
270 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File

package S2::NodeClass;
use strict;
use S2::Node;
use S2::NodeClassVarDecl;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
$VERSION = '1.0';
@ISA = qw(S2::Node);
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
my $node = new S2::Node;
$node->{'vars'} = [];
$node->{'functions'} = [];
$node->{'varType'} = {};
$node->{'funcType'} = {};
bless $node, $class;
sub cleanForFreeze {
my $this = shift;
delete $this->{'tokenlist'};
delete $this->{'docstring'};
foreach (@{$this->{'functions'}}) { $_->cleanForFreeze(); }
foreach (@{$this->{'vars'}}) { $_->cleanForFreeze(); }
sub canStart {
my ($class, $toker) = @_;
return $toker->peek() == $S2::TokenKeyword::CLASS;
sub parse {
my ($class, $toker, $isDecl) = @_;
my $n = new S2::NodeClass;
# get the function keyword
$n->setStart($n->requireToken($toker, $S2::TokenKeyword::CLASS));
$n->{'name'} = $n->getIdent($toker);
if ($toker->peek() == $S2::TokenKeyword::EXTENDS) {
$n->{'parentName'} = $n->getIdent($toker);
# docstring
if ($toker->peek()->isa('S2::TokenStringLiteral')) {
my $t = $n->eatToken($toker);
$n->{'docstring'} = $t->getString();
$n->requireToken($toker, $S2::TokenPunct::LBRACE);
my $t;
while (($t = $toker->peek()) && $t->isa('S2::TokenKeyword')) {
if ($t == $S2::TokenKeyword::VAR) {
my $ncvd = parse S2::NodeClassVarDecl $toker;
push @{$n->{'vars'}}, $ncvd;
} elsif ($t == $S2::TokenKeyword::FUNCTION) {
my $nm = parse S2::NodeFunction $toker, 1;
push @{$n->{'functions'}}, $nm;
$n->requireToken($toker, $S2::TokenPunct::RBRACE);
return $n;
sub getName { shift->{'name'}->getIdent(); }
sub getParentName {
my $this = shift;
return undef unless $this->{'parentName'};
return $this->{'parentName'}->getIdent();
sub getFunctionType {
my ($this, $funcID) = @_;
my $t = $this->{'funcType'}->{$funcID};
return $t if $t;
return undef unless $this->{'parentClass'};
return $this->{'parentClass'}->getFunctionType($funcID);
sub getFunctionDeclClass {
my ($this, $funcID) = @_;
my $t = $this->{'funcType'}->{$funcID};
return $this if $t;
return undef unless $this->{'parentClass'};
return $this->{'parentClass'}->getFunctionDeclClass($funcID);
sub getMemberType {
my ($this, $mem) = @_;
my $t = $this->{'varType'}->{$mem};
return $t if $t;
return undef unless $this->{'parentClass'};
return $this->{'parentClass'}->getMemberType($mem);
sub getMemberDeclClass {
my ($this, $mem) = @_;
my $t = $this->{'varType'}->{$mem};
return $this if $t;
return undef unless $this->{'parentClass'};
return $this->{'parentClass'}->getMemberDeclClass($mem);
sub getDerClasses {
my ($this, $l, $depth) = @_;
$depth ||= 0; $l ||= [];
my $myname = $this->getName();
push @$l, { 'nc' => $this, 'dist' => $depth};
foreach my $cname (@{$this->{'ck'}->getDerClasses($myname)}) {
my $c = $this->{'ck'}->getClass($cname);
$c->getDerClasses($l, $depth+1);
return $l;
sub check {
my ($this, $l, $ck) = @_;
# keep a reference to the checker for later
$this->{'ck'} = $ck;
# can't declare classes inside of a layer if functions
# have already been declared or defined.
if ($ck->getHitFunction()) {
S2::error($this, "Can't declare a class inside a layer ".
"file after functions have been defined");
# if this is an extended class, make sure parent class exists
$this->{'parentClass'} = undef;
my $pname = $this->getParentName();
if (defined $pname) {
$this->{'parentClass'} = $ck->getClass($pname);
unless ($this->{'parentClass'}) {
S2::error($this, "Can't extend non-existent class '$pname'");
# make sure the class isn't already defined.
my $cname = $this->{'name'}->getIdent();
S2::error($this, "Can't redeclare class '$cname'") if $ck->getClass($cname);
# register all var and function declarations in hash & check for both
# duplicates and masking of parent class's declarations
# register self. this needs to be done before checking member
# variables so we can have members of our own type.
$ck->addClass($cname, $this);
# member vars
foreach my $nnt (@{$this->{'vars'}}) {
my $readonly = $nnt->isReadOnly();
my $vn = $nnt->getName();
my $vt = $nnt->getType();
my $et = $this->getMemberType($vn);
if ($et) {
my $oc = $this->getMemberDeclClass($vn);
S2::error($nnt, "Can't declare the variable '$vn' ".
"as '" . $vt->toString . "' in class '$cname' because it's ".
"already defined in class '". $oc->getName() ."' as ".
"type '". $et->toString ."'.");
# check to see if type exists
unless ($ck->isValidType($vt)) {
S2::error($nnt, "Can't declare member variable '$vn' ".
"as unknown type '". $vt->toString ."' in class '$cname'");
$this->{'varType'}->{$vn} = $vt; # register member variable
# all parent class functions need to be inherited:
$this->registerFunctions($ck, $cname);
sub registerFunctions {
my ($this, $ck, $clas) = @_;
# register parent's functions first.
if ($this->{'parentClass'}) {
$this->{'parentClass'}->registerFunctions($ck, $clas);
# now do our own
foreach my $nf (@{$this->{'functions'}}) {
my $rettype = $nf->getReturnType();
$nf->registerFunction($ck, $clas);
sub asS2 {
my ($this, $o) = @_;
die "not done";
sub asPerl {
my ($this, $bp, $o) = @_;
$o->tabwriteln("register_class(" . $bp->getLayerIDString() .
", " . $bp->quoteString($this->getName()) . ", {");
if ($this->{'parentName'}) {
$o->tabwriteln("'parent' => " . $bp->quoteString($this->getParentName()) . ",");
if ($this->{'docstring'}) {
$o->tabwriteln("'docstring' => " . $bp->quoteString($this->{'docstring'}) . ",");
# vars
$o->tabwriteln("'vars' => {");
foreach my $nnt (@{$this->{'vars'}}) {
my $vn = $nnt->getName();
my $vt = $nnt->getType();
my $et = $this->getMemberType($vn);
$o->tabwrite($bp->quoteString($vn) . " => { 'type' => " . $bp->quoteString($vt->toString()));
if ($vt->isReadOnly()) {
$o->write(", 'readonly' => 1");
if ($nnt->getDocString()) {
$o->write(", 'docstring' => " . $bp->quoteString($nnt->getDocString()));
$o->writeln(" },");
# methods
$o->tabwriteln("'funcs' => {");
foreach my $nf (@{$this->{'functions'}}) {
my $name = $nf->getName();
my $nfo = $nf->getFormals();
my $rt = $nf->getReturnType();
$o->tabwrite($bp->quoteString($name . ($nfo ? $nfo->toString() : "()"))
. " => { 'returntype' => "
. $bp->quoteString($rt->toString()));
if ($nf->getDocString()) {
$o->write(", 'docstring' => " . $bp->quoteString($nf->getDocString()));
if (my $attrs = $nf->attrsJoined) {
$o->write(", 'attrs' => " . $bp->quoteString($attrs));
$o->writeln(" },");