
249 lines
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Executable File

# HTTP connection to backend node
# possible states: connecting, bored, sending_req, wait_res, xfer_res
package Perlbal::ReproxyManager;
use strict;
use warnings;
# class storage to store 'host:ip' => $service objects, for making
# reproxies use a service that you can then track
our $ReproxySelf;
our %ReproxyConnecting; # ( host:ip => $backend ); keeps track of outstanding connections to backend that
# are in the connecting state
our %ReproxyBored; # ( host:ip => [ $backend, ... ] ); list of our bored backends
our %ReproxyQueues; # ( host:ip => [ $clientproxy, ... ] ); queued up requests for this backend
our %ReproxyBackends; # ( host:ip => [ $backend, ... ] ); array of backends we have connected
our %ReproxyMax; # ( host:ip => int ); maximum number of connections to have open at any one time
our $ReproxyGlobalMax; # int; the global cap used if no per-host cap is specified
our $NoSpawn = 0; # bool; when set, spawn_backend immediately returns without running
our $LastCleanup = 0; # int; time we last ran our cleanup logic (FIXME: temp hack)
# singleton new function; returns us if we exist, else creates us
sub get {
return $ReproxySelf if $ReproxySelf;
# doesn't exist, so create it and return it
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $ReproxySelf = $self;
# given (clientproxy, primary_res_hdrs), initiate proceedings to process a
# request for a reproxy resource
sub do_reproxy {
my Perlbal::ReproxyManager $self = Perlbal::ReproxyManager->get; # singleton
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $cp = $_[0];
return undef unless $self && $cp;
# get data we use
my $datref = $cp->{reproxy_uris}->[0];
my $ipport = "$datref->[0]:$datref->[1]";
push @{$ReproxyQueues{$ipport} ||= []}, $cp;
# see if we should do cleanup (FIXME: temp hack)
my $now = time();
if ($LastCleanup < $now - 5) {
# remove closed backends from our array. this is O(n) but n is small
# and we're paranoid that just keeping a count would get corrupt over
# time. also removes the backends that have clients that are closed.
@{$ReproxyBackends{$ipport}} = grep {
! $_->{closed} && (! $_->{client} || ! $_->{client}->{closed})
} @{$ReproxyBackends{$ipport}};
$LastCleanup = $now;
# now start a new backend
return 1;
# part of the reportto interface; this is called when a backend is unable to establish
# a connection with a backend. we simply try the next uri.
sub note_bad_backend_connect {
my Perlbal::ReproxyManager $self = $_[0];
my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $be = $_[1];
# decrement counts and undef connecting backend
$ReproxyConnecting{$be->{ipport}} = undef;
# if nobody waiting, doesn't matter if we couldn't get to this backend
return unless @{$ReproxyQueues{$be->{ipport}} || []};
# if we still have some connected backends then ignore this bad connection attempt
return if scalar @{$ReproxyBackends{$be->{ipport}} || []};
# at this point, we have no connected backends, and our connecting one failed
# so we want to tell all of the waiting clients to try their next uri, because
# this host is down.
while (my Perlbal::ClientProxy $cp = shift @{$ReproxyQueues{$be->{ipport}}}) {
return 1;
# called by a backend when it's ready for a request
sub register_boredom {
my Perlbal::ReproxyManager $self = $_[0];
my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $be = $_[1];
# if this backend was connecting
my $ipport = $be->{ipport};
if ($ReproxyConnecting{$ipport} && $ReproxyConnecting{$ipport} == $be) {
$ReproxyConnecting{$ipport} = undef;
$ReproxyBackends{$ipport} ||= [];
push @{$ReproxyBackends{$ipport}}, $be;
# sometimes a backend is closed but it tries to register with us anyway... ignore it
# but since this might have been our only one, spawn another
if ($be->{closed}) {
# find some clients to use
while (my Perlbal::ClientProxy $cp = shift @{$ReproxyQueues{$ipport} || []}) {
# safety checks
next if $cp->{closed};
# give backend to client
# no clients if we get here, so push onto bored backend list
push @{$ReproxyBored{$ipport} ||= []}, $be;
# clean up the front of our list if we can (see docs above)
if (my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $bbe = $ReproxyBored{$ipport}->[0]) {
if ($bbe->{alive_time} < time() - 5) {
$NoSpawn = 1;
shift @{$ReproxyBored{$ipport}};
$NoSpawn = 0;
return 0;
# backend closed, decrease counts, etc
sub note_backend_close {
my Perlbal::ReproxyManager $self = $_[0];
my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $be = $_[1];
# remove closed backends from our array. this is O(n) but n is small
# and we're paranoid that just keeping a count would get corrupt over
# time.
@{$ReproxyBackends{$be->{ipport}}} = grep {
! $_->{closed}
} @{$ReproxyBackends{$be->{ipport}}};
# spawn more if needed
sub spawn_backend {
return if $NoSpawn;
my Perlbal::ReproxyManager $self = $_[0];
my $ipport = $_[1];
# if we're already connecting, we don't want to spawn another one
if (my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $be = $ReproxyConnecting{$ipport}) {
# see if this one is too old?
if ($be->{create_time} < (time() - 5)) { # older than 5 seconds?
# we return here instead of spawning because closing the backend calls
# note_backend_close which will call spawn_backend again, and at that
# point we won't have a pending connection and can spawn
} else {
# don't spawn more if we're already connecting
# if nobody waiting, don't spawn extra connections
return unless @{$ReproxyQueues{$ipport} || []};
# don't spawn if we have a bored one already
while (my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $bbe = pop @{$ReproxyBored{$ipport} || []}) {
# don't use keep-alive connections if we know the server's
# just about to kill the connection for being idle
my $now = time();
if ($bbe->{disconnect_at} && $now + 2 > $bbe->{disconnect_at} ||
$bbe->{alive_time} < $now - 5)
$NoSpawn = 1;
$NoSpawn = 0;
# it's good, give it to someone
# see if we have too many already?
my $max = $ReproxyMax{$ipport} || $ReproxyGlobalMax || 0;
my $count = scalar @{$ReproxyBackends{$ipport} || []};
return if $max && ($count >= $max);
# start one connecting and enqueue
my $be = Perlbal::BackendHTTP->new(undef, split(/:/, $ipport), { reportto => $self })
or return 0;
$ReproxyConnecting{$ipport} = $be;
sub backend_response_received {
my Perlbal::ReproxyManager $self = $_[0];
my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $be = $_[1];
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $cp = $be->{client};
# if no client, close backend and return 1
unless ($cp) {
return 1;
# pass on to client
return $cp->backend_response_received($be);
sub dump_state {
my $out = shift;
return unless $out;
# spits out what we have connecting
while (my ($hostip, $dat) = each %ReproxyConnecting) {
$out->("connecting $hostip 1") if defined $dat;
while (my ($hostip, $dat) = each %ReproxyBored) {
$out->("bored $hostip " . scalar(@$dat));
while (my ($hostip, $dat) = each %ReproxyQueues) {
$out->("clients_queued $hostip " . scalar(@$dat));
while (my ($hostip, $dat) = each %ReproxyBackends) {
$out->("backends $hostip " . scalar(@$dat));
foreach my $be (@$dat) {
$out->("... " . $be->as_string);
while (my ($hostip, $dat) = each %ReproxyMax) {
$out->("SERVER max_reproxy_connections($hostip) = $dat");
$out->("SERVER max_reproxy_connections = " . ($ReproxyGlobalMax || 0));