") {
$userids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT userid FROM user WHERE email=$qd");
} elsif ($crit eq "userid") {
$userids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT userid FROM user WHERE userid=$qd");
} elsif ($crit eq "user") {
$userids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT userid FROM user WHERE user=$qd");
} elsif ($crit eq "ip") {
$userids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT userid FROM userlog WHERE action='account_create' AND ip=$qd");
$ip = $data;
} elsif ($crit eq "sameip") {
$userids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT userid FROM user WHERE user=$qd");
#like 'user'+'ip' #continue...
if ($dbh->err) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Error in database query: " . $dbh->errstr ];
return 0;
unless ($userids && @$userids) {
push @$out, [ "error", "No matches." ];
return 0;
if ($crit eq "sameip") { #continue...
my $res = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT ip FROM userlog WHERE action='account_create' AND userid=$userids->[0]");
$ip = $res->[0];
$qd = $dbh->quote($ip);
$userids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT userid FROM userlog WHERE action='account_create' AND ip=$qd");
my $us = LJ::load_userids(@$userids);
foreach my $u (sort { $a->{userid} <=> $b->{userid} } values %$us) {
unless ($ip) {
my $res = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT ip FROM userlog WHERE action='account_create' AND userid=$u->{'userid'}");
$ip = $res->[0];
push @$out, [ "info", "User: $u->{'user'} ".
"($u->{'userid'}), journaltype: $u->{'journaltype'}, statusvis: $u->{'statusvis'}, $ip, email: ($u->{'status'}) $u->{'email'}" ];
if ($u->underage) {
my $reason;
if ($u->underage_status eq 'M') {
$reason = "manual set (see statushistory type set_underage)";
} elsif ($u->underage_status eq 'Y') {
$reason = "provided birthdate";
} elsif ($u->underage_status eq 'O') {
$reason = "unique cookie";
push @$out, [ "info", " User is marked underage due to $reason." ];
# no Paid accouns in LJR!
# foreach (LJ::run_hooks("finduser_extrainfo", { 'dbh' => $dbh, 'u' => $u })) {
# next unless $_->[0];
# foreach (split(/\n/, $_->[0])) {
# push @$out, [ "info", $_ ];
# }
# }
return 1;
sub get_maintainer
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out, $edge) = @_;
$edge ||= 'A';
unless (scalar(@$args) == 2) {
push @$out, [ "error", "This command takes exactly 1 argument. Consult the reference." ];
return 0;
unless ($remote->{'priv'}->{'finduser'}) {
push @$out, [ "error", "$remote->{'user'}, you are not authorized to use this command." ];
return 0;
my $user = $args->[1];
my $u = LJ::load_user($user);
unless ($u) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid user \"$user\"" ];
return 0;
# journaltype eq 'P' means we're calling get_maintainer on a
# plain user and we should get a list of what they maintain instead of
# getting a list of what maintains them
my $ids = $u->{journaltype} eq 'P' ?
LJ::load_rel_target($u->{userid}, $edge) :
LJ::load_rel_user($u->{userid}, $edge);
$ids ||= [];
# finduser loop
finduser($dbh, $remote, ['finduser', 'userid', $_], $out) foreach @$ids;
return 1;
sub get_moderator
# simple pass through, but specify to use the 'M' edge
return get_maintainer(@_, 'M');
sub infohistory
my ($dbh, $remote, $args, $out) = @_;
unless ($remote->{'privarg'}->{'finduser'}->{'infohistory'}) {
push @$out, [ "error", "$remote->{'user'}, you are not authorized to use this command." ];
return 0;
my $user = $args->[1];
my $userid = LJ::get_userid($user);
unless ($userid) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Invalid user $user" ];
return 0;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM infohistory WHERE userid='$userid'");
if (! $sth->rows) {
push @$out, [ "error", "Not much info found" ];
my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare("select FROM_UNIXTIME(logtime) as logtime, ip from userlog where userid=? and action='account_create'");
my $acc = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref;
push @$out, [ "info", "Account created at $acc->{'logtime'} from $acc->{'ip'} "];
} else {
push @$out, ["info", "Infohistory of user: $user"];
my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare("select FROM_UNIXTIME(logtime) as logtime, ip from userlog where userid=? and action='account_create'");
if ($sth1->rows) {
my $acc = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref;
push @$out, [ "info", "Account created at $acc->{'logtime'} from $acc->{'ip'} "];
else {
push @$out, [ "error", "No account creation info found!" ];
while (my $info = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$info->{'oldvalue'} ||= '(none)';
push @$out, [ "info",
"Changed $info->{'what'} at $info->{'timechange'}.\n".
"Old value of $info->{'what'} was $info->{'oldvalue'}.".
($info->{'other'} ?
"\nOther information recorded: $info->{'other'}" : "") ];
return 1;