
498 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

package S2;
use strict;
use vars qw($pout $pout_s %Domains $CurrentDomain); # public interface: sub refs to print and print safely
$pout = sub { print @_; };
$pout_s = sub { print @_; };
## array indexes into $_ctx (which shows up in compiled S2 code)
use constant VTABLE => 0;
use constant STATICS => 1;
use constant PROPS => 2;
use constant SCRATCH => 3; # embedder-defined use
use constant LAYERLIST => 4; # arrayref of layerids which made the context
%Domains = ();
$CurrentDomain = 'unset';
sub set_domain
my $name = shift;
$Domains{ $name } ||= {
layer => undef, # time()
layercomp => undef, # compiled time (when loaded from database)
layerinfo => undef, # key -> value
layerset => undef, # key -> value
layerprop => undef, # prop -> { type/key => "string"/val }
layerprops => undef, # arrayref of hashrefs
layerprophide => undef, # prop -> 1
layerfunc => undef, # funcnum -> sub{}
layerclass => undef, # classname -> hashref
layerglobal => undef, # signature -> hashref
layerpropgroups => undef, # [ group_ident* ]
layerpropgroupname => undef, # group_ident -> text_name
layerpropgroupprops => undef, # group_ident -> [ prop_ident* ]
funcnum => undef, # funcID -> funcnum
funcnummax => 0, # maxnum in use already by funcnum, above.
$CurrentDomain = $name;
sub get_layer_all
my $lid = shift;
my $domain = $Domains{$CurrentDomain};
return undef unless $domain->{layer}{$lid};
return {
layer => $domain->{layer}{$lid},
info => $domain->{layerinfo}{$lid},
set => $domain->{layerset}{$lid},
prop => $domain->{layerprop}{$lid},
class => $domain->{layerclass}{$lid},
global => $domain->{layerglobal}{$lid},
propgroupname => $domain->{layerpropgroupname}{$lid},
propgroups => $domain->{layerpropgroups}{$lid},
propgroupprops => $domain->{layerpropgroupprops}{$lid},
# compatibility functions
sub pout { $pout->(@_); }
sub pout_s { $pout_s->(@_); }
sub get_property_value
my ($ctx, $k) = @_;
return $ctx->[PROPS]->{$k};
sub get_lang_code
return get_property_value($_[0], 'lang_current');
sub make_context
my (@lids) = @_;
if (ref $lids[0] eq "ARRAY") { @lids = @{$lids[0]}; } # 1st arg can be array ref
my $ctx = [];
undef $@;
my $domain = $Domains{$CurrentDomain};
## load all the layers & make the vtable
foreach my $lid (0, @lids)
## build the vtable
foreach my $fn (keys %{$domain->{layerfunc}{$lid}}) {
$ctx->[VTABLE]->{$fn} = $domain->{layerfunc}{$lid}->{$fn};
## ignore further stuff for layer IDs of 0
next unless $lid;
## FIXME: load the layer if not loaded, using registered
## loader sub.
## setup the property values
foreach my $p (keys %{$domain->{layerset}{$lid}}) {
my $v = $domain->{layerset}{$lid}->{$p};
# this was the old format, but only used for Color constructors,
# so we can change it to the new format:
$v = S2::Builtin::Color__Color($v->[0])
if (ref $v eq "ARRAY" && scalar(@$v) == 2 &&
ref $v->[1] eq "CODE");
$ctx->[PROPS]->{$p} = $v;
$ctx->[LAYERLIST] = [ @lids ];
return $ctx;
# returns an arrayref of layerids loaded in this context
sub get_layers {
my $ctx = shift;
return @{ $ctx->[LAYERLIST] };
sub get_style_modtime
my $ctx = shift;
my $high = 0;
foreach (@{$ctx->[LAYERLIST]}) {
$high = $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layercomp}{$_}
if $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layercomp}{$_} > $high;
return $high;
sub register_class
my ($lid, $classname, $info) = @_;
$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerclass}{$lid}{$classname} = $info;
sub register_layer
my ($lid) = @_;
unregister_layer($lid) if $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layer}{$lid};
$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layer}{$lid} = time();
sub unregister_layer
my ($lid) = @_;
my $domain = $Domains{$CurrentDomain};
delete $domain->{layer}{$lid};
delete $domain->{layercomp}{$lid};
delete $domain->{layerinfo}{$lid};
delete $domain->{layerset}{$lid};
delete $domain->{layerprop}{$lid};
delete $domain->{layerprops}{$lid};
delete $domain->{layerprophide}{$lid};
delete $domain->{layerfunc}{$lid};
delete $domain->{layerclass}{$lid};
delete $domain->{layerglobal}{$lid};
delete $domain->{layerpropgroups}{$lid};
delete $domain->{layerpropgroupprops}{$lid};
delete $domain->{layerpropgroupname}{$lid};
sub load_layer
my ($lid, $comp, $comptime) = @_;
eval $comp;
if ($@) {
my $err = $@;
die "Layer \#$lid: $err";
$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layercomp}{$lid} = $comptime;
return 1;
sub load_layers_from_db
my ($db, @layers) = @_;
my $maxtime = 0;
my @to_load;
my $domain = $Domains{$CurrentDomain};
foreach my $lid (@layers) {
$lid += 0;
if (exists $domain->{layer}{$lid}) {
$maxtime = $domain->{layercomp}{$lid} if $domain->{layercomp}{$lid} > $maxtime;
push @to_load, "(s2lid=$lid AND comptime>$domain->{layercomp}{$lid})";
} else {
push @to_load, "s2lid=$lid";
return $maxtime unless @to_load;
my $where = join(' OR ', @to_load);
my $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT s2lid, compdata, comptime FROM s2compiled WHERE $where");
while (my ($id, $comp, $comptime) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
eval $comp;
if ($@) {
my $err = $@;
die "Layer \#$id: $err";
$domain->{layercomp}{$id} = $comptime;
$maxtime = $comptime if $comptime > $maxtime;
return $maxtime;
# returns the modtime of a loaded layer; if a second parameter is specified,
# that is the maximum age in seconds to consider the layer loaded for. if a
# layer is older than that time, it is automatically unloaded and undef is
# returned to the caller.
sub layer_loaded
my ($id, $maxage) = @_;
my $modtime = $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layercomp}{$id};
return $modtime unless $maxage && $modtime;
# layer must be defined and loaded and we must have a max age at this point
my $age = time() - $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layer}{$id};
return $modtime if $age <= $maxage;
# layer is invalid; unload it and say it's not loaded
return undef;
sub set_layer_info
my ($lid, $key, $val) = @_;
$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerinfo}{$lid}->{$key} = $val;
sub get_layer_info
my ($lid, $key) = @_;
return undef unless $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerinfo}{$lid};
return $key
? $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerinfo}{$lid}->{$key}
: %{$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerinfo}{$lid}};
sub register_property
my ($lid, $propname, $props) = @_;
$props->{'name'} = $propname;
$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerprop}{$lid}->{$propname} = $props;
push @{$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerprops}{$lid}}, $props;
sub register_property_use
my ($lid, $propname) = @_;
push @{$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerprops}{$lid}}, $propname;
sub register_property_hide
my ($lid, $propname) = @_;
$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerprophide}{$lid}->{$propname} = 1;
sub register_propgroup_name
my ($lid, $gname, $name) = @_;
$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerpropgroupname}{$lid}->{$gname} = $name;
sub register_propgroup_props
my ($lid, $gname, $list) = @_;
$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerpropgroupprops}{$lid}->{$gname} = $list;
push @{$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerpropgroups}{$lid}}, $gname;
sub is_property_hidden
my ($lids, $propname) = @_;
foreach (@$lids) {
return 1 if $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerprophide}{$_}->{$propname};
return 0;
sub get_property
my ($lid, $propname) = @_;
return $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerprop}{$lid}->{$propname};
sub get_properties
my ($lid) = @_;
return () unless $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerprops}{$lid};
return @{$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerprops}{$lid}};
sub get_property_groups
my $lid = shift;
return @{$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerpropgroups}{$lid} || []};
sub get_property_group_props
my ($lid, $group) = @_;
return () unless $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerpropgroupprops}{$lid};
return @{$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerpropgroupprops}{$lid}->{$group} || []};
sub get_property_group_name
my ($lid, $group) = @_;
return unless $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerpropgroupname}{$lid};
return $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerpropgroupname}{$lid}->{$group};
sub register_set
my ($lid, $propname, $val) = @_;
$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerset}{$lid}->{$propname} = $val;
sub get_set
my ($lid, $propname) = @_;
my $v = $Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerset}{$lid}->{$propname};
return undef unless defined $v;
return $v;
# the whole point here is just to get the docstring.
# attrs is a comma-delimited list of attributes
sub register_global_function
my ($lid, $func, $rtype, $docstring, $attrs) = @_;
# need to make the signature: foo(int a, int b) -> foo(int,int)
return unless
$func =~ /^(.+?\()(.*)\)$/;
my ($signature, @args) = ($1, split(/\s*\,\s*/, $2));
foreach (@args) { s/\s+\w+$//; } # strip names
$signature .= join(",", @args) . ")";
$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerglobal}{$lid}->{$signature} = {
'returntype' => $rtype,
'docstring' => $docstring,
'args' => $func,
'attrs' => $attrs,
sub register_function
my ($lid, $names, $code) = @_;
# run the code to get the sub back with its closure data filled.
my $closure = $code->();
# now, remember that closure.
foreach my $fi (@$names) {
my $num = get_func_num($fi);
$Domains{$CurrentDomain}{layerfunc}{$lid}->{$num} = $closure;
sub set_output
$pout = shift;
sub set_output_safe
$pout_s = shift;
sub function_exists
my ($ctx, $func) = @_;
my $fnum = get_func_num($func);
my $code = $ctx->[VTABLE]->{$fnum};
return 1 if ref $code eq "CODE";
return 0;
sub run_code
my ($ctx, $entry, @args) = @_;
run_function($ctx, $entry, @args);
return 1;
sub run_function
my ($ctx, $entry, @args) = @_;
my $fnum = get_func_num($entry);
my $code = $ctx->[VTABLE]->{$fnum};
unless (ref $code eq "CODE") {
die "S2::run_code: Undefined function $entry ($fnum $code)\n";
my $val;
eval {
local $SIG{__DIE__} = undef;
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Style code didn't finish running in a timely fashion. ".
"Possible causes: <ul><li>Infinite loop in style or layer</li>\n".
"<li>Database busy</li></ul>\n" };
alarm 4;
$val = $code->($ctx, @args);
alarm 0;
if ($@) {
die "Died in S2::run_code running $entry: $@\n";
return $val;
sub get_func_num
my $name = shift;
my $domain = $Domains{$CurrentDomain};
return $domain->{funcnum}{$name}
if exists $domain->{funcnum}{$name};
return $domain->{funcnum}{$name} = ++$domain->{funcnummax};
sub get_object_func_num
my ($type, $inst, $func, $s2lid, $s2line, $is_super) = @_;
if (ref $inst ne "HASH" || $inst->{'_isnull'}) {
die "Method called on null $type object at layer \#$s2lid, line $s2line.\n";
$type = $inst->{'_type'} unless $is_super;
my $fn = get_func_num("${type}::$func");
#Apache->request->log_error("get_object_func_num(${type}::$func) = $fn");
return $fn;
# Called by NodeForeachStmt
sub get_characters
my $string = shift;
use utf8;
return split(//,$string);
sub check_defined {
my $obj = shift;
return ref $obj eq "HASH" && ! $obj->{'_isnull'};
sub check_elements {
my $obj = shift;
if (ref $obj eq "ARRAY") {
return @$obj ? 1 : 0;
} elsif (ref $obj eq "HASH") {
return %$obj ? 1 : 0;
return 0;
sub interpolate_object {
my ($ctx, $cname, $obj, $method) = @_;
return "" unless ref $obj eq "HASH" && ! $obj->{'_isnull'};
my $res = eval {
# wrap in an eval in case get_object_func_num returns something invalid...
return $ctx->[VTABLE]->{get_object_func_num($cname,$obj,$method)}->($ctx, $obj);
return $res unless $@;
# if we get here, we know something went wrong
my $type = $obj->{_type} || $cname || "undef";
return "$type::$method call failed.";
sub notags {
my $a = shift;
$a =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$a =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
return $a;
package S2::Builtin;
# generic S2 has no built-in functionality