
471 lines
16 KiB

use strict;
use vars qw(%FORM $body $title);
$title = "Embedding LiveJournal";
$body = "";
my $ret = "";
# until this is in a database somewhere, here is the basic data structure:
# @methods =
# {
# 'group' => "short lowercase 'group of methods' name",
# 'title' => "full title",
# 'detail' => "optional extra description",
# 'methods' =>
# [
# 'name' => "optional method name",
# 'author' => "optional method author",
# 'text' => "mandatory paragraph",
# 'explanation' => "optional 'why this does such and such'",
# 'note' => "optional 'warning' or 'caution'",
# 'example' => "mandatory example",
# ]
# };
my $method_javascript =
'text' =>
"<?p The simplest way to embed your journal into your website is to just insert ".
"this JavaScript wherever in your webpage HTML that you want your journal to ".
"show up. In browsers where JavaScript is unavailable, a link to your journal can ".
"be shown instead. p?>",
'explanation' =>
"<?p This JavaScript fragment loads JavaScript from LiveJournal. ".
"The special thing to note here is the &amp;enc=js at the end of the customview.cgi arguments ".
'that tells LiveJournal to encode the page as one big <tt>document.write("....");</tt> JavaScript command. p?>',
'example' => <<"EOT",
&lt;script language="JavaScript"
&lt;noscript&gt;&lt;a href="http://[[username]].livejournal.com/"&gt;View my LiveJournal&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/noscript&gt;
my $method_frameslayers =
'text' =>
"<?p One way to hide <tt>www.livejournal.com</tt> from the URL and make your journal ".
"look like part of your site is using frames... put the HTML page with the ".
"<tt>&lt;frameset&gt;</tt> on your own server, and then make one of the frames be ".
"your journal. This method will work with any frame-supporting browser, ".
"including Netscape and Internet Explorer. p?>".
"<?p Additionally, HTML-4.0 compliant browsers are supposed to let you embed a ".
"frame inline with your page, so it doesn't have to be on the far side. ".
"This is called an <code>&lt;iframe&gt;</code>. Internet Explorer supports this, as do ".
"Netscape 6, Mozilla and all recent Opera versions. Inline frames ".
"aren't as compatible as normal frames, and won't work in Netscape 4. ".
"The following example shows an <tt>iframe</tt>: p?>",
'note' =>
"<?p For more information on <code>&lt;iframe&gt;</code>, see ".
"<a href=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/present/frames.html\#h-16.5\">the HTML 4.0 spec</a>. p?>",
'example' => <<"EOT",
&lt;iframe name="livejournal"
scrolling="auto" height="400" width="460"&gt;
&lt;a href="http://[[username]].livejournal.com/"&gt;View my LiveJournal&lt;/a&gt;
my $method_cgi_script =
'name' => "Basic CGI Script",
'text' =>
"<?p You can write a CGI script (a program that runs on your server) to download ".
"your journal and then spit it back out to your clients. You could write a CGI ".
"script like this in any language, but by far the easiest language would be Perl, mostly ".
"because just about every hosting provider supports it. p?>",
'explanation' =>
"<?p The client will never see <tt>www.livejournal.com</tt>, because your server is ".
"actually the one that's downloading it. p?>",
'note' =>
"<?p This example uses the <em>LibWWW</em> module for perl, which you may need to install on your server, ".
"or have your admin do it. p?>",
'example' =>
use LWP::Simple;
print "Content-type: text/html\\n\\n";
print get('http://www.livejournal.com/customview.cgi' .
my $method_cgi_ssi =
'name' => "Server Side Includes and CGI",
'text' =>
"<?p If you already have some existing content that you don't want to modify and you ".
"just want your LiveJournal inserted into an existing HTML document on your server ".
"everytime a client requests it, you can create the CGI script in the previous example ".
"and then place the example below into a server-parsed HTML document. p?>",
'note' =>
"<?p To get an HTML file to be server parsed, you usually have to name it <tt>.shtml</tt>, ".
"or set its execute bit; it depends on your webserver and how it's configured. ".
"In order to figure that out you might need to talk to your sysadmin. p?>",
'example' =>
&lt;!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/livejournal.cgi" --&gt;
my $method_bml =
'text' =>
"<?p If you're using <a href=\"http://www.bradfitz.com/bml/\">BML</a> on your server, you need ".
"to do two things in your document. First, you need to set the NOCACHE flag (example included), so that the visitor's ".
"browser doesn't store old states of the page in cache. Then you simply need to add in the given ".
"_CODE block somewhere on your page. p?>\n".
"<?p Since BML evaluates markup blocks returned from code blocks, you can include BML markup in your ".
"embedding style in order to make your embedded journal fit in with your BML scheme. p?>",
'note' =>
"<?p This uses the <em>LibWWW</em> module for Perl, which you may need to install on your server, ".
"or have your admin do it. p?>",
'example' =>
BML::ehtml("<?_code\n\n use LWP::Simple;\n".
" return get('http://www.livejournal.com/customview.cgi' .\n".
" '?username=[[username]]&styleid=101');\n\n".
my $method_python =
'author' => " Jeremy Tribby",
"<?p Embedding your LiveJournal is easy with Python; just use the urllib class. p?>",
'example' => <<"EOT",
import urllib
u = urllib.open('http://www.livejournal.com/customview.cgi?username=[[username]]&styleid=101')
print 'Content-type: text/html\\n\\n'
print u.read()
my $method_flash =
'text' =>
"One of our users informed us that it is possible to have Flash download a list of ".
"variables to prefill into text elements in a Flash file. The formatting of these ".
"variable=value pairs are the same as in URLs. To accomodate this need, we provide ".
"a style which does this formatting for you. As an example, see the URL below.",
'example' =>
my $method_php_fpassthru =
'name' => "Using <code>fpassthru()</code>",
'author' => "<a href=\"http://www.whump.com/moreLikeThis/\">Bill Humpries</a>",
'text' => "<?p This method simply opens the journal URL, and then prints the content. p?>",
'explanation' =>
"<?p This method uses <tt>fopen()</tt> to open the journal URL, and then uses <tt>fpassthru()</tt> ".
"to pass the journal content to stdout. p?>",
'example' => <<"EOT",
\$journalURL = "http://www.livejournal.com/".
if (\$fh = fopen(\$journalURL,"r")) {
} else {
echo "&lt;p&gt;Unable to load journal.&lt;/p&gt;\\n";
my $method_php_fsockopen =
'name' => "Using <code>fsockopen()</code>",
'author' => "<a href=\"mailto:elliot\@rightnowtech.com\">Elliot Schlegelmilch</a>",
'text' => "<?p This method is slightly different, and may work even if URL fopen wrappers aren't enabled on your server. p?>",
'explanation' =>
"<?p This method uses <code>fsockopen()</code> to open a network socket to the journal site, and then uses the HTTP protocol to ".
"request the journal's content. Given that it doesn't fail, it will simply fetch each line of the server's response. p?>",
'example' => <<"EOT",
\$fp = fsockopen("www.livejournal.com", 80, &\$errno, \&\$errstr, 30);
if(\$fp) {
fputs(\$fp,"GET /customview.cgi?".
"username=[[username]]&styleid=101 HTTP/1.0\\n\\n");
while(!feof(\$fp)) {
echo fgets(\$fp,128);
my $method_php_file =
'name' => "Using <code>file()</code>",
'author' => "<a href=\"mailto:jay\@fudge.org\">Jay Cuthrell</a>",
'text' => "This method is useful for those that want a line by line parse of their journal, with line number references.",
'explanation' =>
"<?p This method uses the <code>file()</code> function to read in the journal content as a large array, and then it prints ".
"it back out line by line. p?>",
'example' => <<"EOT",
\$page = "http://www.livejournal.com/customview.cgi".
\$content = file(\$page);
\$slurp = "";
while (list(\$foo,\$bar) = each(\$content)) {
\$slurp .= \$bar;
echo \$slurp;
my $method_php_include =
'name' => "Using <code>include()</code>",
'author' => "<a href=\"mailto:jon\@csh.rit.edu\">Jon Parise</a>",
'text' => "<?p This simply includes the journal page inside of the PHP page. p?>",
'note' => "<?p This requires you have URL fopen wrappers enabled (they're on by default in PHP 4). p?>",
'example' => <<"EOT",
include "http://www.livejournal.com/customview.cgi".
my $method_asp_xmlhttp =
'name' => "Using the <tt>Microsoft.XMLHTTP</tt> component",
'author' => "<a href=\"mailto:Pavel.Titov\@mtu-net.ru\">Pavel Titov</a>",
'text' => "<?p This is an easy way to embed your journal using the <tt>Microsoft.XMLHTTP</tt> component and IIS. p?>",
'example' => <<"EOT",
Response.Buffer = True
Dim xml
' Create an xmlhttp object:
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
' Or, for version 3.0 of XMLHTTP, use:
' Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
' Opens the connection to the remote server.
xml.Open "GET",
' Actually Sends the request and returns the data:
Response.Write xml.responseText
Set xml = Nothing
my $method_asp_perlscript =
'name' => "Using PerlScript",
'author' => "<a href=\"mailto:ansley\@net-impact.net\">Ansley Ingram</a>",
'text' => "<?p Here is how to embed your LiveJournal on your site using ASP and PerlScript. p?>",
'note' =>
"<?p Unfortuately, many WinNT hosting providers don't offer PerlScript. ".
"PerlScript is included in the <a href=\"http://www.activestate.com/ActivePerl/\">ActivePerl</a> ".
"installation for NT from ActiveState. p?>",
'example' => <<"EOT",
use LWP::Simple;
\$Response->Write(get 'http://www.livejournal.com/customview.cgi?' .
my $method_aolserver =
'author' => "<?ljuser jackal ljuser?>",
'text' => "<?p You can embed your LiveJournal on your site using AOLServer's .adp pages. p?>",
'note' =>
"<?p This is <strong>not</strong> for people using AOL's Internet Access service; ".
"it is for people using the AOLServer web server. p?>",
'example' => <<"EOT",
ns_puts "[ns_geturl http://www.livejournal.com/customview.cgi?username=[[username]]&styleid=101 ]"
my $method_coldfusion =
'author' => "<?ljuser mrh ljuser?>",
'text' => "<?p Cold Fusion users can embed their journals as follows. p?>",
'example' => <<"EOT",
my @methods =
{'group' => "js",
'title' => "JavaScript",
'detail' => "The easiest way to embed",
'methods' => [$method_javascript],
{'group' => "frameslayers",
'title' => "HTML Frames",
'detail' => "The next easiest way",
'methods' => [$method_frameslayers],
{'group' => "cgi",
'title' => "CGI Scripts",
'detail' => "Easy server side programming",
'methods' => [$method_cgi_script, $method_cgi_ssi,],
{'group' => "bml",
'title' => "Better Markup Language",
'detail' => "Using the language of LiveJournal",
'methods' => [$method_bml],
{'group' => "flash",
'title' => "Macromedia Flash",
'methods' => [$method_flash],
{'group' => "php",
'title' => "PHP",
'methods' => [$method_php_fpassthru, $method_php_fsockopen, $method_php_file, $method_php_include],
{'group' => "python",
'title' => "Python",
'methods' => [$method_python],
{'group' => "asp",
'title' => "Active Server Pages",
'methods' => [$method_asp_xmlhttp, $method_asp_perlscript],
{'group' => "coldfusion",
'title' => "Cold Fusion",
'methods' => [$method_coldfusion],
{'group' => "adp",
'title' => "AOLServer .adp pages",
'methods' => [$method_aolserver],
my $selected_method_group = $FORM{'method'};
my $valid_selection = (defined $selected_method_group and
($selected_method_group eq "all" or
grep { $selected_method_group eq $_->{'group'} } @methods));
unless ($valid_selection)
$ret .= <<"EOT";
<?h1 Introduction h1?>
<?p Not everyone likes to link to LiveJournal.com to show their LiveJournal;
a lot of people prefer to embed it directly into their own home page. p?>
<?p However, doing so isn't always easy. There are a lot of differences
between servers, and outside of these basic instructions below,
we don't have much time to help everybody configure their own servers correctly.
Even if you don't have control over your server, there are still some
HTML-only ways to do it, although less transparently and with other additional
caveats. p?>
<?p Note that embedding is a <a href="/paidaccounts/">paid account</a> feature,
and so these instructions will not work for users with free accounts. p?>
Listed below are some of the different ways that you can embed your journal.
foreach my $method (@methods) {
my $group = LJ::eurl($method->{'group'});
$ret .= "<li><a href=\"embedding.bml?method=$group\"><b>$method->{'title'}</b></a>";
if (defined $method->{'detail'}) {
$ret .= " - $method->{detail}\n";
$ret .= <<"EOT";
Optionally, you can <a href="embedding.bml?method=all">view all</a> of the methods on
one page.
<a href="./">&lt;&lt; Back to the developer area</a>
$body = $ret;
my $remote = LJ::get_remote_noauth();
my $ru=$remote->{'user'} || "<var>username</var>";
my $display_method = sub
my $method = shift;
my $heading = (shift() ? "H1" : "H2");
next if not defined $method->{'methods'};
foreach $method (@{$method->{'methods'}}) {
if (defined $method->{'name'}) {
$ret .="<?$heading $method->{'name'} $heading?>\n";
if (defined $method->{'author'}) {
$ret .="<?p <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Contributed by:</span> ";
$ret .= $method->{'author'} . " p?>";
$ret .= "$method->{text}\n";
if (defined $method->{'explanation'}) {
$ret .= "<?h2 Explanation h2?>$method->{'explanation'}\n";
if (defined $method->{'note'}) {
$ret .= "<?h2 Note h2?>$method->{'note'}\n";
my $example=$method->{'example'};
$ret .= '<pre style="color: #0000ff">';
$ret .= $example;
$ret .= '</pre>';
if ($selected_method_group eq "all") {
$title .= " - All Methods";
foreach my $method (@methods) {
$ret .= "<?h1 $method->{'title'} h1?>\n";
$ret .= "<?hr?>";
} else {
foreach my $method (@methods) {
if ($method->{'group'} eq $selected_method_group) {
$title .= " - $method->{'title'}";
# $ret .= "<?h1 $method->{'title'} h1?>\n";
$ret .= "<?hr?>";
$ret .= '<a href="./embedding.bml">&lt;&lt; Back to the embedding page</a>';
$body = $ret;
title=><?_code return $title _code?>
body=><?_code return $body _code?>