1619 lines
53 KiB
Executable File
1619 lines
53 KiB
Executable File
package Apache::LiveJournal;
use strict;
use Apache::File ();
use lib "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin";
use Apache::LiveJournal::PalImg;
use LJ::S2;
use LJ::Blob;
use Apache::LiveJournal::Interface::Blogger;
use Apache::LiveJournal::Interface::AtomAPI;
use Apache::LiveJournal::Interface::S2;
use LJR::GD;
$LJ::OPTMOD_ZLIB = eval "use Compress::Zlib (); 1;";
$LJ::OPTMOD_XMLRPC = eval "use XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP (); 1;";
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljlib.pl";
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljviews.pl";
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljprotocol.pl";
use Apache::LiveJournal::Interface::FotoBilder;
my %RQ; # per-request data
my %USERPIC; # conf related to userpics
my %REDIR;
my $GTop; # GTop object (created if $LJ::LOG_GTOP is true)
# Mapping of MIME types to image types understood by the blob functions.
my %MimeTypeMap = (
'image/gif' => 'gif',
'image/jpeg' => 'jpg',
'image/png' => 'png',
my %MimeTypeMapd6 = (
'G' => 'gif',
'J' => 'jpg',
'P' => 'png',
$USERPIC{'cache_dir'} = "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/htdocs/userpics";
$USERPIC{'use_disk_cache'} = -d $USERPIC{'cache_dir'};
$USERPIC{'symlink'} = eval { symlink('',''); 1; };
# redirect data.
foreach my $file ('redirect.dat', 'redirect-local.dat') {
open (REDIR, "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/$file") or next;
while (<REDIR>) {
next unless (/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/);
my ($src, $dest) = ($1, $2);
$REDIR{$src} = $dest;
close REDIR;
my @req_hosts; # client IP, and/or all proxies, real or claimed
# init handler (PostReadRequest)
sub handler
my $r = shift;
$r->set_handlers(PerlHandler => [ \&totally_down_content ]);
return OK;
# only perform this once in case of internal redirects
if ($r->is_initial_req) {
$r->push_handlers(PerlCleanupHandler => sub { %RQ = () });
$r->push_handlers(PerlCleanupHandler => "Apache::LiveJournal::db_logger");
$r->push_handlers(PerlCleanupHandler => "LJ::end_request");
# if we're behind a lite mod_proxy front-end, we need to trick future handlers
# into thinking they know the real remote IP address. problem is, it's complicated
# by the fact that mod_proxy did nothing, requiring mod_proxy_add_forward, then
# decided to do X-Forwarded-For, then did X-Forwarded-Host, so we have to deal
# with all permutations of versions, hence all the ugliness:
@req_hosts = ($r->connection->remote_ip);
if (my $forward = $r->header_in('X-Forwarded-For'))
my (@hosts, %seen);
foreach (split(/\s*,\s*/, $forward)) {
next if $seen{$_}++;
push @hosts, $_;
push @req_hosts, $_;
if (@hosts) {
my $real = pop @hosts;
$r->header_in('X-Forwarded-For', join(", ", @hosts));
# and now, deal with getting the right Host header
if ($_ = $r->header_in('X-Host')) {
$r->header_in('Host', $_);
} elsif ($_ = $r->header_in('X-Forwarded-Host')) {
$r->header_in('Host', $_);
# reload libraries that might've changed
my %to_reload;
while (my ($file, $mod) = each %LJ::LIB_MOD_TIME) {
my $cur_mod = (stat($file))[9];
next if $cur_mod == $mod;
$to_reload{$file} = 1;
my @key_del;
foreach (my ($key, $file) = each %INC) {
push @key_del, $key if $to_reload{$file};
delete $INC{$_} foreach @key_del;
foreach my $file (keys %to_reload) {
print STDERR "Reloading $file...\n";
my $good = do $file;
if ($good) {
$LJ::LIB_MOD_TIME{$file} = (stat($file))[9];
} else {
die "Failed to reload module [$file] due to error: $@\n";
$r->set_handlers(PerlTransHandler => [ \&trans ]);
return OK;
sub redir
my ($r, $url, $code) = @_;
$r->header_out(Location => $url);
return $code || REDIRECT;
sub totally_down_content
my $r = shift;
my $uri = $r->uri;
if ($uri =~ m!^/interface/flat! || $uri =~ m!^/cgi-bin/log\.cg!) {
return OK;
if ($uri =~ m!^/customview.cgi!) {
$r->print("<!-- $LJ::SERVER_DOWN_MESSAGE -->");
return OK;
# FIXME: ljcom-specific, move to a hook; too lazy now.
if ($uri =~ m!^/paidaccounts/pp_notify\.bml!) {
return OK;
sub blocked_bot
my $r = shift;
$r->status_line("403 Denied");
my $subject = $LJ::BLOCKED_BOT_SUBJECT || "403 Denied";
my $message = $LJ::BLOCKED_BOT_MESSAGE || "You don't have permission to view this page.";
return OK;
sub trans
my $r = shift;
return DECLINED if ! $r->is_main || $r->method_number == M_OPTIONS; # don't deal with subrequests or OPTIONS
my $uri = $r->uri;
my $args = $r->args;
my $args_wq = $args ? "?$args" : "";
my $host = $r->header_in("Host");
my $hostport = ($host =~ s/:\d+$//) ? $& : "";
# disable TRACE (so scripts on non-LJ domains can't invoke
# a trace to get the LJ cookies in the echo)
return FORBIDDEN if $r->method_number == M_TRACE;
# If the configuration says to log statistics and GTop is available, mark
# values before the request runs so it can be turned into a delta later
if ( $LJ::LOG_GTOP && $LJ::HAVE_GTOP ) {
$GTop ||= new GTop;
$r->pnotes( 'gtop_cpu' => $GTop->cpu );
$r->pnotes( 'gtop_mem' => $GTop->proc_mem($$) );
my $is_ssl = $LJ::IS_SSL = LJ::run_hook("ssl_check", {
r => $r,
# handle uniq cookies
if ($LJ::UNIQ_COOKIES && $r->is_initial_req) {
# if cookie exists, check for sysban
my ($uniq, $uniq_time);
if (Apache->header_in("Cookie") =~ /\bljuniq\s*=\s*([a-zA-Z0-9]{15}):(\d+)/) {
($uniq, $uniq_time) = ($1, $2);
$r->notes("uniq" => $uniq);
if (LJ::sysban_check('uniq', $uniq) && index($uri, $LJ::BLOCKED_BOT_URI) != 0) {
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&blocked_bot );
return OK;
# if no cookie, create one. if older than a day, revalidate
my $now = time();
my $DAY = 3600*24;
if (! $uniq || $now - $uniq_time > $DAY) {
$uniq ||= LJ::rand_chars(15);
# set uniq cookies for all cookie_domains
foreach my $dom (@domains) {
$r->err_headers_out->add("Set-Cookie" =>
"ljuniq=$uniq:$now; " .
"expires=" . LJ::time_to_cookie($now + $DAY*60) . "; " .
($dom ? "domain=$dom; " : "") . "path=/");
# only allow certain pages over SSL
if ($is_ssl) {
if ($uri =~ m!^/interface/!) {
# handled later
} elsif ($LJ::SSLDOCS && $uri !~ m!(\.\.|\%|\.\/)!) {
my $file = "$LJ::SSLDOCS/$uri";
unless (-e $file) {
# no such file. send them to the main server if it's a GET.
return $r->method eq 'GET' ? redir($r, "$LJ::SITEROOT$uri$args_wq") : 404;
if (-d _) { $file .= "/index.bml"; }
$file =~ s!/{2,}!/!g;
$LJ::IMGPREFIX = "/img";
$LJ::STATPREFIX = "/stc";
return OK;
} else {
# let foo.com still work, but redirect to www.foo.com
if ($LJ::DOMAIN_WEB && $r->method eq "GET" &&
$host eq $LJ::DOMAIN && $LJ::DOMAIN_WEB ne $LJ::DOMAIN)
my $url = "$LJ::SITEROOT$uri";
$url .= "?" . $args if $args;
return redir($r, $url);
# check for sysbans on ip address
foreach my $ip (@req_hosts) {
if (LJ::sysban_check('ip', $ip) && index($uri, $LJ::BLOCKED_BOT_URI) != 0) {
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&blocked_bot );
return OK;
if (LJ::run_hook("forbid_request", $r) && index($uri, $LJ::BLOCKED_BOT_URI) != 0) {
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&blocked_bot );
return OK;
# see if we should setup a minimal scheme based on the initial part of the
# user-agent string; FIXME: maybe this should do more than just look at the
# initial letters?
if (my $ua = $r->header_in('User-Agent')) {
if (($ua =~ /^([a-z]+)/i) && $LJ::MINIMAL_USERAGENT{$1}) {
$r->notes('use_minimal_scheme' => 1);
$r->notes('bml_use_scheme' => $LJ::MINIMAL_BML_SCHEME);
# now we know that the request is going to succeed, so do some checking if they have a defined
# referer. clients and such don't, so ignore them.
my $referer = $r->header_in("Referer");
if ($referer && $r->method eq 'POST' && !LJ::check_referer('', $referer)) {
$r->log_error("REFERER WARNING: POST to $uri from $referer");
my %GET = $r->args;
# anti-squatter checking
if ($LJ::ANTI_SQUATTER && $r->method eq "GET") {
my $ref = $r->header_in("Referer");
if ($ref && index($ref, $LJ::SITEROOT) != 0) {
# FIXME: this doesn't anti-squat user domains yet
if ($uri !~ m!^/404!) {
# So hacky! (see note below)
$LJ::SQUAT_URL = "http://$host$hostport$uri$args_wq";
} else {
# then Apache's 404 handler takes over and we get here
# FIXME: why?? why doesn't it just work to return OK
# the first time with the handlers pushed? nothing
# else requires this chicanery!
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&anti_squatter);
return OK;
my $bml_handler = sub {
my $filename = shift;
$r->notes("bml_filename" => $filename);
# $r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&Apache::BML::handler);
return OK;
# is this the embed module host
my $embed_host = $host;
$embed_host = $r->header_in("X-Forwarded-Host")
if $r->header_in("X-Forwarded-Host");
if ($LJ::EMBED_MODULE_DOMAIN && $embed_host =~ /$LJ::EMBED_MODULE_DOMAIN/) {
return $bml_handler->("$LJ::HOME/htdocs/tools/embedcontent.bml");
my $journal_view = sub {
my $opts = shift;
$opts ||= {};
my $orig_user = $opts->{'user'};
$opts->{'user'} = LJ::canonical_username($opts->{'user'});
if ($opts->{'mode'} eq "info") {
return redir($r, "$LJ::SITEROOT/userinfo.bml?user=$opts->{'user'}");
%RQ = %$opts;
# redirect communities to /community/<name>
my $u = LJ::load_user($opts->{'user'});
if ($u && $u->{'journaltype'} eq "C" &&
($opts->{'vhost'} eq "" || $opts->{'vhost'} eq "tilde")) {
my $newurl = $uri;
$newurl =~ s!^/(users/|~)\Q$orig_user\E!!;
$newurl = "$LJ::SITEROOT/community/$opts->{'user'}$newurl$args_wq";
return redir($r, $newurl);
# redirect case errors in username
if ($orig_user ne lc($orig_user)) {
my $url = LJ::journal_base($opts->{'user'}, $opts->{'vhost'}) .
return redir($r, $url);
if ($opts->{mode} eq "data" && $opts->{pathextra} =~ m!^/(\w+)(/.*)?!) {
if (my $handler = LJ::run_hook("data_handler:$1", $RQ{'user'}, $2)) {
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => $handler);
return OK;
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&journal_content);
return OK;
my $determine_view = sub {
my ($user, $vhost, $uuri) = @_;
my $mode = undef;
my $pe;
if ($uuri =~ m#^/(\d+)\.html$#) {
if ($GET{'mode'} eq "reply" || $GET{'replyto'}) {
$mode = "reply";
} else {
$mode = "entry";
} elsif ($uuri =~ m#^/(\d+)\.htm$#) {
return redir($r, "http://$host$hostport$uri" . "l");
} elsif ($uuri =~ m#^/(\d\d\d\d)(?:/(\d\d)(?:/(\d\d))?)?(/?)$#) {
my ($year, $mon, $day, $slash) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
# Year 2038 fix:
if ($year < 1970 || $year > 2037) { #crash in some rare cases
return 404;
unless ($slash) {
return redir($r, "http://$host$hostport$uri/");
# the S1 ljviews code looks at $opts->{'pathextra'}, because
# that's how it used to do it, when the pathextra was /day[/yyyy/mm/dd]
$pe = $uuri;
if (defined $day) {
$mode = "day";
} elsif (defined $mon) {
$mode = "month";
} else {
$mode = "calendar";
} elsif ($uuri =~ m!
/([a-z\_]+)? # optional /<viewname>
(.*) # path extra: /FriendGroup, for example
!x && ($1 eq "" || defined $LJ::viewinfo{$1})) {
($mode, $pe) = ($1, $2);
$mode ||= "" unless length $pe; # if no pathextra, then imply 'lastn'
# redirect old-style URLs to new versions:
if ($mode =~ /day|calendar/ && $pe =~ m!^/\d\d\d\d!) {
my $newuri = $uri;
$newuri =~ s!$mode/(\d\d\d\d)!$1!;
return redir($r, "http://$host$hostport$newuri");
} elsif ($mode eq 'rss') {
# code 301: moved permanently, update your links.
return redir($r, LJ::journal_base($user) . "/data/rss$args_wq", 301);
} elsif ($mode eq 'pics' && $LJ::REDIRECT_ALLOWED{$LJ::FB_DOMAIN}) {
# redirect to a user's gallery
my $url = "$LJ::FB_SITEROOT/$user";
return redir($r, $url);
} elsif (($vhost eq "users" || $vhost =~ /^other:/) &&
$uuri eq "/robots.txt") {
$mode = "robots_txt";
return undef unless defined $mode;
return $journal_view->({'vhost' => $vhost,
'mode' => $mode,
'args' => $args,
'pathextra' => $pe,
'user' => $user });
# flag if we hit a domain that was configured as a "normal" domain
# which shouldn't be inspected for its domain name. (for use with
# Akamai and other CDN networks...)
my $skip_domain_checks = 0;
# user domains
$host =~ /^([\w\-]{1,15})\.\Q$LJ::USER_DOMAIN\E$/ &&
$1 ne "www" &&
# 1xx: info, 2xx: success, 3xx: redirect, 4xx: client err, 5xx: server err
# let the main server handle any errors
$r->status < 400)
my $user = $1;
# see if the "user" is really functional code
my $func = $LJ::SUBDOMAIN_FUNCTION{$user};
if ($func eq "normal") {
# site admin wants this domain to be ignored and treated as if it
# were "www", so set this flag so the custom "OTHER_VHOSTS" check
# below fails.
$skip_domain_checks = 1;
} elsif ($uri =~ m!^/(?:talkscreen|delcomment)\.bml!) {
# these URLs need to always work for the javascript comment management code
# (JavaScript can't do cross-domain XMLHttpRequest calls)
$skip_domain_checks = 1;
} elsif ($func) {
my $code = {
'userpics' => \&userpic_trans,
'files' => \&files_trans,
return $code->{$func}->($r) if $code->{$func};
return 404; # bogus ljconfig
} else {
my $view = $determine_view->($user, "users", $uri);
return $view if defined $view;
return 404;
# custom used-specified domains
if ($LJ::OTHER_VHOSTS && !$skip_domain_checks &&
$host ne $LJ::DOMAIN_WEB &&
$host ne $LJ::DOMAIN && $host =~ /\./ &&
$host =~ /[^\d\.]/)
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $checkhost = lc($host);
$checkhost =~ s/^www\.//i;
$checkhost = $dbr->quote($checkhost);
# FIXME: memcache this?
my $user = $dbr->selectrow_array(qq{
SELECT u.user FROM useridmap u, domains d WHERE
u.userid=d.userid AND d.domain=$checkhost
return 404 unless $user;
my $view = $determine_view->($user, "other:$host$hostport", $uri);
return $view if defined $view;
return 404;
# userpic
return userpic_trans($r) if $uri =~ m!^/userpic/!;
# comments
return comments_trans($r) if $uri =~ m!^/comments/!;
# readable comments
return numreplies_trans($r) if $uri =~ m!^/numreplies/!;
# front page journal
my $view = $determine_view->($LJ::FRONTPAGE_JOURNAL, "front", $uri);
return $view if defined $view;
# normal (non-domain) journal view
$uri =~ m!
^/(users\/|community\/|\~) # users/community/tilde
([^/]*) # potential username
(.*)? # rest
my ($part1, $user, $rest) = ($1, $2, $3);
# get what the username should be
my $cuser = LJ::canonical_username($user);
return DECLINED unless length($cuser);
my $srest = $rest || '/';
# redirect to canonical username and/or add slash if needed
return redir($r, "http://$host$hostport/$part1$cuser$srest$args_wq")
if $cuser ne $user or not $rest;
my $vhost = { 'users/' => '', 'community/' => 'community',
'~' => 'tilde' }->{$part1};
my $view = $determine_view->($user, $vhost, $rest);
return $view if defined $view;
# protocol support
if ($uri =~ m!^/(?:interface/(\w+))|cgi-bin/log\.cgi!) {
my $int = $1 || "flat";
if ($int eq "fotobilder") {
return 403 unless $LJ::FOTOBILDER_IP{$r->connection->remote_ip};
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&Apache::LiveJournal::Interface::FotoBilder::handler);
return OK;
if ($int =~ /^flat|xmlrpc|blogger|atom(?:api)?$/) {
$RQ{'interface'} = $int;
$RQ{'is_ssl'} = $is_ssl;
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&interface_content);
return OK;
if ($int eq "s2") {
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&Apache::LiveJournal::Interface::S2::handler);
return OK;
return 404;
# customview
if ($uri =~ m!^/customview\.cgi!) {
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&customview_content);
return OK;
if ($uri =~ m!^/palimg/!) {
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&Apache::LiveJournal::PalImg::handler);
return OK;
# redirected resources
if ($REDIR{$uri}) {
my $new = $REDIR{$uri};
if ($r->args) {
$new .= ($new =~ /\?/ ? "&" : "?");
$new .= $r->args;
return redir($r, $new, HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY);
# confirm
if ($uri =~ m!^/confirm/(\w+\.\w+)!) {
return redir($r, "$LJ::SITEROOT/register.bml?$1");
# approve
if ($uri =~ m!^/approve/(\w+\.\w+)!) {
return redir($r, "$LJ::SITEROOT/approve.bml?$1");
return FORBIDDEN if $uri =~ m!^/userpics! || $uri =~ m!^/comments! || $uri =~ m!^/numreplies!;
return DECLINED;
sub numreplies_trans {
my $r = shift;
#readable comments url: /numreplies/ljr_todo/35616
return NOT_FOUND unless $r->uri =~ m!^/(?:numreplies/)?(.*)/(\d+)$!;
my ($user, $ditemid) = ($1, $2);
# Load the user object and make sure talk is viewable
my $u = LJ::load_user($user);
return NOT_FOUND unless $u && $u->{'statusvis'} !~ /[XS]/;
my $itemid = $ditemid>>8;
my $row = LJ::get_log2_row($u, $itemid);
return NOT_FOUND unless $row;
my $new = "$LJ::SITEROOT/comments/$itemid/$u->{userid}";
return redir($r, $new, HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY);
sub comments_trans {
my $r = shift;
return NOT_FOUND unless $r->uri =~ m!^/(?:comments/)?(\d+)/(\d+)$!;
my ($itemid, $userid) = ($1, $2);
$RQ{'itemid'} = $itemid;
$RQ{'itemid-userid'} = $userid;
$r->notes("codepath" => "img.comments");
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&comments_content);
return OK;
sub comments_content {
my $r = shift;
my $itemid = $RQ{'itemid'};
my $userid = $RQ{'itemid-userid'}+0;
my $lastmod;
my $mime = "image/png";
my $size;
my $now = time();
# nginx use memcache directly, so avoid calculation - 60s is OK.
my $expires = 60;
my $send_headers = sub {
$r->header_out("Cache-Control", "max-age=$expires, must-revalidate, no-transform");
$r->header_out("Last-Modified", LJ::time_to_http($lastmod));
$r->header_out("Expires", LJ::time_to_http($now + $expires));
$r->header_out("Content-length", $size+0);
# Load the user object and pic and make sure the picture is viewable
my $u = LJ::load_userid($userid);
return NOT_FOUND unless $u && $u->{'statusvis'} !~ /[XS]/;
my $row = LJ::get_log2_row($u, $itemid);
$lastmod = LJ::mysqldate_to_time($row->{'logtime'}, 0) if $row && $row->{'logtime'};
my $count = LJ::Talk::get_replycount($u, $itemid);
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my ($font, $color, $ljr_es_lastmod) = $dbr->selectrow_array(
"SELECT font_name, font_color, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(update_time) FROM ljr_export_settings WHERE user=?",
undef, $u->{'user'});
$font = "gdLargeFont" unless $font;
$color = "blue" unless $color;
if ($ljr_es_lastmod) {
$lastmod = $ljr_es_lastmod unless $lastmod;
$lastmod = $now - 3600 * 24 * 31 unless $lastmod; # month
my $img = LJR::GD::generate_number($count, $font, $color, " ");
my $data = $img->png;
$size = length($data);
LJ::MemCache::set($r->uri, $data); #used by nginx! (NB!) $size < $MEMCACHE_COMPRESS_THRESHOLD. cleared in replycount_do()
$r->print($data) unless $r->header_only;
return OK;
sub userpic_trans
my $r = shift;
return 404 unless $r->uri =~ m!^/(?:userpic/)?(\d+)/(\d+)$!;
my ($picid, $userid) = ($1, $2);
$r->notes("codepath" => "img.userpic");
# we can safely do this without checking since we never re-use
# picture IDs and don't let the contents get modified
return HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED if $r->header_in('If-Modified-Since');
$RQ{'picid'} = $picid;
$RQ{'pic-userid'} = $userid;
if ($USERPIC{'use_disk_cache'}) {
my @dirs_make;
my $file;
if ($picid =~ /^\d*(\d\d)(\d\d\d)$/) {
push @dirs_make, ("$USERPIC{'cache_dir'}/$2",
$file = "$USERPIC{'cache_dir'}/$2/$1/$picid-$userid";
} else {
my $mod = sprintf("%03d", $picid % 1000);
push @dirs_make, "$USERPIC{'cache_dir'}/$mod";
$file = "$USERPIC{'cache_dir'}/$mod/p$picid-$userid";
foreach (@dirs_make) {
next if -d $_;
mkdir $_, 0777;
# set both, so we can compared later if they're the same,
# and thus know if directories were created (if not,
# apache will give us a pathinfo)
$RQ{'userpicfile'} = $file;
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&userpic_content);
return OK;
sub userpic_content
my $r = shift;
my $file = $r->filename;
my $picid = $RQ{'picid'};
my $userid = $RQ{'pic-userid'}+0;
# will we try to use disk cache?
my $disk_cache = $USERPIC{'use_disk_cache'} &&
$file eq $RQ{'userpicfile'};
my ($data, $lastmod);
my $need_cache;
my $mime = "image/jpeg";
my $set_mime = sub {
my $data = shift;
if ($data =~ /^GIF/) { $mime = "image/gif"; }
elsif ($data =~ /^\x89PNG/) { $mime = "image/png"; }
my $size;
my $send_headers = sub {
$r->header_out("Content-length", $size+0);
$r->header_out("Cache-Control", "no-transform");
$r->header_out("Last-Modified", LJ::time_to_http($lastmod));
# Load the user object and pic and make sure the picture is viewable
my $u = LJ::load_userid($userid);
return NOT_FOUND unless $u && $u->{'statusvis'} !~ /[XS]/;
my %upics;
LJ::load_userpics(\%upics, [ $u, $picid ]);
my $pic = $upics{$picid} or return NOT_FOUND;
return NOT_FOUND if $pic->{'userid'} != $userid || $pic->{state} eq 'X';
# Read the mimetype from the pichash if dversion 7
$mime = { 'G' => 'image/gif',
'J' => 'image/jpeg',
'P' => 'image/png', }->{$pic->{fmt}};
### Handle reproxyable requests
# For dversion 7+ and mogilefs userpics, follow this path
if ($pic->{location} eq 'M' ) { # 'M' for mogilefs
my $key = $u->mogfs_userpic_key( $picid );
if ( !$LJ::REPROXY_DISABLE{userpics} &&
$r->header_in('X-Proxy-Capabilities') &&
$r->header_in('X-Proxy-Capabilities') =~ m{\breproxy-file\b}i )
my $memkey = [$picid, "mogp.up.$picid"];
my $zone = $r->header_in('X-MogileFS-Explicit-Zone') || undef;
$memkey->[1] .= ".$zone" if $zone;
my $paths = LJ::MemCache::get($memkey);
unless ($paths) {
my @paths = LJ::mogclient()->get_paths( $key, { noverify => 1, zone => $zone });
$paths = \@paths;
LJ::MemCache::add($memkey, $paths, 3600) if @paths;
# reproxy url
if ($paths->[0] =~ m/^http:/) {
$r->header_out('X-REPROXY-URL', join(' ', @$paths));
# reproxy file
else {
$r->header_out('X-REPROXY-FILE', $paths->[0]);
else {
my $data = LJ::mogclient()->get_file_data( $key );
return NOT_FOUND unless $data;
$size = length $$data;
$r->print( $$data ) unless $r->header_only;
return OK;
# dversion < 7 reproxy file path
if ( !$LJ::REPROXY_DISABLE{userpics} &&
exists $LJ::PERLBAL_ROOT{userpics} &&
$r->header_in('X-Proxy-Capabilities') &&
$r->header_in('X-Proxy-Capabilities') =~ m{\breproxy-file\b}i )
my (
# Get the blobroot and load the pic hash
$root = $LJ::PERLBAL_ROOT{userpics};
# sometimes we don't want to reproxy userpics
unless ($LJ::USERPIC_REPROXY_DISABLE{$u->{clusterid}}) {
# Now ask the blob lib for the path to send to the reproxy
$fmt = ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) ? $MimeTypeMapd6{ $pic->{fmt} } : $MimeTypeMap{ $pic->{contenttype} };
$path = LJ::Blob::get_rel_path( $root, $u, "userpic", $fmt, $picid );
$r->header_out( 'X-REPROXY-FILE', $path );
return OK;
# try to get it from disk if in disk-cache mode
if ($disk_cache) {
if (-s $r->finfo) {
$lastmod = (stat _)[9];
$size = -s _;
my $fh = Apache::File->new($file);
my $magic;
read($fh, $magic, 4);
return OK;
} else {
$need_cache = 1;
# else, get it from db.
unless ($data) {
$lastmod = $pic->{'picdate'};
my $fmt = ($u->{'dversion'} > 6) ? $MimeTypeMapd6{ $pic->{fmt} } : $MimeTypeMap{ $pic->{contenttype} };
$data = LJ::Blob::get($u, "userpic", $fmt, $picid);
unless ($data) {
my $dbb = LJ::get_cluster_reader($u);
return SERVER_ERROR unless $dbb;
$data = $dbb->selectrow_array("SELECT imagedata FROM userpicblob2 WHERE ".
"userid=$pic->{'userid'} AND picid=$picid");
return NOT_FOUND unless $data;
if ($need_cache) {
# make $realfile /userpic-userid, and $file /userpic
my $realfile = $file;
unless ($file =~ s/-\d+$//) {
$realfile .= "-$pic->{'userid'}";
# delete short file on Unix if it exists
unlink $file if $USERPIC{'symlink'} && -f $file;
# write real file.
open (F, ">$realfile"); print F $data; close F;
# make symlink, or duplicate file (if on Windows)
my $symtarget = $realfile; $symtarget =~ s!.+/!!;
unless (eval { symlink($symtarget, $file) }) {
open (F, ">$file"); print F $data; close F;
$size = length($data);
$r->print($data) unless $r->header_only;
return OK;
sub files_trans
my $r = shift;
return 404 unless $r->uri =~ m!^/(\w{1,15})/(\w+)(/\S+)!;
my ($user, $domain, $rest) = ($1, $2, $3);
if (my $handler = LJ::run_hook("files_handler:$domain", $user, $rest)) {
$r->notes("codepath" => "files.$domain");
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => $handler);
return OK;
return 404;
sub journal_content
my $r = shift;
my $uri = $r->uri;
my %GET = $r->args;
if ($RQ{'mode'} eq "robots_txt")
my $u = LJ::load_user($RQ{'user'});
LJ::load_user_props($u, "opt_blockrobots");
$r->print("User-Agent: *\n");
if ($u->{'opt_blockrobots'}) {
$r->print("Disallow: /\n");
return OK;
# handle HTTP digest authentication
if ($GET{'auth'} eq 'digest' ||
$r->header_in("Authorization") =~ /^Digest/) {
my $res = LJ::auth_digest($r);
unless ($res) {
$r->print("<b>Digest authentication failed.</b>");
return OK;
my $criterr = 0;
my $remote = LJ::get_remote({ criterr => \$criterr });
# check for faked cookies here, since this is pretty central.
if ($criterr) {
$r->status_line("500 Invalid Cookies"); # client error, in fact
# reset all cookies
foreach my $dom (@LJ::COOKIE_DOMAIN_RESET) {
my $cookiestr = 'ljsession=';
$cookiestr .= '; expires=' . LJ::time_to_cookie(1);
$cookiestr .= $dom ? "; domain=$dom" : '';
$cookiestr .= '; path=/; HttpOnly';
Apache->request->err_headers_out->add('Set-Cookie' => $cookiestr);
$r->print("Invalid cookies. Try <a href='$LJ::SITEROOT/logout.bml'>logging out</a> and then logging back in.\n");
$r->print("<!-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -->\n") for (0..100);
return OK;
# LJ::make_journal() will set this flag if the user's
# style system is unable to handle the requested
# view (S1 can't do EntryPage or MonthPage), in which
# case it's our job to invoke the legacy BML page.
my $handle_with_bml = 0;
my %headers = ();
my $opts = {
'r' => $r,
'headers' => \%headers,
'args' => $RQ{'args'},
'getargs' => \%GET,
'vhost' => $RQ{'vhost'},
'pathextra' => $RQ{'pathextra'},
'handle_with_bml_ref' => \$handle_with_bml,
my $user = $RQ{'user'};
my $html = LJ::make_journal($user, $RQ{'mode'}, $remote, $opts);
return HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED if $opts->{'notmodified'};
return redir($r, $opts->{'redir'}) if $opts->{'redir'};
return $opts->{'handler_return'} if defined $opts->{'handler_return'};
# if LJ::make_journal() indicated it can't handle the request:
if ($handle_with_bml) {
my $args = $r->args;
my $args_wq = $args ? "?$args" : "";
# can't show BML on user domains... redirect them
if ($RQ{'vhost'} eq "users" && ($RQ{'mode'} eq "entry" ||
$RQ{'mode'} eq "reply" ||
$RQ{'mode'} eq "month"))
my $u = LJ::load_user($RQ{'user'});
my $base = "$LJ::SITEROOT/users/$RQ{'user'}";
$base = "$LJ::SITEROOT/community/$RQ{'user'}" if $u && $u->{'journaltype'} eq "C";
return redir($r, "$base$uri$args_wq");
if ($RQ{'mode'} eq "entry" || $RQ{'mode'} eq "reply") {
my $filename = $RQ{'mode'} eq "entry" ?
"$LJ::HOME/htdocs/talkread.bml" :
$r->notes("_journal" => $RQ{'user'});
$r->notes("bml_filename" => $filename);
return Apache::BML::handler($r);
if ($RQ{'mode'} eq "month") {
my $filename = "$LJ::HOME/htdocs/view/index.bml";
$r->notes("_journal" => $RQ{'user'});
$r->notes("bml_filename" => $filename);
return Apache::BML::handler($r);
my $status = $opts->{'status'} || "200 OK";
$opts->{'contenttype'} ||= $opts->{'contenttype'} = "text/html";
if ($opts->{'contenttype'} =~ m!^text/! &&
$LJ::UNICODE && $opts->{'contenttype'} !~ /charset=/) {
$opts->{'contenttype'} .= "; charset=utf-8";
# Set to 1 if the code should generate junk to help IE
# display a more meaningful error message.
my $generate_iejunk = 0;
if ($opts->{'badargs'})
# No special information to give to the user, so just let
# Apache handle the 404
return 404;
elsif ($opts->{'baduser'})
$status = "404 Unknown User";
$html = "<h1>Unknown User</h1><p>There is no user <b>$user</b> at $LJ::SITENAME.</p>";
$generate_iejunk = 1;
elsif ($opts->{'badfriendgroup'})
# give a real 404 to the journal owner
if ($remote && $remote->{'user'} eq $user) {
$status = "404 Friend group does not exist";
$html = "<h1>Not Found</h1>" .
"<p>The friend group you are trying to access does not exist.</p>";
# otherwise be vague with a 403
} else {
# send back a 403 and don't reveal if the group existed or not
$status = "403 Friend group does not exist, or is not public";
$html = "<h1>Denied</h1>" .
"<p>Sorry, the friend group you are trying to access does not exist " .
"or is not public.</p>\n";
$html .= "<p>You're not logged in. If you're the owner of this journal, " .
"<a href='$LJ::SITEROOT/login.bml'>log in</a> and try again.</p>\n"
unless $remote;
$generate_iejunk = 1;
} elsif ($opts->{'suspendeduser'}) {
$status = "403 User suspended";
$html = "<h1>Suspended User</h1>" .
"<p>The content at this URL is from a suspended user.</p>";
$generate_iejunk = 1;
unless ($html) {
$status = "400 Bad Template";
$html = "<h1>Error</h1><p>User <b>$user</b> has messed up their journal template definition.</p>";
$generate_iejunk = 1;
foreach my $hname (keys %headers) {
if (ref($headers{$hname}) && ref($headers{$hname}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach (@{$headers{$hname}}) {
$r->header_out($hname, $_);
} else {
$r->header_out($hname, $headers{$hname});
$r->header_out("Cache-Control", "private, proxy-revalidate") unless $opts->{'cachecontrol'};
$r->header_out("Cache-Control", $opts->{'cachecontrol'}) if $opts->{'cachecontrol'};
$html .= ("<!-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -->\n" x 100) if $generate_iejunk;
unless ($generate_iejunk) {
my $etag;
$etag = Digest::MD5::md5_hex(pack('C*', unpack('C*', $html)));
$etag = '"' . $etag . '"';
$r->header_out("ETag", $etag);
my $length = length($html);
$r->header_out("Content-length", $length);
$r->print($html) unless $r->header_only;
return OK;
sub customview_content
my $r = shift;
my %FORM = $r->args;
my $charset = "utf-8";
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $FORM{'charset'}) {
$charset = $FORM{'charset'};
if ($charset ne "utf-8" && ! Unicode::MapUTF8::utf8_supported_charset($charset)) {
$r->print("<b>Error:</b> requested charset not supported.");
return OK;
my $ctype = "text/html";
if ($FORM{'type'} eq "xml") {
$ctype = "text/xml";
if ($LJ::UNICODE) {
$ctype .= "; charset=$charset";
my $user = $FORM{'username'} || $FORM{'user'};
my $styleid = $FORM{'styleid'} + 0;
my $nooverride = $FORM{'nooverride'} ? 1 : 0;
my $remote;
if ($FORM{'checkcookies'}) {
$remote = LJ::get_remote();
my $opts = { "nocache" => $FORM{'nocache'},
"vhost" => "customview",
"nooverride" => $nooverride,
"styleid" => $styleid,
"saycharset" => $charset,
"args" => scalar $r->args,
"getargs" => \%FORM,
"r" => $r,
my $data = (LJ::make_journal($user, "", $remote, $opts)
|| "<b>[$LJ::SITENAME: Bad username, styleid, or style definition]</b>");
return HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED if $opts->{'notmodified'};
if ($FORM{'enc'} eq "js") {
$data =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$data =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
$data =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
$data =~ s/\r//g;
$data = "document.write(\"$data\")";
if ($LJ::UNICODE && $charset ne 'utf-8') {
$data = Unicode::MapUTF8::from_utf8({-string=>$data, -charset=>$charset});
$r->header_out("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate");
$r->header_out("Content-Length", length($data));
$r->print($data) unless $r->header_only;
return OK;
sub interface_content
my $r = shift;
my $args = $r->args;
if ($RQ{'interface'} eq "xmlrpc") {
return 404 unless $LJ::OPTMOD_XMLRPC;
my $server = XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP::Apache
-> on_action(sub { die "Access denied\n" if $_[2] =~ /:|\'/ })
-> dispatch_to('LJ::XMLRPC')
-> handle($r);
return OK;
if ($RQ{'interface'} eq "blogger") {
return 404 unless $LJ::OPTMOD_XMLRPC;
my $pkg = "Apache::LiveJournal::Interface::Blogger";
my $server = XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP::Apache
-> on_action(sub { die "Access denied\n" if $_[2] =~ /:|\'/ })
-> dispatch_with({ 'blogger' => $pkg })
-> dispatch_to($pkg)
-> handle($r);
return OK;
if ($RQ{'interface'} =~ /atom(?:api)?/) {
# the interface package will set up all headers and
# print everything
return OK;
if ($RQ{'interface'} ne "flat") {
$r->print("Unknown interface.");
return OK;
my %out = ();
my %FORM = ();
my $content;
$r->read($content, $r->header_in("Content-Length"));
LJ::decode_url_string($content, \%FORM);
# the protocol needs the remote IP in just one place, where tracking is done.
$ENV{'_REMOTE_IP'} = $r->connection()->remote_ip();
LJ::do_request(\%FORM, \%out);
if ($FORM{'responseenc'} eq "urlenc") {
foreach (sort keys %out) {
$r->print(LJ::eurl($_) . "=" . LJ::eurl($out{$_}) . "&");
return OK;
my $length = 0;
foreach (sort keys %out) {
$length += length($_)+1;
$length += length($out{$_})+1;
$r->header_out("Content-length", $length);
foreach (sort keys %out) {
my $key = $_;
my $val = $out{$_};
$key =~ y/\r\n//d;
$val =~ y/\r\n//d;
$r->print($key, "\n", $val, "\n");
if ($key ne $_ || $val ne $out{$_}) {
print STDERR "Stripped spurious newline in $FORM{mode} protocol request for $FORM{user}: $_ => $out{$_}\n";
return OK;
sub db_logger
my $r = shift;
my $rl = $r->last;
$r->pnotes('did_lj_logging' => 1);
my $uri = $r->uri;
my $ctype = $rl->content_type;
return if $ctype =~ m!^image/! and $LJ::DONT_LOG_IMAGES;
return if $uri =~ m!^/(img|userpic)/! and $LJ::DONT_LOG_IMAGES;
return if $uri =~ m!^/(comments)/! and $LJ::DONT_LOG_IMAGES;
my $dbl = LJ::get_dbh("logs");
my @dinsertd_socks;
my $now = time;
my @now = localtime($now);
foreach my $hostport (@LJ::DINSERTD_HOSTS) {
next if $LJ::CACHE_DINSERTD_DEAD{$hostport} > $now - 15;
my $sock =
$LJ::CACHE_DINSERTD_SOCK{$hostport} ||=
IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $hostport,
Proto => 'tcp',
Timeout => 1,
if ($sock) {
delete $LJ::CACHE_DINSERTD_DEAD{$hostport};
push @dinsertd_socks, [ $hostport, $sock ];
} else {
delete $LJ::CACHE_DINSERTD_SOCK{$hostport};
$LJ::CACHE_DINSERTD_DEAD{$hostport} = $now;
# why go on if we have nowhere to log to?
return unless $dbl || @dinsertd_socks;
$ctype =~ s/;.*//; # strip charset
# Send out DBI profiling information
my ( $host, $dbh );
while ( ($host,$dbh) = each %LJ::DB_REPORT_HANDLES ) {
$host =~ s{^(.*?);.*}{$1};
# For testing: append a random character to simulate different
# connections.
if ( $LJ::IS_DEV_SERVER ) {
$host .= "_" . substr( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", int rand(26), 1 );
# From DBI::Profile:
# Profile data is stored at the `leaves' of the tree as references
# to an array of numeric values. For example:
# [
# 106, # count
# 0.0312958955764771, # total duration
# 0.000490069389343262, # first duration
# 0.000176072120666504, # shortest duration
# 0.00140702724456787, # longest duration
# 1023115819.83019, # time of first event
# 1023115819.86576, # time of last event
# ]
# The leaves are stored as values in the hash keyed by statement
# because LJ::get_dbirole_dbh() sets the profile to
# "2/DBI::Profile". The 2 part is the DBI::Profile magic number
# which means split the times by statement.
my $data = $dbh->{Profile}{Data};
# Make little arrayrefs out of the statement and longest
# running-time for this handle so they can be sorted. Then sort them
# by running-time so the longest-running one can be send to the
# stats collector.
my @times =
sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
map {[ $data->{$_}[4], $_ ]} keys %$data;
# ( host, class, time, notes )
LJ::blocking_report( $host, 'db', @{$times[0]} );
my $table = sprintf("access%04d%02d%02d%02d", $now[5]+1900,
$now[4]+1, $now[3], $now[2]);
unless ($LJ::CACHED_LOG_CREATE{"$table"}++) {
my $sql = "(".
"server VARCHAR(30),".
"addr VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,".
"ljuser VARCHAR(15),".
"journalid INT UNSIGNED,". # userid of what's being looked at
"codepath VARCHAR(80),". # protocol.getevents / s[12].friends / bml.update / bml.friends.index
"anonsess INT UNSIGNED,".
"langpref VARCHAR(5),".
"uniq VARCHAR(15),".
"method VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,".
"uri VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,".
"args VARCHAR(255),".
"ctype VARCHAR(30),".
"browser VARCHAR(100),".
"clientver VARCHAR(100),".
"ref VARCHAR(200),".
"cpu_user FLOAT UNSIGNED,".
"cpu_sys FLOAT UNSIGNED,".
"cpu_total FLOAT UNSIGNED,".
"mem_vsize INT,".
"mem_share INT,".
"mem_rss INT,".
"mem_unshared INT) DELAY_KEY_WRITE = 1";
if ($dbl) {
$dbl->do("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table $sql");
$r->log_error("error creating log table ($table), perhaps due to old MySQL not supporting delayed key writes? Error is: " .
$dbl->errstr) if $dbl->err;
foreach my $rec (@dinsertd_socks) {
my $sock = $rec->[1];
my $url = LJ::eurl("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [tablename] $sql");
print $sock "SET_NOTE lj_create_table $url\r\n";
my $res = <$sock>;
my $var = {
'whn' => sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $now[5]+1900, $now[4]+1, @now[3, 2, 1, 0]),
'server' => $LJ::SERVER_NAME,
'addr' => $r->connection->remote_ip,
'ljuser' => $rl->notes('ljuser'),
'journalid' => $rl->notes('journalid'),
'codepath' => $rl->notes('codepath'),
'anonsess' => $rl->notes('anonsess'),
'langpref' => $rl->notes('langpref'),
'clientver' => $rl->notes('clientver'),
'uniq' => $r->notes('uniq'),
'method' => $r->method,
'uri' => $uri,
'args' => scalar $r->args,
'status' => $rl->status,
'ctype' => $ctype,
'bytes' => $rl->bytes_sent,
'browser' => $r->header_in("User-Agent"),
'secs' => $now - $r->request_time(),
'ref' => $r->header_in("Referer"),
# If the configuration says to log statistics and GTop is available, then
# add those data to the log
# The GTop object is only created once per child:
# Benchmark: timing 10000 iterations of Cached GTop, New Every Time...
# Cached GTop: 2.06161 wallclock secs ( 1.06 usr + 0.97 sys = 2.03 CPU) @ 4926.11/s (n=10000)
# New Every Time: 2.17439 wallclock secs ( 1.18 usr + 0.94 sys = 2.12 CPU) @ 4716.98/s (n=10000)
if ( $LJ::LOG_GTOP && $LJ::HAVE_GTOP ) {
$GTop ||= new GTop or last STATS;
my $startcpu = $r->pnotes( 'gtop_cpu' ) or last STATS;
my $endcpu = $GTop->cpu or last STATS;
my $startmem = $r->pnotes( 'gtop_mem' ) or last STATS;
my $endmem = $GTop->proc_mem( $$ ) or last STATS;
my $cpufreq = $endcpu->frequency or last STATS;
# Map the GTop values into the corresponding fields in a slice
@$var{qw{pid cpu_user cpu_sys cpu_total mem_vsize mem_share mem_rss mem_unshared}} = (
($endcpu->user - $startcpu->user) / $cpufreq,
($endcpu->sys - $startcpu->sys) / $cpufreq,
($endcpu->total - $startcpu->total) / $cpufreq,
$endmem->vsize - $startmem->vsize,
$endmem->share - $startmem->share,
$endmem->rss - $startmem->rss,
$endmem->size - $endmem->share,
if ($dbl) {
my $delayed = $LJ::IMMEDIATE_LOGGING ? "" : "DELAYED";
$dbl->do("INSERT $delayed INTO $table (" . join(',', keys %$var) . ") ".
"VALUES (" . join(',', map { $dbl->quote($var->{$_}) } keys %$var) . ")");
$dbl->disconnect if $LJ::DISCONNECT_DB_LOG;
if (@dinsertd_socks) {
$var->{_table} = $table;
my $string = "INSERT " . Storable::nfreeze($var) . "\r\n";
my $len = "\x01" . substr(pack("N", length($string) - 2), 1, 3);
$string = $len . $string;
foreach my $rec (@dinsertd_socks) {
my $sock = $rec->[1];
print $sock $string;
my $rin;
my $res;
vec($rin, fileno($sock), 1) = 1;
$res = <$sock> if select($rin, undef, undef, 0.3);
delete $LJ::CACHE_DINSERTD_SOCK{$rec->[0]} unless $res =~ /^OK\b/;
# Now clear the profiling data for each handle we're profiling at the last
# possible second to avoid the next request's data being skewed by
# requests that happen above.
for my $dbh ( values %LJ::DB_REPORT_HANDLES ) {
# DBI::Profile-recommended way of resetting profile data
$dbh->{Profile}{Data} = undef;
sub anti_squatter
my $r = shift;
$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => sub {
my $r = shift;
$r->print("<html><head><title>Dev Server Warning</title>",
"<style> body { border: 20px solid red; padding: 30px; margin: 0; font-family: sans-serif; } ",
"h1 { color: #500000; }",
"<body><h1>Warning</h1><p>This server is for development and testing only. ",
"Accounts are subject to frequent deletion. Don't use this machine for anything important.</p>",
"<form method='post' action='/misc/ack-devserver.bml' style='margin-top: 1em'>",
LJ::html_hidden("dest", "$LJ::SQUAT_URL"),
LJ::html_submit(undef, "Acknowledged"),
return OK;
package LJ::Protocol;
sub xmlrpc_method {
my $method = shift;
shift; # get rid of package name that dispatcher includes.
my $req = shift;
if (@_) {
# don't allow extra arguments
die SOAP::Fault
my $error = 0;
if (ref $req eq "HASH") {
foreach my $key ('subject', 'event') {
# get rid of the UTF8 flag in scalars
$req->{$key} = pack('C*', unpack('C*', $req->{$key}))
if $req->{$key};
my $res = LJ::Protocol::do_request($method, $req, \$error);
if ($error) {
die SOAP::Fault
->faultcode(substr($error, 0, 3));
return $res;
package LJ::XMLRPC;
use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);
my $method = $AUTOLOAD;
$method =~ s/^.*:://;
LJ::Protocol::xmlrpc_method($method, @_);