
232 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File

# Danga's Mail Transfer Daemon
# Status: 2004-06-07: quick hack.
# Copyright 2004, Danga Interactive
# Authors:
# Brad Fitzpatrick <brad@danga.com>
# License:
# Artistic/GPL. Your choice.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Carp;
use Danga::Socket;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use POSIX ();
use vars qw($DEBUG);
$DEBUG = 0;
my (
my $conf_port = 7005;
'd|daemon' => \$daemonize,
'p|port=i' => \$conf_port,
'debug=i' => \$DEBUG,
daemonize() if $daemonize;
$SIG{'PIPE'} = "IGNORE"; # handled manually
# establish SERVER socket, bind and listen.
my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $conf_port,
Blocking => 0,
Reuse => 1,
Listen => 10 )
or die "Error creating socket: $@\n";
# Not sure if I'm crazy or not, but I can't see in strace where/how
# Perl 5.6 sets blocking to 0 without this. In Perl 5.8, IO::Socket::INET
# obviously sets it from watching strace.
IO::Handle::blocking($server, 0);
my $accept_handler = sub {
my $csock = $server->accept();
return unless $csock;
printf("Listen child making a Client for %d.\n", fileno($csock))
if $DEBUG;
IO::Handle::blocking($csock, 0);
setsockopt($csock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, pack("l", 1)) or die;
my $client = Client->new($csock);
Client->OtherFds(fileno($server) => $accept_handler);
sub daemonize {
my($pid, $sess_id, $i);
## Fork and exit parent
if ($pid = fork) { exit 0; }
## Detach ourselves from the terminal
croak "Cannot detach from controlling terminal"
unless $sess_id = POSIX::setsid();
## Prevent possibility of acquiring a controling terminal
if ($pid = fork) { exit 0; }
## Change working directory
chdir "/";
## Clear file creation mask
umask 0;
## Close open file descriptors
## Reopen stderr, stdout, stdin to /dev/null
open(STDIN, "+>/dev/null");
open(STDOUT, "+>&STDIN");
open(STDERR, "+>&STDIN");
### C L I E N T C L A S S
package Client;
use Danga::Socket;
use base 'Danga::Socket';
use fields (
'headers', # hashref of header fields read
'line', # partial line read so far
'readcount', # how much into the message body we've read
'sendmail', # IO::File pipe to sendmail
'gotheaders', # bool: if we've finished reading headers
'err', # bool: error has occurred so far
use Errno qw(EPIPE);
use IO::File;
sub new {
my Client $self = shift;
$self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self;
$self->SUPER::new( @_ );
return $self;
sub reset_for_next_message {
my Client $self = shift;
$self->{line} = '';
$self->{headers} = {};
$self->{readcount} = 0;
$self->{gotheaders} = 0;
$self->{sendmail} = undef;
$self->{err} = 0;
return $self;
# Client
sub event_read {
my Client $self = shift;
my $bref = $self->read(8192);
return $self->close() unless defined $bref;
sub process_read_buf {
my Client $self = shift;
my $bref = shift;
if (! $self->{gotheaders}) {
$self->{line} .= $$bref;
while ($self->{line} =~ s/^(.*?)\r?\n//) {
my $line = $1;
if ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s*:\s*(.+)/) {
$self->{headers}{lc($1)} = $2;
} elsif ($line eq "") {
$self->{gotheaders} = 1;
$self->{readcount} = 0;
my $opts = "";
my $h = $self->{headers};
# pass the '-f' option to sendmail, if the given
# Envelope-Sender header is clean
if (my $es = $h->{'envelope-sender'}) {
if ($es =~ /^[\w\-\+\.]+\@[\w\-\.]+$/) {
$opts = "-f $es";
unless ($self->{sendmail} =
IO::File->new("| /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i $opts")) {
$self->{err} = 1;
$self->close unless $h->{'content-length'} > 0 &&
$h->{'content-length'} =~ /^\d+$/;
$bref = \$self->{line};
return unless $self->{gotheaders};
my $need = $self->{headers}{'content-length'} - $self->{readcount};
my $len = length($$bref);
# if we read into the next message (pipelined messages)
# then we need to push the overflow piece back into $overflow
my $overflow;
if ($len > $need) {
my $needed = substr($$bref, 0, $need);
$overflow = substr($$bref, $need);
$bref = \$needed;
$len = $need;
$self->{readcount} += $len;
if ($self->{sendmail} && ! $self->{err}) {
$self->{err} = 1 if $! == EPIPE;
# if we're done, close sendmail
if ($len == $need) {
if (! $self->{err} &&
$self->{sendmail} &&
$self->{sendmail}->close()) {
} else {
$self->process_read_buf(\$overflow) if defined $overflow;
# Client
sub event_err { my $self = shift; $self->close; }
sub event_hup { my $self = shift; $self->close; }
# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# c-basic-indent: 4
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: