
1619 lines
59 KiB
Executable File

# lib: HTML::TokeParser, cgi-bin/ljconfig.pl, cgi-bin/ljlib.pl
# link: htdocs/userinfo.bml, htdocs/users
# </LJDEP>
require "$ENV{'LJHOME'}/cgi-bin/ljconfig.pl";
use strict;
use Class::Autouse qw(
use LJR::Viewuser;
use LJR::Distributed;
package LJ;
# name: LJ::strip_bad_code
# class: security
# des: Removes malicious/annoying HTML.
# info: This is just a wrapper function around [func[LJ::CleanHTML::clean]].
# args: textref
# des-textref: Scalar reference to text to be cleaned.
# returns: Nothing.
sub strip_bad_code
my $data = shift;
LJ::CleanHTML::clean($data, {
'eat' => [qw[layer iframe script object embed]],
'mode' => 'allow',
'keepcomments' => 1, # Allows CSS to work
# LJ::CleanHTML::clean(\$u->{'bio'}, {
# 'wordlength' => 100, # maximum length of an unbroken "word"
# 'addbreaks' => 1, # insert <br/> after newlines where appropriate
# 'tablecheck' => 1, # make sure they aren't closing </td> that weren't opened.
# 'eat' => [qw(head title style layer iframe)],
# 'mode' => 'allow',
# 'deny' => [qw(marquee)],
# 'remove' => [qw()],
# 'maximgwidth' => 100,
# 'maximgheight' => 100,
# 'keepcomments' => 1,
# 'cuturl' => 'http://www.domain.com/full_item_view.ext',
# 'ljcut_disable' => 1, # stops the cleaner from using the lj-cut tag
# 'cleancss' => 1,
# 'extractlinks' => 1, # remove a hrefs; implies noautolinks
# 'noautolinks' => 1, # do not auto linkify
# 'extractimages' => 1, # placeholder images
# 'transform_embed_nocheck' => 1, # do not do checks on object/embed tag transforming
# 'transform_embed_wmode' => <value>, # define a wmode value for videos (usually 'transparent' is the value you want)
# 'blocked_links' => [ qr/evil\.com/, qw/spammer\.com/ ], # list of sites which URL's will be blocked
# 'blocked_link_substitute' => 'http://domain.com/error.html' # blocked links will be replaced by this URL
# });
package LJ::CleanHTML;
sub helper_preload
my $p = HTML::TokeParser->new("");
eval {$p->DESTROY(); };
# this treats normal characters and &entities; as single characters
# also treats UTF-8 chars as single characters if $LJ::UNICODE
my $onechar;
my $utf_longchar = '[\xc2-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]|\xe0[\xa0-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]|[\xe1-\xef][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]|\xf0[\x90-\xbf][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]|[\xf1-\xf7][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf]';
my $match;
if (not $LJ::UNICODE) {
$match = '[^&\s]|(&\#?\w{1,7};)';
} else {
$match = $utf_longchar . '|[^&\s\x80-\xff]|(?:&\#?\w{1,7};)';
$onechar = qr/$match/o;
# Some browsers, such as Internet Explorer, have decided to alllow
# certain HTML tags to be an alias of another. This has manifested
# itself into a problem, as these aliases act in the browser in the
# same manner as the original tag, but are not treated the same by
# the HTML cleaner.
# 'alias' => 'real'
my %tag_substitute = (
'image' => 'img',
# In XHTML you can close a tag in the same opening tag like <br />,
# but some browsers still will interpret it as an opening only tag.
# This is a list of tags which you can actually close with a trailing
# slash and get the proper behavior from a browser.
my $slashclose_tags = qr/^(?:area|base|basefont|br|col|embed|frame|hr|img|input|isindex|link|meta|param|lj-embed)$/i;
# name: LJ::CleanHTML::clean
# class: text
# des: Multi-faceted HTML parse function
# info:
# args: data, opts
# des-data: A reference to HTML to parse to output, or HTML if modified in-place.
# des-opts: An hash of options to pass to the parser.
# returns: Nothing.
# (NB!) very slow on a large text, called for every item within view stage.
# example: http://lj.rossia.org/users/lll22021918_01/2009/10/07/
sub clean
my $data = shift;
my $opts = shift;
my $newdata;
# remove the auth portion of any see_request.bml links
$$data =~ s/(see_request\.bml\S+?)auth=\w+/$1/ig;
my $p = HTML::TokeParser->new($data);
my $wordlength = $opts->{'wordlength'};
my $addbreaks = $opts->{'addbreaks'};
my $keepcomments = $opts->{'keepcomments'};
my $mode = $opts->{'mode'};
my $cut = $opts->{'cuturl'} || $opts->{'cutpreview'};
my $ljcut_disable = $opts->{'ljcut_disable'};
my $s1var = $opts->{'s1var'};
my $extractlinks = 0 || $opts->{'extractlinks'};
my $noautolinks = $extractlinks || $opts->{'noautolinks'};
my $noexpand_embedded = $opts->{'noexpandembedded'} || $opts->{'textonly'} || 0;
my $transform_embed_nocheck = $opts->{'transform_embed_nocheck'} || 0;
my $transform_embed_wmode = $opts->{'transform_embed_wmode'};
my $remove_colors = $opts->{'remove_colors'} || 0;
my $remove_sizes = $opts->{'remove_sizes'} || 0;
my $remove_fonts = $opts->{'remove_fonts'} || 0;
my $blocked_links = (exists $opts->{'blocked_links'}) ? $opts->{'blocked_links'} : \@LJ::BLOCKED_LINKS;
my $blocked_link_substitute =
(exists $opts->{'blocked_link_substitute'}) ? $opts->{'blocked_link_substitute'} :
my @canonical_urls; # extracted links
my %action = ();
my %remove = ();
if (ref $opts->{'eat'} eq "ARRAY") {
foreach (@{$opts->{'eat'}}) { $action{$_} = "eat"; }
if (ref $opts->{'allow'} eq "ARRAY") {
foreach (@{$opts->{'allow'}}) { $action{$_} = "allow"; }
if (ref $opts->{'deny'} eq "ARRAY") {
foreach (@{$opts->{'deny'}}) { $action{$_} = "deny"; }
if (ref $opts->{'remove'} eq "ARRAY") {
foreach (@{$opts->{'remove'}}) { $action{$_} = "deny"; $remove{$_} = 1; }
$action{'script'} = "eat";
# if removing sizes, remove heading tags
if ($remove_sizes) {
foreach my $tag (qw( h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 )) {
$action{$tag} = "deny";
$remove{$tag} = 1;
# foreach my $tag (qw( marquee )) {
# $action{$tag} = "deny";
# $remove{$tag} = 1;
# }
# Marquee is abused by makaka, I disabled it here, no idea what is a proper place
# to disable tags - please change - MV, 2014
# A few days later: the proper place is probably when we strip tags from
# several HTML tags, such as hr, pre, textarea etc
# antimakaka measure. Remove certain tags for anon - Nov 2014, MV
if ($opts->{'anonhtml'}) {
foreach my $tag (qw( h1 h2 big font pre )) {
$action{$tag} = "deny";
$remove{$tag} = 1;
my @attrstrip = qw();
# cleancss means clean annoying css
# clean_js_css means clean javascript from css
if ($opts->{'cleancss'}) {
push @attrstrip, 'id';
$opts->{'clean_js_css'} = 1;
if ($opts->{'nocss'}) {
push @attrstrip, 'style';
if (ref $opts->{'attrstrip'} eq "ARRAY") {
foreach (@{$opts->{'attrstrip'}}) { push @attrstrip, $_; }
my %opencount = ();
my @tablescope = ();
my $cutcount = 0;
my $imagecount = 0;
# bytes known good. set this BEFORE we start parsing any new
# start tag, where most evil is (because where attributes can be)
# then, if we have to totally fail, we can cut stuff off after this.
my $good_until = 0;
# then, if we decide that part of an entry has invalid content, we'll
# escape that part and stuff it in here. this lets us finish cleaning
# the "good" part of the entry (since some tags might not get closed
# till after $good_until bytes into the text).
my $extra_text;
my $total_fail = sub {
my $tag = LJ::ehtml(@_);
my $edata = LJ::ehtml($$data);
$edata =~ s/\r?\n/<br \/>/g if $addbreaks;
$extra_text = "<div class='ljparseerror'>[<b>Error:</b> Irreparable invalid markup ('&lt;$tag&gt;') in entry. ".
"Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]<br /><br />" .
'<div style="width: 95%; overflow: auto">' . $edata . '</div></div>';
my $htmlcleaner = HTMLCleaner->new(valid_stylesheet => \&LJ::valid_stylesheet_url);
my $eating_ljuser_span = 0; # bool, if we're eating an ljuser span
my $ljuser_text_node = ""; # the last text node we saw while eating ljuser tags
my @eatuntil = (); # if non-empty, we're eating everything. thing at end is thing
# we're looking to open again or close again.
my $capturing_during_eat; # if we save all tokens that happen inside the eating.
my @capture = (); # if so, they go here
my $form_tag = {
input => 1,
select => 1,
option => 1,
my $start_capture = sub {
next if $capturing_during_eat;
my ($tag, $first_token, $cb) = @_;
push @eatuntil, $tag;
@capture = ($first_token);
$capturing_during_eat = $cb || sub {};
my $finish_capture = sub {
@capture = ();
$capturing_during_eat = undef;
while (my $token = $p->get_token)
my $type = $token->[0];
# See if this tag should be treated as an alias
$token->[1] = $tag_substitute{$token->[1]} if defined $tag_substitute{$token->[1]} &&
($type eq 'S' || $type eq 'E');
if ($type eq "S") # start tag
my $tag = $token->[1];
my $attr = $token->[2]; # hashref
$good_until = length $newdata;
if (@eatuntil) {
push @capture, $token if $capturing_during_eat;
if ($tag eq $eatuntil[-1]) {
push @eatuntil, $tag;
next TOKEN;
if ($tag eq "lj-template" && ! $noexpand_embedded) {
my $name = $attr->{name} || "";
$name =~ s/-/_/g;
my $run_template_hook = sub {
# can pass in tokens to override passing the hook the @capture array
my ($token, $override_capture) = @_;
my $capture = $override_capture ? [$token] : \@capture;
my $expanded = ($name =~ /^\w+$/) ? LJ::run_hook("expand_template_$name", $capture) : "";
$newdata .= $expanded || "<b>[Error: unknown template '" . LJ::ehtml($name) . "']</b>";
if ($attr->{'/'}) {
# template is self-closing, no need to do capture
$run_template_hook->($token, 1);
} else {
# capture and send content to hook
$start_capture->("lj-template", $token, $run_template_hook);
next TOKEN;
if ($tag eq "lj-replace") {
my $name = $attr->{name} || "";
my $replace = ($name =~ /^\w+$/) ? LJ::lj_replace($name, $attr) : undef;
$newdata .= defined $replace ? $replace : "<b>[Error: unknown lj-replace key '" . LJ::ehtml($name) . "']</b>";
next TOKEN;
# Capture object and embed tags to possibly transform them into something else.
if ($tag eq "object" || $tag eq "embed") {
if (LJ::are_hooks("transform_embed") && !$noexpand_embedded) {
# XHTML style open/close tags done as a singleton shouldn't actually
# start a capture loop, because there won't be a close tag.
if ($attr->{'/'}) {
$newdata .= LJ::run_hook("transform_embed", [$token],
nocheck => $transform_embed_nocheck, wmode => $transform_embed_wmode) || "";
next TOKEN;
$start_capture->($tag, $token, sub {
my $expanded = LJ::run_hook("transform_embed", \@capture,
nocheck => $transform_embed_nocheck, wmode => $transform_embed_wmode);
$newdata .= $expanded || "";
next TOKEN;
if ($tag eq "span" && lc $attr->{class} eq "ljruser" && ! $noexpand_embedded) {
$eating_ljuser_span = 1;
$ljuser_text_node = "";
if ($eating_ljuser_span) {
next TOKEN;
if (($tag eq "div" || $tag eq "span") && lc $attr->{class} eq "ljvideo") {
$start_capture->($tag, $token, sub {
my $expanded = LJ::run_hook("expand_template_video", \@capture);
$newdata .= $expanded || "<b>[Error: unknown template 'video']</b>";
next TOKEN;
# do some quick checking to see if this is an email address/URL, and if so, just
# escape it and ignore it
if ($tag =~ m!(?:\@|://)!) {
$newdata .= LJ::ehtml("<$tag>");
if ($form_tag->{$tag}) {
if (! $opencount{form}) {
$newdata .= "&lt;$tag ... &gt;";
if ($tag eq "input") {
if ($attr->{type} !~ /^\w+$/ || lc $attr->{type} eq "password") {
delete $attr->{type};
my $slashclose = 0; # If set to 1, use XML-style empty tag marker
# for tags like <name/>, pretend it's <name> and reinsert the slash later
$slashclose = 1 if ($tag =~ s!/$!!);
unless ($tag =~ /^\w([\w\-:_]*\w)?$/) {
last TOKEN;
# for incorrect tags like <name/attrib=val> (note the lack of a space)
# delete everything after 'name' to prevent a security loophole which happens
# because IE understands them.
$tag =~ s!/.+$!!;
if ($action{$tag} eq "eat") {
# try to call HTMLCleaner's element-specific cleaner on this open tag
my $clean_res = eval {
my $cleantag = $tag;
$cleantag =~ s/^.*://s;
$cleantag =~ s/[^\w]//g;
no strict 'subs';
my $meth = "CLEAN_$cleantag";
my $seq = $token->[3]; # attribute names, listref
my $code = $htmlcleaner->can($meth)
or return 1;
return $code->($htmlcleaner, $seq, $attr);
next if !$@ && !$clean_res;
# this is so the rte converts its source to the standard ljuser html
my $ljuser_div = $tag eq "div" && $attr->{class} eq "ljruser";
if ($ljuser_div) {
my $ljuser_text = $p->get_text("/b");
$ljuser_text =~ s/\[info\]//;
$tag = "lj";
$attr->{'user'} = $ljuser_text;
# stupid hack to remove the class='ljcut' from divs when we're
# disabling them, so we account for the open div normally later.
my $ljcut_div = $tag eq "div" && lc $attr->{class} eq "ljcut";
if ($ljcut_div && $ljcut_disable) {
$ljcut_div = 0;
# no cut URL, record the anchor, but then fall through
if (0 && $ljcut_div && !$cut) {
$newdata .= "<a name=\"cutid$cutcount\"></a>";
$ljcut_div = 0;
if (($tag eq "lj-cut" || $ljcut_div) && !$ljcut_disable) {
next TOKEN if $ljcut_disable;
my $link_text = sub {
my $text = "Read more...";
if ($attr->{'text'}) {
$text = $attr->{'text'};
if ($text =~ /[^\x01-\x7f]/) {
$text = pack('C*', unpack('C*', $text));
$text =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
return $text;
if ($cut) {
my $etext = $link_text->();
my $url = LJ::ehtml($cut);
$newdata .= "<div>" if $tag eq "div";
$newdata .= "<b>(&nbsp;<a href=\"$url#cutid$cutcount\">$etext</a>&nbsp;)</b>";
$newdata .= "</div>" if $tag eq "div";
unless ($opts->{'cutpreview'}) {
push @eatuntil, $tag;
next TOKEN;
} else {
$newdata .= "<a name=\"cutid$cutcount\"></a>" unless $opts->{'textonly'};
if ($tag eq "div" && !$opts->{'textonly'}) {
my $etext = $link_text->();
$newdata .= "<div class=\"ljcut\" text=\"$etext\">";
elsif ($tag eq "style") {
my $style = $p->get_text("/style");
unless ($LJ::DISABLED{'css_cleaner'}) {
my $cleaner = LJ::CSS::Cleaner->new;
$style = $cleaner->clean($style);
LJ::run_hook('css_cleaner_transform', \$style);
$style = "/* cleaned */\n" . $style;
$newdata .= "\n<style>\n$style</style>\n";
elsif ($tag eq "lj")
# keep <lj comm> working for backwards compatibility, but pretend
# it was <lj user> so we don't have to account for it below.
my $user = $attr->{'user'} = exists $attr->{'user'} ? $attr->{'user'} :
exists $attr->{'comm'} ? $attr->{'comm'} : undef;
if (length $user) {
my $orig_user = $user; # save for later, in case
# $user = LJ::canonical_username($user);
if ($s1var) {
$newdata .= "%%ljuser:$1%%" if $attr->{'user'} =~ /^\%\%([\w\-\']+)\%\%$/;
} elsif (length $user) {
if ($opts->{'textonly'}) {
$newdata .= $user;
} else {
$opts->{'site'} = LJR::Viewuser::canonical_sitenum(
exists $attr->{'site'} ? $attr->{'site'} : "LJ"
if (exists $attr->{'comm'}) {
$opts->{'type'} = "C";
else {
delete $opts->{'type'};
$newdata .= LJR::Viewuser::ljuser($user, $opts);
# $newdata .= LJ::ljuser($user);
} else {
$orig_user = LJ::no_utf8_flag($orig_user);
$newdata .= "<b>[Bad username: " . LJ::ehtml($orig_user) . "]</b>";
} else {
$newdata .= "<b>[Unknown LJ tag]</b>";
elsif ($tag eq "ljr") {
my $optss=();
my $user = $attr->{'user'} =
exists $attr->{'user'} ? $attr->{'user'} :
exists $attr->{'comm'} ? $attr->{'comm'} : undef;
if (length $user) {
if (exists $attr->{'comm'}) {$optss->{'type'}='C';}
$newdata .= LJR::Viewuser::ljuser($user, $optss);
else {
$newdata .= "<b>[Bad username in LJ tag]</b>";
elsif ($tag eq "ljr-href") {
my $attr = $token->[2];
my $ljr_rhref = exists $attr->{'url'} ? $attr->{'url'} : undef;
my $ljr_rsite = exists $attr->{'site'} ? $attr->{'site'} : undef;
if ($ljr_rhref && $ljr_rsite) {
my $furl = $ljr_rsite . $ljr_rhref;
my $ftxt = $ljr_rsite . $ljr_rhref;
my $have_local_copy = 1;
my $ru;
my $ljr_rusername;
my $ljr_ritemid;
my $ljr_rthread;
my $ljr_rreplyto;
my $r;
my $c;
$ru = LJR::Distributed::get_remote_server($ljr_rsite);
$have_local_copy = 0 if $ru->{"err"};
# we know remote server, proceed identifying link
if ($have_local_copy) {
#TODO: extract username according to remote server type
# (currently we support only LJ-based servers)
if ($ljr_rhref =~ /users\/(.+?)\/(\d+?)\.html(\?((thread\=(\d*))|(replyto\=(\d*))).*)*/) {
$ljr_rusername = $1;
$ljr_rusername =~ s/\-/\_/;
$ljr_ritemid = int($2 / 256);
$ljr_rthread = int($6 / 256) if $6;
$ljr_rreplyto = int($8 / 256) if $8;
else {
$have_local_copy = 0;
# we've got remote username and event htmlid, proceed identifying link
if ($have_local_copy) {
$ru->{username} = $ljr_rusername;
$ru = LJR::Distributed::get_cached_user($ru); # populates $ru->{ru_id}
$have_local_copy = 0 if $ru->{"err"};
# we know remote user, proceed identifying link
if ($have_local_copy) {
$r = LJR::Distributed::get_local_itemid (0, $ru->{ru_id}, $ljr_ritemid);
$have_local_copy = 0 if $r->{"err"} || $r->{"itemid"} == 0;
if ($have_local_copy && ($ljr_rthread || $ljr_rreplyto)) {
my $tempid;
$tempid = $ljr_rthread if $ljr_rthread;
$tempid = $ljr_rreplyto if $ljr_rreplyto;
$c = LJR::Distributed::get_local_commentid (0, $ru->{ru_id}, $tempid);
$have_local_copy = 0 if $c->{"err"} || $c->{"talkid"} == 0;
if ($have_local_copy) {
$furl = $LJ::SITEROOT . "/users/" . $r->{"journalname"} . "/" .
($r->{"item"}->{"jitemid"} * 256 + $r->{"item"}->{"anum"}) . ".html";
if ($c->{"talkid"}) {
my $thread_id = $c->{"talkid"} * 256 + $r->{"item"}->{"anum"};
if ($ljr_rthread) {
$furl .= "?thread=" . $thread_id . "#t" . $thread_id;
else {
$furl .= "?replyto=" . $thread_id;
$ftxt = $furl;
$newdata .= "<a href=\"$furl\">";
else {
$newdata .= "<b>[Malformed ljr-user tag]</b>";
elsif ($tag eq "lj-raw") {
# Strip it out, but still register it as being open
# Don't allow any tag with the "set" attribute
elsif ($tag =~ m/:set$/) {
my $alt_output = 0;
my $hash = $token->[2];
my $attrs = $token->[3]; # attribute names, in original order
$slashclose = 1 if delete $hash->{'/'};
foreach (@attrstrip) {
# maybe there's a better place for this?
next if (lc $tag eq 'lj-embed' && lc $_ eq 'id');
delete $hash->{$_};
if ($tag eq "form") {
my $action = lc($hash->{'action'});
my $deny = 0;
if ($action =~ m!^https?://?([^/]+)!) {
my $host = $1;
$deny = 1 if
$host =~ /[%\@\s]/ ||
} else {
$deny = 1;
delete $hash->{'action'} if $deny;
foreach my $attr (keys %$hash)
if ($attr =~ /^(?:on|dynsrc)/) {
delete $hash->{$attr};
# added in Apr 2014 to prevent an exploit by 1px guy - MV
if ($tag eq "table") {
delete $hash->{$attr};
#more anti-makaka measures - Oct 2014, MV
if ($tag eq "pre" || $tag eq "hr"
|| $tag eq "marquee" || $tag eq "textarea") {
delete $hash->{$attr};
if ($attr eq "data") {
delete $hash->{$attr} unless $tag eq "object";
if ($attr eq "href" && $hash->{$attr} =~ /^data/) {
delete $hash->{$attr};
if ($attr =~ /(?:^=)|[\x0b\x0d]/) {
# Cleaner attack: <p ='>' onmouseover="javascript:alert(document/**/.cookie)" >
# is returned by HTML::Parser as P_tag("='" => "='") Text( onmouseover...)
# which leads to reconstruction of valid HTML. Clever!
# detect this, and fail.
$total_fail->("$tag $attr");
last TOKEN;
# ignore attributes that do not fit this strict scheme
unless ($attr =~ /^[\w_:-]+$/) {
$total_fail->("$tag " . (%$hash > 1 ? "[...] " : "") . "$attr");
last TOKEN;
$hash->{$attr} =~ s/[\t\n]//g;
# IE ignores the null character, so strip it out
$hash->{$attr} =~ s/\x0//g;
# IE sucks:
my $nowhite = $hash->{$attr};
$nowhite =~ s/[\s\x0b]+//g;
if ($nowhite =~ /(?:jscript|livescript|javascript|vbscript|about):/ix) {
delete $hash->{$attr};
if ($attr eq 'style') {
if ($opts->{'cleancss'}) {
# css2 spec, section 4.1.3
# position === p\osition :(
# strip all slashes no matter what.
$hash->{style} =~ s/\\//g;
# and catch the obvious ones ("[" is for things like document["coo"+"kie"]
foreach my $css ("/*", "[", qw(margin absolute fixed expression eval behavior cookie document window javascript -moz-binding)) {
if ($hash->{style} =~ /\Q$css\E/i) {
delete $hash->{style};
next ATTR;
# remove specific CSS definitions
if ($remove_colors) {
$hash->{style} =~ s/(?:background-)?color:.*?(?:;|$)//gi;
if ($remove_sizes) {
$hash->{style} =~ s/font-size:.*?(?:;|$)//gi;
if ($remove_fonts) {
$hash->{style} =~ s/font-family:.*?(?:;|$)//gi;
# Added to prevent the new div exploit (August 2008) - M. V.
$hash->{style} =~s/(content|background-image|background|position|top|left|width|height):.*?(?:;|$)//gi;
#modified March 2014 to remove backgrounds and content
# and in July 2014 to remove background-image
if ($opts->{'clean_js_css'} && ! $LJ::DISABLED{'css_cleaner'}) {
# and then run it through a harder CSS cleaner that does a full parse
my $css = LJ::CSS::Cleaner->new;
$hash->{style} = $css->clean_property($hash->{style});
# reserve ljs_* ids for divs, etc so users can't override them to replace content
if ($attr eq 'id' && $hash->{$attr} =~ /^ljs_/i) {
delete $hash->{$attr};
if ($s1var) {
if ($attr =~ /%%/) {
delete $hash->{$attr};
next ATTR;
my $props = $LJ::S1::PROPS->{$s1var};
if ($hash->{$attr} =~ /^%%([\w:]+:)?(\S+?)%%$/ && $props->{$2} =~ /[aud]/) {
# don't change it.
} elsif ($hash->{$attr} =~ /^%%cons:\w+%%[^\%]*$/) {
# a site constant with something appended is also fine.
} elsif ($hash->{$attr} =~ /%%/) {
my $clean_var = sub {
my ($mods, $prop) = @_;
# HTML escape and kill line breaks
$mods = "attr:$mods" unless
$mods =~ /^(color|cons|siteroot|sitename|img):/ ||
$props->{$prop} =~ /[ud]/;
return '%%' . $mods . $prop . '%%';
$hash->{$attr} =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
$hash->{$attr} =~ s/%%([\w:]+:)?(\S+?)%%/$clean_var->(lc($1), $2)/eg;
if ($attr =~ /^(href|src|lowsrc|style)$/) {
$hash->{$attr} = "\%\%[attr[$hash->{$attr}]]\%\%";
# remove specific attributes
if (($remove_colors && ($attr eq "color" || $attr eq "bgcolor" || $attr eq "fgcolor" || $attr eq "text")) ||
($remove_sizes && $attr eq "size") ||
($remove_fonts && $attr eq "face")) {
delete $hash->{$attr};
next ATTR;
if (exists $hash->{href}) {
## links to some resources will be completely blocked
## and replaced by value of 'blocked_link_substitute' param
if ($blocked_links) {
foreach my $re (@$blocked_links) {
if ($hash->{href} =~ $re) {
$hash->{href} = sprintf($blocked_link_substitute, LJ::eurl($hash->{href}));
unless ($hash->{href} =~ s/^lj:(?:\/\/)?(.*)$/ExpandLJURL($1)/ei) {
$hash->{href} = canonical_url($hash->{href}, 1);
if ($tag eq "img")
my $img_bad = 0;
if ((defined $opts->{'maximgwidth'} &&
(! defined $hash->{'width'} ||
$hash->{'width'} > $opts->{'maximgwidth'}))
# I replaced 1 to 33 temporarily
# as an anti-macaque measure. Really stupid, in fact. - MV, Sept 2014
|| (defined $hash->{'width'} && $hash->{'width'} <= 33))
# to avoid bombing with billion 1px images
{ $img_bad = 1; }
if ((defined $opts->{'maximgheight'} &&
(! defined $hash->{'height'} ||
$hash->{'height'} > $opts->{'maximgheight'}))
|| (defined $hash->{'height'} && $hash->{'height'} <= 33))
{ $img_bad = 1; }
if ($opts->{'extractimages'}) { $img_bad = 1; }
# anti-makaka: prohibit putting more than $MAXIMAGES images to comments
my $MAXIMAGES = 5; # maximal number of images in comments
# we should put this to ljconfig.pl!
if (($imagecount > $MAXIMAGES) && $opts->{'maximages'})
{ $img_bad = 1; }
# remove img src="data:image/..." images
$hash->{src} = canonical_url($hash->{src}, 1);
if ("$hash->{src}" =~ "^data:") {
$hash->{src} = "data:image is not allowed";
# Anon and OpenID commenters are not allowed to post images
if ($img_bad) {
$newdata .= "<a class=\"ljimgplaceholder\" href=\"" .
LJ::ehtml($hash->{'src'}) . "\">" .
LJ::img('placeholder') . '</a>';
$alt_output = 1;
if ($tag eq "a" && $extractlinks)
push @canonical_urls, canonical_url($token->[2]->{href}, 1);
$newdata .= "<b>";
# Through the xsl namespace in XML, it is possible to embed scripting lanaguages
# as elements which will then be executed by the browser. Combining this with
# customview.cgi makes it very easy for someone to replace their entire journal
# in S1 with a page that embeds scripting as well. An example being an AJAX
# six degrees tool, while cool it should not be allowed.
# Example syntax:
# <xsl:element name="script">
# <xsl:attribute name="type">text/javascript</xsl:attribute>
if ($tag eq 'xsl:attribute')
$alt_output = 1; # We'll always deal with output for this token
my $orig_value = $p->get_text; # Get the value of this element
my $value = $orig_value; # Make a copy if this turns out to be alright
$value =~ s/\s+//g; # Remove any whitespace
# See if they are trying to output scripting, if so eat the xsl:attribute
# container and its value
if ($value =~ /(javascript|vbscript)/i) {
# Remove the closing tag from the tree
# Remove the value itself from the tree
# No harm, no foul...Write back out the original
} else {
$newdata .= "$token->[4]$orig_value";
unless ($alt_output)
my $allow;
if ($mode eq "allow") {
$allow = 1;
if ($action{$tag} eq "deny") { $allow = 0; }
} else {
$allow = 0;
if ($action{$tag} eq "allow") { $allow = 1; }
if ($allow && ! $remove{$tag})
if ($opts->{'tablecheck'}) {
$allow = 0 if
# can't open table elements from outside a table
($tag =~ /^(?:tbody|thead|tfoot|tr|td|th|caption|colgroup|col)$/ && ! @tablescope) ||
# can't open td or th if not inside tr
($tag =~ /^(?:td|th)$/ && ! $tablescope[-1]->{'tr'}) ||
# can't open a table unless inside a td or th
($tag eq 'table' && @tablescope && ! grep { $tablescope[-1]->{$_} } qw(td th));
if ($allow) { $newdata .= "<$tag"; }
else { $newdata .= "&lt;$tag"; }
# output attributes in original order, but only those
# that are allowed (by still being in %$hash after cleaning)
foreach (@$attrs) {
unless (LJ::is_ascii($hash->{$_})) {
# FIXME: this is so ghetto. make faster. make generic.
# HTML::Parser decodes entities for us (which is good)
# but in Perl 5.8 also includes the "poison" SvUTF8
# flag on the scalar it returns, thus poisoning the
# rest of the content this scalar is appended with.
# we need to remove that poison at this point. *sigh*
$hash->{$_} = LJ::no_utf8_flag($hash->{$_});
$newdata .= " $_=\"" . LJ::ehtml($hash->{$_}) . "\""
if exists $hash->{$_};
# ignore the effects of slashclose unless we're dealing with a tag that can
# actually close itself. Otherwise, a tag like <em /> can pass through as valid
# even though some browsers just render it as an opening tag
if ($slashclose && $tag =~ $slashclose_tags) {
$newdata .= " /";
$tablescope[-1]->{$tag}-- if $opts->{'tablecheck'} && @tablescope;
if ($allow) {
$newdata .= ">";
# maintain current table scope
if ($opts->{'tablecheck'}) {
# open table
if ($tag eq 'table') {
push @tablescope, {};
# new tag within current table
} elsif (@tablescope) {
else { $newdata .= "&gt;"; }
# end tag
elsif ($type eq "E")
my $tag = $token->[1];
next TOKEN if $tag =~ /[^\w\-:]/;
if (@eatuntil) {
push @capture, $token if $capturing_during_eat;
if ($eatuntil[-1] eq $tag) {
pop @eatuntil;
if (my $cb = $capturing_during_eat) {
next TOKEN;
next TOKEN if @eatuntil;
if ($eating_ljuser_span && $tag eq "span") {
$eating_ljuser_span = 0;
$newdata .= $opts->{'textonly'} ? $ljuser_text_node : LJ::ljuser($ljuser_text_node);
next TOKEN;
my $allow;
if ($tag eq "lj-raw") {
$tablescope[-1]->{$tag}-- if $opts->{'tablecheck'} && @tablescope;
elsif ($tag eq "lj-cut") {
if ($opts->{'cutpreview'}) {
$newdata .= "<b>&lt;/lj-cut&gt;</b>";
elsif ($tag eq "ljr-href") {
$newdata .= "</a>";
else {
if ($mode eq "allow") {
$allow = 1;
if ($action{$tag} eq "deny") { $allow = 0; }
} else {
$allow = 0;
if ($action{$tag} eq "allow") { $allow = 1; }
if ($extractlinks && $tag eq "a") {
if (@canonical_urls) {
my $url = LJ::ehtml(pop @canonical_urls);
$newdata .= "</b> ($url)";
if ($allow && ! $remove{$tag})
if ($opts->{'tablecheck'}) {
$allow = 0 if
# can't close table elements from outside a table
($tag =~ /^(?:table|tbody|thead|tfoot|tr|td|th|caption|colgroup|col)$/ && ! @tablescope) ||
# can't close td or th unless open tr
($tag =~ /^(?:td|th)$/ && ! $tablescope[-1]->{'tr'});
if ($allow && ! ($opts->{'noearlyclose'} && ! $opencount{$tag})) {
# maintain current table scope
if ($opts->{'tablecheck'}) {
# open table
if ($tag eq 'table') {
pop @tablescope;
# closing tag within current table
} elsif (@tablescope) {
$newdata .= "</$tag>";
} else {
$newdata .= "&lt;/$tag&gt;";
elsif ($type eq "D") {
# remove everything past first closing tag
$token->[1] =~ s/>.+/>/s;
# kill any opening tag except the starting one
$token->[1] =~ s/.<//sg;
$newdata .= $token->[1];
elsif ($type eq "T") {
my %url = ();
my $urlcount = 0;
if (@eatuntil) {
push @capture, $token if $capturing_during_eat;
next TOKEN;
if ($eating_ljuser_span) {
$ljuser_text_node = $token->[1];
next TOKEN;
if ($opencount{'style'} && $LJ::DEBUG{'s1_style_textnode'}) {
my $r = Apache->request;
my $uri = $r->uri;
my $host = $r->header_in("Host");
warn "Got text node while style elements open. Shouldn't happen anymore. ($host$uri)\n";
my $auto_format = $addbreaks &&
($opencount{'table'} <= ($opencount{'td'} + $opencount{'th'})) &&
! $opencount{'pre'} &&
! $opencount{'lj-raw'};
if ($auto_format && ! $noautolinks && ! $opencount{'a'} && ! $opencount{'textarea'}) {
my $match = sub {
my $str = shift;
if ($str =~ /^(.*?)(&(#39|quot|lt|gt)(;.*)?)$/) {
$url{++$urlcount} = $1;
return "&url$urlcount;$1&urlend;$2";
} else {
$url{++$urlcount} = $str;
return "&url$urlcount;$str&urlend;";
$token->[1] =~ s!https?://[^\s\'\"\<\>]+[a-zA-Z0-9_/&=\-]! $match->($&); !ge;
# escape tags in text tokens. shouldn't belong here!
# especially because the parser returns things it's
# confused about (broken, ill-formed HTML) as text.
$token->[1] =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$token->[1] =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
# put <wbr> tags into long words, except inside <pre> and <textarea>.
if ($wordlength && !$opencount{'pre'} && !$opencount{'textarea'}) {
$token->[1] =~ s/\S{$wordlength,}/break_word($&,$wordlength)/eg;
# auto-format things, unless we're in a textarea, when it doesn't make sense
if ($auto_format && !$opencount{'textarea'}) {
$token->[1] =~ s/\r?\n/<br \/>/g;
if (! $opencount{'a'}) {
$token->[1] =~ s/&url(\d+);(.*?)&urlend;/<a href=\"$url{$1}\">$2<\/a>/g;
$newdata .= $token->[1];
elsif ($type eq "C") {
# probably a malformed tag rather than a comment, so escape it
# -- ehtml things like "<3", "<--->", "<>", etc
# -- comments must start with <! to be eaten
if ($token->[1] =~ /^<[^!]/) {
$newdata .= LJ::ehtml($token->[1]);
# by default, ditch comments
} elsif ($keepcomments) {
my $com = $token->[1];
$com =~ s/^<!--\s*//;
$com =~ s/\s*--!>$//;
$com =~ s/<!--//;
$com =~ s/-->//;
$newdata .= "<!-- $com -->";
elsif ($type eq "PI") {
my $tok = $token->[1];
$tok =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$tok =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$newdata .= "<?$tok>";
else {
$newdata .= "<!-- OTHER: " . $type . "-->\n";
} # end while
# finish up open links if we're extracting them
if ($extractlinks && @canonical_urls) {
while (my $url = LJ::ehtml(pop @canonical_urls)) {
$newdata .= "</b> ($url)";
# close any tags that were opened and not closed
# don't close tags that don't need a closing tag -- otherwise,
# we output the closing tags in the wrong place (eg, a </td>
# after the <table> was closed) causing unnecessary problems
if (ref $opts->{'autoclose'} eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $tag (@{$opts->{'autoclose'}}) {
next if $tag =~ /^(?:tr|td|th|tbody|thead|tfoot|li)$/;
if ($opencount{$tag}) {
$newdata .= "</$tag>" x $opencount{$tag};
# extra-paranoid check
1 while $newdata =~ s/<script\b//ig;
$$data = $newdata;
$$data .= $extra_text if $extra_text; # invalid markup error
return 0;
# takes a reference to HTML and a base URL, and modifies HTML in place to use absolute URLs from the given base
sub resolve_relative_urls
my ($data, $base) = @_;
my $p = HTML::TokeParser->new($data);
# where we look for relative URLs
my $rel_source = {
'a' => {
'href' => 1,
'img' => {
'src' => 1,
my $global_did_mod = 0;
my $base_uri = undef; # until needed
my $newdata = "";
while (my $token = $p->get_token)
my $type = $token->[0];
if ($type eq "S") # start tag
my $tag = $token->[1];
my $hash = $token->[2]; # attribute hashref
my $attrs = $token->[3]; # attribute names, in original order
my $did_mod = 0;
# see if this is a tag that could contain relative URLs we fix up.
if (my $relats = $rel_source->{$tag}) {
while (my $k = each %$relats) {
next unless defined $hash->{$k} && $hash->{$k} !~ /^[a-z]+:/;
my $rel_url = $hash->{$k};
$global_did_mod = $did_mod = 1;
$base_uri ||= URI->new($base);
$hash->{$k} = URI->new_abs($rel_url, $base_uri)->as_string;
# if no change was necessary
unless ($did_mod) {
$newdata .= $token->[4];
next TOKEN;
# otherwise, rebuild the opening tag
# for tags like <name/>, pretend it's <name> and reinsert the slash later
my $slashclose = 0; # If set to 1, use XML-style empty tag marker
$slashclose = 1 if $tag =~ s!/$!!;
$slashclose = 1 if delete $hash->{'/'};
# spit it back out
$newdata .= "<$tag";
# output attributes in original order
foreach (@$attrs) {
$newdata .= " $_=\"" . LJ::ehtml($hash->{$_}) . "\""
if exists $hash->{$_};
$newdata .= " /" if $slashclose;
$newdata .= ">";
elsif ($type eq "E") {
$newdata .= $token->[2];
elsif ($type eq "D") {
$newdata .= $token->[1];
elsif ($type eq "T") {
$newdata .= $token->[1];
elsif ($type eq "C") {
$newdata .= $token->[1];
elsif ($type eq "PI") {
$newdata .= $token->[2];
} # end while
$$data = $newdata if $global_did_mod;
return undef;
sub ExpandLJURL
my @args = grep { $_ } split(/\//, $_[0]);
my $mode = shift @args;
my %modes =
'faq' => sub {
my $id = shift()+0;
if ($id) {
return "support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=$id";
} else {
return "support/faq.bml";
'memories' => sub {
my $user = LJ::canonical_username(shift);
if ($user) {
return "memories.bml?user=$user";
} else {
return "memories.bml";
'pubkey' => sub {
my $user = LJ::canonical_username(shift);
if ($user) {
return "pubkey.bml?user=$user";
} else {
return "pubkey.bml";
'support' => sub {
my $id = shift()+0;
if ($id) {
return "support/see_request.bml?id=$id";
} else {
return "support/";
'todo' => sub {
my $user = LJ::canonical_username(shift);
if ($user) {
return "todo/?user=$user";
} else {
return "todo/";
'user' => sub {
my $user = LJ::canonical_username(shift);
return "" if grep { /[\"\'\<\>\n\&]/ } @_;
return $_[0] eq 'profile' ?
"userinfo.bml?user=$user" :
"users/$user/" . join("", map { "$_/" } @_ );
'userinfo' => sub {
my $user = LJ::canonical_username(shift);
if ($user) {
return "userinfo.bml?user=$user";
} else {
return "userinfo.bml";
'userpics' => sub {
my $user = LJ::canonical_username(shift);
if ($user) {
return "allpics.bml?user=$user";
} else {
return "allpics.bml";
my $uri = $modes{$mode} ? $modes{$mode}->(@args) : "error:bogus-lj-url";
return "$LJ::SITEROOT/$uri";
my $subject_eat = [qw[head title style layer iframe applet object param]];
my $subject_allow = [qw[a b i u em strong cite]];
my $subject_remove = [qw[bgsound embed object caption link font noscript]];
sub clean_subject
my $ref = shift;
return unless $$ref =~ /[\<\>]/;
clean($ref, {
'wordlength' => 40,
'addbreaks' => 0,
'eat' => $subject_eat,
'mode' => 'deny',
'allow' => $subject_allow,
'remove' => $subject_remove,
'autoclose' => $subject_allow,
'noearlyclose' => 1,
## returns a pure text subject (needed in links, email headers, etc...)
my $subjectall_eat = [qw[head title style layer iframe applet object]];
sub clean_subject_all
my $ref = shift;
return unless $$ref =~ /[\<\>]/;
clean($ref, {
'wordlength' => 40,
'addbreaks' => 0,
'eat' => $subjectall_eat,
'mode' => 'deny',
'textonly' => 1,
'autoclose' => $subject_allow,
'noearlyclose' => 1,
# wrapper around clean_subject_all; this also trims the subject to the given length
sub clean_and_trim_subject {
my $ref = shift;
my $length = shift || 40;
$$ref =~ s/\n.*//s;
$$ref = LJ::text_trim($$ref, 0, $length);
my $event_eat = [qw[head title style layer iframe applet object xml param]];
my $event_remove = [qw[bgsound embed object link body meta noscript plaintext noframes]];
my @comment_close = qw(
a sub sup xmp bdo q span
b i u tt s strike big small font
abbr acronym cite code dfn em kbd samp strong var del ins
h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div blockquote address pre center
ul ol li dl dt dd
table tr td th tbody tfoot thead colgroup caption
marquee area map form textarea blink
my @comment_all = (@comment_close, "img", "br", "hr", "p", "col");
my $userbio_eat = $event_eat;
my $userbio_remove = $event_remove;
my @userbio_close = @comment_close;
sub clean_event
my ($ref, $opts) = @_;
# old prototype was passing in the ref and preformatted flag.
# now the second argument is a hashref of options, so convert it to support the old way.
unless (ref $opts eq "HASH") {
$opts = { 'preformatted' => $opts };
my $wordlength = defined $opts->{'wordlength'} ? $opts->{'wordlength'} : 40;
# fast path: no markup or URLs to linkify
if ($$ref !~ /\<|\>|http/ && ! $opts->{preformatted}) {
$$ref =~ s/\S{$wordlength,}/break_word($&,$wordlength)/eg if $wordlength;
$$ref =~ s/\r?\n/<br \/>/g;
# slow path: need to be run it through the cleaner
clean($ref, {
'linkify' => 1,
'wordlength' => $wordlength,
'addbreaks' => $opts->{'preformatted'} ? 0 : 1,
'cuturl' => $opts->{'cuturl'},
'cutpreview' => $opts->{'cutpreview'},
'eat' => $event_eat,
'mode' => 'allow',
'remove' => $event_remove,
'autoclose' => \@comment_close,
'cleancss' => 1,
'maximgwidth' => $opts->{'maximgwidth'},
'maximgheight' => $opts->{'maximgheight'},
'ljcut_disable' => $opts->{'ljcut_disable'},
'noearlyclose' => 1,
'tablecheck' => 1,
'extractimages' => $opts->{'extractimages'} ? 1 : 0,
'noexpandembedded' => $opts->{'noexpandembedded'} ? 1 : 0,
'textonly' => $opts->{'textonly'} ? 1 : 0,
'remove_colors' => $opts->{'remove_colors'} ? 1 : 0,
'remove_sizes' => $opts->{'remove_sizes'} ? 1 : 0,
'remove_fonts' => $opts->{'remove_fonts'} ? 1 : 0,
'transform_embed_nocheck' => $opts->{'transform_embed_nocheck'} ? 1 : 0,
'transform_embed_wmode' => $opts->{'transform_embed_wmode'},
sub get_okay_comment_tags
return @comment_all;
# ref: scalarref of text to clean, gets cleaned in-place
# opts: either a hashref of opts:
# - preformatted: if true, don't insert breaks and auto-linkify
# - anon_comment: don't linkify things, and prevent <a> tags
# <font> and <big> tags as well - MV, 2014, antimakaka
# or, opts can just be a boolean scalar, which implies the performatted tag
sub clean_comment
my ($ref, $opts) = @_;
unless (ref $opts) {
$opts = { 'preformatted' => $opts };
# fast path: no markup or URLs to linkify
if ($$ref !~ /\<|\>|http/ && ! $opts->{preformatted}) {
$$ref =~ s/\S{40,}/break_word($&,40)/eg;
$$ref =~ s/\r?\n/<br \/>/g;
return 0;
# slow path: need to be run it through the cleaner
return clean($ref, {
'linkify' => 1,
'wordlength' => 40,
'addbreaks' => $opts->{preformatted} ? 0 : 1,
'eat' => [qw[head title style layer iframe applet object]],
'mode' => 'deny',
'allow' => \@comment_all,
'autoclose' => \@comment_close,
'cleancss' => 1,
'extractlinks' => $opts->{'anon_comment'},
'extractimages' => $opts->{'anon_comment'},
'maximages' => 1, # added in Aug 2014, antimakaka measure - MV,
'anonhtml' => $opts->{'anon_comment'}, #added Nov 2014, antimakaka -MV
'noearlyclose' => 1,
'tablecheck' => 1,
'nocss' => $opts->{'nocss'},
'textonly' => $opts->{'textonly'} ? 1 : 0,
sub clean_userbio {
my $ref = shift;
return undef unless ref $ref;
clean($ref, {
'wordlength' => 100,
'addbreaks' => 1,
'attrstrip' => [qw[style]],
'mode' => 'allow',
'noearlyclose' => 1,
'tablecheck' => 1,
'eat' => $userbio_eat,
'remove' => $userbio_remove,
'autoclose' => \@userbio_close,
'cleancss' => 1,
sub clean_s1_style
my $s1 = shift;
my $clean;
my %tmpl;
LJ::parse_vars(\$s1, \%tmpl);
foreach my $v (keys %tmpl) {
clean(\$tmpl{$v}, {
'eat' => [qw[layer iframe script object embed applet]],
'mode' => 'allow',
'keepcomments' => 1, # allows CSS to work
'clean_js_css' => 1,
's1var' => $v,
return Storable::nfreeze(\%tmpl);
sub s1_attribute_clean {
my $a = $_[0];
$a =~ s/[\t\n]//g;
$a =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
$a =~ s/\'/&\#39;/g;
$a =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$a =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
# IE sucks:
if ($a =~ /((?:(?:v\s*b)|(?:j\s*a\s*v\s*a))\s*s\s*c\s*r\s*i\s*p\s*t|
a\s*b\s*o\s*u\s*t)\s*:/ix) { return ""; }
return $a;
sub canonical_url {
my $url = shift;
my $allow_all = shift;
# strip leading and trailing spaces
$url =~ s/^\s*//;
$url =~ s/\s*$//;
return '' unless $url;
unless ($allow_all) {
# see what protocol they want, default to http
my $pref = "http";
$pref = $1 if $url =~ /^(https?|ftp|webcal):/;
# strip out the protocol section
$url =~ s!^.*?:/*!!;
return '' unless $url;
# rebuild safe url
$url = "$pref://$url";
if ($LJ::DEBUG{'aol_http_to_ftp'}) {
# aol blocks http referred from lj, but ftp has no referer header.
if ($url =~ m!^http://(?:www\.)?(?:members|hometown|users)\.aol\.com/!) {
$url =~ s!^http!ftp!;
return $url;
sub break_word {
my ($word, $at) = @_;
return $word unless $at;
$word =~ s/((?:$onechar){$at})\B/$1<wbr \/>/g;
return $word;