
270 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable File

package Gearman::Taskset;
use strict;
use Carp ();
use Gearman::Util;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my Gearman::Client $client = shift;
my $self = $class;
$self = fields::new($class) unless ref $self;
$self->{waiting} = {};
$self->{need_handle} = [];
$self->{client} = $client;
$self->{loaned_sock} = {};
return $self;
my Gearman::Taskset $ts = shift;
if ($ts->{default_sock}) {
$ts->{client}->_put_js_sock($ts->{default_sockaddr}, $ts->{default_sock});
while (my ($hp, $sock) = each %{ $ts->{loaned_sock} }) {
$ts->{client}->_put_js_sock($hp, $sock);
sub _get_loaned_sock {
my Gearman::Taskset $ts = shift;
my $hostport = shift;
if (my $sock = $ts->{loaned_sock}{$hostport}) {
return $sock if $sock->connected;
delete $ts->{loaned_sock}{$hostport};
my $sock = $ts->{client}->_get_js_sock($hostport);
return $ts->{loaned_sock}{$hostport} = $sock;
sub wait {
my Gearman::Taskset $ts = shift;
while (keys %{$ts->{waiting}}) {
# TODO: timeout jobs that have been running too long. the _wait_for_packet
# loop only waits 0.5 seconds.
# ->add_task($func, <$scalar | $scalarref>, <$uniq | $opts_hashref>
# opts:
# -- uniq
# -- on_complete
# -- on_fail
# -- on_status
# -- retry_count
# -- fail_after_idle
# -- high_priority
# ->add_task(Gearman::Task)
sub add_task {
my Gearman::Taskset $ts = shift;
my $task;
if (ref $_[0]) {
$task = shift;
} else {
my $func = shift;
my $arg_p = shift; # scalar or scalarref
my $opts = shift; # $uniq or hashref of opts
my $argref = ref $arg_p ? $arg_p : \$arg_p;
unless (ref $opts eq "HASH") {
$opts = { uniq => $opts };
$task = Gearman::Task->new($func, $argref, $opts);
my $req = $task->pack_submit_packet;
my $len = length($req);
my $rv = $task->{jssock}->syswrite($req, $len);
die "Wrote $rv but expected to write $len" unless $rv == $len;
push @{ $ts->{need_handle} }, $task;
while (@{ $ts->{need_handle} }) {
my $rv = $ts->_wait_for_packet($task->{jssock});
if (! $rv) {
shift @{ $ts->{need_handle} }; # ditch it, it failed.
# this will resubmit it if it failed.
return $task->fail;
return $task->handle;
sub _get_default_sock {
my Gearman::Taskset $ts = shift;
return $ts->{default_sock} if $ts->{default_sock};
my $getter = sub {
my $hostport = shift;
$ts->{loaned_sock}{$hostport} ||
my ($jst, $jss) = $ts->{client}->_get_random_js_sock($getter);
$ts->{loaned_sock}{$jst} ||= $jss;
$ts->{default_sock} = $jss;
$ts->{default_sockaddr} = $jst;
return $jss;
sub _get_hashed_sock {
my Gearman::Taskset $ts = shift;
my $hv = shift;
my Gearman::Client $cl = $ts->{client};
for (my $off = 0; $off < $cl->{js_count}; $off++) {
my $idx = ($hv + $off) % ($cl->{js_count});
my $sock = $ts->_get_loaned_sock($cl->{job_servers}[$idx]);
return $sock if $sock;
return undef;
# returns boolean when given a sock to wait on.
# otherwise, return value is undefined.
sub _wait_for_packet {
my Gearman::Taskset $ts = shift;
my $sock = shift; # optional socket to singularly read from
my ($res, $err);
if ($sock) {
$res = Gearman::Util::read_res_packet($sock, \$err);
return 0 unless $res;
return $ts->_process_packet($res, $sock);
} else {
# TODO: cache this vector?
my ($rin, $rout, $eout);
my %watching;
for my $sock ($ts->{default_sock}, values %{ $ts->{loaned_sock} }) {
next unless $sock;
my $fd = $sock->fileno;
vec($rin, $fd, 1) = 1;
$watching{$fd} = $sock;
my $nfound = select($rout=$rin, undef, $eout=$rin, 0.5);
return 0 if ! $nfound;
foreach my $fd (keys %watching) {
next unless vec($rout, $fd, 1);
# TODO: deal with error vector
my $sock = $watching{$fd};
$res = Gearman::Util::read_res_packet($sock, \$err);
$ts->_process_packet($res, $sock) if $res;
return 1;
sub _ip_port {
my $sock = shift;
return undef unless $sock;
my $pn = getpeername($sock) or return undef;
my ($port, $iaddr) = Socket::sockaddr_in($pn);
return Socket::inet_ntoa($iaddr) . ":$port";
# note the failure of a task given by its jobserver-specific handle
sub _fail_jshandle {
my Gearman::Taskset $ts = shift;
my $shandle = shift;
my $task_list = $ts->{waiting}{$shandle} or
die "Uhhhh: got work_fail for unknown handle: $shandle\n";
my Gearman::Task $task = shift @$task_list or
die "Uhhhh: task_list is empty on work_fail for handle $shandle\n";
delete $ts->{waiting}{$shandle} unless @$task_list;
sub _process_packet {
my Gearman::Taskset $ts = shift;
my ($res, $sock) = @_;
if ($res->{type} eq "job_created") {
my Gearman::Task $task = shift @{ $ts->{need_handle} } or
die "Um, got an unexpected job_created notification";
my $shandle = ${ $res->{'blobref'} };
my $ipport = _ip_port($sock);
# did sock become disconnected in the meantime?
if (! $ipport) {
return 1;
push @{ $ts->{waiting}{$shandle} ||= [] }, $task;
return 1;
if ($res->{type} eq "work_fail") {
my $shandle = ${ $res->{'blobref'} };
return 1;
if ($res->{type} eq "work_complete") {
${ $res->{'blobref'} } =~ s/^(.+?)\0//
or die "Bogus work_complete from server";
my $shandle = $1;
my $task_list = $ts->{waiting}{$shandle} or
die "Uhhhh: got work_complete for unknown handle: $shandle\n";
my Gearman::Task $task = shift @$task_list or
die "Uhhhh: task_list is empty on work_complete for handle $shandle\n";
delete $ts->{waiting}{$shandle} unless @$task_list;
return 1;
if ($res->{type} eq "work_status") {
my ($shandle, $nu, $de) = split(/\0/, ${ $res->{'blobref'} });
my $task_list = $ts->{waiting}{$shandle} or
die "Uhhhh: got work_status for unknown handle: $shandle\n";
# FIXME: the server is (probably) sending a work_status packet for each
# interested client, even if the clients are the same, so probably need
# to fix the server not to do that. just put this FIXME here for now,
# though really it's a server issue.
foreach my Gearman::Task $task (@$task_list) {
$task->status($nu, $de);
return 1;
die "Unknown/unimplemented packet type: $res->{type}";