445 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
445 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
use strict;
package LJ::S2;
eval "use LJR::Distributed;";
my $ljr = $@ ? 0 : 1;
if ($ljr) {
use LJR::Distributed;
sub FriendsPage
my ($u, $remote, $opts) = @_;
my $p = Page($u, $opts);
$p->{'_type'} = "FriendsPage";
$p->{'view'} = "friends";
$p->{'entries'} = [];
$p->{'friends'} = {};
$p->{'friends_title'} = LJ::ehtml($u->{'friendspagetitle'});
$p->{'filter_active'} = 0;
$p->{'filter_name'} = "";
my $sth;
my $user = $u->{'user'};
# see how often the remote user can reload this page.
# "friendsviewupdate" time determines what granularity time
# increments by for checking for new updates
my $nowtime = time();
# update delay specified by "friendsviewupdate"
my $newinterval = LJ::get_cap_min($remote, "friendsviewupdate") || 1;
# when are we going to say page was last modified? back up to the
# most recent time in the past where $time % $interval == 0
my $lastmod = $nowtime;
$lastmod -= $lastmod % $newinterval;
# see if they have a previously cached copy of this page they
# might be able to still use.
my $ims = $opts->{'r'}->header_in('If-Modified-Since');
if ($ims) {
my $theirtime = LJ::http_to_time($ims);
# send back a 304 Not Modified if they say they've reloaded this
# document in the last $newinterval seconds:
unless ($theirtime < $lastmod) {
$opts->{'handler_return'} = 304;
return 1;
$opts->{'r'}->header_out('Last-Modified', LJ::time_to_http($lastmod));
my $get = $opts->{'getargs'};
my $ret;
if ($get->{'mode'} eq "live") {
$ret .= "<html><head><title>${user}'s friends: live!</title></head>\n";
$ret .= "<frameset rows=\"100%,0%\" border=0>\n";
$ret .= " <frame name=livetop src=\"friends?mode=framed\">\n";
$ret .= " <frame name=livebottom src=\"friends?mode=livecond&lastitemid=0\">\n";
$ret .= "</frameset></html>\n";
return $ret;
if ($u->{'journaltype'} eq "R" && $u->{'renamedto'} ne "") {
$opts->{'redir'} = LJ::journal_base($u->{'renamedto'}, $opts->{'vhost'}) . "/friends";
return 1;
LJ::load_user_props($remote, "opt_nctalklinks", "opt_stylemine", "opt_imagelinks", "opt_ljcut_disable_friends");
# load options for image links
my ($maximgwidth, $maximgheight) = (undef, undef);
($maximgwidth, $maximgheight) = ($1, $2)
if ($remote && $remote->{'userid'} == $u->{'userid'} &&
$remote->{'opt_imagelinks'} =~ m/^(\d+)\|(\d+)$/);
## never have spiders index friends pages (change too much, and some
## people might not want to be indexed)
$p->{'head_content'} .= LJ::robot_meta_tags();
my $itemshow = S2::get_property_value($opts->{'ctx'}, "page_friends_items")+0;
if ($itemshow < 1) { $itemshow = 20; }
elsif ($itemshow > 50) { $itemshow = 50; }
my $skip = $get->{'skip'}+0;
my $maxskip = ($LJ::MAX_SCROLLBACK_FRIENDS || 1000) - $itemshow;
if ($skip > $maxskip) { $skip = $maxskip; }
if ($skip < 0) { $skip = 0; }
my $itemload = $itemshow+$skip;
my $dayskip = $get->{'dayskip'}+0;
my $filter;
my $group;
my $common_filter = 1;
if (defined $get->{'filter'} && $remote && $remote->{'user'} eq $user) {
$filter = $get->{'filter'};
$common_filter = 0;
$p->{'filter_active'} = 1;
$p->{'filter_name'} = "";
} else {
if ($opts->{'pathextra'}) {
$group = $opts->{'pathextra'};
$group =~ s!^/!!;
$group =~ s!/$!!;
if ($group) { $group = LJ::durl($group); $common_filter = 0; }
if ($group) {
$p->{'filter_active'} = 1;
$p->{'filter_name'} = LJ::ehtml($group);
my $grp = LJ::get_friend_group($u, { 'name' => $group || "Default View" });
my $bit = $grp->{'groupnum'};
my $public = $grp->{'is_public'};
if ($bit && ($public || ($remote && $remote->{'user'} eq $user))) {
$filter = (1 << $bit);
} elsif ($group) {
$opts->{'badfriendgroup'} = 1;
return 1;
if ($opts->{'view'} eq "friendsfriends") {
$p->{'friends_mode'} = "friendsfriends";
if ($get->{'mode'} eq "livecond")
## load the itemids
my @items = LJ::get_friend_items({
'u' => $u,
'remote' => $remote,
'itemshow' => 1,
'skip' => 0,
'filter' => $filter,
'common_filter' => $common_filter,
my $first = @items ? $items[0]->{'itemid'} : 0;
$ret .= "time = " . scalar(time()) . "<br />";
$opts->{'headers'}->{'Refresh'} = "30;URL=$LJ::SITEROOT/users/$user/friends?mode=livecond&lastitemid=$first";
if ($get->{'lastitemid'} == $first) {
$ret .= "nothing new!";
} else {
if ($get->{'lastitemid'}) {
$ret .= "<b>New stuff!</b>\n";
$ret .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
$ret .= "window.parent.livetop.location.reload(true);\n";
$ret .= "</script>\n";
$opts->{'trusted_html'} = 1;
} else {
$ret .= "Friends Live! started.";
return $ret;
## load the itemids
my %friends;
my %friends_row;
my @items = LJ::get_friend_items({
'u' => $u,
'remote' => $remote,
'itemshow' => $itemshow,
'skip' => $skip,
'dayskip' => $dayskip,
'filter' => $filter,
'common_filter' => $common_filter,
'friends_u' => \%friends,
'friends' => \%friends_row,
'showtypes' => $get->{'show'},
'friendsoffriends' => $opts->{'view'} eq "friendsfriends",
'dateformat' => 'S2',
while ($_ = each %friends) {
# we expect fgcolor/bgcolor to be in here later
$friends{$_}->{'fgcolor'} = $friends_row{$_}->{'fgcolor'} || '#ffffff';
$friends{$_}->{'bgcolor'} = $friends_row{$_}->{'bgcolor'} || '#000000';
return $p unless %friends;
my %posters;
my @posterids;
foreach my $item (@items) {
next if $friends{$item->{'posterid'}};
push @posterids, $item->{'posterid'};
LJ::load_userids_multiple([ map { $_ => \$posters{$_} } @posterids ])
if @posterids;
my %objs_of_picid;
my @userpic_load;
my %lite; # posterid -> s2_UserLite
my $get_lite = sub {
my $id = shift;
return $lite{$id} if $lite{$id};
return $lite{$id} = UserLite($posters{$id} || $friends{$id});
my $eventnum = 0;
my $hiddenentries = 0;
foreach my $item (@items)
my ($friendid, $posterid, $itemid, $security, $alldatepart) =
map { $item->{$_} } qw(ownerid posterid itemid security alldatepart);
my $fru = $friends{$friendid};
my ($friend, $poster);
$friend = $poster = $fru->{'user'};
$p->{'friends'}->{$fru->{'user'}} ||= Friend($fru);
my $clusterid = $item->{'clusterid'}+0;
my $props = $item->{'props'};
my $replycount = $props->{'replycount'};
my $subject = $item->{'text'}->[0];
my $text = $item->{'text'}->[1];
if ($get->{'nohtml'}) {
# quote all non-LJ tags
$subject =~ s{<(?!/?lj)(.*?)>} {<$1>}gi;
$text =~ s{<(?!/?lj)(.*?)>} {<$1>}gi;
LJ::CleanHTML::clean_subject(\$subject) if $subject;
my $ditemid = $itemid * 256 + $item->{'anum'};
my $stylemine = "";
$stylemine .= "style=mine" if $remote && $remote->{'opt_stylemine'} &&
$remote->{'userid'} != $friendid;
LJ::CleanHTML::clean_event(\$text, { 'preformatted' => $props->{'opt_preformatted'},
'cuturl' => LJ::item_link($fru, $itemid, $item->{'anum'}, $stylemine),
'maximgwidth' => $maximgwidth,
'maximgheight' => $maximgheight,
'ljcut_disable' => $remote->{'opt_ljcut_disable_friends'}, });
LJ::expand_embedded($fru, $ditemid, $remote, \$text);
my $userlite_poster = $get_lite->($posterid);
my $userlite_journal = $get_lite->($friendid);
# get the poster user
my $po = $posters{$posterid} || $friends{$posterid};
# don't allow posts from suspended users
if ($po->{'statusvis'} eq 'S') {
$hiddenentries++; # Remember how many we've skipped for later
next ENTRY;
# do the picture
my $picid = 0;
my $picu = undef;
if ($friendid != $posterid && S2::get_property_value($opts->{ctx}, 'use_shared_pic')) {
# using the community, the user wants to see shared pictures
$picu = $fru;
# use shared pic for community
$picid = $fru->{defaultpicid};
} else {
# we're using the poster for this picture
$picu = $po;
# check if they specified one
$picid = LJ::get_picid_from_keyword($po, $props->{picture_keyword})
if $props->{picture_keyword};
# fall back on the poster's default
$picid ||= $po->{defaultpicid};
my $nc = "";
$nc .= "nc=$replycount" if $replycount; # && $remote && $remote->{'opt_nctalklinks'};
my $journalbase = LJ::journal_base($fru);
my $permalink = "$journalbase/$ditemid.html";
my $readurl = LJ::Talk::talkargs($permalink, $nc, $stylemine);
my $posturl = LJ::Talk::talkargs($permalink, "mode=reply", $stylemine);
my $synurl = "";
if ($ljr && $props->{'syn_link'}) {
my $rs = LJR::Distributed::match_remote_server($props->{'syn_link'});
if ($rs->{"servertype"} eq "lj") {
$readurl = $props->{'syn_link'};
$posturl = $props->{'syn_link'} . "?mode=reply";
$replycount = 'Read';
else {
$posturl = $props->{'syn_link'};
$replycount = undef;
$synurl = $props->{'syn_link'};
my $comments = CommentInfo({
'read_url' => $readurl,
'post_url' => $posturl,
'syn_url' => $synurl,
'count' => $replycount,
'maxcomments' => ($replycount >= LJ::get_cap($u, 'maxcomments')) ? 1 : 0,
'enabled' => ($fru->{'opt_showtalklinks'} eq "Y" &&
! $props->{'opt_nocomments'} ||
) ? 1 : 0,
'screened' => ($remote && LJ::can_manage($remote, $fru) && $props->{'hasscreened'}) ? 1 : 0,
my $moodthemeid = $u->{'opt_forcemoodtheme'} eq 'Y' ?
$u->{'moodthemeid'} : $fru->{'moodthemeid'};
my $entry = Entry($u, {
'subject' => $subject,
'text' => $text,
'dateparts' => $alldatepart,
'security' => $security,
'props' => $props,
'itemid' => $ditemid,
'journal' => $userlite_journal,
'poster' => $userlite_poster,
'comments' => $comments,
'new_day' => 0, # setup below
'end_day' => 0, # setup below
'userpic' => undef,
'permalink_url' => $permalink,
'base_url' => $journalbase,
'moodthemeid' => $moodthemeid,
'enable_tags_compatibility' => [$opts->{enable_tags_compatibility}, $opts->{ctx}],
$entry->{'_ymd'} = join('-', map { $entry->{'time'}->{$_} } qw(year month day));
if ($picid && $picu) {
push @userpic_load, [ $picu, $picid ];
push @{$objs_of_picid{$picid}}, \$entry->{'userpic'};
push @{$p->{'entries'}}, $entry;
} # end while
# set the new_day and end_day members.
if ($eventnum) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < $eventnum; $i++) {
my $entry = $p->{'entries'}->[$i];
$entry->{'new_day'} = 1;
my $last = $i;
for (my $j = $i+1; $j < $eventnum; $j++) {
my $ej = $p->{'entries'}->[$j];
if ($ej->{'_ymd'} eq $entry->{'_ymd'}) {
$last = $j;
$p->{'entries'}->[$last]->{'end_day'} = 1;
$i = $last;
# load the pictures that were referenced, then retroactively populate
# the userpic fields of the Entries above
my %userpics;
LJ::load_userpics(\%userpics, \@userpic_load);
foreach my $picid (keys %userpics) {
my $up = Image("$LJ::USERPIC_ROOT/$picid/$userpics{$picid}->{'userid'}",
foreach (@{$objs_of_picid{$picid}}) { $$_ = $up; }
# make the skip links
my $nav = {
'_type' => 'RecentNav',
'version' => 1,
'skip' => $skip,
'count' => $eventnum,
my $base = "$u->{'_journalbase'}/$opts->{'view'}";
if ($group) {
$base .= "/" . LJ::eurl($group);
# $linkfilter is distinct from $filter: if user has a default view,
# $filter is now set according to it but we don't want it to show in the links.
# $incfilter may be true even if $filter is 0: user may use filter=0 to turn
# off the default group
my $linkfilter = $get->{'filter'} + 0;
my $incfilter = defined $get->{'filter'};
# if we've skipped down, then we can skip back up
if ($skip) {
my %linkvars;
$linkvars{'filter'} = $linkfilter if $incfilter;
$linkvars{'show'} = $get->{'show'} if $get->{'show'} =~ /^\w+$/;
my $newskip = $skip - $itemshow;
if ($newskip > 0) { $linkvars{'skip'} = $newskip; }
else { $newskip = 0; }
$linkvars{'dayskip'} = $dayskip if $dayskip;
$nav->{'forward_url'} = LJ::make_link($base, \%linkvars);
$nav->{'forward_skip'} = $newskip;
$nav->{'forward_count'} = $itemshow;
## unless we didn't even load as many as we were expecting on this
## page, then there are more (unless there are exactly the number shown
## on the page, but who cares about that)
# Must remember to count $hiddenentries or we'll have no skiplinks when > 1
unless (($eventnum + $hiddenentries) != $itemshow || $skip == $maxskip) {
my %linkvars;
$linkvars{'filter'} = $linkfilter if $incfilter;
$linkvars{'show'} = $get->{'show'} if $get->{'show'} =~ /^\w+$/;
my $newskip = $skip + $itemshow;
$linkvars{'skip'} = $newskip;
$linkvars{'dayskip'} = $dayskip if $dayskip;
$nav->{'backward_url'} = LJ::make_link($base, \%linkvars);
$nav->{'backward_skip'} = $newskip;
$nav->{'backward_count'} = $itemshow;
$p->{'nav'} = $nav;
if ($get->{'mode'} eq "framed") {
$p->{'head_content'} .= "<base target='_top' />";
return $p;