534 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
534 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
use strict;
use Image::Size ();
use Simple; # corrected LJ::Simple
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl";
require "ljr-defaults.pl";
require "ljr-links.pl";
require LJR::Distributed;
require LWPx::ParanoidAgent;
# error handling
my $err = sub {
my %res = ();
my $cstack = "\ncallstack:";
my $i = 0;
while ( 1 ) {
my $tfunc = (caller($i))[3];
if ($tfunc && $tfunc ne "") {
if ($tfunc !~ /\_\_ANON\_\_/) {
$cstack .= " " . $tfunc;
$i = $i + 1;
else {
$res{"err"} = 1;
$res{"errtext"} = join ("\n", @_);
$res{"errtext"} .= $cstack;
return \%res;
# example:
my $DEBUG = 0;
sub cache_remote_pics {
my ($remote_site, $remote_user, $remote_pass, $local_userid) = @_;
my $ua;
my $res;
my %remote_urls = ();
my %remote_keywords = ();
my %remote_comments = ();
my $default_pic = "";
my $i = 0;
my $content;
# get remote pictures list with keywords
if ($remote_pass ne "") {
$LJ::Simple::network_retries = $LJR::NETWORK_RETRIES;
$LJ::Simple::network_sleep = $LJR::NETWORK_SLEEP;
$LJ::Simple::LJ_Client = $LJR::LJ_CLIENT;
$LJ::Simple::UserAgent = $LJR::USER_AGENT;
my $ljs_site = $remote_site;
if ($ljs_site =~ /^http\:\/\/(.*)/) {
$ljs_site = $1;
my $remote_lj = new LJ::Simple ({
site => $ljs_site,
user => $remote_user,
pass => $remote_pass,
pics => 0,
moods => 0,
return $err->("Can't login to remote site.", $LJ::Simple::error)
unless defined($remote_lj);
if (!$remote_lj->GenerateCookie()) {
return $err->("Can't generate login cookie.", $LJ::Simple::error);
$res = $remote_lj->GetRawData({
"url" => "/allpics.bml",
if (!($res && $res->{content})) {
return $err->("LJ::Simple: Can't get remote user pictures: $remote_user\n");
$content = $res->{content};
else {
while(1) {
$ua = LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(timeout => 60);
# TODO: parameterize allpics.bml
$res = $ua->get($remote_site . "/allpics.bml?user=" . $remote_user);
if (!($res && $res->is_success) && $i < $LJR::NETWORK_RETRIES) {
LJR::NETWORK_SLEEP(); $i++; next;
else {
if (!($res && $res->is_success)) {
return $err->("LWPx: Can't get remote user pictures: $remote_user\n");
$content = $res->content;
my $ru = LJR::Distributed::get_remote_server($remote_site);
return $err->($ru->{"errtext"}) if $ru->{"err"};
$ru->{username} = $remote_user;
$ru = LJR::Distributed::get_cached_user($ru);
$i = 0;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return $err->("Can't get database writer!") unless $dbh;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM ljr_cached_userpics WHERE ru_id=?", undef, $ru->{ru_id});
return $err->($dbh->errstr) if $dbh->err;
my $iru;
my $userpic_base = LJR::Links::get_server_url($remote_site, "userpic_base");
# extract pic urls and keywords
if ($content =~ m!<\s*?body.*?>(.+)</body>!si) {
$content = $1;
while ($content =~
) {
my $picurl = $1;
my $props = $4;
my $cuserid = $3;
my $cpicid = $2;
$content = $5 . $8;
my $is_default = 0;
# save userid
if (!$iru->{ru_id}) {
$iru = LJR::Distributed::get_remote_server($remote_site);
return $err->($ru->{"errtext"}) if $ru->{"err"};
$iru->{username} = $remote_user;
$iru->{userid} = $cuserid;
$iru = LJR::Distributed::get_cached_user($iru);
return $err->($ru->{"errtext"}) if $ru->{"err"};
if ($props =~ /(.*?)Keywords\:\<\/b\>\ (.*?)\<br\ \/\>(.*?)\<\/td\>/s) {
$remote_keywords{$picurl} = $2;
$remote_comments{$picurl} = $3;
$remote_comments{$picurl} =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
if ($props =~ /\<u\>Default\<\/u\>/s) {
$default_pic = $picurl;
$is_default = 1;
my @keywords = "";
if ($remote_keywords{$picurl}) {
@keywords = split(/\s*,\s*/, $remote_keywords{$picurl});
@keywords = grep { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_; } @keywords;
elsif ($is_default) {
@keywords = ("");
foreach my $kw (@keywords) {
if($remote_urls{$cpicid}) {
$dbh->do("UPDATE ljr_cached_userpics set keyword=?, is_default=?, comments=?
where ru_id=? and remote_picid=?",
undef, $kw, $is_default, $remote_comments{$picurl},
$ru->{ru_id}, $cpicid);
return $err->($dbh->errstr) if $dbh->err;
else {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO ljr_cached_userpics VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)",
undef, $ru->{ru_id}, $cpicid, $kw,
$is_default, $remote_comments{$picurl});
return $err->($dbh->errstr) if $dbh->err;
$remote_urls{$cpicid} = $picurl;
return undef;
sub import_pics {
my (
$remote_site, $remote_user, $remote_pass,
$local_user, $o_keyword, $o_default
) = @_;
my $MAX_UPLOAD = 40960;
my %remote_ids = ();
my %remote_urls = ();
my %remote_keywords = ();
my %remote_comments = ();
my $default_pic = "";
my $ru = LJR::Distributed::get_remote_server($remote_site);
return $err->($ru->{"errtext"}) if $ru->{"err"};
$ru->{username} = $remote_user;
$ru = LJR::Distributed::get_cached_user($ru);
# load user object (force, otherwise get error outside of apache)
my $u = LJ::load_user($local_user, 1);
return $err->("Invalid local user: " . $local_user) unless $u;
# prepare database connections (for different versions of user objects)
my ($dbcm, $dbcr, $sth);
$dbcm = LJ::get_cluster_master($u);
return $err->("Can't get cluster master!") unless $dbcm;
$dbcr = LJ::get_cluster_def_reader($u);
return $err->("Can't get cluster reader!") unless $dbcr;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
return $err->("Can't get database writer!") unless $dbh;
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
return $err->("Can't get database reader!") unless $dbr;
my $e;
if (!$o_keyword && !$o_default) {
$e = cache_remote_pics($remote_site, $remote_user, $remote_pass, $u->{userid});
return $e if $e->{err};
else {
$sth = $dbr->prepare(
"SELECT ru_id FROM ljr_cached_userpics WHERE ru_id=? GROUP BY ru_id");
my $ruid = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
if (!$ruid) {
$e = cache_remote_pics($remote_site, $remote_user, $remote_pass, $u->{userid});
return $e if $e->{err};
# get ru->{userid} which should come up after caching remote pic props
$ru = LJR::Distributed::get_cached_user($ru);
if ($o_keyword) {
$sth = $dbr->prepare(
"SELECT remote_picid, keyword, is_default, comments " .
"FROM ljr_cached_userpics WHERE ru_id=? and keyword=?");
$sth->execute($ru->{ru_id}, $o_keyword);
elsif ($o_default) {
$sth = $dbr->prepare(
"SELECT remote_picid, keyword, is_default, comments " .
"FROM ljr_cached_userpics WHERE ru_id=? and is_default=1");
else {
$sth = $dbr->prepare(
"SELECT remote_picid, keyword, is_default, comments " .
"FROM ljr_cached_userpics WHERE ru_id=?");
my $i = 0;
while (my $rpic = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $picurl = $remote_site . "/userpic/" . $rpic->{remote_picid} . "/" . $ru->{userid};
$remote_ids{$i} = $rpic->{remote_picid};
$remote_urls{$rpic->{remote_picid}} = $picurl;
$remote_comments{$picurl} = $rpic->{comments};
$remote_keywords{$picurl} =
(($remote_keywords{$picurl}) ? $remote_keywords{$picurl} . "," : "") .
if ($rpic->{is_default}) {
$default_pic = $picurl;
$picurl . ":" .
$remote_ids{$i} . ":" .
$remote_comments{$picurl} . ":" .
$remote_keywords{$picurl} . "\n"
if $DEBUG;
RPICID: foreach my $rpicid (sort {$a <=> $b} values %remote_ids) {
my $local_picid = $dbr->selectrow_array(
"SELECT local_picid FROM ljr_remote_userpics " .
"WHERE ru_id=? and remote_picid=? and local_userid = ?",
undef, $ru->{ru_id}, $rpicid, $u->{userid});
if ($local_picid) {
my $r_picid = $dbr->selectrow_array(
"SELECT picid FROM userpic2 WHERE picid=?",
undef, $local_picid);
if (!$r_picid) {
$u->do("DELETE FROM ljr_remote_userpics WHERE local_picid=?", undef, $local_picid);
$local_picid = undef;
else {
next RPICID;
my %POST = ();
$POST{urlpic} = $remote_urls{$rpicid};
$POST{keywords} = $remote_keywords{$remote_urls{$rpicid}};
$POST{comments} = $remote_comments{$remote_urls{$rpicid}};
$POST{url} = "";
if ($default_pic eq $remote_urls{$rpicid}) {
$POST{make_default} = 1;
# get remote picture and validate it
my $ua;
my $res;
my ($sx, $sy, $filetype);
$i = 0;
while(1) {
$ua = LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(
timeout => 60,
max_size => $MAX_UPLOAD + 1024);
$res = $ua->get($POST{urlpic});
# if the picture doesn't exist on the remote server
# then we get 404 http error and remove it from our cache
if ($res &&
($res->{"_rc"} eq 404 || $res->{"_rc"} eq 503)
) {
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM ljr_cached_userpics WHERE ru_id=? and remote_picid=?",
undef, $ru->{ru_id}, $rpicid);
return $err->($dbh->errstr) if $dbh->err;
next RPICID;
$POST{userpic} = $res->content if $res && $res->is_success;
($sx, $sy, $filetype) = Image::Size::imgsize(\$POST{'userpic'});
if (!(
$res && $res->is_success && defined($sx) &&
length($POST{'userpic'}) <= $MAX_UPLOAD &&
($filetype eq "GIF" || $filetype eq "JPG" || $filetype eq "PNG") &&
$sx <= 100 && $sy <= 100
) &&
LJR::NETWORK_SLEEP(); $i++; next;
else {
if (!($res && $res->is_success)) {
return $err->("Can't get remote user picture: ",
$remote_user, $local_user, $o_keyword, $o_default, $POST{urlpic},
if (!defined $sx) {
print ("Invalid image: " . $POST{urlpic} . "\n");
next RPICID;
if (length($POST{'userpic'}) > $MAX_UPLOAD) {
return $err->("Picture " . $POST{urlpic} . "is too large");
return $err->("Unsupported filetype: " . $POST{urlpic})
unless ($filetype eq "GIF" || $filetype eq "JPG" || $filetype eq "PNG");
return $err->("Image too large: " . $POST{urlpic}) if ($sx > 150 || $sy > 150);
my $base64 = Digest::MD5::md5_base64($POST{'userpic'});
# see if it's a duplicate
my $picid;
my $contenttype;
if ($filetype eq "GIF") { $contenttype = 'G'; }
elsif ($filetype eq "PNG") { $contenttype = 'P'; }
elsif ($filetype eq "JPG") { $contenttype = 'J'; }
$picid = $dbcr->selectrow_array(
"SELECT picid FROM userpic2 WHERE userid=? AND fmt=? AND md5base64=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $contenttype, $base64);
$picid = 0 unless defined($picid);
print "trying to insert into db\n" if $DEBUG;
# if picture isn't a duplicate, insert it
if ($picid == 0) {
# Make a new global picid
$picid = LJ::alloc_global_counter('P') or
return $err->('Unable to allocate new picture id');
"INSERT INTO userpic2 (picid, userid, fmt, width, height, " .
"picdate, md5base64, location, state) " .
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?, 'N')",
undef, $picid, $u->{'userid'}, $contenttype, $sx, $sy, $base64, undef);
return $err->($u->errstr) if $u->err;
my $clean_err = sub {
if ($picid) {
"DELETE FROM userpic2 WHERE userid=? AND picid=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $picid);
"DELETE FROM userpicblob2 WHERE userid=? AND picid=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $picid);
return $err->(@_);
### insert the blob
"INSERT INTO userpicblob2 (userid, picid, imagedata) VALUES (?,?,?)",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $picid, $POST{'userpic'});
return $clean_err->($u->errstr) if $u->err;
# make it their default pic?
if ($POST{'make_default'}) {
LJ::update_user($u, { defaultpicid => $picid });
$u->{'defaultpicid'} = $picid;
# set default keywords?
if ($POST{'keywords'} && $POST{'keywords'} ne '') {
print "storing keywords\n" if $DEBUG;
$sth = $dbcr->prepare("SELECT kwid, picid FROM userpicmap2 WHERE userid=?");
my @exist_kwids;
while (my ($kwid, $picid) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$exist_kwids[$kwid] = $picid;
my @keywords = split(/\s*,\s*/, $POST{'keywords'});
@keywords = grep { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_; } @keywords;
my (@bind, @data);
my $c = 0;
foreach my $kw (@keywords) {
my $kwid = LJ::get_keyword_id($u, $kw);
next unless $kwid; # Houston we have a problem! This should always return an id.
return $clean_err->("Too many userpic keywords: " . LJ::ehtml($kw));
if ($exist_kwids[$kwid]) { # Already used on another picture
# delete existing pic while there's newer one
delete ljr_remote_userpics, ljr_cached_userpics
from ljr_cached_userpics, ljr_remote_userpics
ljr_cached_userpics.ru_id = ljr_remote_userpics.ru_id and
ljr_cached_userpics.remote_picid = ljr_remote_userpics.remote_picid and
ljr_remote_userpics.local_userid = ? and local_picid = ?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $exist_kwids[$kwid]);
$u->do("DELETE FROM userpicmap2 WHERE userid=? AND picid=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $exist_kwids[$kwid]);
$u->do("DELETE FROM userpicblob2 WHERE userid=? AND picid=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $exist_kwids[$kwid]);
$u->do("DELETE FROM userpic2 WHERE userid=? AND picid=?",
undef, $u->{'userid'}, $exist_kwids[$kwid]);
push @bind, '(?, ?, ?)';
push @data, $u->{'userid'}, $kwid, $picid;
if (@data && @bind) {
my $bind = join(',', @bind);
"INSERT INTO userpicmap2 (userid, kwid, picid) VALUES $bind",
undef, @data);
# set default comments and the url
my (@data, @set);
if ($POST{'comments'} && $POST{'comments'} ne '') {
push @set, 'comment=?';
push @data, LJ::text_trim($POST{'comments'}, $LJ::BMAX_UPIC_COMMENT, $LJ::CMAX_UPIC_COMMENT);
if ($POST{'url'} ne '') {
push @set, 'url=?';
push @data, $POST{'url'};
if (@set) {
my $set = join(',', @set);
$u->do("UPDATE userpic2 SET $set WHERE userid=? AND picid=?",
undef, @data, $u->{'userid'}, $picid);
return $err->($u->errstr) if $u->err;
$u->do("INSERT INTO ljr_remote_userpics VALUES (?,?,?,?)",
undef, $ru->{ru_id}, $rpicid, $u->{userid}, $picid);
return $err->($u->errstr) if $u->err;
return undef;
return 1;