294 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable File
294 lines
8.8 KiB
Executable File
$title = "";
$body = "";
use strict;
use vars qw($title $body %FORM);
# FIXME: this doesn't use dbr or memcache at all.
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $sth;
my %permission;
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
my $user = lc($FORM{'user'});
if (! $user && $remote) { $user = $remote->{'user'}; }
my $u = undef;
if ($user && $FORM{'mode'} ne "pickuser") {
$u = LJ::load_user($user);
unless ($u) {
$body .= "<?h1 Error h1?><?p <B>Unknown user: </B> " . LJ::ehtml($user) . " p?>\n";
unless ($u) {
$title = "To-Do List";
$body .= "<form method='get' action='./'>";
$body .= "Enter the username of the user whose to-do list you would like to view:<UL><INPUT NAME=\"user\" SIZE=15 MAXLENGTH=15> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"View\"></UL></FORM>\n";
LJ::Todo::get_permissions($dbh, \%permission, { 'user' => $u, 'remote' => $remote });
$title = "To-Do List: $user";
$body .= "<?de To view another user's to-do list, <a href=\"./?mode=pickuser\">go here</a>. de?>";
### security stuff
my $where;
unless ($remote && $remote->{'userid'} == $u->{'userid'}) {
my $friendclause;
if ($remote) {
# check to see if this user's a friend
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'isfriend' FROM friends WHERE userid=$u->{'userid'} AND friendid=$remote->{'userid'}");
my ($isfriend) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if ($isfriend) { $friendclause = ", 'friends'"; }
$where .= "AND t.security IN ('public' $friendclause)";
### load the todo items
my %keyword;
my %itemkws;
my @tdids;
my @delete;
my $total;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT t.todoid, tk.kwid, k.keyword FROM todo t LEFT JOIN todokeyword tk ON t.todoid=tk.todoid LEFT JOIN keywords k ON tk.kwid=k.kwid WHERE t.journalid=$u->{'userid'} $where");
while (my ($id, $kwid, $keyword) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
if ($kwid) {
$keyword{$kwid}->{'keyword'} = $keyword;
push @{$itemkws{$id}}, $kwid;
if (! $FORM{'cat'} || ($kwid && $keyword eq $FORM{'cat'})) {
push @tdids, $id;
if ($FORM{"delete_$id"}) {
push @delete, $id;
### deleting?
if (@delete) {
unless ($permission{'delete'}) {
$title = "Error";
$body = "<?h1 Security h1?><?p You're not allowed to delete these to-do items. p?>";
my $in = join(",", @delete);
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM todo WHERE todoid IN ($in)");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM tododep WHERE todoid IN ($in)");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM tododep WHERE depid IN ($in)");
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM todokeyword WHERE todoid IN ($in)");
$title = "Deleted";
$body = "";
$body .= "<a href=\"./?user=$u->{'user'}\"><< To-Do List</a>";
$body .= "<?h1 Items Deleted h1?><?p The items checked have been deleted. p?>";
$body .= "<form method='get' action='./'>";
$body .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=user VALUE=$FORM{'user'}>\n" if ($FORM{'user'});
$body .= "<?h1 Filter Items h1?><?p ";
foreach my $kwid (sort { lc($keyword{$a}->{'keyword'}) cmp lc($keyword{$b}->{'keyword'}) }
keys %keyword)
my $cat = $keyword{$kwid}->{'keyword'};
if ($FORM{'cat'} eq $cat) {
$body .= "<b>" . LJ::ehtml($cat) . " ($keyword{$kwid}->{'count'})</b>, ";
} else {
$body .= "<b><a href=\"" . BML::self_link({ 'user' => $u->{'user'}, 'cat' => $cat }) . "\">" . LJ::ehtml($cat) . "</a></b> ($keyword{$kwid}->{'count'}), ";
if ($FORM{'cat'}) {
$body .= "<b><a href=\"" . BML::self_link({ 'user' => $u->{'user'}, 'cat' => '' }) . "\">(Show All)</a></b>, "
if (keys %keyword) {
chop $body; chop $body; # remove final ", "
} else {
$body .= "No categories to filter on.";
$body .= " p?>";
unless (@tdids) {
$body .= "<?h1 No entries h1?><?p Either this user has no to-do items, they're all private, or your filter criteria has returned zero matches. p?>";
## links
my @actions = ();
if ($permission{'add'}) {
push @actions, [ "item.bml?user=$u->{'user'}&mode=add&cat=" . LJ::eurl($FORM{'cat'}), "Add Item" ];
if (@actions)
$body .= "<?h1 Actions h1?><?p ";
foreach (@actions) {
$body .= "[ <a href=\"$_->[0]\">$_->[1]</a> ]";
$body .= " p?>";
unless (@tdids) {
$body .= "</form>";
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT todoid, posterid, ownerid, statusline, security, subject, des, priority, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datecreate) AS 'datecreate_unix', dateupdate, datedue, dateclosed, progress FROM todo WHERE todoid IN (" . join(",", @tdids) . ")");
my @items;
push @items, $_ while ($_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref);
foreach my $it (@items) {
$it->{'_duesort'} = $it->{'datedue'};
if ($it->{'_duesort'} =~ s/^0000-/9999-/) {
$it->{'datedue'} = "";
} elsif (length($it->{'datedue'})==0) {
$it->{'_duesort'} = "9999";
## sort
$FORM{'sort'} ||= "due";
if ($FORM{'sort'} eq "due") {
@items = sort { $b->{'priority'} <=> $a->{'priority'} } @items;
@items = sort { $a->{'_duesort'} cmp $b->{'_duesort'} } @items;
if ($FORM{'sort'} eq "priority") {
@items = sort { $a->{'_duesort'} cmp $b->{'_duesort'} } @items;
@items = sort { $b->{'priority'} <=> $a->{'priority'} } @items;
if ($FORM{'sort'} eq "status") {
@items = sort { $b->{'progress'} <=> $a->{'progress'} } @items;
if ($FORM{'sort'} eq "item") {
@items = sort { lc($a->{'subject'}) cmp lc($b->{'subject'}) } @items;
$body .= "<form method='post' action='./'><P><TABLE BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=4 CELLSPACING=1>\n";
$body .= "<TR BGCOLOR=<?emcolorlite?> ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=BOTTOM>\n";
$body .= "<TD><B> </B></TD>\n" if ($permission{'delete'});
my @cols = (["Status", "status"],
["P", "priority"],
["Item", "item"],
["Date Due", "due"],
["Category", ""]);
foreach my $col (@cols) {
if ($col->[1] eq "") {
$body .= "<td><b>$col->[0]</b></td>";
} elsif ($col->[1] eq $FORM{'sort'}) {
$body .= "<td bgcolor=<?emcolor?>><b>$col->[0]</b></td>";
} else {
$body .= "<td><a href=\"" . BML::self_link({ 'user' => $u->{'user'}, 'sort' => $col->[1] }) . "\"><b>$col->[0]</b></a></td>";
$body .= "</TR>\n";
foreach my $it (@items)
my $val;
my @vals;
## status
$val = $it->{'progress'} . "%<BR>" . LJ::ehtml($it->{'statusline'});
push @vals, $val;
## priority
my $color;
if ($it->{'priority'} < 3) { $val = "-"; $color = "#0000C0"; }
if ($it->{'priority'} == 1) { $val = "--"; }
if ($it->{'priority'} > 3) { $val = "!"; $color = "#FF0000"; }
if ($it->{'priority'} == 5) { $val = "!!"; }
$val = $color ? "<FONT FACE=\"Arial,Helvetica\" COLOR=$color><B>$val</B></FONT>" : " ";
push @vals, $val;
## item & description
my $des = LJ::auto_linkify(LJ::ehtml($it->{'des'}));
$val = "<a href=\"item.bml?id=$it->{'todoid'}\"><b>" . LJ::ehtml($it->{'subject'}) . "</b></a><br /><font size='-1'>$des</font>";
push @vals, $val;
## due
$val = " ";
my $due = $it->{'datedue'};
$due =~ s/:00$//;
$due =~ s/00:00$//;
if ($due) {
$val = "<nobr><font size=-1>$due</font></nobr>";
push @vals, $val;
## categories
$val = "";
foreach my $kwid (@{$itemkws{$it->{'todoid'}}}) {
if ($val) { $val .= ", "; }
$val .= $keyword{$kwid}->{'keyword'};
$val = $val ? "<font size=-1>$val</font>" : " ";
push @vals, $val;
## print the row
$body .= "<TR ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP>\n";
$body .= "<TD><B><INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=\"delete_$it->{'todoid'}\"></B></TD>\n" if ($permission{'delete'});
foreach $val (@vals) {
$body .= "<TD>$val</TD>";
$body .= "</TR>\n";
$body .= "</TABLE>\n";
$body .= "<p><input type=submit value=\"Delete Selected\">" if ($permission{'delete'});
$body .= "</form>";
title=><?_code return $title; _code?>
body=><?_code return $body; _code?><p><?standout <B>Note:</B> The to-do list system is in beta. We're well aware it has a lot of work needed, and it definitely needs to be documented-- especially the security related things. standout?>
page?><?_c <LJDEP>
form: htdocs/todo/index.bml
post: htdocs/todo/index.bml
link: htdocs/todo/index.bml, htdocs/todo/item.bml
</LJDEP> _c?>