
149 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File

$title = $ML{'.title'};
$body = "";
# is there a user out there?
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
unless ($remote) {
$body = "<?h1 $ML{'Sorry'}.. h1?><?p $ML{'.label.loginfirst'} p?>";
# bad statusvis?
unless ($remote->{statusvis} eq 'V') {
$body = "<?h1 $ML{'.error.statusvis.title'} h1?><?p $ML{'.error.statusvis.body'} p?>";
# get info about the community
my $cuserid = $FORM{'cuserid'}+0;
my $cu = $FORM{comm} ?
LJ::load_user($FORM{comm}) : # they gave us the comm name
LJ::load_userid($cuserid); # they gave us the comm id
# NOTE: we wrapped this in an eval due to code going live; the library isn't going to go
# live at the same time as the BML file, and we don't want weird things happening, so we
# verify that this is all good and return an error if it's not okay.
my $ci;
eval { $ci = LJ::get_community_row($cu); };
if ($@) {
$body = "<?h1 Temporarily Disabled h1?><?p This page is disabled while we update the site. Please try again later. p?>";
$cuserid = $ci->{'userid'};
my $ecname = LJ::ehtml($ci->{'name'});
# does this community even exit?
unless ($cu) {
$body .= "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p $ML{'.label.errorcomminfo'} p?>";
# make sure a community doesn't join a community (that's confusing
# or something)
unless ($remote->{'journaltype'} eq "P") {
$body .= "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p $ML{'.label.commlogged'} p?>";
# ensure this user isn't banned
if (LJ::is_banned($remote, $cuserid)) {
$body .= "<?h1 $ML{'Sorry'} h1?><?p $ML{'.label.banned'} p?>";
# # and make sure they're not already a member
# if (LJ::is_friend($cuserid, $remote->{userid})) {
# $body .= "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p $ML{'.error.already.member'} p?>";
# return;
# }
# get the list of maintainers and their usernames
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
my $admins = $dbr->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT u.user FROM useridmap u, reluser r ".
"WHERE r.userid=$cuserid AND r.targetid=u.userid AND r.type='A'") || [];
my $list = "<ul>";
foreach (sort @$admins) { $list .= "<li><?ljuser $_ ljuser?></li>"};
$list .= "</ul>";
# can't join closed communities
# but if invited, go around and finally join
my $invited=0;
if ($ci->{membership} eq 'closed') {
my $inv = LJ::get_sent_invites($cuserid) || [];
foreach my $invite (@$inv) {
my $id = $invite->{userid};
if (($invited!=1) && ($id == $remote->{'userid'})) {$invited=1;}
if($invited == 0){
$body .= "<?h1 $ML{'Sorry'} h1?><?p " .
BML::ml('.error.closed', { admins => $list }) .
" p?>";
# now do the join
if ($POST{confirm}) {
# can members join this community openly?
# another case if user is already invited - then we will not make a request
if (($ci->{membership} ne 'open') && ($invited == 0)) {
# hit up the maintainers to let them know a join was requested
LJ::comm_join_request($cu, $remote);
$body .= "<?h1 $ML{'.reqsubmitted.title'} h1?><?p $ML{'.reqsubmitted.body'} $list p?>";
# make remote user a friend of the community
LJ::join_community($remote, $cu, $FORM{addfriend});
# success message
$body .= "<?h1 $ML{'.success'} h1?><?p " . BML::ml('.label.membernow',
{ username => $ci->{user}, commname => $ecname}) . " p?>";
# if community permits it, tell the user they have access
if ($ci->{postlevel} eq "members") {
$body .= "<?p $ML{'.label.allowposting'} p?>";
} else {
$body .= "<?p " . BML::ml('.label.auth', { admins => $list }) . " p?>";
} else {
if (($ci->{membership} ne 'open') && ($invited == 0)) {
$body .= "<?h1 $ML{'.request.title'} h1?><?p ";
$body .= BML::ml('.request.body', { comm => LJ::ljuser($cu) }) . "<br /> p?>";
$body .= "<div style='margin-left: 30px;'><form method='post' action='join.bml'>";
$body .= "<input type='hidden' name='cuserid' value='$ci->{userid}' />";
$body .= "<input type='hidden' name='confirm' value='1' />";
$body .= "<input type='submit' value=\"$ML{'.button.join'}\" /></form></div>";
$body .= "<?h1 $ML{'.label.sure'} h1?><?p " . BML::ml('.label.expls', { maintainer => $ecname });
$body .= "<form method='post' action='join.bml'>";
$body .= "<input type='hidden' name='cuserid' value='$ci->{'userid'}' />";
$body .= "<input type='hidden' name='confirm' value='1' /><center>";
$body .= "<input type='checkbox' name='addfriend' checked>";
$body .= BML::ml('.label.addtofriends', { maintainer => $ecname });
$body .= "<br><input type='submit' value=\"$ML{'.button.join'}\" /></center></form> p?>";
title=><?_code return $title; _code?>
body=><?_code return $body; _code?>
page?><?_c <LJDEP>
link: htdocs/login.bml, htdocs/userinfo.bml
post: htdocs/community/join.bml
</LJDEP> _c?>