108 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File
108 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File
title=>High Scores
head=><?_code return LJ::robot_meta_tags(); _code?>
The following people have helped other users in the support area:
use strict;
use vars qw(%GET);
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $sth;
my %rank;
$sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT statcat, statkey, statval FROM stats ".
"WHERE statcat IN ('supportrank', 'supportrank_prev')");
while (my ($cat, $userid, $rank) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
if ($cat eq "supportrank") {
$rank{$userid}->{'now'} = $rank;
} else {
$rank{$userid}->{'last'} = $rank;
return "<blockquote>Support high score data is not available.</blockquote>"
unless %rank;
$sth = $dbr->prepare("SELECT u.userid, u.user, u.name, sp.totpoints AS 'points', sp.lastupdate ".
"FROM user u, supportpointsum sp WHERE u.userid=sp.userid");
my @rows;
push @rows, $_ while $_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
if ($GET{'sort'} eq "lastupdate") {
@rows = sort { $b->{lastupdate} <=> $a->{lastupdate} } @rows;
} else {
@rows = sort { $b->{points} <=> $a->{points} } @rows;
my $page = $GET{page}+0;
my $shown = 100 * ($page - 1) - 1;
my $rank = 0;
my $lastpoints = 0;
my $buildup = 0;
foreach (@rows[0..$shown]) {
if ($_->{'points'} != $lastpoints) {
$lastpoints = $_->{'points'};
$rank += (1 + $buildup);
$buildup = 0;
} else {
my $total = scalar(@rows);
my %items = BML::paging(\@rows, $GET{'page'}, 100);
my $navbar = LJ::paging_bar($items{'page'}, $items{'pages'});
@rows = @{$items{'items'}};
my $ret = $navbar;
$ret .= "<table>";
my $count = 0;
foreach (@rows)
my $userid = $_->{'userid'};
if ($_->{'points'} != $lastpoints) {
$lastpoints = $_->{'points'};
$rank += (1 + $buildup);
$buildup = 0;
} else {
my $change = "";
if ($rank{$userid}->{'now'} && $rank{$userid}->{'last'}) {
$change = $rank{$userid}->{'last'} - $rank{$userid}->{'now'}; # from 5th to 4th is 5-4 = 1 (+1 for increase)
if ($change == 0) {
$change = "";
} elsif ($change > 0) {
$change = "<font color=\"#00dd00\">(+$change)</font>";
} else {
$change = "<font color=\"#dd0000\">($change)</font>";
my $pts = $_->{'points'};
my $s = $pts > 1 ? "s" : "";
my $name = LJ::ehtml($_->{'name'});
$ret .= "<tr><td align=\"right\">$rank.</td><td>$change</td><td><?ljuser $_->{'user'} ljuser?> - $name</td><td><b>$_->{'points'} point$s</b></td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "</table>";
$ret .= "<p><b>$total</b> total supporting users, <b>$count</b> displayed.</p>";
$ret .= $navbar;
return $ret;
Back to the <A HREF="./">support area</A>.
page?><?_c <LJDEP>
link: htdocs/admin/priv/index.bml, htdocs/support/index.bml
</LJDEP> _c?>