
356 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

title=><?_ml .title _ml?>
use strict;
use vars qw(%POST);
#return "Syndication is broken right now. Sorry. We are working on it.";
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $u = LJ::get_remote();
unless ($u) {
return "<?h1 $ML{'.loginrequired.title'} h1?><?p $ML{'.loginrequired.text'} p?>";
return "<?h1 $ML{'error.suspended.title'} h1?><?p $ML{'error.suspended.text'} p?>" if $u->{'statusvis'} eq "S";
if (LJ::did_post() && $POST{'userid'} != $u->{'userid'}) {
return "<?h1 $ML{'.invalid.submission'} h1?><?p $ML{'.user.nomatch'} p?>";
my $error = sub {
return "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p $_[0] p?><?p " .
BML::ml('Backlink', {'link' => '/syn/', 'text' => $ML{'.back'}}) . " p?>";
# add custom feed
if ($POST{'action:addcustom'} || $GET{'url'}) {
unless (LJ::check_priv($u, 'syn_edit')) {
my $today_syns = $dbh->selectrow_array(
"select count(*) from user,userusage where timecreate > date_sub(now(), interval 24 hour) and " .
"user.userid=userusage.userid and journaltype = 'Y'",
if ($today_syns >= $LJ::LJR_SYNS_PERDAY) {
return "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><br /><br />Too much syndications for today. Sorry.";
my $today_syns = $dbh->selectrow_array(
"select count(*) from syndicated,userusage where creatorid = ? and " .
"userusage.userid=syndicated.userid and timecreate > date_sub(now(), interval 24 hour)",
undef, $u->{'userid'});
if ($today_syns >= $LJ::LJR_SYNS_PERUSER) {
return "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><br /><br />Too much syndications for today. Sorry.";
my $thisweek_syns = $dbh->selectrow_array(
"select count(*) from syndicated,userusage where creatorid = ? and " .
"userusage.userid=syndicated.userid and timecreate > date_sub(now(), interval 24*7 hour)",
undef, $u->{'userid'});
if ($thisweek_syns >= $LJ::LJR_SYNS_PERWEEK_PERUSER) {
return "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><br /><br />Too much syndications for this week. Sorry.";
my $acct = LJ::trim($POST{'acct'});
my $url = LJ::trim($POST{'synurl'} || $GET{'url'});
my $pfx = "syn_";
if ($acct ne "") {
return $error->($ML{'.invalid.accountname'})
if $acct && $acct !~ /^\w{3,15}$/;
# foreach my $re ("^system\$", @LJ::PROTECTED_USERNAMES) {
# next unless ($acct =~ /$re/);
# return $error->($ML{'.invalid.reserved'});
# }
if ($url ne "") {
return $error->($ML{'.invalid.url'})
unless $url =~ m!^http://(.+?)(?::(\d+))?!;
my $hostname = $1;
my $port = $2;
return $error->($ML{'.invalid.cantadd'})
if $hostname =~ /\Q$LJ::DOMAIN\E/i;
return $error->($ML{'.invalid.port'})
if defined $port && $port != 80 && $port < 1024;
$url =~ s/:80// if $port == 80;
my $su; # account to add
if ($url) {
while (1) {
$su = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
"SELECT u.user, s.* FROM syndicated s, useridmap u ".
"WHERE s.synurl=? AND s.userid=u.userid",
undef, $url);
unless ($su) {
my $orig_url = $url;
if ($url =~ /(.*)\/$/) {
$url = $1;
else {
$url .= "/";
$su = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
"SELECT u.user, s.* FROM syndicated s, useridmap u ".
"WHERE s.synurl=? AND s.userid=u.userid",
undef, $url);
$url = $orig_url unless $su;
unless ($su) {
# check cap to create new feeds
return $error->($ML{'.error.nocreate'})
unless LJ::get_cap($u, 'synd_create');
# create a safeagent to fetch the feed for validation purposes
require LWPx::ParanoidAgent;
my $ua = LWPx::ParanoidAgent->new(timeout => 30, max_size => (1024 * 500));
$ua->agent("$LJ::SITENAME ($LJ::ADMIN_EMAIL; Initial check)");
my $res = $ua->get($url);
my $content = $res && $res->is_success ? $res->content : undef;
return "<?h1 $ML{'.invalid.http.title'} h1?><?p $ML{'.invalid.http.text'} p?>"
unless $content;
# if we've been redirected -- start from scratch
if ($ua->{'final_url'}) {
$url = $ua->{'final_url'};
# Start out with the syn_url being equal to the url
# they entered of the resource. If we end up parsing
# the resource and finding it has a link to the real
# feed, we then want to save the real feed address
# to suck from.
my $syn_url = $url;
my $syn_chosen;
# analyze link/meta tags
while ($content =~ m!<(link|meta)\b([^>]+)>!g) {
my ($type, $val) = ($1, $2);
# RSS/Atom
# <link rel="alternate" type="application/(?:rss|atom)+xml" title="RSS" href="http://...." />
if ($syn_chosen ne "rss" &&
$type eq "link" &&
$val =~ m!rel=.alternate.!i &&
$val =~ m!type=.application/(?:rss|atom)\+xml.!i &&
$val =~ m!href=[\"\']([^\"\']+)[\"\']!i) {
$syn_url = $1;
$val =~ m!type=.application/(rss|atom)\+xml.!i;
$syn_chosen = $1;
# Did we find a link to the real feed? If so, start again
if ($syn_url ne $url) {
$url = $syn_url;
# check whatever we did get for validity (or pseudo-validity)
return "<?h1 $ML{'.invalid.notrss.title'} h1?><?p $ML{'.invalid.notrss.text'} p?>"
unless $content =~ m/<(\w+:)?(?:rss|feed|RDF)/; # Must have a <[?:]rss <[?:]feed (for Atom support) <[?:]RDF
my $ljuname;
if (
$url =~ m!^http://users.livejournal.com/(.+?)(/|$)! ||
$url =~ m!^http://community.livejournal.com/(.+?)(/|$)! ||
$url =~ m!^http://(.+?).livejournal.com!
) {
$ljuname = $1;
if (length($ljuname) < 13) {
$acct = $ljuname;
$pfx = "lj_";
# if no account name, give them a proper entry form to pick one, but don't reprompt
# for the url, just pass that through (we'll recheck it anyway, though)
unless ($acct) {
my $ret .= "<?h1 $ML{'.create'} h1?><?p $ML{'.create.name'} p?>";
$ret .= "<br /><br /><font size=+2>$url</font><br /><br />";
$ret .= "<form method='post' action='./'>";
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden("userid", $u->{'userid'}, 'synurl', $url);
$ret .= "<blockquote>";
$ret .= "<p>$ML{'.account'}&nbsp;<strong>$pfx</strong><input size='11' maxlength='11' name='acct' />";
$ret .= "<p><input name='action:addcustom' type='submit' value='" . LJ::ehtml($ML{'.create'}) . "' />";
$ret .= "</blockquote></form>";
return $ret;
return "<?h1 $ML{'.invalid.needname.title'} h1?><?p $ML{'.invalid.needname.text'} p?>"
unless $acct;
my $id;
my $tu = LJ::load_user($pfx . $acct);
if ($tu) {
if ($tu->{'statusvis'} == "X") {
$id = $tu->{'userid'};
else {
return $error->($ML{'.invalid.inuse.text'});
else {
# create the feed account
$id = LJ::create_account({
'user' => $pfx . $acct,
'name' => $pfx . $acct,
'password' => '',
'caps' => $LJ::SYND_CAPS,
'cluster' => $LJ::SYND_CLUSTER,
return "<?h1 $ML{'.invalid.inuse.title'} h1?><?p $ML{'.invalid.inuse.text'} p?>"
unless $id;
if ($LJ::LJR_SYN) {
my $ljr_syn_id = LJ::get_userid($LJ::LJR_SYN);
if ($ljr_syn_id) {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO friends (userid, friendid) VALUES (?, ?)", undef, $ljr_syn_id, $id);
LJ::update_user($id, { journaltype => 'Y', statusvis => 'V' });
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO syndicated (userid, synurl, checknext, creatorid) VALUES (?,?,NOW(),?)",
undef, $id, $syn_url, $u->{'userid'});
LJ::statushistory_add($u->{'userid'}, $id, "synd_create", "acct: $acct");
$su = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT u.user, s.* FROM syndicated s, useridmap u ".
"WHERE s.userid=? AND s.userid=u.userid",
undef, $id);
# my $suu = LJ::load_userid($id);
# LJ::set_userprop($suu, "urlname", );
} # while
} elsif ($acct) {
# account but no URL, we can add this in any case
$su = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT u.user, s.* FROM syndicated s, useridmap u ".
"WHERE u.userid=s.userid AND u.user=?",
undef, $acct);
unless ($su) {
return $error->($ML{'.invalid.notexist'});
} else {
# need at least a URL
return $error->($ML{'.invalid.needurl'});
return $error->($ML{'.error.unknown'}) unless $su;
# at this point, we have a new account, or an old account, but we have an account, so
# let's redirect them to the add page
return BML::redirect("$LJ::SITEROOT/friends/add.bml?user=$su->{user}");
# get most popular feeds from memcache
my $popsyn = LJ::Syn::get_popular_feeds();
# load user's friends so we can strip feeds they already watch
my $friends = LJ::get_friends($u) || {};
# populate @pop and add users they've chosen to add
my @pop;
my %urls;
my %names;
for (0 .. 99) {
next if not defined $popsyn->[$_];
my ($user, $name, $suserid, $url, $count) = @{ $popsyn->[$_] };
$names{$user} = $name;
my $suser = LJ::load_userid($suserid);
LJ::load_user_props($suser, 'url');
$urls{$user} = $suser->{url};
# skip suspended/deleted accounts, already watched feeds
next if $friends->{$suserid} || $suser->{'statusvis'} ne "V";
if ($POST{'action:add'} && $POST{"add_$user"}) {
LJ::add_friend($u->{'userid'}, $suserid, { 'defaultview' => 1 });
} else {
push @pop, [ $user, $url, $count ];
last if @pop >= 20;
# intro paragraph
my $title = BML::ml('.using.title', {'sitename' => $LJ::SITENAME});
my $ret = "<?h1 $title h1?><?p $ML{'.using.text'} p?><?p $ML{'.promo.text'} p?>";
$ret .= "<form method='post' action='./'>";
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden("userid", $u->{'userid'});
if (@pop) {
$ret .= "<?h1 $ML{'.add.pop.title'} h1?><?p $ML{'.add.pop.text'} p?>";
$ret .= "<p><table cellpadding='3' style='margin-bottom: 10px; width: 80%;'>";
$ret .= "<tr><td><b>$ML{'.table.account'}</b></td><td><b>$ML{'.table.feed'}</b></td><td></td>";
$ret .= "<td align='right'><b>$ML{'.table.watchers'}</b></td></tr>";
foreach (@pop) {
my ($user, $url, $count) = @$_;
$ret .= "<tr>";
$ret .= "<td nowrap='nowrap' valign='top'><input type='checkbox' value='1' name='add_$user' /> ";
$ret .= LJ::ljuser($user, { 'type' => 'Y' }) . "</td>";
$ret .= "<td valign='top'>";
if ($urls{$user}) {
my $displayurl = $urls{$user};
$displayurl = substr($urls{$user}, 0, 50) . "..." if length $displayurl > 60;
$ret .= "$names{$user}<br /><a href='$urls{$user}'>$displayurl</a></td>";
} else {
$ret .= "$names{$user}</td>";
$ret .= "<td valign='top'><a href='$url'>" . LJ::img('xml', '', { border => 0 }) . "</a></td>";
$ret .= "<td align='right' valign='top'>$count</td>";
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "<tr><td align='left' colspan='4'>";
$ret .= "<input type='submit' name='action:add' value='" . LJ::ehtml($ML{'.add.selected'}) . "'>";
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
$ret .= "</table>";
$ret .= "</form><form method='post' action='./'>";
$ret .= LJ::html_hidden("userid", $u->{'userid'});
$ret .= "<?h1 $ML{'.add.byurl.title'} h1?><?p $ML{'.add.byurl.text'} p?>";
$ret .= "<blockquote>";
$ret .= "<p>$ML{'.feed.url'} <input size='40' maxlength='255' name='synurl' />";
$ret .= "<p><input name='action:addcustom' type='submit' value='" . LJ::ehtml($ML{'.add'}) . "' />";
$ret .= "</blockquote>";
$ret .= "</form>";
return $ret;