
179 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File

title=><?_ml .title _ml?>
head=><?_code return LJ::robot_meta_tags(); _code?>
use strict;
my $body;
$body = LJ::server_down_html();
return $body;
# Only logged user can change its own password
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
return LJ::bad_input($ML{'error.noremote'})
unless $remote;
my $authas = $GET{'authas'} || $remote->{'user'};
my $memoryu = LJ::get_authas_user($authas);
return LJ::bad_input($ML{'error.invalidauth'})
unless $memoryu;
if ($LJ::USE_SSL && ! $LJ::IS_SSL && $FORM{'ssl'} ne "no") {
return BML::redirect("$LJ::SSLROOT/changepassword.bml");
my $crumb = $LJ::IS_SSL ? 'securechangepass' : 'changepass';
my $update_form = sub {
my $ret;
# else, show the form to change:
$ret .= "<form action='changepassword.bml' method='post'>\n";
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden(mode => 'submit',
ssl => $GET{'ssl'});
$ret .= "<?h1 $ML{'.changepassword.header'} h1?>\n";
$ret .= "<?p $ML{'.changepassword.instructions'} p?>\n";
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
# Warn them if logged in and not validated
if (!LJ::did_post() && $remote && $remote->{'status'} ne 'A') {
$ret .= "<?warningbar <b>$ML{'label.warning'}</b> $ML{'.error.notvalidated'} warningbar?>";
$ret .= "<br />";
$ret .= "<?standout\n";
$ret .= "$ML{'Username'}: $authas <br />\n<br />\n";
# we make the field for the new password *longer* than the max length
# for a password - that way we can tell if someone is trying to use an
# excessively long password, instead of silently truncating it.
$ret .= "$ML{'.oldpassword'}<br />\n";
$ret .= "<input type='password' name='password' size='30' maxlength='30' /><br />\n";
$ret .= "$ML{'.newpassword'}<br />\n";
$ret .= "<input type='password' name='newpass1' size='30' maxlength='31' /><br />\n";
$ret .= "$ML{'.newpasswordagain'}<br />\n";
$ret .= "<input type='password' name='newpass2' size='30' maxlength='31' /><br />\n";
$ret .= "standout?>\n";
$ret .= "<?h1 $ML{'Proceed'} h1?>\n";
$ret .= "<?p $ML{'.proceed.instructions'} p?>\n";
$ret .= "<?standout\n";
$ret .= "<input type='submit' value='$ML{'.btn.proceed'}' />\n";
$ret .= "standout?>\n";
$ret .= "</form>\n";
return $ret;
unless (LJ::did_post()) {
$body .= $update_form->();
} elsif ($POST{'mode'} eq 'submit') {
my $user = $authas; #LJ::canonical_username($POST{'user'});
my $password = $POST{'password'};
my $newpass1 = LJ::trim($POST{'newpass1'});
my $newpass2 = LJ::trim($POST{'newpass2'});
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
my $u = LJ::load_user($user);
my @errors = ();
if ($user eq "test") { push @errors, $ML{'.error.changetestaccount'}; }
unless ($user) {
push @errors, $ML{'.error.mustenterusername'};
} else {
unless (defined $u) {
push @errors, BML::ml('.error.invaliduser', {'user' => $user} );
} else {
if (LJ::login_ip_banned($u)) {
push @errors, $ML{'error.ipbanned'};
} elsif ($u->{'password'} eq "" || $u->{'password'} ne $password) {
push @errors, $ML{'.error.badoldpassword'};
if ($newpass1 ne $newpass2) {
push @errors, $ML{'.error.badnewpassword'};
} else {
if ($newpass1 eq "") {
push @errors, $ML{'.error.blankpassword'};
} elsif (length $newpass1 > 30) {
push @errors, $ML{'.error.characterlimit'};
} else {
my @checkpass = LJ::run_hooks("bad_password",
{ 'user' => $u->{'user'}, 'password' => $newpass1,
'name' => $u->{'name'}, 'email' => $u->{'email'} });
if (@checkpass && $checkpass[0]->[0]) {
push @errors, BML::ml('.error.badcheck', {'error' => $checkpass[0]->[0]});
# don't allow changes if email address is not validated
unless ($u->{'status'} eq 'A') {
push @errors, $ML{'.error.notvalidated'};
unless (LJ::is_ascii($newpass1)) {
push @errors, $ML{'.error.nonascii'};
if (@errors) {
$body .= LJ::error_list(@errors);
$body .= $update_form->();
return $body;
## make note of changed password
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $oldval = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($u->{'password'} . "change");
LJ::infohistory_add($u, 'password', $oldval);
LJ::update_user($u, { password => $POST{'newpass1'} });
# Kill all sessions, forcing user to relogin
'to' => $u->{'email'},
'from' => $LJ::ADMIN_EMAIL,
'fromname' => $LJ::SITENAME,
'charset' => 'utf-8',
'subject' => $ML{'.email.subject'},
'body' => BML::ml('.email.body', {'sitename'=>$LJ::SITENAME, 'siteroot'=>$LJ::SITEROOT})});
$body = "<?h1 $ML{'Success'} h1?><?p $ML{'.success.text'} p?>";
# if they were logged in, tell them to relogin
$body .= "<?p " . BML::ml('.relogin', { 'aopts' => "href='/login.bml'" }) . " p?>" if $remote;
LJ::run_hooks("post_changepassword", {
"u" => $u,
"newpassword" => $POST{'newpass1'},
"oldpassword" => $u->{'password'},
return $body;
page?><?_c <LJDEP>
post: htdocs/changepassword.bml
lib: Digest::MD5
hook: post_changepassword
</LJDEP> _c?>