
155 lines
6.5 KiB

title=>Bazaar Voting
<p>[&lt;&lt; <a href="./">Back</a>]</p>
use strict;
use vars qw(%GET %POST);
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my ($ret, $sth);
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
return "You must first <a href='/login.bml?ret=1'>login</a>." unless $remote;
my $bz = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM bzrs WHERE open='1' ".
"ORDER BY datestart LIMIT 1");
return "No bazaar session is currently active." unless $bz;
my $bzid = $bz->{'bzid'};
return "You aren't a voter for the <a href='status.bml?bzid=$bzid'>current bazaar</a> session."
unless $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT weight FROM bzrvoter WHERE bzid=? AND userid=?",
undef, $bzid, $remote->{'userid'});
# load votes (if voter)
my %votes;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT u.user, v.coid, v.weight, c.cat, c.des, c.url, c.dateadd ".
"FROM bzrvote v, contributed c, useridmap u ".
"WHERE v.bzid=? AND v.userid=? AND v.coid=c.coid ".
"AND u.userid=c.userid");
$sth->execute($bzid, $remote->{'userid'});
while (my $v = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$votes{$v->{'coid'}} = $v;
my @unvote;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT u.user, c.coid, c.cat, c.des, c.url, c.dateadd ".
"FROM contributed c, useridmap u ".
"WHERE u.userid=c.userid AND c.dateadd > ? ".
"AND c.userid <> ?");
$sth->execute($bz->{'datestart'}, $remote->{'userid'});
while (my $v = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
next if defined $votes{$v->{'coid'}};
push @unvote, $v;
if (LJ::did_post()) {
foreach my $id (keys %votes) {
next if $POST{"weight_$id"} eq "";
my $new = int($POST{"weight_$id"});
$new = 0 if $new < 0;
next if $POST{"weight_$id"} eq $votes{$id}->{'weight'};
$votes{$id}->{'weight'} = $new;
$dbh->do("REPLACE INTO bzrvote (bzid, userid, coid, weight) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",
undef, $bzid, $remote->{'userid'}, $id, $new);
foreach my $v (@unvote) {
my $id = $v->{'coid'};
next if $POST{"weight_$id"} eq "";
# delete contribution (so much stupid crap get submitted, like:
# "I gave my friend a code!")
if ($POST{"weight_$id"} eq "d") {
if (LJ::check_priv($dbh, $remote, "contrib_delete")) {
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM contributed WHERE coid=?", undef, $id);
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM contributedack WHERE coid=?", undef, $id);
$v->{'_deleted'} = 1;
$votes{$id} = $v;
my $new = int($POST{"weight_$id"});
$new = 0 if $new < 0;
$votes{$id}->{'weight'} = $new;
$dbh->do("REPLACE INTO bzrvote (bzid, userid, coid, weight) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",
undef, $bzid, $remote->{'userid'}, $id, $new);
if ($new) {
$dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO contributedack (coid, ackuserid) VALUES (?,?)",
undef, $v->{'coid'}, $remote->{'userid'});
# remove items that were just voted for
@unvote = grep { ! $votes{$_->{'coid'}} && ! $_->{'_deleted'} } @unvote;
if ($POST{'new_id'}) {
my $c = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT u.user, c.coid, c.cat, c.des, c.url, c.dateadd ".
"FROM contributed c, useridmap u WHERE c.coid=? ".
"AND c.dateadd > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 60 DAY) ".
"AND u.userid=c.userid",
undef, $POST{'new_id'});
return "Error: invalid contribution ID. Either does not exist, or is too old."
unless $c;
return "Error: can't vote for your own contributions"
if $c->{'user'} eq $remote->{'user'};
$c->{'weight'} = ($POST{'new_weight'}+0) || 1;
$dbh->do("REPLACE INTO bzrvote (bzid, userid, coid, weight) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",
undef, $bzid, $remote->{'userid'}, $c->{'coid'}, $c->{'weight'});
LJ::Contrib::ack($c->{'coid'}, $remote->{'userid'});
$votes{$c->{'coid'}} = $c;
$ret .= "<?h1 Your Votes h1?><?p As a voter in <a href='status.bml?bzid=$bzid'>this bazaar session</a>, you can add contributions you'd like to recognize here, and weight them all appropriately in regards to each other. p?>";
$ret .= "<form method='post' action='vote.bml' style='margin-left: 30px'>";
$ret .= "<table><tr><td width='250'><b>Contribution</b></td><td><b>Weight</b></td><td></td></tr>\n";
my $tw = 0;
foreach (values %votes) { $tw += $_->{'weight'}; }
my $row = sub {
my $v = shift;
my $des = LJ::eall($v->{'des'});
if ($v->{'url'}) {
$v->{'url'} = LJ::eall($v->{'url'});
$des = "<a href='$v->{'url'}'>$des</a>";
my $per = $v->{'weight'} ne "" ? sprintf("%0.02f%%", $v->{'weight'}*100/($tw||1)) : "";
$ret .= "<tr valign='top'><td>[<a href='/site/contributors.bml?mode=detail&coid=$v->{'coid'}'>$v->{'coid'}</a>] ";
$ret .= LJ::ljuser($v->{'user'}) . ": ";
$ret .= "$des<br />$v->{'cat'}, $v->{'dateadd'}</td><td><input name='weight_$v->{'coid'}' value='$v->{'weight'}' size='4'></td><td>$per</td></tr>";
# the ones that have been voted for, skipping zero weight
foreach my $v (sort { $b->{'weight'} <=> $a->{'weight'} } values %votes) {
next unless $v->{'weight'};
$ret .= "<tr><td><i>New vote item:</i> <a href='/site/contributors.bml'>Contribution</a> ID: <input size='4' name='new_id'></td><td><input size='4' name='new_weight'></td><td></td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' value='Save'></td><td></td></tr>\n";
# unweighted contributions
if (@unvote) {
$ret .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><b>Contributions you haven't weighted:</b><br />(set to 0 to remove from this list)</td></tr>\n";
foreach my $v (@unvote) {
$ret .= "<tr><td></td><td><input type='submit' value='Save'></td><td></td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "</table></form>";
return $ret;