
481 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

# Common HTTP functionality for ClientProxy and ClientHTTP
# possible states:
# reading_headers (initial state, then follows one of two paths)
# wait_backend, backend_req_sent, wait_res, xfer_res, draining_res
# wait_stat, wait_open, xfer_disk
# both paths can then go into persist_wait, which means they're waiting
# for another request from the user
package main;
# loading syscall.ph into package main in case some other module wants
# to use it (like Danga::Socket, or whoever else)
eval { require 'syscall.ph'; 1 } || eval { require 'sys/syscall.ph'; 1 };
package Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base "Perlbal::Socket";
use HTTP::Date ();
use fields ('service', # Perlbal::Service object
'replacement_uri', # URI to send instead of the one requested; this is used
# to instruct _serve_request to send an index file instead
# of trying to serve a directory and failing
'scratch', # extra storage; plugins can use it if they want
# reproxy support
'reproxy_file', # filename the backend told us to start opening
'reproxy_file_size', # size of file, once we stat() it
'reproxy_fh', # if needed, IO::Handle of fd
'reproxy_file_offset', # how much we've sent from the file.
'requests', # number of requests this object has performed for the user
use Errno qw( EPIPE ECONNRESET );
use POSIX ();
our $SYS_sendfile = &::SYS_sendfile;
# ghetto hard-coding. should let siteadmin define or something.
# maybe console/config command: AddMime <ext> <mime-type> (apache-style?)
our $MimeType = {qw(
css text/css
doc application/msword
gif image/gif
htm text/html
html text/html
jpg image/jpeg
js application/x-javascript
mp3 audio/mpeg
mpg video/mpeg
png image/png
tif image/tiff
tiff image/tiff
torrent application/x-bittorrent
txt text/plain
zip application/zip
# ClientHTTPBase
sub new {
my ($class, $service, $sock) = @_;
my $self = $class;
$self = fields::new($class) unless ref $self;
$self->SUPER::new($sock); # init base fields
$self->{service} = $service;
$self->{replacement_uri} = undef;
$self->{headers_string} = '';
$self->{requests} = 0;
$self->{scratch} = {};
bless $self, ref $class || $class;
return $self;
sub close {
my Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase $self = shift;
# don't close twice
return if $self->{closed};
# close the file we were reproxying, if any
CORE::close($self->{reproxy_fh}) if $self->{reproxy_fh};
# now pass up the line
# given our request headers, determine if we should be sending
# keep-alive header information back to the client
sub setup_keepalive {
my Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase $self = $_[0];
# now get the headers we're using
my Perlbal::HTTPHeaders $hd = $_[1];
my Perlbal::HTTPHeaders $rqhd = $self->{req_headers};
# for now, we enforce outgoing HTTP 1.0
# do keep alive if they sent content-length or it's a head request
my $do_keepalive = $self->{service}->{persist_client} &&
if ($do_keepalive) {
my $timeout = $self->max_idle_time;
$hd->header('Connection', 'keep-alive');
$hd->header('Keep-Alive', $timeout ? "timeout=$timeout, max=100" : undef);
} else {
$hd->header('Connection', 'close');
$hd->header('Keep-Alive', undef);
# called when we've finished writing everything to a client and we need
# to reset our state for another request. returns 1 to mean that we should
# support persistence, 0 means we're discarding this connection.
sub http_response_sent {
my Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase $self = $_[0];
# close if we're supposed to
if (!defined $self->{res_headers} ||
$self->{res_headers}->header('Connection') =~ m/\bclose\b/i ||
$self->{do_die}) {
# close if we have no response headers or they say to close
return 0;
# now since we're doing persistence, uncork so the last packet goes.
# we will recork when we're processing a new request.
# prepare!
$self->{replacement_uri} = undef;
$self->{headers_string} = '';
$self->{req_headers} = undef;
$self->{res_headers} = undef;
$self->{reproxy_fh} = undef;
$self->{reproxy_file} = undef;
$self->{reproxy_file_size} = 0;
$self->{reproxy_file_offset} = 0;
$self->{read_buf} = [];
$self->{read_ahead} = 0;
$self->{read_size} = 0;
$self->{scratch} = {};
# reset state
# NOTE: because we only speak 1.0 to clients they can't have
# pipeline in a read that we haven't read yet.
return 1;
use Carp qw(cluck);
sub reproxy_fh {
my Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase $self = shift;
# setter
if (@_) {
my ($fh, $size) = @_;
$self->{reproxy_fh} = $fh;
$self->{reproxy_file_offset} = 0;
$self->{reproxy_file_size} = $size;
# call hook that we're reproxying a file
return $fh if $self->{service}->run_hook("start_send_file", $self);
# turn on writes (the hook might not have wanted us to)
return $fh;
return $self->{reproxy_fh};
sub event_write {
my Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase $self = shift;
# Any HTTP client is considered alive if it's writable
# if it's not writable for 30 seconds, we kill it.
# subclasses can decide what's appropriate for timeout.
$self->{alive_time} = time;
if ($self->{reproxy_fh}) {
my $to_send = $self->{reproxy_file_size} - $self->{reproxy_file_offset};
$self->tcp_cork(1) if $self->{reproxy_file_offset} == 0;
my $sent = syscall($SYS_sendfile,
0, # NULL offset means kernel moves offset
print "REPROXY Sent: $sent\n" if Perlbal::DEBUG >= 2;
if ($sent < 0) {
return $self->close("epipe") if $! == EPIPE;
return $self->close("connreset") if $! == ECONNRESET;
print STDERR "Error w/ sendfile: $!\n";
$self->{reproxy_file_offset} += $sent;
if ($sent >= $to_send) {
# close the sendfile fd
$self->{reproxy_fh} = undef;
if ($self->write(undef)) {
print "All writing done to $self\n" if Perlbal::DEBUG >= 2;
# we've written all data in the queue, so stop waiting for write
# notifications:
# this gets called when a "web" service is serving a file locally.
sub _serve_request {
my Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase $self = shift;
my Perlbal::HTTPHeaders $hd = shift;
my $rm = $hd->request_method;
unless ($rm eq "HEAD" || $rm eq "GET") {
return $self->_simple_response(403, "Unimplemented method");
my $uri = _durl($self->{replacement_uri} || $hd->request_uri);
# don't allow directory traversal
if ($uri =~ /\.\./ || $uri !~ m!^/!) {
return $self->_simple_response(403, "Bogus URL");
my Perlbal::Service $svc = $self->{service};
# start_serve_request hook
return 1 if $self->{service}->run_hook('start_serve_request', $self, \$uri);
my $file = $svc->{docroot} . $uri;
# update state, since we're now waiting on stat
Perlbal::AIO::aio_stat($file, sub {
# client's gone anyway
return if $self->{closed};
return $self->_simple_response(404) unless -e _;
my $lastmod = HTTP::Date::time2str((stat(_))[9]);
my $not_mod = ($hd->header("If-Modified-Since") || "") eq $lastmod && -f _;
my $res;
my $not_satisfiable = 0;
my $size = -s _ if -f _;
my ($status, $range_start, $range_end) = $hd->range($size);
if ($not_mod) {
$res = $self->{res_headers} = Perlbal::HTTPHeaders->new_response(304);
} elsif ($status == 416) {
$res = $self->{res_headers} = Perlbal::HTTPHeaders->new_response(416);
$res->header("Content-Range", $size ? "*/$size" : "*");
$not_satisfiable = 1;
} elsif ($status == 206) {
# partial content
$res = $self->{res_headers} = Perlbal::HTTPHeaders->new_response(206);
} else {
$res = $self->{res_headers} = Perlbal::HTTPHeaders->new_response(200);
# now set whether this is keep-alive or not
$res->header("Date", HTTP::Date::time2str());
$res->header("Server", "Perlbal");
$res->header("Last-Modified", $lastmod);
if (-f _) {
# advertise that we support byte range requests
$res->header("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
unless ($not_mod && $not_satisfiable) {
my ($ext) = ($file =~ /\.(\w+)$/);
(defined $ext && exists $MimeType->{$ext}) ? $MimeType->{$ext} : "text/plain");
unless ($status == 206) {
$res->header("Content-Length", $size);
} else {
$res->header("Content-Range", "$range_start-$range_end/$size");
$res->header("Content-Length", $range_end-$range_start + 1);
# has to happen after content-length is set to work:
if ($rm eq "HEAD" || $not_mod || $not_satisfiable) {
# we can return already, since we know the size
$self->write(sub { $self->http_response_sent; });
# state update
Perlbal::AIO::aio_open($file, 0, 0, sub {
my $rp_fh = shift;
# if client's gone, just close filehandle and abort
if ($self->{closed}) {
CORE::close($rp_fh) if $rp_fh;
# handle errors
if (! $rp_fh) {
# couldn't open the file we had already successfully stat'ed.
# FIXME: do 500 vs. 404 vs whatever based on $!
return $self->close('aio_open_failure');
$self->tcp_cork(1); # cork writes to self
# seek if partial content
if ($status == 206) {
sysseek($rp_fh, $range_start, &POSIX::SEEK_SET);
$size = $range_end - $range_start + 1;
$self->reproxy_fh($rp_fh, $size);
} elsif (-d _) {
$self->try_index_files($hd, $res);
sub try_index_files {
my Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase $self = shift;
my ($hd, $res, $filepos) = @_;
# make sure this starts at 0 initially, and fail if it's past the end
$filepos ||= 0;
if ($filepos >= scalar(@{$self->{service}->{index_files} || []})) {
if ($self->{service}->{dirindexing}) {
# open the directory and create an index
my $body;
my $file = $self->{service}->{docroot} . '/' . $hd->request_uri;
$res->header("Content-Type", "text/html");
opendir(D, $file);
foreach my $de (sort readdir(D)) {
if (-d "$file/$de") {
$body .= "<b><a href='$de/'>$de</a></b><br />\n";
} else {
$body .= "<a href='$de'>$de</a><br />\n";
$res->header("Content-Length", length($body));
$self->tcp_cork(1); # cork writes to self
$self->write(sub { $self->http_response_sent; });
} else {
# just inform them that listing is disabled
$self->_simple_response(200, "Directory listing disabled")
# construct the file path we need to check
my $file = $self->{service}->{index_files}->[$filepos];
my $fullpath = $self->{service}->{docroot} . '/' . $hd->request_uri . '/' . $file;
# now see if it exists
Perlbal::AIO::aio_stat($fullpath, sub {
return if $self->{closed};
return $self->try_index_files($hd, $res, $filepos + 1) unless -f _;
# at this point the file exists, so we just want to serve it
$self->{replacement_uri} = $hd->request_uri . '/' . $file;
return $self->_serve_request($hd);
sub _simple_response {
my Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase $self = shift;
my ($code, $msg) = @_; # or bodyref
my $res = $self->{res_headers} = Perlbal::HTTPHeaders->new_response($code);
$res->header("Content-Type", "text/html");
my $body;
unless ($code == 204) {
my $en = $res->http_code_english;
$body = "<h1>$code" . ($en ? " - $en" : "") . "</h1>\n";
$body .= $msg if $msg;
$res->header('Content-Length', length($body));
$self->tcp_cork(1); # cork writes to self
if (defined $body) {
unless ($self->{req_headers} && $self->{req_headers}->request_method eq 'HEAD') {
# don't write body for head requests
$self->write(sub { $self->http_response_sent; });
return 1;
# FIXME: let this be configurable?
sub max_idle_time { 30; }
sub event_err { my $self = shift; $self->close('error'); }
sub event_hup { my $self = shift; $self->close('hup'); }
sub as_string {
my Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase $self = shift;
my $ret = $self->SUPER::as_string;
my $name = $self->{sock} ? getsockname($self->{sock}) : undef;
my $lport = $name ? (Socket::sockaddr_in($name))[0] : undef;
$ret .= ": localport=$lport" if $lport;
$ret .= "; reqs=$self->{requests}";
$ret .= "; $self->{state}";
my $hd = $self->{req_headers};
if (defined $hd) {
my $host = $hd->header('Host') || 'unknown';
$ret .= "; http://$host" . $hd->request_uri;
return $ret;
sub _durl {
my ($a) = @_;
$a =~ tr/+/ /;
$a =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
return $a;
# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# c-basic-indent: 4
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: