1150 lines
34 KiB
Executable File
1150 lines
34 KiB
Executable File
=head1 NAME
ljubackup - Per-user backup to mogilefs backend
$ ljubackup --unlock
=head2 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item -h, --help
Output a help message and exit.
=item -d, --debug
Output debugging information in addition to normal progress messages.
=item -m, --max=<count>
Back up at most I<count> users before terminating.
=item -t, --test
Just test the backup code, don't actually insert the backup db.
=item -v, --verbose
Output verbose progress information.
=item -T, --threads=<count>
Specify how many threads (subprocesses) to start with for the move. Settings in
C<$ENV{LJHOME}/var/backup-workers> are overridden by this setting.
=item -u,--unlock
Run a query against the backup agent's "in-progress" table, confirming agents
listed there are still active before starting backups.
I<Token requires line>
This is a command-line tool which does mass user-backup operations. It drives
multiple invocations of the ljbackup.pl program for users listed in the
C<backupdirty> table.
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael Granger E<lt>ged@FaerieMUD.orgE<gt>
Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Danga Interactive. All rights reserved.
package ljubackup;
use strict;
use warnings qw{all};
### I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N
# Turn STDOUT buffering off
$| = 1;
# Versioning stuff and custom includes
$VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };
$RCSID = q$Id: ljubackup.pl,v 1.1 2004/08/20 23:51:15 deveiant Exp $;
# Define some constants
use constant TRUE => 1;
use constant FALSE => 0;
use lib ( "$ENV{LJHOME}/cgi-bin" );
# Modules
use Getopt::Long qw{GetOptions};
use Pod::Usage qw{pod2usage};
use IO::File qw{};
use Fcntl qw{O_RDONLY};
use Digest::MD5 qw{md5_base64};
use Data::Dumper qw{};
use IO::Socket qw{};
use Sys::Hostname qw{hostname};
use Time::HiRes qw{gettimeofday};
use LJ::User qw{};
# LiveJournal functions
require "ljconfig.pl";
# Turn on option bundling (-vid)
Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
sub backupUsers ($$$$$$);
sub parseCommand ($);
sub parseCluster ($);
sub cleanup ();
sub unlockStaleUsers ();
sub startDaemon ();
sub daemonRoutine ($$);
sub abort (@);
### C O N F I G U R A T I O N G L O B A L S
our (
$Debug, $VerboseFlag, $DaemonPid, $BackupAgentWorkersFile, $ActiveDaysDefault,
# -d and -v option flags
$Debug = FALSE;
$VerboseFlag = FALSE;
# The PID of the distributed lock daemon
$DaemonPid = undef;
# The path to the file that controls the number of running threads.
$BackupAgentWorkersFile = "$ENV{LJHOME}/var/userbackup-workers";
# The number of days to use as the threshold for activity if the "+active" flag
# is given.
$ActiveDaysDefault = 30;
### Main body
my (
$helpFlag, # User requested help?
$testingMode, # Test-only mode
$command, # Command iterator
$usercount, # Total users moved
$max, # Max users to move
$threads, # The number of threads to use while backing up
$unlockMode, # Run an unlock cycle?
$instanceId, # The unique instance id of this invocation
$daemonPid, # The pid of the distributed lock daemon
$daemonIp, # The IP the daemon is listening on
$daemonPort, # The ephemeral port the daemon is listening on
$ifh, # Input filehandle
$mogfs, # MogileFS handle for 'userbackup' domain
@commands, # Move commands
'd|debug+' => \$Debug,
'v|verbose' => \$VerboseFlag,
'h|help' => \$helpFlag,
'm|max=i' => \$max,
't|test' => \$testingMode,
'T|threads=i' => \$threads,
'u|unlock' => \$unlockMode,
) or abortWithUsage();
# If the -h flag was given, just show the usage and quit
helpMode() and exit if $helpFlag;
verboseMsg( "Starting up." );
$usercount = 0;
DBI->trace( $Debug - 1 ) if $Debug >= 2;
# If there's a MogileFS instance, test it for the required domain
if ( defined %LJ::MOGILEFS_CONFIG ) {
$MogileFS::DEBUG = $Debug;
my %mogconfig = ( %LJ::MOGILEFS_CONFIG, domain => 'userbackup' );
$mogfs = MogileFS->new( %mogconfig )
or abort( "Couldn't create a MogileFS handle." );
# Otherwise we can't continue
else {
abort( "Requires MogileFS configuration. Check your ljconfig.pl." );
unlockStaleUsers() if $unlockMode;
( $instanceId, $daemonIp, $daemonPort ) = startDaemon();
# Set signal handlers
$SIG{HUP} = sub { abort "Caught SIGHUP." };
$SIG{INT} = sub { abort "Interrupted." };
$SIG{TERM} = sub { abort "Terminated." };
# Now run the given move commands
backupUsers( $mogfs, $testingMode, $threads, $instanceId, $daemonIp, $daemonPort );
# Run any needed cleanup functions
### FUNCTION: cleanup()
### Clean up any children that are still running.
sub cleanup () {
kill 'TERM', $DaemonPid;
### D A E M O N ( M U L T I - M O V E R ) F U N C T I O N S
### FUNCTION: unlockStaleUsers()
### Traverse the clustermove_inprogress table, confirming that each entry
### belongs to an active process, removing those that don't.
sub unlockStaleUsers () {
my (
$sql, # SQL query source
$dbh, # Database handle (writer)
$selsth, # SELECT statement handle
$delsth, # DELETE statement handle
$row, # Selected row hashref
$sock, # Query socket
%cachedReply, # Cached replies: {$instance => $bool} (running or not)
verboseMsg( "Cleaning up the in-progress table." );
$sql = q{
FROM clustermove_inprogress
# Get a select cursor for the in-progress table
$dbh = LJ::get_db_writer() or abort( "Couldn't fetch a database handle." );
$selsth = $dbh->prepare( $sql )
or abort( "prepare: $sql: ", $dbh->errstr );
$selsth->execute or abort( "execute: $sql: ", $selsth->errstr );
# Get a deletion cursor for it too.
$sql = q{
DELETE FROM clustermove_inprogress
WHERE userid = ?
$delsth = $dbh->prepare( $sql )
or abort( "prepare: $sql: ", $dbh->errstr );
$delsth->{ShowErrorStatement} = 1;
# Fetch each record, connect to the given host/port for each backup agent
# and deleting entries for those found not to be running.
while (( $row = $selsth->fetchrow_hashref )) {
my ( $host, $port, $instance, $userid ) =
my $ip = join '.',
reverse map { ($host >> $_ * 8) & 0xff } 0..3;
# If the host hasn't been contacted yet, do so now
if ( !exists $cachedReply{$instance} ) {
debugMsg( "Contacting process at %s:%d (%s) for user %d",
$ip, $port, $instance, $userid );
# If the connection succeeds and replies with the correct response,
# then the entry's okay
if (( $sock = new IO::Socket::INET("$ip:$port") )) {
my $reply = $sock->getline;
debugMsg( "Got reply '%s' from process at %s:%d", $reply, $host, $port );
$cachedReply{$instance} = ($instance eq $reply ? 1 : 0);
# Connection error
else {
debugMsg( "Couldn't open a socket to $ip:$port: $!" );
$cachedReply{$instance} = '';
# If the cached value indicates it's an invalid record, delete it.
if ( !$cachedReply{$instance} ) {
debugMsg( "Removing stale lock set by %s:%d on %s for uid %d",
$host, $port, scalar localtime($row->{locktime}), $userid );
my $user = lookup LJ::User $userid;
$delsth->execute( $userid )
or abort( "execute: $userid: ", $delsth->errstr );
} else {
debugMsg( "Keeping lock set by %s:%d on %s for uid %d",
$host, $port, scalar localtime($row->{locktime}), $userid );
return 1;
### FUNCTION: startDaemon()
### Start a daemon process on an ephemeral port to support distributed
### moves. This function returns a list which consists of an I<instanceId>, the
### ip address of the listener, and the port of the listener. The I<instanceId>,
### which is a 22-character-long (e.g., MD5 hash in base64) string which
### uniquely identifies this instance, should be used in the 'moverinstance'
### field of the clustermove_inprogress' table when locking users for
### backup. When anything connects to the opened port, the daemon writes its
### I<instanceId> to the socket and shuts the socket down. This function also
### sets $DaemonPid to the process id of the forked child.
sub startDaemon () {
my (
$seed, # The source string for the instance id
$id, # The instance id
$lsock, # Locking socket
$host, # Hostname to listen on
$ip, # The ip of the listener socket
$port, # The port number the listener socket is listening to
verboseMsg( "Starting distributed lock daemon." );
# Create the "instance id"
$seed = join( ':', $$, (gettimeofday), hostname );
$id = md5_base64( $seed );
# Create the listener socket
$host = hostname();
$lsock = new IO::Socket::INET(
Listen => 4,
LocalAddr => $host,
#LocalPort => 0, # Kernel chooses ephemeral port
Reuse => 1 ) # SO_REUSEADDR
or abort( "Could not open listener socket: $!" );
$ip = sprintf '%vd', $lsock->sockaddr;
$port = $lsock->sockport;
if (( $DaemonPid = fork )) {
debugMsg( "Started daemon (%d) at %s:%d with id = '%s'",
$DaemonPid, $ip, $port, $id );
else {
daemonRoutine( $lsock, $id );
return ( $id, $ip, $port );
### FUNCTION: daemonRoutine( $socket, $instanceId )
### Listen to the given I<socket>, writing the specified I<instanceId> to any
### connecting client.
sub daemonRoutine ($$) {
my ( $listener, $id ) = @_;
while (( my $sock = $listener->accept )) {
$sock->print( $id );
$sock->shutdown( 2 );
### M O V E R F U N C T I O N S
### FUNCTION: backupUsers( $testingMode, $maxThreads, )
### Parse the given command and run it, returning the numebr of users that were
### moved.
sub backupUsers ($$$$$$) {
my ( $mogfs, $testingMode, $maxThreads, $id, $ip, $port, $max ) = @_;
my (
$agent = new BackupAgent (
mogilefs => $mogfs,
chunksize => 500,
maxUsers => $max,
debugFunction => \&debugMsg,
messageFunction => \&verboseMsg,
testingMode => $testingMode,
maxThreads => $maxThreads,
instanceId => $id,
lockIp => $ip,
lockPort => $port,
message( 'Backing up users%s: %s',
$testingMode ? " (testing mode)" : "", $agent->desc );
$count = $agent->start;
message( 'Done with %s: %d users.',
$agent->desc, $count );
return $count;
### Kill the daemon process if it's defined and alive
if ( $DaemonPid ) {
kill 'TERM', $DaemonPid;
### U T I L I T Y F U N C T I O N S
### FUNCTION: helpMode()
### Exit normally after printing the usage message
sub helpMode {
pod2usage( -verbose => 1, -exitval => 0 );
### FUNCTION: abortWithUsage( $message )
### Abort the program showing usage message.
sub abortWithUsage {
my $msg = join '', @_;
if ( $msg ) {
pod2usage( -verbose => 1, -exitval => 1, -message => "$msg" );
} else {
pod2usage( -verbose => 1, -exitval => 1 );
### FUNCTION: message( @messages )
### Concatenate and print the specified messages.
sub message {
my ( $format, @args ) = @_;
printf STDERR "$format\n", @args;
### FUNCTION: verboseMsg( @messages )
### Concatenate and print the specified messages if verbose output is turned on.
sub verboseMsg {
return unless $VerboseFlag;
message( @_ );
### FUNCTION: error( @messages )
### Print the specified messages to the terminal's STDERR.
sub error {
my $message = @_ ? join '', @_ : '[Mark]';
print STDERR "ERROR >>> $message <<<\n";
### FUNCTION: debugMsg( @messages )
### Print the specified messages to the terminal if debugging mode is activated.
sub debugMsg {
return unless $Debug;
my $format = shift;
chomp( $format );
my @args = map {
ref $_
? Data::Dumper->Dumpxs([$_])
: $_;
} @_;
my $message = sprintf( $format, @args );
print STDERR "DEBUG> $message\n";
### FUNCTION: abort( @messages )
### Print the specified messages to the terminal and exit with a non-zero status.
sub abort (@) {
my $msg = @_ ? join '', @_ : "unknown error";
print STDERR "Aborted: $msg.\n\n";
exit 1;
### B A C K U P A G E N T C L A S S
package BackupAgent;
# LiveJournal functions
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl";
use vars qw{$AUTOLOAD};
use Carp qw{confess croak};
use Time::HiRes qw{usleep};
use POSIX qw{:sys_wait_h};
### METHOD: new( %args )
### Create a new BackupAgent object configured with the given I<args>.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $self = bless {
mogilefs => undef,
chunksize => 500,
maxUsers => 0,
maxThreads => 0,
agentWorkersMtime => 0,
userThreads => {},
activeThreads => {},
fakeMovedUsers => {},
debugFunction => undef,
messageFunction => undef,
debugMode => 0,
instanceId => undef,
lockIp => undef,
lockPort => undef,
_signals => {},
_haltFlag => 0,
_shutdownFlag => 0,
_lastStat => 0,
}, $class;
return $self;
### METHOD: desc()
### Return a description of the lock object.
sub desc {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be called as a function";
return sprintf( 'Backup Agent (chunksize: %d)', $self->{chunksize} );
### METHOD: debugMsg( @args )
### If the 'debugFunction' attribute of the agent object is set, call it with
### the specified I<args>.
sub debugMsg {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be called as a function";
return unless $self->{debugFunction};
$self->{debugFunction}( @_ );
### METHOD: message( @args )
### If the 'messageFunction' attribute of the agent object is set, call it with
### the specified I<args>.
sub message {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be called as a function";
return unless $self->{messageFunction};
$self->{messageFunction}( @_ );
### METHOD: start( [$max] )
### Start backing up users. If I<max> is specified, quit after the specified
### number are moved. Returns the number of users moved.
sub start {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be called as a function";
my (
$maxUsers = $self->maxUsers || 1e+33;
$maxThreads = $oldMax = $self->{maxThreads};
$chunksize = $self->chunksize;
$chunksize = $maxUsers if $maxUsers < $chunksize;
$count = 0;
# Iterate over all users for this worker's cluster list, $chunksize per
# cluster at a time.
USER: while ( !$self->{_haltFlag} && !$self->{_shutdownFlag} && $count < $maxUsers )
# Re-read the thread config each time
$maxThreads = $self->getMaxThreads( $maxThreads );
$self->debugMsg( "User loop: max threads: $maxThreads" );
# Advise the user if the thread count changes.
if ( defined $oldMax && $maxThreads != $oldMax ) {
$self->message( "Set thread count to %d (was %d)", $maxThreads, $oldMax );
$oldMax = $maxThreads;
# No need to do any of the rest if there's no threads to run 'em.
unless ( $maxThreads ) {
$self->message( "Idling (threads = 0)." );
sleep 10;
next USER;
# Fetch users if the buffer isn't already populated
unless ( @users ) {
@users = $self->getDirtyUsers( $chunksize )
or last USER;
$self->message( "Fetched %d dirty users.", scalar @users );
# Splice off some users to prepare for backup. Never splice off more
# than the maximum number of users for this run
$scale = $maxThreads * 3;
$scale = ($maxUsers - $count) if ($count + $scale) > $maxUsers;
@queue = splice( @users, 0, $scale );
# Now wrap a thread object around each user in the queue, which also
# locks each one.
@queue = map {
my $user = $_;
last USER if $self->{_haltFlag} || $self->{_shutdownFlag};
$self->debugMsg( "Creating a thread for user '%s'", $user->user );
# Create a agent thread (sets the user's read-only bit).
$self->{userThreads}{$user->userid} =
BackupAgent::Thread->new( $self->{mogilefs}, $user );
} @queue;
# Wait for the read-only bit to sink in
$self->debugMsg( "Waiting for read-only bit to sink in." );
sleep 3;
# Iterate over the thread objects, forking each one off as the
# number of active ones falls below the maximum allowed.
THREAD: foreach my $thread ( @queue ) {
last USER if $self->{_haltFlag};
# Wait until more threads can be started
until ( keys %{$self->{activeThreads}} < $maxThreads ) {
last USER if $self->{_haltFlag} || $self->{_shutdownFlag};
usleep 0.5;
# Mark the user as "in progress" by setting the destination
# cluster field. :FIXME: This is obviously stupid to disconnect
# and reconnect every time, but since the handle is b0rked after
# the ->run() below fork()s, this is necessary for it to work.
# :FIXME: Is this necessary? We obviously don't have a
# destination cluster...
#$dbh = LJ::get_db_writer()
# or die "Couldn't fetch a writer.";
# UPDATE clustermove_inprogress SET dstclust = ? WHERE userid = ?
#}, undef, 0, $thread->userid )
# or die "Failed to update lock: ", $dbh->errstr;
# Run the thread
$thread->testingMode( $self->testingMode );
$self->message( "Backing up user '%s' (#%d) count: %d",
$thread->user->user, $thread->user->userid, $count );
$pid = $thread->run;
$self->{activeThreads}{ $pid } = $thread;
if ( $self->{_haltFlag} ) { $self->message( ">>> Halted by signal <<<" ) }
elsif ( $self->{_shutdownFlag} ) { $self->message( ">>> Shutdown by signal <<<" ) }
else { $self->debugMsg( "Done with thread loop." ); }
# Handle threads that are still running
if ( %{$self->{activeThreads}} ) {
# Let children finish unless the process is being forcefully shut down.
unless ( $self->{_haltFlag} ) {
foreach ( 1..10 ) {
last unless %{$self->{activeThreads}};
$self->message( "Waiting for %d remaining children to finish.",
scalar keys %{$self->{activeThreads}} );
sleep 1;
# Kill off any remaining children if there are any
foreach my $signal ( 'TERM', 'QUIT', 'KILL' ) {
last unless %{$self->{activeThreads}};
$self->message( "Sending SIG%s to remaining %d threads.",
$signal, scalar keys %{$self->{activeThreads}} );
foreach my $pid ( keys %{$self->{activeThreads}} ) {
kill $signal, $pid if exists $self->{activeThreads}{ $pid };
} continue {
sleep 2;
# Unlock any users that didn't get moved
if ( %{$self->{userThreads}} ) {
$self->message( "Unlocking %d remaining users.", values %{$self->{userThreads}} );
foreach my $thread ( values %{$self->{userThreads}} ) {
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer() or die "Couldn't get a db_writer.";
$dbh->do( "DELETE FROM clustermove_inprogress WHERE userid = ?",
undef, $thread->user->userid )
or die "Failed to delete user ", $thread->user->userid,
" from the in-progress table: ", $dbh->errstr;
return $count;
### METHOD: reapChildren()
### Collect any child processes that have died. Returns the number of processes
### reaped.
sub reapChildren {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be called as a function";
my $count = 0;
# Reap any child processes that need it and delete the corresponding thread
# object from the thread table. Delete the user from the user => thread map
# unless the thread is in testing mode (ie., doesn't actually remove the
# user from the source table).
while ((my $pid = waitpid( -1, WNOHANG )) > 0) {
next if $pid == $DaemonPid;
my $thread = delete $self->{activeThreads}{ $pid };
$self->{fakeMovedUsers}{$thread->user->userid} = 1 if $thread->testingMode;
delete $self->{userThreads}{$thread->user->userid};
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer() or die "Couldn't get a db_writer.";
$dbh->do( "DELETE FROM clustermove_inprogress WHERE userid = ?",
undef, $thread->user->userid )
or die "Failed to delete user ", $thread->user->userid,
" from the in-progress table: ", $dbh->errstr;
$self->debugMsg( "Reaped child %d (uid: %d, exit: %d). %d process/es remain.",
$pid, $thread->user->userid, $?,
scalar keys %{$self->{activeThreads}} );
return $count;
### METHOD: getDirtyUsers()
### Return users that need backup.
sub getDirtyUsers {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be called as a function";
my $limit = shift || 500;
my (
$sql, # SQL query string
$dbh, # Database handle
$ipsth, # INSERT cursor for the in-progress table
$selsth, # User-selection cursor
$iip, # Integer IP for insertion into the in-progress table
$row, # Row iterator
@userids, # Ids of users to back up
@users, # User objects to back up
$user, # User object iterator
# :FIXME: This is the only way I can make this query work. If I don't do
# this, I get "MySQL has gone away" on the second query, despite calling
# disconnect_dbs() in the thread's start() method immediately after the
# fork(), too. Perhaps I'll revisit this after hacking on DBI::Role for a
# bit.
$dbh = LJ::get_db_writer() or die "failed to get_db_writer()";
$sql = q{
INSERT INTO clustermove_inprogress
( userid, locktime, moverhost, moverport, moverinstance )
( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
$ipsth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or die "prepare: ", $dbh->errstr;
# Pick a query based on whether the user wants only active users.
$sql = sprintf q{
SELECT userid
FROM backupdirty
ORDER BY marktime ASC
}, $limit;
# Prepare the selection cursor and execute it
$selsth = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or die "prepare: ", $dbh->errstr;
$self->debugMsg( "Running user-select query '%s'", $sql );
$selsth->execute or die "execute: ", $selsth->errstr;
$iip = unpack( 'N', pack('C4', split( /\./, $self->lockIp )) );
# Fetch userids
@userids = grep {
!exists $self->{userThreads}{$_}
&& !exists $self->{fakeMovedUsers}{$_}
} map {
} $selsth->fetchall_arrayref([0]);
# If there are potential users to look up, do so
if ( @userids ) {
@users = LJ::User->lookup( @userids );
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#users; $i++ ) {
# If the user record didn't load, remove it
unless ( defined($user = $users[$i]) ) {
$self->debugMsg( "Failed lookup for user $userids[$i]" );
splice @users, $i, 1;
splice @userids, $i, 1;
# If the user loaded, but won't lock for some reason, remove it
unless ( $ipsth->execute($user->userid, time, $iip,
$self->lockPort, $self->instanceId) )
$self->debugMsg( "Failed lock for user %s: %s", $user->user, $ipsth->errstr );
splice @users, $i, 1;
splice @userids, $i, 1;
$self->debugMsg( "Selected user: %s", $user->user );
return @users;
### METHOD: getMaxThreads()
### Fetch the maximum number of threads from the config file, or return a
### default if the config file doesn't exist or is unreadable.
sub getMaxThreads {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be called as a function";
my $maxThreads = shift;
if ( -r $BackupAgentWorkersFile ) {
$self->{agentWorkersMtime} ||= (stat _)[9];
my $mtime = $self->{agentWorkersMtime};
if ( !defined $maxThreads || (stat _)[9] > $mtime ) {
$self->{agentWorkersMtime} = (stat _)[9];
$self->message( "(Re)-reading $BackupAgentWorkersFile:\n\t%s < %s",
scalar localtime($mtime),
scalar localtime($self->{agentWorkersMtime}) );
# Read the process limit from a file, or default to unlimited
if ( open my $ifh, $BackupAgentWorkersFile ) {
chomp( $maxThreads = <$ifh> );
$maxThreads = int($maxThreads);
$maxThreads = 1 if !defined $maxThreads;
return $maxThreads;
### METHOD: setSignalHandlers()
### Set up signal handlers to toggle shutdown flags in the object, saving any
### current handlers.
sub setSignalHandlers {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be called as a function";
$self->debugMsg( "Installing new signal handlers." );
$self->{_signals}{HUP} = $SIG{HUP};
$SIG{HUP} = sub { $self->{_shutdownFlag} = 1 };
$self->{_signals}{INT} = $SIG{INT};
$SIG{INT} = sub { $self->{_shutdownFlag} = 1 };
$self->{_signals}{TERM} = $SIG{TERM};
$SIG{TERM} = sub { $self->{_haltFlag} = 1 };
return 1;
### METHOD: restoreSignalHandlers()
### Restore the signal handlers that were saved by setSignalHandlers().
sub restoreSignalHandlers {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be called as a function";
$self->debugMsg( "Restoring initial signal handlers." );
foreach my $signal ( keys %{$self->{_signals}} ) {
$SIG{$signal} = $self->{_signals}{$signal};
return 1;
### Proxy method to build object accessors.
my $self = shift or croak "Cannot be called as a function";
( my $name = $AUTOLOAD ) =~ s{.*::}{};
my $method;
if ( ref $self && exists $self->{$name} ) {
# Define an accessor for this attribute
$method = sub : lvalue {
my $closureSelf = shift or croak "Can't be used as a function.";
$closureSelf->{$name} = shift if @_;
return $closureSelf->{$name};
# Install the new method in the symbol table
no strict 'refs';
*{$AUTOLOAD} = $method;
# Now jump to the new method after sticking the self-ref back onto the
# stack
unshift @_, $self;
goto &$AUTOLOAD;
# Try to delegate to our parent's version of the method
my $parentMethod = "SUPER::$name";
return $self->$parentMethod( @_ );
my $self = shift;
### M O V E R T H R E A D C L A S S
package BackupAgent::Thread;
# LiveJournal functions
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl";
use vars qw{$AUTOLOAD};
use Carp qw{croak confess};
use IO::File qw{};
use Fcntl qw{O_RDONLY};
### METHOD: new( $mogilefs, $user )
### Create a agent thread object that will move the specified I<user> to the
### given I<mogilefs> filestore.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ( $mogfs, $user ) = @_;
# Lock the user
return bless {
mogilefs => $mogfs,
user => $user,
pid => undef,
testingMode => 0,
locked => 1,
}, $class;
### METHOD: run()
### Execute the backend backup program.
sub run {
my $self = shift or confess "Cannot be called as a function";
# Fork and exec a child, keeping the pid
unless (( $self->{pid} = fork )) {
my (
$user = $self->{user};
$backfile = sprintf( "ljubackup.%s.%d.%d",
$$ );
$mogilekey = sprintf( 'userbackup:%d', $user->userid );
# In testing mode, run the program with the --dump option
if ( $self->{testingMode} ) {
system( "$ENV{LJHOME}/bin/ljbackup.pl", "--dump", $user->user ) == 0
or die "ljbackup.pl failed: $?";
# In regular mode, dump the user to a dbm file and then stick that in
# MogileFS.
else {
system( "$ENV{LJHOME}/bin/ljbackup.pl", "--file=$backfile",
$user->user ) == 0 or die "ljbackup.pl failed: $?";
# Open the dbm and a new Mogile handle
$ifh = new IO::File $backfile, O_RDONLY
or die "open: $backfile: $!";
$ofh = $self->{mogilefs}->new_file( $mogilekey, 'normal' )
or die "MogileFS::new_file: ", $self->{mogilefs}->errstr;
# Copy the data over
until ( $ifh->eof ) {
my $bytes = $ifh->read( $buf, 4096 );
if ( $bytes ) {
$ofh->print( $buf );
} elsif ( $!{EAGAIN} ) {
} else {
die "read: $backfile: $!";
# Make sure it's uploaded correctly
$ofh->close or die "error saving file to mogile: $@";
unlink $backfile;
exit 0;
return $self->pid;
### METHOD: unlock()
### Remove the read-only bit from the user this thread corresponds to.
sub unlock {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self->{locked} ) {
print STDERR "Unlocking user ", $self->{user}->userid, ".\n";
$self->{locked} = 0;
return 1;
sub DESTROY {}
### Proxy method to build object accessors.
my $self = shift or croak "Cannot be called as a function";
( my $name = $AUTOLOAD ) =~ s{.*::}{};
my $method;
if ( ref $self && exists $self->{$name} ) {
# Define an accessor for this attribute
$method = sub : lvalue {
my $closureSelf = shift or croak "Can't be used as a function.";
$closureSelf->{$name} = shift if @_;
return $closureSelf->{$name};
# Install the new method in the symbol table
no strict 'refs';
*{$AUTOLOAD} = $method;
# Now jump to the new method after sticking the self-ref back onto the
# stack
unshift @_, $self;
goto &$AUTOLOAD;
# Try to delegate to our parent's version of the method
#my $parentMethod = "SUPER::$name";
#return $self->$parentMethod( @_ );
croak sprintf q{Can't locate object method "%s" via package "%s"}, $name, ref $self;