
88 lines
2.7 KiB

title=>Beta Test Page
use strict;
use vars qw(%GET %POST);
my $betatext;
my $set;
my $capname;
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
my $is_admin = $remote && LJ::check_rel(LJ::get_userid("lj_core"), $remote->{'userid'}, "P");
if (LJ::did_post()) {
my $u;
if ($POST{fb_on} || $POST{pb_off}) {
return "Not allowed." unless $is_admin;
$u = LJ::load_user($POST{fbbeta});
$betatext = "<p><font color='red'>No such user <i>$POST{fbbeta}</i>.</font></p>" unless $u;
$capname = '_fbbeta';
if ($u && $POST{fb_on}) {
$set = 1;
$betatext = "<p><font color='green'>" . LJ::ljuser($u) . " is now in the beta.</font>";
} elsif ($u && $POST{fb_off}) {
$set = 0;
$betatext = "<p><font color='green'>" . LJ::ljuser($u) . " is no longer in the beta.</font>";
} else {
$capname = '_betatest';
if ($POST{'no'}) {
BML::set_cookie("betatest", "", undef, $LJ::COOKIE_PATH, $LJ::COOKIE_DOMAIN);
$set = 0;
if ($POST{'yes'}) {
BML::set_cookie("betatest", "1", time()+60*60*24, $LJ::COOKIE_PATH, $LJ::COOKIE_DOMAIN);
$set = 1;
$u = $remote;
# now set any sort of cap needed
if (defined $set) {
return "No such user to set cap for." unless $u;
my @cap = grep { $LJ::CAP{$_}->{'_name'} eq $capname } keys %LJ::CAP;
if ($u && scalar @cap == 1) {
my $capnum = $cap[0]+0;
if ($set) {
LJ::update_user($u, { raw => "caps=caps|(1<<$capnum)" });
return "<a href='betatest.bml'>Beta-test mode</a> is now <b>ON</b>.";
} else {
LJ::update_user($u, { raw => "caps=caps&~(1<<$capnum)" });
return "<a href='betatest.bml'>Beta-test mode</a> is now off.";
my $ret = <<EOF;
<table width="100%"><tr><td valign='top'>
<?h1 Want to beta-test? h1?>
<form method='post'>
<p><input type='submit' name='yes' value='Yes' /> - Turn me on.
<p><input type='submit' name='no' value='No' /> - No, stop the pain!
</td><td valign='top'>
if ($is_admin) {
$ret .= <<EOF;
<?h1 FotoBilder Beta Test h1?>
<form method='post'>
<p>Username: <input type='text' name='fbbeta' value='' />
<p><input type='submit' name='fb_on' value='Turn On' /> <input type='submit' name='fb_off' value='Turn Off' />
$ret .= "</td></tr></table>";
return $ret;