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# link: htdocs/userinfo.bml, htdocs/go.bml, htdocs/tools/memadd.bml, htdocs/editjournal.bml
# link: htdocs/tools/tellafriend.bml
# img: htdocs/img/btn_prev.gif, htdocs/img/memadd.gif, htdocs/img/btn_edit.gif
# img: htdocs/img/btn_next.gif, htdocs/img/btn_tellafriend.gif
# </LJDEP>
use strict;
package LJ::Talk;
# dataversion for rate limit logging
our $RATE_DATAVER = "1";
sub get_subjecticons
my %subjecticon;
$subjecticon{'types'} = [ 'sm', 'md' ];
$subjecticon{'lists'}->{'md'} = [
{ img => "md01_alien.gif", w => 32, h => 32 },
{ img => "md02_skull.gif", w => 32, h => 32 },
{ img => "md05_sick.gif", w => 25, h => 25 },
{ img => "md06_radioactive.gif", w => 20, h => 20 },
{ img => "md07_cool.gif", w => 20, h => 20 },
{ img => "md08_bulb.gif", w => 17, h => 23 },
{ img => "md09_thumbdown.gif", w => 25, h => 19 },
{ img => "md10_thumbup.gif", w => 25, h => 19 }
$subjecticon{'lists'}->{'sm'} = [
{ img => "sm01_smiley.gif", w => 15, h => 15 },
{ img => "sm02_wink.gif", w => 15, h => 15 },
{ img => "sm03_blush.gif", w => 15, h => 15 },
{ img => "sm04_shock.gif", w => 15, h => 15 },
{ img => "sm05_sad.gif", w => 15, h => 15 },
{ img => "sm06_angry.gif", w => 15, h => 15 },
{ img => "sm07_check.gif", w => 15, h => 15 },
{ img => "sm08_star.gif", w => 20, h => 18 },
{ img => "sm09_mail.gif", w => 14, h => 10 },
{ img => "sm10_eyes.gif", w => 24, h => 12 }
# assemble ->{'id'} portion of hash. the part of the imagename before the _
foreach (keys %{$subjecticon{'lists'}}) {
foreach my $pic (@{$subjecticon{'lists'}->{$_}}) {
next unless ($pic->{'img'} =~ /^(\D{2}\d{2})\_.+$/);
$subjecticon{'pic'}->{$1} = $pic;
$pic->{'id'} = $1;
return \%subjecticon;
# entryid-commentid-emailrecipientpassword hash
sub ecphash {
my ($itemid, $talkid, $password) = @_;
return "ecph-" . Digest::MD5::md5_hex($itemid . $talkid . $password);
# Returns talkurl with GET args added (don't pass #anchors to this :-)
sub talkargs {
my $talkurl = shift;
my $args = join("&", grep {$_} @_);
my $sep;
$sep = ($talkurl =~ /\?/ ? "&" : "?") if $args;
return "$talkurl$sep$args";
# Returns HTML to display an image, given the image id as an argument.
sub show_image
my $pics = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $extra = shift;
return unless defined $pics->{'pic'}->{$id};
my $p = $pics->{'pic'}->{$id};
my $pfx = "$LJ::IMGPREFIX/talk";
return "<img src='$pfx/$p->{'img'}' border='0' ".
"width='$p->{'w'}' height='$p->{'h'}' valign='middle' $extra />";
# Returns 'none' icon.
sub show_none_image
my $extra = shift;
my $img = 'none.gif';
my $w = 15;
my $h = 15;
my $pfx = "$LJ::IMGPREFIX/talk";
return "<img src='$pfx/$img' border='0' ".
"width='$w' height='$h' valign='middle' $extra />";
sub link_bar
my $opts = shift;
my ($u, $up, $remote, $headref, $itemid) =
map { $opts->{$_} } qw(u up remote headref itemid);
my $ret;
my @linkele;
my $mlink = sub {
my ($url, $piccode) = @_;
return ("<a href=\"$url\">" .
LJ::img($piccode, "", { 'align' => 'absmiddle' }) .
my $jarg = "journal=$u->{'user'}&";
my $jargent = "journal=$u->{'user'}&amp;";
# << Previous
push @linkele, $mlink->("/go.bml?${jargent}itemid=$itemid&amp;dir=prev", "prev_entry");
$$headref .= "<link href='/go.bml?${jargent}itemid=$itemid&amp;dir=prev' rel='Previous' />\n";
# memories
unless ($LJ::DISABLED{'memories'}) {
push @linkele, $mlink->("/tools/memadd.bml?${jargent}itemid=$itemid", "memadd");
if (defined $remote && ($remote->{'user'} eq $u->{'user'} ||
$remote->{'user'} eq $up->{'user'} ||
LJ::can_manage($remote, $u)))
push @linkele, $mlink->("/editjournal.bml?${jargent}itemid=$itemid", "editentry");
unless ($LJ::DISABLED{tags}) {
if (defined $remote && LJ::Tags::can_add_tags($u, $remote)) {
push @linkele, $mlink->("/edittags.bml?${jargent}itemid=$itemid", "edittags");
unless ($LJ::DISABLED{'tellafriend'}) {
push @linkele, $mlink->("/tools/tellafriend.bml?${jargent}itemid=$itemid", "tellfriend");
## >>> Next
push @linkele, $mlink->("/go.bml?${jargent}itemid=$itemid&amp;dir=next", "next_entry");
$$headref .= "<link href='/go.bml?${jargent}itemid=$itemid&amp;dir=next' rel='Next' />\n";
if (@linkele) {
$ret .= BML::fill_template("standout", {
'DATA' => "<table><tr><td valign='middle'>" .
join("&nbsp;&nbsp;", @linkele) .
return $ret;
sub init
my ($form) = @_;
my $init = {}; # structure to return
my $journal = $form->{'journal'};
my $ju = undef;
my $item = undef; # hashref; journal item conversation is in
# defaults, to be changed later:
$init->{'itemid'} = $form->{'itemid'}+0;
$init->{'ditemid'} = $init->{'itemid'};
$init->{'thread'} = $form->{'thread'}+0;
$init->{'dthread'} = $init->{'thread'};
$init->{'clustered'} = 0;
$init->{'replyto'} = $form->{'replyto'}+0;
$init->{'style'} = $form->{'style'} ? "mine" : undef;
if ($journal) {
# they specified a journal argument, which indicates new style.
$ju = LJ::load_user($journal);
return { 'error' => BML::ml('talk.error.nosuchjournal')} unless $ju;
return { 'error' => BML::ml('talk.error.bogusargs')} unless $ju->{'clusterid'};
$init->{'clustered'} = 1;
foreach (qw(itemid replyto)) {
next unless $init->{$_};
$init->{'anum'} = $init->{$_} % 256;
$init->{$_} = int($init->{$_} / 256);
$init->{'thread'} = int($init->{'thread'} / 256)
if $init->{'thread'};
} else {
# perhaps it's an old URL for a user that's since been clustered.
# look up the itemid and see what user it belongs to.
if ($form->{'itemid'}) {
my $itemid = $form->{'itemid'}+0;
my $newinfo = LJ::get_newids('L', $itemid);
if ($newinfo) {
$ju = LJ::load_userid($newinfo->[0]);
return { 'error' => BML::ml('talk.error.nosuchjournal')} unless $ju;
$init->{'clustered'} = 1;
$init->{'itemid'} = $newinfo->[1];
$init->{'oldurl'} = 1;
if ($form->{'thread'}) {
my $tinfo = LJ::get_newids('T', $init->{'thread'});
$init->{'thread'} = $tinfo->[1] if $tinfo;
} else {
return { 'error' => BML::ml('talk.error.noentry') };
} elsif ($form->{'replyto'}) {
my $replyto = $form->{'replyto'}+0;
my $newinfo = LJ::get_newids('T', $replyto);
if ($newinfo) {
$ju = LJ::load_userid($newinfo->[0]);
return { 'error' => BML::ml('talk.error.nosuchjournal')} unless $ju;
$init->{'replyto'} = $newinfo->[1];
$init->{'oldurl'} = 1;
} else {
return { 'error' => BML::ml('talk.error.noentry') };
$init->{'journalu'} = $ju;
return $init;
# $u, $itemid
sub get_journal_item
my ($u, $itemid, $props_only) = @_;
return unless $u && $itemid;
$itemid += 0;
my $item = LJ::get_log2_row($u, $itemid);
return undef unless $item;
$item->{'alldatepart'} = LJ::alldatepart_s2($item->{'eventtime'});
$item->{'itemid'} = $item->{'jitemid'}; # support old & new keys
$item->{'ownerid'} = $item->{'journalid'}; # support old & new keys
if ($props_only) {
LJ::fill_items_with_text_props([$item], $u, {'props_only' => 1});
return $item;
LJ::fill_items_with_text_props([$item], $u);
$item->{'subject'} = $item->{'text'}->[0];
$item->{'event'} = $item->{'text'}->[1];
return $item;
sub check_viewable
my ($remote, $item, $form, $errref) = @_;
# note $form no longer used
my $err = sub {
$$errref = "<?h1 <?_ml Error _ml?> h1?><?p $_[0] p?>";
return 0;
unless (LJ::can_view($remote, $item)) {
return $err->(BML::ml('talk.error.mustlogin'))
unless defined $remote;
return $err->(BML::ml('talk.error.notauthorised'));
return 1;
# name: LJ::Talk::can_delete
# des: Determines if a user can delete a comment or entry. Basically, you can
# delete anything you've posted. You can delete anything posted in something
# you own (i.e. a comment in your journal, a comment to an entry you made in
# a community). You can also delete any item in an account you have the
# "A"dministration edge for.
# args: remote, u, up, userpost
# des-remote: User object we're checking access of. From LJ::get_remote.
# des-u: Username or object of the account the thing is located in.
# des-up: Username or object of person who owns the parent of the thing. (I.e. the poster
# of the entry a comment is in.)
# des-userpost: Username (NOT object) of person who posted the item.
# returns: Boolean indicating whether remote is allowed to delete the thing
# specified by the other options.
sub can_delete {
my ($remote, $u, $up, $userpost) = @_; # remote, journal, posting user, commenting user
return 0 unless $remote;
return 1 if $remote->{'user'} eq $userpost ||
$remote->{'user'} eq (ref $u ? $u->{'user'} : $u) ||
$remote->{'user'} eq (ref $up ? $up->{'user'} : $up) ||
LJ::can_manage($remote, $u);
return 0;
sub can_screen {
my ($remote, $u, $up, $userpost) = @_;
return 0 unless $remote;
return 1 if $remote->{'user'} eq $u->{'user'} ||
$remote->{'user'} eq (ref $up ? $up->{'user'} : $up) ||
LJ::can_manage($remote, $u);
return 0;
sub can_unscreen {
return LJ::Talk::can_screen(@_);
sub can_view_screened {
return LJ::Talk::can_delete(@_);
sub can_freeze {
return LJ::Talk::can_screen(@_);
sub can_unfreeze {
return LJ::Talk::can_unscreen(@_);
# name: LJ::Talk::screening_level
# des: Determines the screening level of a particular post given the relevent information.
# args: journalu, jitemid
# des-journalu: User object of the journal the post is in.
# des-jitemid: Itemid of the post.
# returns: Single character that indicates the screening level. Undef means don't screen
# anything, 'A' means screen All, 'R' means screen Anonymous (no-remotes), 'F' means
# screen non-friends.
sub screening_level {
my ($journalu, $jitemid) = @_;
die 'LJ::screening_level needs a user object.' unless ref $journalu;
$jitemid += 0;
die 'LJ::screening_level passed invalid jitemid.' unless $jitemid;
# load the logprops for this entry
my %props;
LJ::load_log_props2($journalu->{userid}, [ $jitemid ], \%props);
# determine if userprop was overriden
my $val = $props{$jitemid}{opt_screening};
return if $val eq 'N'; # N means None, so return undef
return $val if $val;
# now return userprop, as it's our last chance
LJ::load_user_props($journalu, 'opt_whoscreened');
return if $journalu->{opt_whoscreened} eq 'N';
return $journalu->{opt_whoscreened};
sub update_commentalter {
my ($u, $itemid) = @_;
LJ::set_logprop($u, $itemid, { 'commentalter' => time() });
sub update_screenedcommentalter {
my ($u, $itemid) = @_;
LJ::set_logprop($u, $itemid, { 'screenedcommentalter' => time() }); #we decoupled screenedcommentalter from commentalter on 14 Nov 2010; screenedcommentalter added to logproplist db.
# name: LJ::Talk::get_comments_in_thread
# class: web
# des: Gets a list of comment ids that are contained within a thread, including the
# comment at the top of the thread. You can also limit this to only return comments
# of a certain state.
# args: u, jitemid, jtalkid, onlystate, screenedref
# des-u: user object of user to get comments from
# des-jitemid: journal itemid to get comments from
# des-jtalkid: journal talkid of comment to use as top of tree
# des-onlystate: if specified, return only comments of this state (e.g. A, F, S...)
# returns: undef on error, array reference of jtalkids on success
sub get_comments_in_thread {
my ($u, $jitemid, $jtalkid, $onlystate) = @_;
$u = LJ::want_user($u);
$jitemid += 0;
$jtalkid += 0;
$onlystate = uc $onlystate;
return undef unless $u && $jitemid && $jtalkid &&
(!$onlystate || $onlystate =~ /^\w$/);
# get all comments to post
my $comments = LJ::Talk::get_talk_data($u, 'L', $jitemid) || {};
# see if our comment exists
return undef unless $comments->{$jtalkid};
# create relationship hashref and count screened comments in post
my %parentids;
$parentids{$_} = $comments->{$_}{parenttalkid} foreach keys %$comments;
# now walk and find what to update
my %to_act;
foreach my $id (keys %$comments) {
my $act = ($id == $jtalkid);
my $walk = $id;
while ($parentids{$walk}) {
if ($parentids{$walk} == $jtalkid) {
# we hit the one we want to act on
$act = 1;
last if $parentids{$walk} == $walk;
# no match, so move up a level
$walk = $parentids{$walk};
# set it as being acted on
$to_act{$id} = 1 if $act && (!$onlystate || $comments->{$id}{state} eq $onlystate);
# return list from %to_act
return [ keys %to_act ];
# name: LJ::Talk::delete_all_comments
# des: deletes all comments from a post, permanently, for when a post is deleted
# info: The tables [dbtable[talk2]], [dbtable[talkprop2]], [dbtable[talktext2]],
# are deleted from, immediately.
# args: u, nodetype, nodeid (=jitemid)
# des-nodetype: The thread nodetype (probably 'L' for log items)
# des-nodeid: The thread nodeid for the given nodetype (probably the jitemid from the log2 row)
# returns: boolean; success value
sub delete_all_comments {
my ($u, $nodetype, $jitemid) = @_;
my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($u);
return 0 unless $dbcm && $u->writer;
my $jid = $u->{'userid'};
# delete comments
my ($t, $loop) = (undef, 1);
my $chunk_size = 200;
while ($loop &&
($t = $dbcm->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT jtalkid FROM talk2 WHERE ".
"nodetype=? AND journalid=? ".
"AND nodeid=? LIMIT $chunk_size", undef,
$nodetype, $jid, $jitemid))
&& $t && @$t)
my $in = join(',', map { $_+0 } @$t);
return 1 unless $in;
foreach my $table (qw(talkprop2 talktext2 talk2)) {
$u->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE journalid=? AND jtalkid IN ($in)",
undef, $jid);
# decrement memcache
LJ::MemCache::decr([$u->{'userid'}, "talk2ct:$jid"], scalar(@$t));
$loop = 0 unless @$t == $chunk_size;
# clean unused cache
LJ::MemCache::delete([$jid, "talk2:$jid:$nodetype:$jitemid"]);
LJ::MemCache::delete([$jid, "rp:$jid:$jitemid"]);
LJ::MemCache::delete([$jid, "logprop:$jid:$jitemid"]); #invalidate
return 1;
# name: LJ::Talk::delete_comments
# des: deletes comments, but not the relational information, so threading doesn't break
# info: The tables [dbtable[talkprop2]] and [dbtable[talktext2]] are deleted from. [dbtable[talk2]]
# just has its state column modified to 'D'.
# args: u, nodetype, nodeid, talkids+
# des-nodetype: The thread nodetype (probably 'L' for log items)
# des-jitemid: The thread nodeid for the given nodetype (probably the jitemid from the log2 row)
# des-talkids: arraylist of talkids to delete.
# returns: scalar integer; number of items deleted.
sub delete_comments {
my ($u, $nodetype, $jitemid, $talkids) = @_;
return 0 unless $u->writer;
my $jid = $u->{'userid'}+0;
my $in = join(',', map { $_+0 } @$talkids);
return 1 unless $in;
my $where = "WHERE journalid=$jid AND jtalkid IN ($in)";
my $num = $u->talk2_do($nodetype, $jitemid, undef,
"UPDATE talk2 SET state='D' $where AND state IN ('A','F')");
my $screened = 0;
$screened = $u->talk2_do($nodetype, $jitemid, undef,
"UPDATE talk2 SET state='D' $where AND state='S'")
if $num != scalar @$talkids;
if ($num > 0 || $screened > 0) {
$u->do("UPDATE talktext2 SET subject=NULL, body=NULL $where");
$u->do("DELETE FROM talkprop2 WHERE $where");
LJ::replycount_do($u, $jitemid, "decr", $num) if $num;
LJ::Talk::screenedcount_do($u, $jitemid, "decr", $screened) if $screened;
return $num + $screened;
# name: LJ::Talk::delete_thread
# class: web
# des: Deletes an entire thread of comments.
# args: u, jitemid, jtalkid
# des-u: Userid or user object to delete thread from.
# des-jitemid: Journal itemid of item to delete comments from.
# des-jtalkid: Journal talkid of comment at top of thread to delete.
# returns: 1 on success; undef on error
sub delete_thread {
my ($u, $jitemid, $jtalkid) = @_;
# get comments and delete 'em
my $ids = LJ::Talk::get_comments_in_thread($u, $jitemid, $jtalkid);
LJ::Talk::delete_comments($u, "L", $jitemid, $ids);
return 1;
# name: LJ::Talk::freeze_thread
# class: web
# des: Freezes an entire thread of comments.
# args: u, jitemid, jtalkid
# des-u: Userid or user object to freeze thread from.
# des-jitemid: Journal itemid of item to freeze comments from.
# des-jtalkid: Journal talkid of comment at top of thread to freeze.
# returns: 1 on success; undef on error
sub freeze_thread {
my ($u, $jitemid, $jtalkid) = @_;
# now we need to update the states
my $ids = LJ::Talk::get_comments_in_thread($u, $jitemid, $jtalkid, 'A');
LJ::Talk::freeze_comments($u, "L", $jitemid, 0, $ids);
return 1;
# name: LJ::Talk::unfreeze_thread
# class: web
# des: unfreezes an entire thread of comments.
# args: u, jitemid, jtalkid
# des-u: Userid or user object to unfreeze thread from.
# des-jitemid: Journal itemid of item to unfreeze comments from.
# des-jtalkid: Journal talkid of comment at top of thread to unfreeze.
# returns: 1 on success; undef on error
sub unfreeze_thread {
my ($u, $jitemid, $jtalkid) = @_;
# now we need to update the states
my $ids = LJ::Talk::get_comments_in_thread($u, $jitemid, $jtalkid, 'F');
LJ::Talk::freeze_comments($u, "L", $jitemid, 1, $ids);
return 1;
# name: LJ::Talk::freeze_comments
# class: web
# des: Freezes comments. This is the internal helper function called by
# freeze_thread/unfreeze_thread. Use those if you wish to freeze or
# unfreeze a thread. This function just freezes specific comments.
# args: u, nodetype, nodeid, unfreeze, ids
# des-u: Userid or object of user to manipulate comments in.
# des-nodetype: Nodetype of the thing containing the specified ids. Typically "L".
# des-nodeid: Id of the node to manipulate comments from.
# des-unfreeze: If 1, unfreeze instead of freeze.
# des-ids: Array reference containing jtalkids to manipulate.
# returns: 1 on success; undef on error
sub freeze_comments {
my ($u, $nodetype, $nodeid, $unfreeze, $ids) = @_;
$u = LJ::want_user($u);
$nodeid += 0;
$unfreeze = $unfreeze ? 1 : 0;
return undef unless LJ::isu($u) && $nodetype =~ /^\w$/ && $nodeid && @$ids;
# get database and quote things
return undef unless $u->writer;
my $quserid = $u->{userid}+0;
my $qnodetype = $u->quote($nodetype);
my $qnodeid = $nodeid+0;
# now perform action
my $in = join(',', map { $_+0 } @$ids);
my $newstate = $unfreeze ? 'A' : 'F';
my $res = $u->talk2_do($nodetype, $nodeid, undef,
"UPDATE talk2 SET state = '$newstate' " .
"WHERE journalid = $quserid AND nodetype = $qnodetype " .
"AND nodeid = $qnodeid AND jtalkid IN ($in)");
return undef unless $res;
return 1;
sub screen_comments {
my ($u, $jitemid, $talkids) = @_;
return undef unless LJ::isu($u);
my $in = join (',', map { $_+0 } @$talkids);
return unless $in;
my $uid = $u->{'userid'} + 0;
my $updated = $u->talk2_do("L", $jitemid, undef,
"UPDATE talk2 SET state='S' ".
"WHERE journalid=$uid AND jtalkid IN ($in) ".
"AND nodetype='L' AND nodeid=$jitemid ".
"AND state NOT IN ('S','D')");
return undef unless $updated;
if ($updated > 0) {
LJ::replycount_do($u, $jitemid, "decr", $updated);
LJ::Talk::screenedcount_do($u, $jitemid, "incr", $updated);
sub unscreen_comments {
my ($u, $jitemid, $talkids) = @_;
return undef unless LJ::isu($u);
my $in = join (',', map { $_+0 } @$talkids);
return unless $in;
my $uid = $u->{'userid'} + 0;
my $updated = $u->talk2_do("L", $jitemid, undef,
"UPDATE talk2 SET state='A' ".
"WHERE journalid=$uid AND jtalkid IN ($in) ".
"AND nodetype='L' AND nodeid=$jitemid ".
"AND state='S'");
return undef unless $updated;
if ($updated > 0) {
LJ::replycount_do($u, $jitemid, "incr", $updated);
LJ::Talk::screenedcount_do($u, $jitemid, "decr", $updated);
sub screenedcount_do {
my ($u, $jitemid, $incrdecr, $updated) = @_; #like replycount_do
my $uid = $u->{'userid'} + 0;
my $hasscreened = 0;
if (!defined $updated) { $updated = 1; }
if ($incrdecr eq "decr") { $updated = - $updated; }
my $r = LJ::MemCache::get([$uid,"logprop:$uid:$jitemid"]);
if ($r && defined $r->{'hasscreened'} && $r->{'hasscreened'} + $updated > 0) { # 'hasscreened' = 1 legacy value (lots of records in db)
$hasscreened = $r->{'hasscreened'} + $updated;
} else {
my $dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($u);
$hasscreened = $dbcm->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM talk2 " .
"WHERE journalid=$uid AND nodeid=$jitemid AND nodetype='L' AND state='S'");
LJ::set_logprop($u, $jitemid, { 'hasscreened' => $hasscreened });
LJ::Talk::update_screenedcommentalter($u, $jitemid); # timestamp
# retrieves data from the talk2 table (but preferrably memcache)
# returns a hashref (key -> { 'talkid', 'posterid', 'datepost',
# 'parenttalkid', 'state' } , or undef on failure
sub get_talk_data
my ($u, $nodetype, $nodeid) = @_;
return undef unless LJ::isu($u);
return undef unless $nodetype =~ /^\w$/;
return undef unless $nodeid =~ /^\d+$/;
my $ret = {};
# check for data in memcache
my $DATAVER = "1"; # single character
my $memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "talk2:$u->{'userid'}:$nodetype:$nodeid"];
my $lockkey = $memkey->[1];
my $packed = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
my $memcache_good = sub {
return $packed && substr($packed,0,1) eq $DATAVER &&
length($packed) % 16 == 1;
my $memcache_decode = sub {
my $n = (length($packed) - 1) / 16;
for (my $i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
my ($f1, $parent, $poster, $time) = unpack("NNNN",substr($packed,$i*16+1,16));
my $state = chr($f1 & 255);
my $talkid = $f1 >> 8;
$ret->{$talkid} = {
talkid => $talkid,
state => $state,
posterid => $poster,
datepost => LJ::mysql_time($time),
parenttalkid => $parent,
return $ret;
return $memcache_decode->() if $memcache_good->();
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
return undef unless $dbcr;
my $lock = $dbcr->selectrow_array("SELECT GET_LOCK(?,10)", undef, $lockkey);
return undef unless $lock;
# it's quite likely (for a popular post) that the memcache was
# already populated while we were waiting for the lock
$packed = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
if ($memcache_good->()) {
$dbcr->selectrow_array("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lockkey);
return $ret;
my $memval = $DATAVER;
my $sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT t.jtalkid AS 'talkid', t.posterid, ".
"t.datepost, t.parenttalkid, t.state ".
"FROM talk2 t ".
"WHERE t.journalid=? AND t.nodetype=? AND t.nodeid=?");
$sth->execute($u->{'userid'}, $nodetype, $nodeid);
die $dbcr->errstr if $dbcr->err;
my $rp_ourcount = 0;
my $screened_ourcount = 0;
while (my $r = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$ret->{$r->{'talkid'}} = $r;
my $state = $r->{'state'};
$memval .= pack("NNNN",
($r->{'talkid'} << 8) + ord($state),
# comments are counted if they're 'A'pproved or 'F'rozen
$rp_ourcount++ if $state eq "A" || $state eq "F";
$screened_ourcount++ if $state eq "S";
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $memval, 7200);
#Fix replycount if desynchronized:
my $rp_count = get_replycount($u, $nodeid);
unless ($rp_ourcount == $rp_count) {
$u->do("UPDATE log2 SET replycount=? WHERE journalid=? AND jitemid=?",
undef, $rp_ourcount, $u->{'userid'}, $nodeid);
my $rp_memkey = [$u->{'userid'}, "rp:$u->{'userid'}:$nodeid"];
LJ::MemCache::set($rp_memkey, $rp_ourcount);
print STDERR "Fixing replycount for $u->{'userid'}/$nodeid from $rp_count to $rp_ourcount\n";
# #Fix hasscreened if desynchronized:
# my $r = LJ::MemCache::get([$u->{'userid'},"logprop:$u->{'userid'}:$nodeid"]);
# unless ($r && $r->{'hasscreened'} == $screened_ourcount) {
# LJ::set_logprop($u, $nodeid, { 'hasscreened' => $screened_ourcount });
# }
$dbcr->selectrow_array("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $lockkey);
return $ret;
# LJ::Talk::load_comments($u, $remote, $nodetype, $nodeid, $opts)
# nodetype: "L" (for log) ... nothing else has been used
# noteid: the jitemid for log.
# opts keys:
# thread -- jtalkid to thread from ($init->{'thread'} or $GET{'thread'} >> 8)
# page -- $GET{'page'}
# view -- $GET{'view'} (picks page containing view's ditemid)
# up -- [optional] hashref of user object who posted the thing being replied to
# only used to make things visible which would otherwise be screened?
# out_error -- set by us if there's an error code:
# nodb: database unavailable
# noposts: no posts to load
# out_pages: number of pages
# out_page: page number being viewed
# out_itemfirst: first comment number on page (1-based, not db numbers)
# out_itemlast: last comment number on page (1-based, not db numbers)
# out_pagesize: size of each page
# out_items: number of total top level items
# userpicref -- hashref to load userpics into, or undef to
# not load them.
# userref -- hashref to load users into, keyed by userid
# returns:
# array of hashrefs containing keys:
# - talkid (jtalkid)
# - posterid (or zero for anon)
# - userpost (string, or blank if anon)
# - upost ($u object, or undef if anon)
# - datepost (mysql format)
# - parenttalkid (or zero for top-level)
# - state ("A"=approved, "S"=screened, "D"=deleted stub)
# - userpic number
# - picid (if userpicref AND userref were given)
# - subject
# - body
# - props => { propname => value, ... }
# - children => [ hashrefs like these ]
# - _loaded => 1 (if fully loaded, subject & body)
# unknown items will never be _loaded
# - _show => {0|1}, if item is to be ideally shown (0 if deleted or screened)
sub load_comments
my ($u, $remote, $nodetype, $nodeid, $opts) = @_;
my $n = $u->{'clusterid'};
my $viewall = $opts->{viewall};
my $posts = LJ::Talk::get_talk_data($u, $nodetype, $nodeid); # hashref, talkid -> talk2 row, or undef
unless ($posts) {
$opts->{'out_error'} = "nodb";
my %users_to_load; # userid -> 1
my @posts_to_load; # talkid scalars
my %children; # talkid -> [ childenids+ ]
my $uposterid = $opts->{'up'} ? $opts->{'up'}->{'userid'} : 0;
my $post_count = 0;
my %showable_children; # $id -> $count
foreach my $post (sort { $b->{'talkid'} <=> $a->{'talkid'} } values %$posts) {
# see if we should ideally show it or not. even if it's
# zero, we'll still show it if it has any children (but we won't show content)
my $should_show = $post->{'state'} eq 'D' ? 0 : 1;
unless ($viewall) {
$should_show = 0 if
$post->{'state'} eq "S" && ! ($remote && ($remote->{'userid'} == $u->{'userid'} ||
$remote->{'userid'} == $uposterid ||
$remote->{'userid'} == $post->{'posterid'} ||
LJ::can_manage($remote, $u) ));
$post->{'_show'} = $should_show;
$post_count += $should_show;
# make any post top-level if it says it has a parent but it isn't
# loaded yet which means either a) row in database is gone, or b)
# somebody maliciously/accidentally made their parent be a future
# post, which could result in an infinite loop, which we don't want.
$post->{'parenttalkid'} = 0
if $post->{'parenttalkid'} && ! $posts->{$post->{'parenttalkid'}};
$post->{'children'} = [ map { $posts->{$_} } @{$children{$post->{'talkid'}} || []} ];
# increment the parent post's number of showable children,
# which is our showability plus all those of our children
# which were already computed, since we're working new to old
# and children are always newer.
# then, if we or our children are showable, add us to the child list
my $sum = $should_show + $showable_children{$post->{'talkid'}};
if ($sum) {
$showable_children{$post->{'parenttalkid'}} += $sum;
unshift @{$children{$post->{'parenttalkid'}}}, $post->{'talkid'};
# with a wrong thread number, silently default to the whole page
my $thread = $opts->{'thread'}+0;
$thread = 0 unless $posts->{$thread};
unless ($thread || $children{$thread}) {
$opts->{'out_error'} = "noposts";
my $page_size = $opts->{'page_size'}+0;
my $max_subjects = $opts->{'max_subjects'}+0;
my $threading_point = $opts->{'threading_point'}+0;
if (defined $opts->{'uncollapse'}) {
$threading_point= 1000; $max_subjects=1000; $page_size=500;
# Read discussion - http://lj.rossia.org/users/tiphareth/1089636.html
$page_size = $LJ::TALK_PAGE_SIZE unless $page_size; #default 25
$max_subjects = $LJ::TALK_MAX_SUBJECTS unless $max_subjects; #default 200
$threading_point = $LJ::TALK_THREAD_POINT unless $threading_point; #default 150
# we let the page size initially get bigger than normal for awhile,
# but if it passes threading_point, then everything's in page_size
# chunks:
$page_size = $threading_point if $post_count < $threading_point;
my $top_replies = $thread ? 1 : scalar(@{$children{$thread}});
my $pages = int($top_replies / $page_size);
if ($top_replies % $page_size) { $pages++; }
my @top_replies = $thread ? ($thread) : @{$children{$thread}};
my $page_from_view = 0;
if ($opts->{'view'} && !$opts->{'page'}) {
# find top-level comment that this comment is under
my $viewid = $opts->{'view'} >> 8;
while ($posts->{$viewid} && $posts->{$viewid}->{'parenttalkid'}) {
$viewid = $posts->{$viewid}->{'parenttalkid'};
for (my $ti = 0; $ti < @top_replies; ++$ti) {
if ($posts->{$top_replies[$ti]}->{'talkid'} == $viewid) {
$page_from_view = int($ti/$page_size)+1;
my $page = int($opts->{'page'}) || $page_from_view || 1;
$page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page > $pages ? $pages : $page;
my $itemfirst = $page_size * ($page-1) + 1;
my $itemlast = $page==$pages ? $top_replies : ($page_size * $page);
@top_replies = @top_replies[$itemfirst-1 .. $itemlast-1];
push @posts_to_load, @top_replies;
# mark child posts of the top-level to load, deeper
# and deeper until we've hit the page size. if too many loaded,
# just mark that we'll load the subjects;
my @check_for_children = @posts_to_load;
my (@subjects_to_load, @subjects_ignored);
while (@check_for_children) {
my $cfc = shift @check_for_children;
next unless defined $children{$cfc};
foreach my $child (@{$children{$cfc}}) {
if (@posts_to_load < 3 * $page_size) {
# Replaced $page_size by 3*$page_size.
# Hopefully the result will be closer to nesting. -- M. V.
push @posts_to_load, $child;
} else {
if (@subjects_to_load < $max_subjects) {
push @subjects_to_load, $child;
} else {
push @subjects_ignored, $child;
push @check_for_children, $child;
$opts->{'out_pages'} = $pages;
$opts->{'out_page'} = $page;
$opts->{'out_itemfirst'} = $itemfirst;
$opts->{'out_itemlast'} = $itemlast;
$opts->{'out_pagesize'} = $page_size;
$opts->{'out_items'} = $top_replies;
# load text of posts
my ($posts_loaded, $subjects_loaded);
$posts_loaded = LJ::get_talktext2($u, @posts_to_load);
$subjects_loaded = LJ::get_talktext2($u, {'onlysubjects'=>1}, @subjects_to_load) if @subjects_to_load;
foreach my $talkid (@posts_to_load) {
next unless $posts->{$talkid}->{'_show'};
$posts->{$talkid}->{'_loaded'} = 1;
$posts->{$talkid}->{'subject'} = $posts_loaded->{$talkid}->[0];
$posts->{$talkid}->{'body'} = $posts_loaded->{$talkid}->[1];
$users_to_load{$posts->{$talkid}->{'posterid'}} = 1;
foreach my $talkid (@subjects_to_load) {
next unless $posts->{$talkid}->{'_show'};
$posts->{$talkid}->{'subject'} = $subjects_loaded->{$talkid}->[0];
$users_to_load{$posts->{$talkid}->{'posterid'}} ||= 0.5; # only care about username
foreach my $talkid (@subjects_ignored) {
next unless $posts->{$talkid}->{'_show'};
$posts->{$talkid}->{'subject'} = "...";
$users_to_load{$posts->{$talkid}->{'posterid'}} ||= 0.5; # only care about username
# load meta-data
my %props;
LJ::load_talk_props2($u, \@posts_to_load, \%props);
foreach (keys %props) {
next unless $posts->{$_}->{'_show'};
$posts->{$_}->{'props'} = $props{$_};
if ($LJ::UNICODE) {
foreach (@posts_to_load) {
if ($posts->{$_}->{'props'}->{'unknown8bit'}) {
LJ::item_toutf8($u, \$posts->{$_}->{'subject'},
$posts->{$_}->{'props'}->{'unknown8bit'} = 0; ## ???
print STDERR "Fixing item_toutf8 in load_comments $u->{'userid'} $nodeid $thread $_ \n";
# load users who posted
delete $users_to_load{0};
my %up = ();
if (%users_to_load) {
LJ::load_userids_multiple([ map { $_, \$up{$_} } keys %users_to_load ]);
# fill in the 'userpost' member on each post being shown
while (my ($id, $post) = each %$posts) {
my $up = $up{$post->{'posterid'}};
next unless $up;
$post->{'upost'} = $up;
$post->{'userpost'} = $up->{'user'};
# optionally give them back user refs
if (ref($opts->{'userref'}) eq "HASH") {
my %userpics = ();
# copy into their ref the users we've already loaded above.
while (my ($k, $v) = each %up) {
$opts->{'userref'}->{$k} = $v;
# optionally load userpics
if (ref($opts->{'userpicref'}) eq "HASH") {
my @load_pic;
foreach my $talkid (@posts_to_load) {
my $post = $posts->{$talkid};
my $kw;
if ($post->{'props'} && $post->{'props'}->{'picture_keyword'}) {
$kw = $post->{'props'}->{'picture_keyword'};
my $pu = $opts->{'userref'}->{$post->{'posterid'}};
my $id = LJ::get_picid_from_keyword($pu, $kw);
$post->{'picid'} = $id;
push @load_pic, [ $pu, $id ];
LJ::load_userpics($opts->{'userpicref'}, \@load_pic);
return map { $posts->{$_} } @top_replies;
sub talkform {
# Takes a hashref with the following keys / values:
# remote: optional remote u object
# journalu: prequired journal u object
# parpost: parent post object
# replyto: init->replyto
# ditemid: init->ditemid
# form: optional full form hashref
# do_captcha: optional toggle for creating a captcha challenge
# require_tos: optional toggle to include TOS requirement form
# errors: optional error arrayref
my $opts = shift;
return "Invalid talkform values." unless ref $opts eq 'HASH';
my $ret;
my ($remote, $journalu, $parpost, $form) =
map { $opts->{$_} } qw(remote journalu parpost form);
my $pics = LJ::Talk::get_subjecticons();
# early bail if the user can't be making comments yet
if $remote && $remote->underage;
# once we clean out talkpost.bml, this will need to be changed.
# make sure journal isn't locked
return "Sorry, this journal is locked and comments cannot be posted to it at this time."
if $journalu->{statusvis} eq 'L';
# check max comments
my $jitemid = $opts->{'ditemid'} >> 8;
return "Sorry, this entry already has the maximum number of comments allowed."
if LJ::Talk::Post::over_maxcomments($journalu, $jitemid);
if ($parpost->{'state'} eq "S") {
$ret .= "<div class='ljwarnscreened'>$BML::ML{'.warnscreened'}</div>";
$ret .= "<form method='post' action='$LJ::SITEROOT/talkpost_do.bml' id='postform'>";
# Login challenge/response
my $authchal = LJ::challenge_generate(900); # 15 minute auth token
$ret .= "<input type='hidden' name='chal' id='login_chal' value='$authchal' />";
$ret .= "<input type='hidden' name='response' id='login_response' value='' />";
if ($opts->{errors} && @{$opts->{errors}}) {
$ret .= '<ul>';
$ret .= "<li><b>$_</b></li>" foreach @{$opts->{errors}};
$ret .= '</ul>';
$ret .= "<hr />";
# hidden values
my $parent = $opts->{replyto}+0;
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden("replyto", $opts->{replyto},
"parenttalkid", $parent,
"itemid", $opts->{ditemid},
"journal", $journalu->{'user'});
# rate limiting challenge
my ($time, $secret) = LJ::get_secret();
my $rchars = LJ::rand_chars(20);
my $chal = $opts->{ditemid} . "-$journalu->{userid}-$time-$rchars";
my $res = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($secret . $chal);
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden("chrp1", "$chal-$res");
# if we know the user who is posting (error on talkpost_do POST action),
# then see if we
if ($opts->{require_tos}) {
$ret .= LJ::tosagree_html('comment', $form->{agree_tos}, BML::ml('tos.error'));
my $oid_identity = $remote ? $remote->openid_identity : undef;
my $ljc_oid_identity = 0;
if ($oid_identity) {
$ljc_oid_identity =
$oid_identity !~ /http:\/\/.+\.livejournal.com\/$/ &&
$oid_identity !~ /http:\/\/users.livejournal.com\/.+\/$/ ?
0 : 1;
# Default radio button
# 4 possible scenarios:
# remote - initial form load, error and redisplay
# no remote - initial load, error and redisplay
my $whocheck = sub {
my $type = shift;
my $default = " checked='checked'";
if (LJ::OpenID::consumer_enabled()) {
return $default if $type eq 'ljc_openid' &&
! $form->{'usertype'} &&
! $remote &&
! $oid_identity &&
! $ljc_oid_identity;
return $default if
$type eq 'ljc_openid_cookie' &&
$form->{'usertype'} eq 'openid_cookie' ||
(defined $oid_identity && $ljc_oid_identity)
# Initial page load (no remote)
return $default if $type eq 'anonymous' &&
! $form->{'usertype'} && ! $remote && ! $oid_identity;
# Anonymous
return $default if $type eq 'anonymous' &&
$form->{'usertype'} eq 'anonymous';
if (LJ::OpenID::consumer_enabled()) {
# OpenID
return $default if $type eq 'openid' &&
$form->{'usertype'} eq 'openid';
return $default if $type eq 'openid_cookie' &&
($form->{'usertype'} eq 'openid_cookie' ||
(defined $oid_identity));
# Remote user, remote equals userpost
return $default if $type eq 'remote' &&
($form->{'usertype'} eq 'cookieuser' ||
$form->{'userpost'} eq $form->{'cookieuser'});
# Possible remote, using ljuser field
if ($type eq 'ljuser') {
return $default if
# Remote user posting as someone else.
($form->{'userpost'} && $form->{'userpost'} ne $form->{'cookieuser'} && $form->{'usertype'} ne 'anonymous') ||
($form->{'usertype'} eq 'user' && ! $form->{'userpost'});
# from registered user or anonymous?
$ret .= "<table>\n";
$ret .= "<tr><td align='right' valign='top'>$BML::ML{'.opt.from'}</td>";
$ret .= "<td>";
$ret .= "<table>"; # Internal for "From" options
my $screening = LJ::Talk::screening_level($journalu, $opts->{ditemid} >> 8);
if ($journalu->{'opt_whocanreply'} eq "all") {
$ret .= "<tr valign='center'>";
$ret .= "<td align='center'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/anonymous.gif' onclick='handleRadios(0);'/></td>";
$ret .= "<td align='center'><input type='radio' name='usertype' value='anonymous' id='talkpostfromanon'" .
$whocheck->('anonymous') .
" /></td>";
$ret .= "<td align='left'><b><label for='talkpostfromanon'>$BML::ML{'.opt.anonymous'}</label></b>";
$ret .= " " . $BML::ML{'.opt.willscreen'} if $screening;
$ret .= "</td></tr>\n";
else {
$ret .= "<tr valign='middle'>";
$ret .= "<td align='center' width='20'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/anonymous.gif' /></td>";
$ret .= "<td align='center'>( )</td>";
$ret .= "<td align='left' colspan='2'><font color='#c0c0c0'><b>$BML::ML{'.opt.anonymous'}</b></font>$BML::ML{'.opt.noanonpost'}</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
if (LJ::OpenID::consumer_enabled()) {
if ($journalu->{'opt_whocanreply'} eq "all" or $journalu->{'opt_whocanreply'} eq "reg") {
# OpenID!!
# Logged in
if (defined $oid_identity && !$ljc_oid_identity) {
# Don't worry about a real href since js hides the row anyway
my $other_user = "<script lanaguage='JavaScript'>if (document.getElementById) {document.write(\"&nbsp;<a href='#' onClick='otherOIDUser();return false;'>[other]</a>\");}</script>";
$ret .= "<tr valign='middle' id='oidli' name='oidli'>";
$ret .= "<td align='center'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/openid-profile.gif' onclick='handleRadios(4);' /></td><td align='center'><input type='radio' name='usertype' value='openid_cookie' id='talkpostfromoidli'" .
$whocheck->('openid_cookie') . "/>";
$ret .= "</td><td align='left'><b><label for='talkpostfromoid' onclick='handleRadios(4);return false;'>OpenID identity:</label></b> ";
$ret .= "<i>" . $remote->display_name . "</i>";
$ret .= $other_user . " ";
$ret .= $BML::ML{'.opt.willscreen'} if $screening eq "A" || $screening eq "F";
$ret .= "</td></tr>\n";
# logged out
$ret .= "<tr valign='middle' id='oidlo' name='oidlo'>";
$ret .= "<td align='center'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/openid-profile.gif' onclick='handleRadios(3);' /></td><td align='center'><input type='radio' name='usertype' value='openid' id='talkpostfromoidlo'" .
$whocheck->('openid') . "/>";
$ret .= "</td><td align='left'><b><label for='talkpostfromoidlo' onclick='handleRadios(3);return false;'>OpenID</label></b> ";
if (defined $LJ::HELPURL{'openid'}) {
$ret .= "<a href='$LJ::HELPURL{'openid'}'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/help.gif' alt='$BML::ML{'Help'}' title='$BML::ML{'Help'}' width='14' height='14' border='0' /></a> ";
$ret .= $BML::ML{'.opt.willscreen'} if $screening eq "A" || $screening eq "F";
$ret .= "</td></tr>\n";
# URL: [ ] Verify? [ ]
my $url_def = $form->{'oidurl'} || $oid_identity if defined $oid_identity;
$ret .= "<tr valign='middle' align='left' id='oid_more'><td colspan='2'></td><td>";
$ret .= "Identity URL:&nbsp;<input class='textbox' name='oidurl' maxlength='60' size='53' id='oidurl' value='$url_def' /> ";
$ret .= "<br /><label for='oidlogincheck'>$BML::ML{'.loginq'}&nbsp;</label><input type='checkbox' name='oiddo_login' id='oidlogincheck' ";
$ret .= "checked='checked' " if $form->{'oiddo_login'};
$ret .= "/></td></tr>\n";
# LiveJournal.com user
# logged in
if (defined $oid_identity && $ljc_oid_identity) {
# Don't worry about a real href since js hides the row anyway
my $other_user = "<script lanaguage='JavaScript'>if (document.getElementById) {document.write(\"&nbsp;<a href='#' onClick='otherLJCOIDUser();return false;'>[other]</a>\");}</script>";
$ret .= "<tr valign='middle' id='ljc_oidli' name='ljc_oidli'>";
$ret .= "<td valign='top' align='center'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/userinfo-lj.gif' onclick='handleRadios(104);' /></td><td valign='top' align='center'><input type='radio' name='usertype' value='openid_cookie' id='talkpostfromljcoidli'" .
$whocheck->('ljc_openid_cookie') . "/>";
$ret .= "</td><td align='left'><b><label for='talkpostfromljcoid' onclick='handleRadios(104);return false;'>пользователь LiveJournal.com:</label></b> ";
$ret .= "<i>" . $remote->display_name . "</i>";
$ret .= $other_user . " ";
$ret .= $BML::ML{'.opt.willscreen'} if $screening eq "A" || $screening eq "F";
# email field for logged-in openid commentators
if ($remote->openid_identity && !$remote->{'email'}) {
$ret .= "<br/><strong>E-mail для ответов:</strong>&nbsp;";
$ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'email', 'value' => '', 'size' => '40', 'maxlength' => '50' });
$ret .= "<font size=-1 color=red><br/>Пока вы не введете e-mail, вы не сможете получать ответы по e-mail.";
$ret .= "<br/>Внимание: на указанный e-mail будет выслано подтверждение.</font>";
$ret .= "</td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "<tr valign='middle' align='left' id='ljc_oidlo' name='ljc_oidlo'>";
$ret .= "<td align='center'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/userinfo-lj.gif' onclick='handleRadios(103);return false;' /></td>";
$ret .= "<td align='center'><input type='radio' name='usertype' value='ljc_openid' id='talkpostfromljcoidlo'" .
$whocheck->('ljc_openid') . " /></td>";
$ret .= "<td align='left'><b><label for='talkpostfromljcoidlo' onclick='handleRadios(103);return false;'>пользователь LiveJournal.com</label></b> ";
$ret .= $BML::ML{'.opt.willscreen'} if $screening eq "A" || $screening eq "F";
$ret .= "</td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "<tr valign='middle' align='left' id='ljc_oid_more'><td colspan='2'></td><td>";
$ret .= "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>имя пользователя:&nbsp;</td><td>";
$ret .= "<input class='textbox' name='ljc_oidurl' maxlength='30' size='33' id='ljc_oidurl' value='" . $BML::COOKIE{'LJR_lastljuser'} . "' /> ";
$ret .= "&nbsp;<input type='checkbox' name='oiddo_login' id='logincheckljc' checked='checked'/>&nbsp;<label for='ljc_howlong'>помнить&nbsp;</label>";
$ret .= "<select name='ljc_howlong' id='ljc_howlong'><option value=a>1 день <option value=b>1 неделю <option selected value=c>1 месяц <option value=d>1 год </select>";
$ret .= "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>";
$ret .= "<font size=2>Вы должны предварительно войти в LiveJournal.com</font><br/>";
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
if (!$BML::COOKIE{'LJR_confirmedemailthisyear'}) {
$ret .= "<tr><td><font size=-2>&nbsp;<br/></font></td></tr>";
$ret .= "<tr><td>E-mail для ответов:&nbsp;</td><td>";
$ret .= LJ::html_text({ 'name' => 'email', 'value' => '', 'size' => '40', 'maxlength' => '50' });
$ret .= "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>";
$ret .= "<font size=-1 color=red>Вы сможете оставлять комментарии, даже если не введете e-mail.<br/>Но вы не сможете получать уведомления об ответах на ваши комментарии!";
$ret .= "<br/>Внимание: на указанный адрес будет выслано подтверждение.</font>";
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
$ret .= "</table></td></tr>\n";
else {
# OpenID - At some point we will include "trusted"
$ret .= "<tr valign='middle'>";
$ret .= "<td align='center'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/openid-profile.gif' onclick='handleRadios(3);' /></td>";
$ret .= "<td align='center'>( )</td>";
$ret .= "<td align='left' colspan='2'><font color='#c0c0c0'<b>OpenID</b></font>";
if (defined $LJ::HELPURL{'openid'}) {
$ret .= "<a href='$LJ::HELPURL{'openid'}'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/help.gif' alt='$BML::ML{'Help'}' title='$BML::ML{'Help'}' width='14' height='14' border='0' /></a> ";
$ret .= "</td></tr>\n";
if ($remote && !defined $oid_identity) {
$ret .= "<tr valign='middle' id='ljuser_row'>";
my $logged_in = LJ::ehtml($remote->display_name);
# Don't worry about a real href since js hides the row anyway
my $other_user = "<script lanaguage='JavaScript'>if (document.getElementById) {document.write(\"&nbsp;<a href='#' onClick='otherLJUser();return false;'>[other]</a>\");}</script>";
if (LJ::is_banned($remote, $journalu)) {
$ret .= "<td align='center'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/userinfo.gif' /></td>";
$ret .= "<td align='center'>( )</td>";
$ret .= "<td align='left'><span class='ljdeem'>" . BML::ml(".opt.loggedin", {'username'=>"<i>$logged_in</i>"}) . "</font>" . BML::ml(".opt.bannedfrom", {'journal'=>$journalu->{'user'}}) . $other_user . "</td>";
} else {
$ret .= "<td align='center'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/userinfo.gif' onclick='handleRadios(1);' /></td><td align='center'><input type='radio' name='usertype' value='cookieuser' id='talkpostfromremote'" .
$whocheck->('remote') .
" /></td>";
$ret .= "<td align='left'><label for='talkpostfromremote'>" . BML::ml(".opt.loggedin", {'username'=>"<i>$logged_in</i>"}) . "</label>\n";
$ret .= $other_user;
$ret .= "<input type='hidden' name='cookieuser' value='$remote->{'user'}' id='cookieuser' />\n";
if ($screening eq 'A' ||
($screening eq 'F' && !LJ::is_friend($journalu, $remote))) {
$ret .= " " . $BML::ML{'.opt.willscreen'};
$ret .= "</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>\n";
# LJR user:
$ret .= "<tr valign='middle' id='otherljuser_row' name='otherljuser_row'>";
$ret .= "<td align='center'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/pencil.gif' onclick='handleRadios(2);' /></td><td align='center'><input type='radio' name='usertype' value='user' id='talkpostfromlj'" .
$whocheck->('ljuser') . "/>";
$ret .= "</td><td align='left'><b><label for='talkpostfromlj' onclick='handleRadios(2); return false;'>$BML::ML{'.opt.ljuser2'}</label></b> ";
$ret .= $BML::ML{'.opt.willscreenfriend'} if $screening eq 'F';
$ret .= $BML::ML{'.opt.willscreen'} if $screening eq 'A';
$ret .= "</td></tr>\n";
if ($remote && ! defined $oid_identity) {
$ret .= "<script language='JavaScript'>\n";
$ret .= "<!--\n";
$ret .= "if (document.getElementById) {\n";
$ret .= "var radio_user = document.getElementById(\"talkpostfromlj\");\n";
$ret .= "if (!radio_user.checked) {\n";
$ret .= "var otherljuser_row = document.getElementById(\"otherljuser_row\");\n";
$ret .= "otherljuser_row.style.display = 'none';\n";
$ret .= "}\n";
$ret .= "}\n";
$ret .= "//-->\n";
$ret .= "</script>";
# Username: [ ] Password: [ ] Login? [ ]
$ret .= "<tr valign='middle' align='left' id='lj_more'><td colspan='2'></td><td>";
my $ljuser_def = ($form->{'userpost'} ne $form->{'cookieuser'} && $form->{'usertype'} ne 'anonymous') ?
BML::eall($form->{userpost}) : "$remote->{'user'}" unless $oid_identity;
$ret .= "<table><tr><td>";
$ret .= "$BML::ML{'Username'}:</td><td>";
$ret .= "<input class='textbox' name='userpost' size='13' maxlength='15' id='username' value='$ljuser_def' onclick='this.value=\"\"' ";
$ret .= "style='background: url($LJ::IMGPREFIX/userinfo.gif) no-repeat; background-color: #fff; background-position: 0px 1px; padding-left: 18px; color: #00C; font-weight: bold;'/>";
$ret .= "</td></tr><tr><td>";
$ret .= "$BML::ML{'Password'}:</td><td>";
$ret .= "<input class='textbox' name='password' type='password' maxlength='30' size='18' id='password' />";
$ret .= "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'>";
$ret .= "<label for='logincheck'>$BML::ML{'.loginq'}&nbsp;</label><input type='checkbox' name='do_login' id='logincheck' /></td></tr></table>";
$ret .= "</td></tr>\n";
# Link to create an account
if (!$remote || defined $oid_identity) {
$ret .= "<tr valign='middle' align='left'><td colspan='2'></td><td><span style='font-size: 8pt; font-style: italic;'>";
$ret .= BML::ml('.noaccount', {'aopts' => "href='$LJ::SITEROOT/create.bml'"});
$ret .= "</span></td></tr>\n";
my $basesubject = $form->{subject} || "";
if ($opts->{replyto} && !$basesubject && $parpost->{'subject'}) {
$basesubject = $parpost->{'subject'};
$basesubject =~ s/^Re:\s*//i;
$basesubject = "Re: $basesubject";
# Closing internal "From" table
$ret .= "</td></tr></table>";
# subject
$basesubject = BML::eall($basesubject) if $basesubject;
$ret .= "<tr valign='top'><td align='right'>$BML::ML{'.opt.subject'}</td><td><input class='textbox' type='text' size='50' maxlength='100' name='subject' id='subject' value=\"$basesubject\" onKeyPress='subjectNoHTML(event);'/>\n";
# Subject Icon toggle button
my $subjicon = $form->{subjecticon} || 'none';
my $foundicon = 0;
$ret .= "<input type='hidden' id='subjectIconField' name='subjecticon' value='$subjicon'>\n";
$ret .= "<script type='text/javascript' language='Javascript'>\n";
$ret .= "<!--\n";
$ret .= "if (document.getElementById) {\n";
$ret .= "document.write(\"";
if ($subjicon eq 'none') {
$ret .= LJ::ejs(LJ::Talk::show_none_image("id='subjectIconImage' style='cursor:pointer;cursor:hand' align='absmiddle' ".
"onclick='subjectIconListToggle();' ".
"title='Click to change the subject icon'"));
} else {
foreach my $type (@{$pics->{types}}) {
foreach (@{$pics->{lists}->{$type}}) {
if ($_->{id} eq $subjicon) {
$ret .= LJ::Talk::show_image($pics, $subjicon,
"id='subjectIconImage' onclick='subjectIconListToggle();' style='cursor:pointer;cursor:hand'");
$foundicon = 1;
last if $foundicon == 1;
if ($foundicon == 0 && $subjicon ne 'none') {
$ret .= LJ::ejs(LJ::Talk::show_none_image("id='subjectIconImage' style='cursor:pointer;cursor:hand' align='absmiddle' ".
"onclick='subjectIconListToggle();' ".
"title='Click to change the subject icon'"));
$ret .="\");\n";
# spit out a pretty table of all the possible subjecticons
$ret .= "document.write(\"";
$ret .= "<blockquote style='display:none;' id='subjectIconList'>";
$ret .= "<table border='0' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='0' style='border: 1px solid #AAAAAA'>\");\n";
foreach my $type (@{$pics->{'types'}}) {
$ret .= "document.write(\"<tr>\");\n";
# make an option if they don't want an image
if ($type eq $pics->{'types'}->[0]) {
$ret .= "document.write(\"";
$ret .= "<td valign='middle' align='center'>";
$ret .= LJ::Talk::show_none_image(
"id='none' onclick='subjectIconChange(this);' style='cursor:pointer;cursor:hand' title='No subject icon'");
$ret .= "</td>\");\n";
# go through and make clickable image rows.
foreach (@{$pics->{'lists'}->{$type}}) {
$ret .= "document.write(\"";
$ret .= "<td valign='middle' align='center'>";
$ret .= LJ::Talk::show_image($pics, $_->{'id'},
"id='$_->{'id'}' onclick='subjectIconChange(this);' style='cursor:pointer;cursor:hand'");
$ret .= "</td>\");\n";
$ret .= "document.write(\"</tr>\");\n";
# end that table, bar!
$ret .= "document.write(\"</table></blockquote>\");\n";
$ret .= "}\n";
$ret .="//-->\n";
$ret .= "</script>\n";
# finish off subject line
$ret .= "<div id='ljnohtmlsubj' class='ljdeem'><span style='font-size: 8pt; font-style: italic;'>$BML::ML{'.nosubjecthtml'}</span></div>\n";
$ret .= "<div id='userpics'>";
my %res;
if ($remote) {
LJ::do_request({ "mode" => "login",
"ver" => ($LJ::UNICODE ? "1" : "0"),
"user" => $remote->{'user'},
"getpickws" => 1,
}, \%res, { "noauth" => 1, "userid" => $remote->{'userid'} });
if ($res{'pickw_count'}) {
$ret .= BML::ml('.label.picturetouse2',
'aopts'=>"href='$LJ::SITEROOT/allpics.bml?user=$remote->{'user'}'"}) . " ";
my @pics;
for (my $i=1; $i<=$res{'pickw_count'}; $i++) {
push @pics, $res{"pickw_$i"};
@pics = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @pics;
$ret .= LJ::html_select({'name' => 'prop_picture_keyword',
'selected' => $form->{'prop_picture_keyword'}, },
("", $BML::ML{'.opt.defpic'}, map { ($_, $_) } @pics));
if (defined $LJ::HELPURL{'userpics'}) {
$ret .= " <a href='$LJ::HELPURL{'userpics'}'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/help.gif' alt='$BML::ML{'Help'}' title='$BML::ML{'Help'}' width='14' height='14' border='0' /></a>";
$ret .= "</div>";
$ret .= "</td></tr>\n";
# textarea for their message body
$ret .= "<tr valign='top'><td align='right'>$BML::ML{'.opt.message'}<br />";
# only show on initial compostion
my $quickquote;
unless ($opts->{errors} && @{$opts->{errors}}) {
# quick quote button
$quickquote = "<br />" . LJ::ejs('<input type="button" value="Quote&gt;&gt;" onmousedown="quote();" onclick="quote();" />');
$ret .= "<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'>\n<!--\n";
$ret .= <<"QQ";
var helped = 0; var pasted = 0;
function quote () {
var text = '';
if (document.getSelection) {
text = document.getSelection();
} else if (document.selection) {
text = document.selection.createRange().text;
} else if (window.getSelection) {
text = window.getSelection();
if (text == '') {
if (helped != 1 && pasted != 1) {
helped = 1; alert("If you'd like to quote a portion of the original message, highlight it then press 'Quote'");
return false;
} else {
pasted = 1;
var element = text.search(/\\n/) == -1 ? 'q' : 'blockquote';
var textarea = document.getElementById('commenttext');
textarea.value = textarea.value + "<" + element + ">" + text + "</" + element + ">";
textarea.caretPos = textarea.value;
return false;
if (document.getElementById && (document.getSelection || document.selection || window.getSelection)) {
// Opera clears the paste buffer before mouse events, useless here
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") == -1) { document.write('$quickquote'); }
$ret .= "-->\n</script>\n";
$ret .= "</td><td style='width: 90%'>";
$ret .= "<textarea class='textbox' rows='10' cols='75' wrap='soft' name='body' id='commenttext'>$form->{body}</textarea><br/>";
# Display captcha challenge if over rate limits.
if ($opts->{do_captcha}) {
my ($wants_audio, $captcha_sess, $captcha_chal);
$wants_audio = 1 if lc($form->{answer}) eq 'audio';
# Captcha sessions
my $cid = $journalu->{clusterid};
$captcha_chal = $form->{captcha_chal} || LJ::challenge_generate(900);
$captcha_sess = LJ::get_challenge_attributes($captcha_chal);
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_reader($journalu);
my $try = 0;
if ($form->{captcha_chal}) {
$try = $dbcr->selectrow_array('SELECT trynum FROM captcha_session ' .
'WHERE sess=?', undef, $captcha_sess);
$ret .= '<br /><br />';
# Visual challenge
if (! $wants_audio && ! $form->{audio_chal}) {
$ret .= "<div class='formitemDesc'>$BML::ML{'/create.bml.captcha.desc'}</div>";
$ret .= "<img src='/captcha/image.bml?chal=$captcha_chal&amp;cid=$cid&amp;try=$try' width='175' height='35' />";
$ret .= "<br /><br />$BML::ML{'/create.bml.captcha.answer'}";
# Audio challenge
else {
$ret .= "<div class='formitemDesc'>$BML::ML{'/create.bml.captcha.audiodesc'}</div>";
$ret .= "<a href='/captcha/audio.bml?chal=$captcha_chal&amp;cid=$cid&amp;try=$try'>$BML::ML{'/create.bml.captcha.play'}</a> &nbsp; ";
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden(audio_chal => 1);
$ret .= LJ::html_text({ name =>'answer', size =>15 });
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden(captcha_chal => $captcha_chal);
$ret .= '<br />';
if ($LJ::SPELLER) {
$ret .= "<label for='spellcheck'>$BML::ML{'talk.spellcheck'}:</label> <input type='checkbox' name='do_spellcheck' value='1' id='spellcheck' /> ";
$ret .= "<label for='prop_opt_preformatted'>$BML::ML{'.opt.noautoformat'}</label>";
$ret .= LJ::html_check(
name => 'prop_opt_preformatted',
id => 'prop_opt_preformatted',
value => 1,
selected => $form->{'prop_opt_preformatted'}
if (defined $LJ::HELPURL{'noautoformat'}) {
$ret .= " <a href='$LJ::HELPURL{'noautoformat'}'><img src='$LJ::IMGPREFIX/help.gif' alt='$BML::ML{'Help'}' title='$BML::ML{'Help'}' width='14' height='14' border='0' /></a>";
# post and preview buttons
my $limit = LJ::CMAX_COMMENT; # javascript String.length uses characters
$ret .= <<LOGIN;
<br />
<script language="JavaScript" type='text/javascript'>
function checkLength() {
if (!document.getElementById) return true;
var textbox = document.getElementById('commenttext');
if (!textbox) return true;
if (textbox.value.length > $limit) {
alert('Sorry, but your comment of ' + textbox.value.length + ' characters exceeds the maximum character length of $limit. Please try shortening it and then post again.');
return false;
return true;
if (document.getElementById && document.getElementById('postform')) {
document.write("<input name='submitpost' onclick='return checkLength() && sendForm(\\"postform\\", \\"username\\")' type='submit' value='$BML::ML{'.opt.submit'}' />");
document.write("<input name='submitpreview' onclick='return checkLength() && sendForm(\\"postform\\", \\"username\\")' type='submit' value='$BML::ML{'talk.btn.preview'}' />");
} else {
document.write("<input type='submit' name='submitpost' value='$BML::ML{'.opt.submit'}' />");
document.write("<input type='submit' name='submitpreview' value='$BML::ML{'talk.btn.preview'}' />");
// -->
<input type='submit' name='submitpost' value='$BML::ML{'.opt.submit'}' />
<input type='submit' name='submitpreview' value='$BML::ML{'talk.btn.preview'}' />
if ($journalu->{'opt_logcommentips'} eq "A") {
$ret .= "<br />$BML::ML{'.logyourip'}";
$ret .= LJ::help_icon("iplogging", " ");
if ($journalu->{'opt_logcommentips'} eq "S") {
$ret .= "<br />$BML::ML{'.loganonip'}";
$ret .= LJ::help_icon("iplogging", " ");
$ret .= "</td></tr></td></tr></table>\n";
# Some JavaScript to help the UI out
$ret .= "<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'>\n";
$ret .= "var usermismatchtext = \"" . LJ::ejs($BML::ML{'.usermismatch'}) . "\";\n";
$ret .= "</script><script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript' src='$LJ::JSPREFIX/talkpost.js'></script>";
$ret .= "</form>\n";
return $ret;
# name: LJ::record_anon_comment_ip
# class: web
# des: Records the IP address of an anonymous comment
# args: journalu, jtalkid, ip
# des-journalu: User object of journal comment was posted in.
# des-jtalkid: ID of this comment.
# des-ip: IP address of the poster.
# returns: 1 for success, 0 for failure
sub record_anon_comment_ip {
my ($journalu, $jtalkid, $ip) = @_;
$journalu = LJ::want_user($journalu);
$jtalkid += 0;
return 0 unless LJ::isu($journalu) && $jtalkid && $ip;
$journalu->do("INSERT INTO tempanonips (reporttime, journalid, jtalkid, ip) VALUES (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),?,?,?)",
undef, $journalu->{userid}, $jtalkid, $ip);
return 0 if $journalu->err;
return 1;
# name: LJ::mark_comment_as_spam
# class: web
# des: Copies a comment into the global spamreports table
# args: journalu, jtalkid
# des-journalu: User object of journal comment was posted in.
# des-jtalkid: ID of this comment.
# returns: 1 for success, 0 for failure
sub mark_comment_as_spam {
my ($journalu, $jtalkid) = @_;
$journalu = LJ::want_user($journalu);
$jtalkid += 0;
return 0 unless $journalu && $jtalkid;
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($journalu);
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
# step 1: get info we need
my $row = LJ::Talk::get_talk2_row($dbcr, $journalu->{userid}, $jtalkid);
my $temp = LJ::get_talktext2($journalu, $jtalkid);
my ($subject, $body, $posterid) = ($temp->{$jtalkid}[0], $temp->{$jtalkid}[1], $row->{posterid});
return 0 unless $body;
# step 2: get ip if anon
my $ip;
unless ($posterid) {
$ip = $dbcr->selectrow_array('SELECT ip FROM tempanonips WHERE journalid=? AND jtalkid=?',
undef, $journalu->{userid}, $jtalkid);
return 0 if $dbcr->err;
# we want to fail out if we have no IP address and this is anonymous, because otherwise
# we have a completely useless spam report. pretend we were successful, too.
return 1 unless $ip;
# we also want to log this attempt so that we can do some throttling
my $rates = LJ::MemCache::get("spamreports:anon:$ip") || $RATE_DATAVER;
$rates .= pack("N", time);
LJ::MemCache::set("spamreports:anon:$ip", $rates);
# step 3: insert into spamreports
$dbh->do('INSERT INTO spamreports (reporttime, posttime, ip, journalid, posterid, subject, body) ' .
undef, $row->{datepost}, $ip, $journalu->{userid}, $posterid, $subject, $body);
return 0 if $dbh->err;
return 1;
# name: LJ::Talk::get_talk2_row
# class: web
# des: Gets a row of data from talk2.
# args: dbcr, journalid, jtalkid
# des-dbcr: Database handle to read from.
# des-journalid: Journal id that comment is posted in.
# des-jtalkid: Journal talkid of comment.
# returns: Hashref of row data, or undef on error.
sub get_talk2_row {
my ($dbcr, $journalid, $jtalkid) = @_;
return $dbcr->selectrow_hashref('SELECT journalid, jtalkid, nodetype, nodeid, parenttalkid, ' .
' posterid, datepost, state ' .
'FROM talk2 WHERE journalid = ? AND jtalkid = ?',
undef, $journalid+0, $jtalkid+0);
# get a comment count for a journal entry.
sub get_replycount {
my ($ju, $jitemid) = @_;
$jitemid += 0;
return undef unless $ju && $jitemid;
my $memkey = [$ju->{'userid'}, "rp:$ju->{'userid'}:$jitemid"];
my $count = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
return $count if defined $count;
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($ju);
return unless $dbcr;
$count = $dbcr->selectrow_array("SELECT replycount FROM log2 WHERE " .
"journalid=? AND jitemid=?", undef,
$ju->{'userid'}, $jitemid);
LJ::MemCache::add($memkey, $count);
return $count;
package LJ::Talk::Post;
sub format_text_mail {
my ($targetu, $parent, $comment, $talkurl, $item) = @_;
my $dtalkid = $comment->{talkid}*256 + $item->{anum};
$Text::Wrap::columns = 20000; # was 76; -- temp hack!!!
my $who = "Somebody";
if ($comment->{u}) {
$who = "$comment->{u}{name} ($comment->{u}{user})";
my $text = "";
if (LJ::u_equals($targetu, $comment->{u})) {
if ($parent->{ispost}) {
$who = "$parent->{u}{name} ($parent->{u}{user})";
$text .= "You left a comment in a post by $who. ";
$text .= "The entry you replied to was:";
} else {
$text .= "You left a comment in reply to another comment. ";
$text .= "The comment you replied to was:";
} elsif (LJ::u_equals($targetu, $item->{entryu})) {
if ($parent->{ispost}) {
$text .= "$who replied to your $LJ::SITENAMESHORT post in which you said:";
} else {
$text .= "$who replied to another comment somebody left in your $LJ::SITENAMESHORT post. ";
$text .= "The comment they replied to was:";
} else {
$text .= "$who replied to your $LJ::SITENAMESHORT comment in which you said:";
$text .= "\n\n";
$text .= indent($parent->{body}, ">") . "\n\n";
$text .= (LJ::u_equals($targetu, $comment->{u}) ? 'Your' : 'Their') . " reply was:\n\n";
if ($comment->{subject}) {
$text .= Text::Wrap::wrap(" Subject: ",
" ",
$comment->{subject}) . "\n\n";
$text .= indent($comment->{body});
$text .= "\n\n";
my $can_unscreen = $comment->{state} eq 'S' &&
LJ::Talk::can_unscreen($targetu, $item->{journalu}, $item->{entryu},
$comment->{u} ? $comment->{u}{user} : undef);
if ($comment->{state} eq 'S') {
$text .= "This comment was screened. ";
$text .= $can_unscreen ?
"You must respond to it or unscreen it before others can see it.\n\n" :
"Someone else must unscreen it before you can reply to it.\n\n";
my $opts = "";
$opts .= "Options:\n\n";
$opts .= " - View the discussion:\n";
$opts .= " " . LJ::Talk::talkargs($talkurl, "thread=$dtalkid") . "\n";
$opts .= " - View all comments on the entry:\n";
$opts .= " $talkurl\n";
$opts .= " - Reply to the comment:\n";
$opts .= " " . LJ::Talk::talkargs($talkurl, "replyto=$dtalkid") . "\n";
if ($can_unscreen) {
$opts .= " - Unscreen the comment:\n";
$opts .= " $LJ::SITEROOT/talkscreen.bml?mode=unscreen&journal=$item->{journalu}{user}&talkid=$dtalkid\n";
if (LJ::Talk::can_delete($targetu, $item->{journalu}, $item->{entryu},
$comment->{u} ? $comment->{u}{user} : undef)) {
$opts .= " - Delete the comment:\n";
$opts .= " $LJ::SITEROOT/delcomment.bml?journal=$item->{journalu}{user}&id=$dtalkid\n";
my $footer = "";
$footer .= "-- $LJ::SITENAME\n\n";
$footer .= "(If you'd prefer to not get these updates, go to $LJ::SITEROOT/editinfo.bml and turn off the relevant options.)";
return Text::Wrap::wrap("", "", $text) . "\n" . $opts . "\n" . Text::Wrap::wrap("", "", $footer);
sub format_html_mail {
my ($targetu, $parent, $comment, $encoding, $talkurl, $item) = @_;
my $ditemid = $item->{itemid}*256 + $item->{anum};
my $dtalkid = $comment->{talkid}*256 + $item->{anum};
my $threadurl = LJ::Talk::talkargs($talkurl, "thread=$dtalkid");
my $who = "Somebody";
if ($comment->{u}) {
$who = "$comment->{u}{name} ".
"(<a href=\"$LJ::SITEROOT/userinfo.bml?user=$comment->{u}{user}\">$comment->{u}{user}</a>)";
my $html = "";
$html .= "<head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=$encoding\" /></head>\n<body>\n";
my $intro;
my $cleanbody = $parent->{body};
# Identity comments should be cleaned together with anons - MV, July 2014
my $anon_comment_t = ($comment->{'u'}->identity() || !$comment->{u});
if (LJ::u_equals($targetu, $comment->{u})) {
if ($parent->{ispost}) {
$who = "$parent->{u}{name} " .
"(<a href=\"$LJ::SITEROOT/userinfo.bml?user=$parent->{u}{user}\">$parent->{u}{user}</a>)";
$intro = "You replied to <a href=\"$talkurl\">a $LJ::SITENAMESHORT post</a> in which $who said:";
LJ::CleanHTML::clean_event(\$cleanbody, {preformatted => $parent->{preformat}});
} else {
$intro = "You replied to a comment somebody left in ";
$intro .= "<a href=\"$talkurl\">a $LJ::SITENAMESHORT post</a>. ";
$intro .= "The comment you replied to was:";
{ 'preformatted' => $parent->{preformat},
'anon_comment' => $anon_comment_t });
# was: !$comment->{u} });
} elsif (LJ::u_equals($targetu, $item->{entryu})) {
if ($parent->{ispost}) {
$intro = "$who replied to <a href=\"$talkurl\">your $LJ::SITENAMESHORT post</a> in which you said:";
{ 'preformatted' => $parent->{preformat},
'anon_comment' => $anon_comment_t });
} else {
$intro = "$who replied to another comment somebody left in ";
$intro .= "<a href=\"$talkurl\">your $LJ::SITENAMESHORT post</a>. ";
$intro .= "The comment they replied to was:";
{ 'preformatted' => $parent->{preformat},
'anon_comment' => $anon_comment_t });
} else {
$intro = "$who replied to <a href=\"$talkurl\">your $LJ::SITENAMESHORT comment</a> ";
$intro .= "in which you said:";
{ 'preformatted' => $parent->{preformat},
'anon_comment' => $anon_comment_t });
my $pichtml;
if ($comment->{u} && $comment->{u}{defaultpicid} || $comment->{pic}) {
my $picid = $comment->{pic} ? $comment->{pic}{'picid'} : $comment->{u}{'defaultpicid'};
unless ($comment->{pic}) {
my %pics;
LJ::load_userpics(\%pics, [ $comment->{u}, $comment->{u}{'defaultpicid'} ]);
$comment->{pic} = $pics{$picid};
# load_userpics doesn't return picid, but we rely on it above
$comment->{pic}{'picid'} = $picid;
if ($comment->{pic}) {
$pichtml = "<img src=\"$LJ::USERPIC_ROOT/$picid/$comment->{pic}{'userid'}\" align='absmiddle' ".
"width='$comment->{pic}{'width'}' height='$comment->{pic}{'height'}' ".
"hspace='1' vspace='2' alt='' /> ";
if ($pichtml) {
$html .= "<table><tr valign='top'><td>$pichtml</td><td width='100%'>$intro</td></tr></table>\n";
} else {
$html .= "<table><tr valign='top'><td width='100%'>$intro</td></tr></table>\n";
$html .= blockquote($cleanbody);
$html .= "\n\n" . (LJ::u_equals($targetu, $comment->{u}) ? 'Your' : 'Their') . " reply was:\n\n";
$cleanbody = $comment->{body};
LJ::CleanHTML::clean_comment(\$cleanbody, $comment->{preformat});
my $pics = LJ::Talk::get_subjecticons();
my $icon = LJ::Talk::show_image($pics, $comment->{subjecticon});
my $heading;
if ($comment->{subject}) {
$heading = "<b>Subject:</b> " . LJ::ehtml($comment->{subject});
$heading .= $icon;
$heading .= "<br />" if $heading;
# this needs to be one string so blockquote handles it properly.
$html .= blockquote("$heading$cleanbody");
my $can_unscreen = $comment->{state} eq 'S' &&
LJ::Talk::can_unscreen($targetu, $item->{journalu}, $item->{entryu},
$comment->{u} ? $comment->{u}{user} : undef);
if ($comment->{state} eq 'S') {
$html .= "<p>This comment was screened. ";
$html .= $can_unscreen ?
"You must respond to it or unscreen it before others can see it.</p>\n" :
"Someone else must unscreen it before you can reply to it.</p>\n";
$html .= "<p>From here, you can:\n";
$html .= "<ul><li><a href=\"$threadurl\">View the thread</a> starting from this comment</li>\n";
$html .= "<li><a href=\"$talkurl\">View all comments</a> to this entry</li>\n";
$html .= "<li><a href=\"" . LJ::Talk::talkargs($talkurl, "replyto=$dtalkid") . "\">Reply</a> at the webpage</li>\n";
if ($can_unscreen) {
$html .= "<li><a href=\"$LJ::SITEROOT/talkscreen.bml?mode=unscreen&journal=$item->{journalu}{user}&talkid=$dtalkid\">Unscreen the comment</a></li>";
if (LJ::Talk::can_delete($targetu, $item->{journalu}, $item->{entryu},
$comment->{u} ? $comment->{u}{user} : undef)) {
$html .= "<li><a href=\"$LJ::SITEROOT/delcomment.bml?journal=$item->{journalu}{user}&id=$dtalkid\">Delete the comment</a></li>";
$html .= "</ul></p>";
my $want_form = $comment->{state} eq 'A' || $can_unscreen; # this should probably be a preference, or maybe just always off.
if ($want_form) {
$html .= "If your mail client supports it, you can also reply here:\n";
$html .= "<blockquote><form method='post' target='ljreply' action=\"$LJ::SITEROOT/talkpost_do.bml\">\n";
$html .= LJ::html_hidden(
usertype => "user",
parenttalkid => $comment->{talkid},
itemid => $ditemid,
journal => $item->{journalu}{user},
userpost => $targetu->{user},
ecphash => LJ::Talk::ecphash($item->{itemid}, $comment->{talkid}, $targetu->{password})
$html .= "<input type='hidden' name='encoding' value='$encoding' />" unless $encoding eq "UTF-8";
my $newsub = $comment->{subject};
unless (!$newsub || $newsub =~ /^Re:/) { $newsub = "Re: $newsub"; }
$html .= "<b>Subject: </b> <input name='subject' size='40' value=\"" . LJ::ehtml($newsub) . "\" />";
$html .= "<p><b>Message</b><br /><textarea rows='10' cols='50' wrap='soft' name='body'></textarea>";
$html .= "<br /><input type='submit' value=\"Post Reply\" />";
$html .= "</form></blockquote>\n";
$html .= "<p><font size='-1'>(If you'd prefer to not get these updates, go to <a href=\"$LJ::SITEROOT/editinfo.bml\">your user profile page</a> and turn off the relevant options.)</font></p>\n";
$html .= "</body>\n";
return $html;
sub indent {
my $a = shift;
my $leadchar = shift || " ";
$Text::Wrap::columns = 20000; # was 76; -- temp hack!!!
return Text::Wrap::fill("$leadchar ", "$leadchar ", $a);
sub blockquote {
my $a = shift;
return "<blockquote style='border-left: #000040 2px solid; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 0px'>$a</blockquote>";
sub generate_messageid {
my ($type, $journalu, $did) = @_;
# $type = {"entry" | "comment"}
# $journalu = $u of journal
# $did = display id of comment/entry
my $jid = $journalu->{userid};
return "<$type-$jid-$did\@$LJ::DOMAIN>";
# entryu : user who posted the entry this comment is under.
# journalu : journal this entry is in.
# parent : comment/entry this post is in response to.
# comment : the comment itself.
# item : entry this comment falls under.
sub mail_comments {
my ($entryu, $journalu, $parent, $comment, $item) = @_;
my $itemid = $item->{itemid};
my $ditemid = $itemid*256 + $item->{anum};
my $dtalkid = $comment->{talkid}*256 + $item->{anum};
my $talkurl = LJ::journal_base($journalu) . "/$ditemid.html";
my $threadurl = LJ::Talk::talkargs($talkurl, "thread=$dtalkid");
# check to see if parent post is from a registered livejournal user, and
# mail them the response
my $parentcomment = "";
my $parentmailed = ""; # who if anybody was just mailed
# message ID of the mythical top-level journal entry (which
# currently is never emailed) so mail clients can group things
# together with a comment ancestor if parents are missing
my $top_msgid = generate_messageid("entry", $journalu, $ditemid);
# find first parent
my $par_msgid;
if (my $ptid = $parent->{talkid}) {
$par_msgid = generate_messageid("comment", $journalu,
$ptid * 256 + $item->{anum});
} else {
# is a reply to the top-level
$par_msgid = $top_msgid;
$top_msgid = ""; # so it's not duplicated
# and this message ID
my $this_msgid = generate_messageid("comment", $journalu, $dtalkid);
# if a response to another comment, send a mail to the parent commenter.
if ($parent->{talkid}) {
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($journalu);
# get row of data
my $row = LJ::Talk::get_talk2_row($dbcr, $journalu->{userid}, $parent->{talkid});
my $paruserid = $row->{posterid};
# now get body of comment
my $temp = LJ::get_talktext2($journalu, $parent->{talkid});
my $parbody = $temp->{$parent->{talkid}}[1];
$parentcomment = $parbody;
my %props = ($parent->{talkid} => {});
LJ::load_talk_props2($journalu, [$parent->{talkid}], \%props);
$parent->{preformat} = $props{$parent->{talkid}}->{'opt_preformatted'};
# convert to UTF-8 if necessary
my $parentsubject = $parent->{subject};
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $props{$parent->{talkid}}->{'unknown8bit'}) {
LJ::item_toutf8($journalu, \$parentsubject, \$parentcomment, {});
$props{$parent->{talkid}}->{'unknown8bit'} = 0; ## ???
print STDERR "Fixing item_toutf8 in mail_comments $journalu->{'userid'} $itemid $parent->{talkid} $comment->{talkid} \n";
if ($paruserid) {
my $paru = LJ::load_userid($paruserid);
LJ::load_user_props($paru, 'mailencoding');
LJ::load_codes({ "encoding" => \%LJ::CACHE_ENCODINGS } )
# we don't want to send email to a parent if the email address on the
# parent's user is the same as the email address on this comment's user
# is_diff_email: also so we don't auto-vivify $comment->{u}
my $is_diff_email = !$comment->{u} ||
$paru->{'email'} ne $comment->{u}{'email'};
if ($paru->{'opt_gettalkemail'} eq "Y" &&
$is_diff_email &&
$paru->{'status'} eq "A")
$parentmailed = $paru->{'email'};
my $encoding = $paru->{'mailencoding'} ? $LJ::CACHE_ENCODINGS{$paru->{'mailencoding'}} : "KOI8-R";
my $part;
my $headersubject = $comment->{subject};
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $encoding ne "UTF-8") {
$headersubject = Unicode::MapUTF8::from_utf8({-string=>$headersubject, -charset=>$encoding});
if (!LJ::is_ascii($headersubject)) {
$headersubject = MIME::Words::encode_mimeword($headersubject, 'B', $encoding);
my $fromname = $comment->{u} ? LJ::User::display_name($comment->{u}) . " - $LJ::SITENAMEABBREV Comment" : "$LJ::SITENAMESHORT Comment";
my $msg = new MIME::Lite ('From' => "$LJ::BOGUS_EMAIL ($fromname)",
'To' => $paru->{'email'},
'Subject' => ($headersubject || "Reply to your comment..."),
'Type' => 'multipart/alternative',
'Message-Id' => $this_msgid,
'In-Reply-To:' => $par_msgid,
'References' => "$top_msgid $par_msgid",
$msg->add('X-LJ-JOURNAL' => $journalu->{'user'}); # for mail filters
$parent->{u} = $paru;
$parent->{body} = $parentcomment;
$parent->{ispost} = 0;
$item->{entryu} = $entryu;
$item->{journalu} = $journalu;
my $text = format_text_mail($paru, $parent, $comment, $talkurl, $item);
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $encoding ne "UTF-8") {
$text = Unicode::MapUTF8::from_utf8({-string=>$text, -charset=>$encoding});
$part = $msg->attach('Type' => 'TEXT',
'Data' => $text,
'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
$part->attr("content-type.charset" => $encoding);
# if $LJ::UNICODE;
if ($paru->{'opt_htmlemail'} eq "Y") {
my $html = format_html_mail($paru, $parent, $comment, $encoding, $talkurl, $item);
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $encoding ne "UTF-8") {
$html = Unicode::MapUTF8::from_utf8({-string=>$html, -charset=>$encoding});
$part = $msg->attach('Type' => 'text/html',
'Data' => $html,
'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
$part->attr("content-type.charset" => $encoding)
# send mail to the poster of the entry
if ($entryu->{'opt_gettalkemail'} eq "Y" &&
!$item->{props}->{'opt_noemail'} &&
!LJ::u_equals($comment->{u}, $entryu) &&
$entryu->{'email'} ne $parentmailed &&
$entryu->{'status'} eq "A")
LJ::load_user_props($entryu, 'mailencoding');
LJ::load_codes({ "encoding" => \%LJ::CACHE_ENCODINGS } )
my $encoding = $entryu->{'mailencoding'} ? $LJ::CACHE_ENCODINGS{$entryu->{'mailencoding'}} : "KOI8-R";
my $part;
my $headersubject = $comment->{subject};
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $encoding ne "UTF-8") {
$headersubject = Unicode::MapUTF8::from_utf8({-string=>$headersubject, -charset=>$encoding});
if (!LJ::is_ascii($headersubject)) {
$headersubject = MIME::Words::encode_mimeword($headersubject, 'B', $encoding);
my $fromname = $comment->{u} ? LJ::User::display_name($comment->{u}) . " - $LJ::SITENAMEABBREV Comment" : "$LJ::SITENAMESHORT Comment";
my $msg = new MIME::Lite ('From' => "$LJ::BOGUS_EMAIL ($fromname)",
'To' => $entryu->{'email'},
'Subject' => ($headersubject || "Reply to your post..."),
'Type' => 'multipart/alternative',
'Message-Id' => $this_msgid,
'In-Reply-To:' => $par_msgid,
'References' => "$top_msgid $par_msgid",
$msg->add('X-LJ-JOURNAL' => $journalu->{'user'}); # for mail filters
my $quote = $parentcomment ? $parentcomment : $item->{'event'};
# if this is a response to a comment inside our journal,
# we don't know who made the parent comment
# (and it's potentially anonymous).
if ($parentcomment) {
$parent->{u} = undef;
$parent->{body} = $parentcomment;
$parent->{ispost} = 0;
} else {
$parent->{u} = $entryu;
$parent->{body} = $item->{'event'},
$parent->{ispost} = 1;
$parent->{preformat} = $item->{'props'}->{'opt_preformatted'};
$item->{entryu} = $entryu;
$item->{journalu} = $journalu;
my $text = format_text_mail($entryu, $parent, $comment, $talkurl, $item);
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $encoding ne "UTF-8") {
$text = Unicode::MapUTF8::from_utf8({-string=>$text, -charset=>$encoding});
$part = $msg->attach('Type' => 'TEXT',
'Data' => $text,
'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
$part->attr("content-type.charset" => $encoding)
if ($entryu->{'opt_htmlemail'} eq "Y") {
my $html = format_html_mail($entryu, $parent, $comment, $encoding, $talkurl, $item);
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $encoding ne "UTF-8") {
$html = Unicode::MapUTF8::from_utf8({-string=>$html, -charset=>$encoding});
$part = $msg->attach('Type' => 'text/html',
'Data' => $html,
'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
$part->attr("content-type.charset" => $encoding);
# if $LJ::UNICODE;
# now send email to the person who posted the comment we're using? only if userprop
# opt_getselfemail is turned on. no need to check for active/suspended accounts, as
# they couldn't have posted if they were. (and if they did somehow, we're just emailing
# them, so it shouldn't matter.)
my $u = $comment->{u};
LJ::load_user_props($u, 'opt_getselfemail', 'mailencoding') if $u;
if ($u && $u->{'opt_getselfemail'} && LJ::get_cap($u, 'getselfemail')) {
LJ::load_codes({ "encoding" => \%LJ::CACHE_ENCODINGS } )
my $encoding = $u->{'mailencoding'} ? $LJ::CACHE_ENCODINGS{$u->{'mailencoding'}} : "KOI8-R";
my $part;
my $headersubject = $comment->{subject};
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $encoding ne "UTF-8") {
$headersubject = Unicode::MapUTF8::from_utf8({-string=>$headersubject, -charset=>$encoding});
if (!LJ::is_ascii($headersubject)) {
$headersubject = MIME::Words::encode_mimeword($headersubject, 'B', $encoding);
my $msg = new MIME::Lite ('From' => "$LJ::BOGUS_EMAIL ($u->{'user'} - $LJ::SITENAMEABBREV Comment)",
'To' => $u->{'email'},
'Subject' => ($headersubject || "Comment you posted..."),
'Type' => 'multipart/alternative',
'Message-Id' => $this_msgid,
'In-Reply-To:' => $par_msgid,
'References' => "$top_msgid $par_msgid",
$msg->add('X-LJ-JOURNAL' => $journalu->{'user'}); # for mail filters
my $quote = $parentcomment ? $parentcomment : $item->{'event'};
# if this is a response to a comment inside our journal,
# we don't know who made the parent comment
# (and it's potentially anonymous).
if ($parentcomment) {
$parent->{u} = undef;
$parent->{body} = $parentcomment;
$parent->{ispost} = 0;
} else {
$parent->{u} = $entryu;
$parent->{body} = $item->{'event'},
$parent->{ispost} = 1;
$parent->{preformat} = $item->{'props'}->{'opt_preformatted'};
$item->{entryu} = $entryu;
$item->{journalu} = $journalu;
my $text = format_text_mail($u, $parent, $comment, $talkurl, $item);
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $encoding ne "UTF-8") {
$text = Unicode::MapUTF8::from_utf8({-string=>$text, -charset=>$encoding});
$part = $msg->attach('Type' => 'TEXT',
'Data' => $text,
'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
$part->attr("content-type.charset" => $encoding)
if ($u->{'opt_htmlemail'} eq "Y") {
my $html = format_html_mail($u, $parent, $comment, $encoding, $talkurl, $item);
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $encoding ne "UTF-8") {
$html = Unicode::MapUTF8::from_utf8({-string=>$html, -charset=>$encoding});
$part = $msg->attach('Type' => 'text/html',
'Data' => $html,
'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
$part->attr("content-type.charset" => $encoding);
# if $LJ::UNICODE;
sub enter_comment {
my ($journalu, $parent, $item, $comment, $errref) = @_;
my $partid = $parent->{talkid};
my $itemid = $item->{itemid};
my $err = sub {
$$errref = join(": ", @_);
return 0;
return $err->("Invalid user object passed.")
unless LJ::isu($journalu);
use Golem;
my $tnet = Golem::get_containing_net(LJ::get_remote_ip(), {"with_props" => 1});
$tnet = Golem::get_net(LJ::get_remote_ip(), 32, {"with_props" => 1}) unless $tnet;
if ($tnet && $tnet->{'props'}->{'data'}->{'ban_comments'} &&
$tnet->{'props'}->{'data'}->{'ban_comments'}->{$journalu->{'userid'}}) {
return $err->('Sorry, you are not allowed to leave comments.');
my $jtalkid = LJ::alloc_user_counter($journalu, "T");
return $err->("Database Error", "Could not generate a talkid necessary to post this comment.")
unless $jtalkid;
# insert the comment
my $posterid = $comment->{u} ? $comment->{u}{userid} : 0;
my $errstr;
$journalu->talk2_do("L", $itemid, \$errstr,
"INSERT INTO talk2 ".
"(journalid, jtalkid, nodetype, nodeid, parenttalkid, posterid, datepost, state) ".
"VALUES (?,?,'L',?,?,?,NOW(),?)",
$journalu->{userid}, $jtalkid, $itemid, $partid, $posterid, $comment->{state});
if ($errstr) {
return $err->("Database Error",
"There was an error posting your comment to the database. " .
"Please report this. The error is: <b>$errstr</b>");
LJ::MemCache::incr([$journalu->{'userid'}, "talk2ct:$journalu->{'userid'}"]);
$comment->{talkid} = $jtalkid;
# record IP if anonymous
LJ::Talk::record_anon_comment_ip($journalu, $comment->{talkid}, LJ::get_remote_ip())
unless $posterid;
# add to poster's talkleft table, or the xfer place
if ($posterid) {
my $table;
my $db = LJ::get_cluster_master($comment->{u});
if ($db) {
# remote's cluster is writable
$table = "talkleft";
} else {
# log to global cluster, another job will move it later.
$db = LJ::get_db_writer();
$table = "talkleft_xfp";
my $pub = $item->{'security'} eq "public" ? 1 : 0;
if ($db) {
$db->do("INSERT INTO $table (userid, posttime, journalid, nodetype, ".
"nodeid, jtalkid, publicitem) VALUES (?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ".
"?, 'L', ?, ?, ?)", undef,
$posterid, $journalu->{userid}, $itemid, $jtalkid, $pub);
LJ::MemCache::incr([$posterid, "talkleftct:$posterid"]);
} else {
# both primary and backup talkleft hosts down. can't do much now.
$journalu->do("INSERT INTO talktext2 (journalid, jtalkid, subject, body) ".
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", undef,
$journalu->{userid}, $jtalkid, $comment->{subject},
die $journalu->errstr if $journalu->err;
my $memkey = "$journalu->{'clusterid'}:$journalu->{'userid'}:$jtalkid";
LJ::MemCache::set([$journalu->{'userid'},"talktext:$memkey"], [$comment->{subject}, $comment->{body}]); #$comment->{unknown8bit} ?
# dudata
my $bytes = length($comment->{subject}) + length($comment->{body});
# we used to do a LJ::dudata_set(..) on 'T' here, but decided
# we could defer that. to find size of a journal, summing
# bytes in dudata is too slow (too many seeks)
my %talkprop; # propname -> value
# meta-data
$talkprop{'unknown8bit'} = 1 if $comment->{unknown8bit};
$talkprop{'subjecticon'} = $comment->{subjecticon};
$talkprop{'picture_keyword'} = $comment->{picture_keyword};
$talkprop{'opt_preformatted'} = $comment->{preformat} ? 1 : 0;
if ($journalu->{'opt_logcommentips'} eq "A" ||
($journalu->{'opt_logcommentips'} eq "S" && $comment->{usertype} ne "user"))
my $ip = BML::get_remote_ip();
my $proxies = join(", ", LJ::filter_out_ip($ip, BML::get_client_header('X-Forwarded-For')));
my $old_fs = $/;
$/ = ", ";
$/ = $old_fs;
$ip = "$ip, via $proxies" if $proxies;
$talkprop{'poster_ip'} = $ip;
# remove blank/0 values (defaults)
foreach (keys %talkprop) { delete $talkprop{$_} unless $talkprop{$_}; }
# update the talkprops
if (%talkprop) {
my $values;
my $hash = {};
foreach (keys %talkprop) {
my $p = LJ::get_prop("talk", $_);
next unless $p;
$hash->{$_} = $talkprop{$_};
my $tpropid = $p->{'tpropid'};
my $qv = $journalu->quote($talkprop{$_});
$values .= "($journalu->{'userid'}, $jtalkid, $tpropid, $qv),";
if ($values) {
chop $values;
$journalu->do("INSERT INTO talkprop2 (journalid, jtalkid, tpropid, value) ".
"VALUES $values");
die $journalu->errstr if $journalu->err;
LJ::MemCache::set([$journalu->{'userid'}, "talkprop:$journalu->{'userid'}:$jtalkid"], $hash);
# record up to 25 (or $LJ::TALK_MAX_URLS) urls from a comment
my (%urls, $dbh);
( %urls = map { $_ => 1 } LJ::get_urls($comment->{body}) ) &&
( $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer() )) # don't log if no db available
my (@bind, @vals);
my $ip = LJ::get_remote_ip();
while (my ($url, undef) = each %urls) {
push @bind, '(?,?,?,?,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),?)';
push @vals, $posterid, $journalu->{userid}, $ip, $jtalkid, $url;
last if @bind >= $LJ::TALK_MAX_URLS;
my $bind = join(',', @bind);
my $sql = qq{
(posterid, journalid, ip, jtalkid, timecreate, url)
VALUES $bind
$dbh->do($sql, undef, @vals);
# update the "replycount" summary field of the log table
if ($comment->{state} eq 'A') {
LJ::replycount_do($journalu, $itemid, "incr");
# update the "hasscreened" property of the log item if needed
if ($comment->{state} eq 'S') {
LJ::Talk::screenedcount_do($journalu, $itemid, "incr");
return $jtalkid;
# XXX these strings should be in talk, but moving them means we have
# to retranslate. so for now we're just gonna put it off.
my $SC = '/talkpost_do.bml';
sub init {
my ($form, $remote, $need_captcha, $errret) = @_;
my $sth;
my $err = sub {
my $error = shift;
push @$errret, $error;
my $ip = LJ::get_remote_ip();
print STDERR "$ip talklib.pl: $error\n";
# change return status from 200 to 403:
BML::set_status(403); # 403 Forbidden
return undef;
my $bmlerr = sub {
return $err->($BML::ML{$_[0]});
my $init = LJ::Talk::init($form);
return $err->($init->{error}) if $init->{error};
my $journalu = $init->{'journalu'};
return $bmlerr->('talk.error.nojournal') unless $journalu;
return $err->($LJ::MSG_READONLY_USER) if LJ::get_cap($journalu, "readonly");
return $err->("Account is locked, unable to post comment.") if $journalu->{statusvis} eq 'L';
my $r = Apache->request;
$r->notes("journalid" => $journalu->{'userid'});
my $dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($journalu);
return $bmlerr->('error.nodb') unless $dbcr;
my $itemid = $init->{'itemid'}+0;
my $item = LJ::Talk::get_journal_item($journalu, $itemid);
if ($init->{'oldurl'} && $item) {
$init->{'anum'} = $item->{'anum'};
$init->{'ditemid'} = $init->{'itemid'}*256 + $item->{'anum'};
unless ($item && $item->{'anum'} == $init->{'anum'}) {
return $bmlerr->('talk.error.noentry');
my $iprops = $item->{'props'};
my $ditemid = $init->{'ditemid'}+0;
my $talkurl = LJ::journal_base($journalu) . "/$ditemid.html";
$init->{talkurl} = $talkurl;
### load users
$item->{'posterid'} => \$init->{entryu},
], [ $journalu ]);
LJ::load_user_props($journalu, "opt_logcommentips");
if ($form->{'userpost'} && $form->{'usertype'} ne "user") {
unless ($form->{'usertype'} eq "cookieuser" &&
$form->{'userpost'} eq $form->{'cookieuser'}) {
# anonymous/cookie users cannot authenticate with ecphash
if ($form->{'ecphash'} && $form->{'usertype'} ne "user") {
return undef;
my $cookie_auth;
if ($form->{'usertype'} eq "cookieuser") {
unless ($remote && $remote->{'user'} eq $form->{'cookieuser'});
return undef if @$errret;
$cookie_auth = 1;
$form->{'userpost'} = $remote->{'user'};
$form->{'usertype'} = "user";
# XXXevan hack: remove me when we fix preview.
$init->{cookie_auth} = $cookie_auth;
# test accounts may only comment on other test accounts.
if ((grep { $form->{'userpost'} eq $_ } @LJ::TESTACCTS) &&
!(grep { $journalu->{'user'} eq $_ } @LJ::TESTACCTS))
my $userpost = lc($form->{'userpost'});
my $up; # user posting
my $exptype; # set to long if ! after username
my $ipfixed; # set to remote ip if < after username
my $used_ecp; # ecphash was validated and used
if ($form->{'usertype'} eq "user") {
if ($form->{'userpost'}) {
# parse inline login opts
if ($form->{'userpost'} =~ s/[!<]{1,2}$//) {
$exptype = 'long' if index($&, "!") >= 0;
$ipfixed = LJ::get_remote_ip() if index($&, "<") >= 0;
$up = LJ::load_user($form->{'userpost'});
if ($up) {
### see if the user is banned from posting here
if (LJ::is_banned($up, $journalu)) {
unless ($up->{'journaltype'} eq "P" ||
($up->{'journaltype'} eq "I" && $cookie_auth)) {
# if we're already authenticated via cookie, then userpost was set
# to the authenticated username, so we got into this block, but we
# don't want to re-authenticate, so just skip this
unless ($cookie_auth) {
# if ecphash present, authenticate on that
if ($form->{'ecphash'}) {
if ($form->{'ecphash'} eq
LJ::Talk::ecphash($itemid, $form->{'parenttalkid'}, $up->{'password'}))
$used_ecp = 1;
} else {
# otherwise authenticate on username/password
} else {
my $ok;
if ($form->{response}) {
$ok = LJ::challenge_check_login($up, $form->{chal}, $form->{response});
} else {
$ok = LJ::auth_okay($up, $form->{'password'}, $form->{'hpassword'});
$bmlerr->("$SC.error.badpassword") unless $ok;
# if the user chooses to log in, do so
if ($form->{'do_login'} && ! @$errret) {
$init->{didlogin} = $up->make_login_session($exptype, $ipfixed);
} else {
} else {
# OpenID
if (LJ::OpenID::consumer_enabled() && (
($form->{'usertype'} eq 'openid' || $form->{'usertype'} eq 'openid_cookie') ||
($form->{'usertype'} eq 'ljc_openid')
)) {
if ($form->{'usertype'} eq 'ljc_openid' && $form->{'ljc_oidurl'}) {
$form->{'oidurl'} = "http://www.livejournal.com/users/" . $form->{'ljc_oidurl'};
# $form->{'oiddo_login'} = 1;
$form->{'exptype'} = "long";
return $err->("No OpenID identity URL entered") unless $form->{'oidurl'};
use LJ::OpenID; # to-TOP
if ($remote && defined $remote->openid_identity &&
$form->{'usertype'} eq 'openid_cookie' ||
$form->{'usertype'} eq 'openid' && $remote->openid_identity eq $form->{'oidurl'} ||
$form->{'usertype'} eq 'ljc_openid' && (
$remote->openid_identity eq "http://www.livejournal.com/users/" . $form->{'ljc_oidurl'} . "/" ||
$remote->openid_identity eq "http://" . $form->{'ljc_oidurl'} . ".livejournal.com/" ||
$remote->openid_identity eq "http://users.livejournal.com/" . $form->{'ljc_oidurl'} . "/"
) {
$up = $remote;
### see if the user is banned from posting here
if (LJ::is_banned($up, $journalu)) {
if ($form->{'oiddo_login'}) {
$up->make_login_session($form->{'exptype'}, $form->{'ipfixed'});
if ($form->{'ljc_howlong'}) {
my $ljc_days = 1;
if ($form->{'ljc_howlong'} eq "a") {
$ljc_days = 1;
if ($form->{'ljc_howlong'} eq "b") {
$ljc_days = 7;
if ($form->{'ljc_howlong'} eq "c") {
$ljc_days = 31;
if ($form->{'ljc_howlong'} eq "d") {
$ljc_days = 365;
BML::set_cookie("ljsession", $BML::COOKIE{'ljsession'}, time() + 60*60*24*$ljc_days, $LJ::COOKIE_PATH, $LJ::COOKIE_DOMAIN);
} else { # First time through
my $csr = LJ::OpenID::consumer();
my $exptype = $form->{'exptype'} ? $form->{'exptype'} : 'short';
my $etime = $form->{'etime'} ? $form->{'etime'} : 0;
my $ipfixed = 0;
# parse inline login opts
if ($form->{'oidurl'} =~ s/[!<]{1,2}$//) {
if (index($&, "!") >= 0) {
$exptype = 'long';
$etime = time()+60*60*24*60;
$ipfixed = LJ::get_remote_ip() if index($&, "<") >= 0;
my $tried_local_ref = LJ::OpenID::blocked_hosts($csr);
my $claimed_id = $csr->claimed_identity($form->{'oidurl'});
unless ($claimed_id) {
return $err->("Your OpenID is blocked. Please use another OpenID provider.") if $$tried_local_ref;
return $err->("No claimed id: ".$csr->err);
# Store their cleaned up identity url vs what they
# actually typed in
$form->{'oidurl'} = $claimed_id->claimed_url();
# Store the entry
my $pendcid = LJ::alloc_user_counter($journalu, "C");
$err->("Unable to allocate pending id") unless $pendcid;
# Since these were gotten from the oidurl and won't
# persist in the form data
$form->{'exptype'} = $exptype;
$form->{'etime'} = $etime;
$form->{'ipfixed'} = $ipfixed;
my $penddata = Storable::nfreeze($form);
$err->("Unable to get database handle to store pending comment") unless $journalu->writer;
$journalu->do("INSERT INTO pendcomments (jid, pendcid, data, datesubmit) VALUES (?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())", undef, $journalu->{'userid'}, $pendcid, $penddata);
$err->($journalu->errstr) if $journalu->err;
my $check_url = $claimed_id->check_url(
return_to => "$LJ::SITEROOT/talkpost_do.bml?jid=$journalu->{'userid'}&pendcid=$pendcid",
trust_root => "http://*.$LJ::DOMAIN/",
delayed_return => 1,
# Don't redirect them if errors
return undef if @$errret;
return BML::redirect($check_url);
# validate the challenge/response value (anti-spammer)
unless ($used_ecp) {
my $chrp_err;
if (my $chrp = $form->{'chrp1'}) {
my ($c_ditemid, $c_uid, $c_time, $c_chars, $c_res) =
split(/\-/, $chrp);
my $chal = "$c_ditemid-$c_uid-$c_time-$c_chars";
my $secret = LJ::get_secret($c_time);
my $res = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($secret . $chal);
if ($res ne $c_res) {
$chrp_err = "invalid";
} elsif ($c_time < time() - 2*60*60) {
$chrp_err = "too_old" if $LJ::REQUIRE_TALKHASH_NOTOLD;
} else {
$chrp_err = "missing";
if ($chrp_err) {
my $ip = LJ::get_remote_ip();
my $ruser = $remote ? $remote->{user} : "[nonuser]";
print STDERR "talkhash error: from $ruser \@ $ip - $chrp_err - $talkurl\n";
return $err->("Sorry, form expired. Press back, copy text, reload form, paste into new form, and re-submit.")
if $chrp_err eq "too_old";
return $err->("Missing parameters");
# check that user can even view this post, which is required
# to reply to it
#### Check security before viewing this post
unless (LJ::can_view($up, $item)) {
$bmlerr->("$SC.error.mustlogin") unless (defined $up);
return undef;
# If the reply is to a comment, check that it exists.
# if it's screened, check that the user has permission to
# reply and unscreen it
my $parpost;
my $partid = $form->{'parenttalkid'}+0;
if ($partid) {
$parpost = LJ::Talk::get_talk2_row($dbcr, $journalu->{userid}, $partid);
unless ($parpost) {
# can't use $remote because we may get here
# with a reply from email. so use $up instead of $remote
# in the call below.
if ($parpost && $parpost->{'state'} eq "S" &&
!LJ::Talk::can_unscreen($up, $journalu, $init->{entryu}, $init->{entryu}{'user'})) {
$init->{parpost} = $parpost;
# don't allow anonymous comments on syndicated items
if ($journalu->{'journaltype'} eq "Y" && $journalu->{'opt_whocanreply'} eq "all") {
$journalu->{'opt_whocanreply'} = "reg";
if (
($journalu->{'opt_whocanreply'} eq "friends" && $form->{'usertype'} ne "user") ||
($journalu->{'opt_whocanreply'} eq "reg" &&
$form->{'usertype'} ne "user" &&
$form->{'usertype'} ne "openid" &&
$form->{'usertype'} ne "openid_cookie" &&
$form->{'usertype'} ne "cookieuser" &&
$form->{'usertype'} ne "ljc_openid")
) {
if ($iprops->{'opt_nocomments'}) {
if ($up) {
if ($up->{'status'} eq "N" && $up->{'journaltype'} ne "I") {
if ($up->{'statusvis'} eq "D") {
} elsif ($up->{'statusvis'} eq "S") {
if ($journalu->{'opt_whocanreply'} eq "friends") {
if ($up) {
if ($up->{'userid'} != $journalu->{'userid'}) {
unless (LJ::is_friend($journalu, $up)) {
$err->(BML::ml("$SC.error.notafriend", {'user'=>$journalu->{'user'}}));
} else {
$err->(BML::ml("$SC.error.friendsonly", {'user'=>$journalu->{'user'}}));
$bmlerr->("$SC.error.blankmessage") unless $form->{'body'} =~ /\S/;
# in case this post comes directly from the user's mail client, it
# may have an encoding field for us.
if ($form->{'encoding'}) {
$form->{'body'} = Unicode::MapUTF8::to_utf8({-string=>$form->{'body'}, -charset=>$form->{'encoding'}});
$form->{'subject'} = Unicode::MapUTF8::to_utf8({-string=>$form->{'subject'}, -charset=>$form->{'encoding'}});
# unixify line-endings
$form->{'body'} =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
# now check for UTF-8 correctness, it must hold
return $err->("<?badinput?>") unless LJ::text_in($form);
$init->{unknown8bit} = 0;
unless (LJ::is_ascii($form->{'body'}) && LJ::is_ascii($form->{'subject'})) {
if ($LJ::UNICODE) {
# no need to check if they're well-formed, we did that above
} else {
# so rest of site can change chars to ? marks until
# default user's encoding is set. (legacy support)
$init->{unknown8bit} = 1;
my ($bl, $cl) = LJ::text_length($form->{'body'});
if ($cl > LJ::CMAX_COMMENT) {
$err->(BML::ml("$SC.error.manychars", {'current'=>$cl, 'limit'=>LJ::CMAX_COMMENT}));
} elsif ($bl > LJ::BMAX_COMMENT) {
$err->(BML::ml("$SC.error.manybytes", {'current'=>$bl, 'limit'=>LJ::BMAX_COMMENT}));
# the Subject can be silently shortened, no need to reject the whole comment
$form->{'subject'} = LJ::text_trim($form->{'subject'}, 100, 100);
my $subjecticon = "";
if ($form->{'subjecticon'} ne "none" && $form->{'subjecticon'} ne "") {
$subjecticon = LJ::trim(lc($form->{'subjecticon'}));
# figure out whether to post this comment screened
my $state = 'A';
my $screening = LJ::Talk::screening_level($journalu, $ditemid >> 8);
if ($screening eq 'A' ||
($screening eq 'R' && !$up) ||
# was: $form->{'usertype'} eq "anonymous") ||
# This causes problems with people filling this form as openid,
# and posting as anonymous - MV
($screening eq 'F' && !($up && LJ::is_friend($journalu, $up)))) {
$state = 'S';
$state = 'A' if LJ::Talk::can_unscreen($up, $journalu, $init->{entryu}, $init->{entryu}{user});
my $parent = {
state => $parpost->{state},
talkid => $partid,
my $comment = {
u => $up,
usertype => $form->{'usertype'},
subject => $form->{'subject'},
body => $form->{'body'},
unknown8bit => $init->{unknown8bit},
subjecticon => $subjecticon,
preformat => $form->{'prop_opt_preformatted'},
picture_keyword => $form->{'prop_picture_keyword'},
state => $state,
$init->{item} = $item;
$init->{parent} = $parent;
$init->{comment} = $comment;
# anti-spam captcha check
if (ref $need_captcha eq 'SCALAR') {
# see if they're in the second+ phases of a captcha check.
# are they sending us a response?
if ($form->{captcha_chal}) {
# assume they won't pass and re-set the flag
$$need_captcha = 1;
# if they typed "audio", we don't double-check if they still need
# a captcha (they still do), they just want an audio version.
if (lc($form->{answer}) eq 'audio') {
my ($capid, $anum) = LJ::Captcha::session_check_code($form->{captcha_chal},
$form->{answer}, $journalu);
return $err->("Incorrect response to spam robot challenge.") unless $capid && $anum;
my $expire_u = $comment->{'u'} || LJ::load_user('system');
LJ::Captcha::expire($capid, $anum, $expire_u->{userid});
} else {
my $show_captcha = sub {
return 1 if $LJ::HUMAN_CHECK{'comment_html_auth'};
# Anonymous commenter
return 1 if $LJ::HUMAN_CHECK{'comment_html_anon'} && ! LJ::isu($comment->{'u'});
# Identity commenter
return 1 if $LJ::HUMAN_CHECK{'comment_html_anon'} &&
$comment->{'u'}->identity() &&
! LJ::is_friend($journalu, $comment->{'u'});
$$need_captcha =
($LJ::HUMAN_CHECK{anonpost} || $LJ::HUMAN_CHECK{authpost}) &&
! LJ::Talk::Post::check_rate($comment->{'u'}, $journalu, $talkurl);
if ($show_captcha->()) {
# see if they have any tags or URLs
if ($form->{'body'} =~ /<[a-z]/i) {
# strip white-listed bare tags w/o attributes,
# then see if they still have HTML. if so, it's
# questionable. (can do evil spammy-like stuff w/
# attributes and other elements)
my $body_copy = $form->{'body'};
$body_copy =~ s/<(?:q|blockquote|b|strong|i|em|cite|sub|sup|var|del|tt|code|pre|p)>//ig;
$$need_captcha = 1 if $body_copy =~ /<[a-z]/i;
# multiple URLs is questionable too
# $$need_captcha = 1 if
# $form->{'body'} =~ /\b(?:http|ftp)\b.+\b(?:http|ftp)\b/s;
$$need_captcha = 1 if
$form->{'body'} =~ /\b(?:http|ftp):\/\//s;
# if the user is anonymous and the IP is marked, ignore rates and always human test.
$$need_captcha = 1 if $LJ::HUMAN_CHECK{anonpost} &&
! $comment->{'u'} &&
LJ::sysban_check('talk_ip_test', LJ::get_remote_ip());
if ($$need_captcha) {
return $err->("Please confirm you are a human below.");
return undef if @$errret;
return $init;
# returns 1 on success. 0 on fail (with $$errref set)
sub post_comment {
my ($entryu, $journalu, $comment, $parent, $item, $errref) = @_;
# unscreen the parent comment if needed
if ($parent->{state} eq 'S') {
LJ::Talk::unscreen_comments($journalu, $item->{itemid}, [$parent->{talkid}]);
$parent->{state} = 'A';
# make sure they're not underage
if ($comment->{u} && $comment->{u}->underage) {
$$errref = $LJ::UNDERAGE_ERROR;
return 0;
# check for duplicate entry (double submission)
# Note: we don't do it inside a locked section like ljprotocol.pl's postevent,
# so it's not perfect, but it works pretty well.
my $posterid = $comment->{u} ? $comment->{u}{userid} : 0;
my $jtalkid;
# check for dup ID in memcache.
my $memkey;
my $md5_b64 = Digest::MD5::md5_base64(
join(":", ($comment->{body}, $comment->{subject},
$comment->{subjecticon}, $comment->{preformat},
$memkey = [$journalu->{userid}, "tdup:$journalu->{userid}:$item->{itemid}-$parent->{talkid}-$posterid-$md5_b64" ];
$jtalkid = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
# they don't have a duplicate...
unless ($jtalkid) {
# XXX do select and delete $talkprop{'picture_keyword'} if they're lying
my $pic = LJ::get_pic_from_keyword($comment->{u}, $comment->{picture_keyword});
delete $comment->{picture_keyword} unless $pic && $pic->{'state'} eq 'N';
$comment->{pic} = $pic;
# put the post in the database
my $ditemid = $item->{itemid}*256 + $item->{anum};
$jtalkid = enter_comment($journalu, $parent, $item, $comment, $errref);
return 0 unless $jtalkid;
# save its identifying characteristics to protect against duplicates.
LJ::MemCache::set($memkey, $jtalkid+0, time()+60*10);
# send some emails
mail_comments($entryu, $journalu, $parent, $comment, $item);
# log the event
# this function doesn't do anything.
# LJ::event_register($dbcm, "R", $journalu->{'userid'}, $ditemid);
# FUTURE: log events type 'T' (thread) up to root
# the caller wants to know the comment's talkid.
$comment->{talkid} = $jtalkid;
# cluster tracking
LJ::mark_user_active($comment->{u}, 'comment');
return 1;
# XXXevan: this function should have its functionality migrated to talkpost.
# because of that, it's probably not worth the effort to make it not mangle $form...
sub make_preview {
my ($talkurl, $cookie_auth, $form) = @_;
my $ret = "";
my $cleansubject = $form->{'subject'};
$ret .= "<?h1 $BML::ML{'/talkpost_do.bml.preview.title'} h1?><?p $BML::ML{'/talkpost_do.bml.preview'} p?><?hr?>";
$ret .= "<div align=\"center\"><b>(<a href=\"$talkurl\">$BML::ML{'talk.commentsread'}</a>)</b></div>";
my $event = $form->{'body'};
my $spellcheck_html;
if ($LJ::SPELLER && $form->{'do_spellcheck'}) {
my $s = new LJ::SpellCheck { 'spellcommand' => $LJ::SPELLER,
'color' => '<?hotcolor?>', };
$spellcheck_html = $s->check_html(\$event);
LJ::CleanHTML::clean_comment(\$event, $form->{'prop_opt_preformatted'});
$ret .= "$BML::ML{'/talkpost_do.bml.preview.subject'} " . LJ::ehtml($cleansubject) . "<hr />\n";
if ($spellcheck_html) {
$ret .= $spellcheck_html;
$ret .= "<p>";
} else {
$ret .= $event;
$ret .= "<hr />";
$ret .= "<div style='width: 90%'><form method='post'><p>\n";
$ret .= "<input name='subject' size='50' maxlength='100' value='" . LJ::ehtml($form->{'subject'}) . "' /><br />";
$ret .= "<textarea class='textbox' rows='10' cols='50' wrap='soft' name='body' style='width: 100%'>";
$ret .= LJ::ehtml($form->{'body'});
$ret .= "</textarea></p>";
# change mode:
delete $form->{'submitpreview'}; $form->{'submitpost'} = 1;
if ($cookie_auth) {
$form->{'usertype'} = "cookieuser";
delete $form->{'userpost'};
delete $form->{'do_spellcheck'};
foreach (keys %$form) {
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden($_, $form->{$_})
unless $_ eq 'body' || $_ eq 'subject' || $_ eq 'prop_opt_preformatted';
$ret .= "<br /><input type='submit' value='$BML::ML{'/talkpost_do.bml.preview.submit'}' />\n";
$ret .= "<input type='submit' name='submitpreview' value='$BML::ML{'talk.btn.preview'}' />\n";
if ($LJ::SPELLER) {
$ret .= "<input type='checkbox' name='do_spellcheck' value='1' id='spellcheck' /> <label for='spellcheck'>$BML::ML{'talk.spellcheck'}</label>";
$ret .= "<p>";
$ret .= "$BML::ML{'/talkpost.bml.opt.noautoformat'} ".
LJ::html_check({ 'name' => 'prop_opt_preformatted',
selected => $form->{'prop_opt_preformatted'} });
$ret .= LJ::help_icon("noautoformat", " ");
$ret .= "</p>";
$ret .= "<p> <?de $BML::ML{'/talkpost.bml.allowedhtml'}: ";
foreach (sort &LJ::CleanHTML::get_okay_comment_tags()) {
$ret .= "&lt;$_&gt; ";
$ret .= "de?> </p>";
$ret .= "</form></div>";
return $ret;
# given a journalu and jitemid, return 1 if the entry
# is over the maximum comments allowed.
sub over_maxcomments {
my ($journalu, $jitemid) = @_;
$journalu = LJ::want_user($journalu);
$jitemid += 0;
return 0 unless $journalu && $jitemid;
my $count = LJ::Talk::get_replycount($journalu, $jitemid);
return ($count >= LJ::get_cap($journalu, 'maxcomments')) ? 1 : 0;
# more anti-spammer rate limiting. returns 1 if rate is okay, 0 if too fast.
sub check_rate {
my ($remote, $journalu, $talkurl) = @_;
# we require memcache to do rate limiting efficiently
return 1 unless @LJ::MEMCACHE_SERVERS;
# return right away if the account is suspended
return 0 if $remote && $remote->{'statusvis'} =~ /[SD]/;
my $ip = LJ::get_remote_ip();
my $now = time();
my @watch;
# Now comments from Openid users are treated the same as anonymous
# vis-a-vis spam rates - MV, Nov 2014 (antimakaka)
if ($remote && ! $remote->openid_identity) {
# registered human (or human-impersonating robot)
push @watch,
$LJ::RATE_COMMENT_AUTH || [ [ 200, 3600 ], [ 20, 60 ] ],
} else {
# anonymous, per IP address (robot or human)
push @watch,
[ [ 300, 3600 ], [ 200, 1800 ], [ 150, 900 ], [ 15, 60 ] ]
# anonymous, per journal.
# this particular limit is intended to combat flooders, instead
# of the other 'spammer-centric' limits.
push @watch,
[ [ 300, 3600 ], [ 200, 1800 ], [ 150, 900 ], [ 15, 60 ] ]
# throttle based on reports of spam
push @watch,
[ [ 50, 86400], [ 10, 3600 ] ]
foreach my $watch (@watch) {
my ($key, $rates) = ($watch->[0], $watch->[1]);
my $max_period = $rates->[0]->[1];
my $log = LJ::MemCache::get($key);
# parse the old log
my @times;
if (length($log) % 4 == 1 && substr($log,0,1) eq $RATE_DATAVER) {
my $ct = (length($log)-1) / 4;
for (my $i=0; $i<$ct; $i++) {
my $time = unpack("N", substr($log,$i*4+1,4));
push @times, $time if $time > $now - $max_period;
# add this event
push @times, $now unless $key =~ /^spamreports/;
# check rates
foreach my $rate (@$rates) {
my ($allowed, $period) = ($rate->[0], $rate->[1]);
my $events = scalar grep { $_ > $now-$period } @times;
if ($events > $allowed) {
LJ::MemCache::add("warn:$key", 1, 600)) {
my $ruser = (exists $remote->{'user'}) ? $remote->{'user'} : 'Not logged in';
my $nowtime = localtime($now);
my $body = <<EOM;
Talk spam from $key:
$events comments > $allowed allowed / $period secs
Remote user: $ruser
Remote IP: $ip
Time caught: $nowtime
Posting to: $journalu->{'user'}
URL: $talkurl
'from' => $LJ::ADMIN_EMAIL,
'fromname' => $LJ::SITENAME,
'charset' => 'utf-8',
'subject' => "talk spam: $key",
'body' => $body,
return 0 if $LJ::ANTI_TALKSPAM;
last WATCH;
# build the new log
my $newlog = $RATE_DATAVER;
foreach (@times) {
$newlog .= pack("N", $_);
LJ::MemCache::set($key, $newlog, $max_period);
return 1;