
168 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Select;
use Time::HiRes qw(time ualarm);
use POSIX ();
my $opt_pidfile;
my $opt_stop;
my $opt_foreground;
exit 1 unless GetOptions('pidfile=s' => \$opt_pidfile,
'stop' => \$opt_stop,
'foreground' => \$opt_foreground,
$opt_pidfile ||= "/var/run/ljstatscasterd.pid";
$SIG{TERM} = sub {
exit 1;
my $pid;
if (-e $opt_pidfile) {
open (PID, $opt_pidfile);
chomp ($pid = <PID>);
close PID;
if ($pid) {
if ($opt_stop) {
kill 15, $pid;
print "Stopped.\n";
if (kill(0,$pid)) {
die "Already running as pid: $pid\n";
if ($opt_stop) {
print "already stopped.\n";
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl";
my ($host, $port, $ipaddr, $portaddr, $sock);
my $TIMEOUT = 1.0; # transmit at least every 1 sec.
$LJ::FREECHILDREN_BCAST =~ /^(\S+):(\d+)$/) {
($host, $port) = ($1, $2);
} else {
die "\$LJ::FREECHILDREN_BCAST not defined, nowhere to send";
die "Can't write to $opt_pidfile" unless open(PID, ">>$opt_pidfile");
close PID;
unless ($opt_foreground) {
fork && exit 0;
POSIX::setsid() or die "Couldn't become session leader: $!";
fork && exit 0;
# Parent, log pid and exit.
unless (open(PID, ">$opt_pidfile")) {
die "Couldn't open $opt_pidfile for writing: $!\n";
print PID $$;
print "Started with pid $$\n";
unless ($opt_foreground) {
# Change working dir to the filesystem root, clear the umask
chdir "/";
umask 0;
# Close standard file descriptors and reopen them to /dev/null
close STDIN && open STDIN, "</dev/null";
close STDOUT && open STDOUT, "+>&STDIN";
close STDERR && open STDERR, "+>&STDIN";
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'udp');
$sock->sockopt(SO_BROADCAST, 1);
$ipaddr = inet_aton($host);
$portaddr = sockaddr_in($port, $ipaddr);
my $insock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>'udp',
or die "couldn't create socket\n";
my $sel = IO::Select->new();
my ($buf, $last_message);
my $no_servers = 1; # true if there are no servers available
my $last_send;
my $last_free;
my ($type, $message);
sub transmit {
#print "transmitting...\n";
$sock->send($last_message, 0, $portaddr)
if $last_message;
my $MAXLEN = 512;
while(1) {
my @ready = $sel->can_read($TIMEOUT);
unless (@ready) {
# we got here via a timeout. check to make sure apache-perl
# is still running before actually deciding to transmit more
open (PID, "/var/run/apache-perl.pid") or next; # debian-specific
my $pid = <PID>;
chomp $pid;
close PID;
if (readlink("/proc/$pid/exe") =~ /apache/) {
next SEL;
# assume we shouldn't transmit, until we've decided we should
my $transmit = 0;
# only one handle selected, so we know it's the incoming UDP
my $message;
while ($sock->recv($message, $MAXLEN)) {
$last_message = $message if $message;
$message = $last_message;
$message =~ m!free=(\d+)\n!;
my $free = $1;
next SEL if $free == $last_free;
$now = time();
if (defined $free && $now > $last_send + 0.2) {
$transmit = 1;
} elsif (defined $free) {
my $new_no_servers = ($free == 0);
if ($no_servers != $new_no_servers) {
$transmit = 1;
$no_servers = $new_no_servers;
} elsif ($message =~ m!shutdown=1!) {
$transmit = 1;
if ($transmit) {
$last_send = $now;
$last_free = $free;