
322 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use vars qw(%GET %POST $title $body);
my $dbr = LJ::get_db_reader();
$title = $ML{'.title'};
$body = "";
my $err = sub {
$title = "Error";
$body = LJ::bad_input(@_);
$POST{'oldkeywords'} = [ split('\0', $POST{'oldkeywords'}) ];
unless (LJ::text_in(\%POST)) {
return $err->("Invalid UTF-8 Input");
my $remote = LJ::get_remote();
return $err->($ML{'error.noremote'})
unless $remote;
my $authas = $GET{'authas'} || $remote->{'user'};
my $memoryu = LJ::get_authas_user($authas);
return $err->($ML{'error.invalidauth'})
unless $memoryu;
my %secopts = ( 'public' => $ML{'label.security.public'},
'friends' => $ML{'label.security.friends'},
'private' => $ML{'label.security.private'}, );
if ($memoryu->{'journaltype'} eq "C") {
$secopts{'private'} = $ML{'label.security.maintainers'};
$secopts{'friends'} = $ML{'label.security.members'};
my $sth;
my $journal = $GET{'journal'};
my $ditemid = $GET{'itemid'}+0;
# OK. the memories schema is weird and stores *display* itemids in the database.
# additionally, we distinguish precluster itemids because they're stored without a userid.
# it's too late to fix it in the db, so we just work around it--
# all new memories still get userid+ditemid because we can't change the ditemid/itemid problem,
# but old-style itemids get fixed up to userid+ditemid.
# *however*, when editing old itemids we need to keep around
# the old-style ditemid so we can still edit it.
# to keep this all sorted out, we fixup variables like this:
# - itemid -- real, new-style itemid
# - ditemid -- display itemid (with anum)
# - dbitemid -- itemid that is in the database;
# usually same as ditemid, but different for old-style itemids.
my $dbitemid = $ditemid;
my $itemid;
my $oldstyle = 0;
my $ju;
my $jid;
my $anum;
if ($journal) {
$ju = LJ::load_user($journal);
$jid = $ju->{'userid'};
$anum = $ditemid % 256;
$itemid = int($ditemid / 256);
} else {
# old-style item url?
my $newids = LJ::get_newids('L', $ditemid);
if ($newids) {
($jid, $itemid) = @$newids;
$ju = LJ::load_userid($jid);
$oldstyle = 1;
unless ($ju && $itemid) {
$title = $ML{'Error'};
$body = $ML{'error.nojournal'};
my $log = LJ::get_log2_row($ju, $itemid);
unless ($log) {
$title = $ML{'Error'};
$body = "Error retrieving data to add a memory.";
# check to see if it already is memorable (thus we're editing, not adding);
my $memory = LJ::Memories::get_by_ditemid($memoryu, $oldstyle ? 0 : $jid, $ditemid);
if ($oldstyle) {
# ditemid was an old-style itemid, so we update it to the new style.
$anum = $log->{anum};
$ditemid = $itemid<<8 + $anum;
# get keywords user has used
my $exist_kw = LJ::Memories::get_keywords($memoryu);
unless ($exist_kw) {
$title = $ML{'Error'};
$body = "Error fetching existing keywords.";
if ($POST{'mode'} eq "")
my ($des, $keywords);
my @all_keywords;
my %selected_keyword;
@all_keywords = sort values %$exist_kw;
if (defined $memory) {
$title = $ML{'.title.edit_memory'};
$des = $memory->{'des'};
my $kwids = LJ::Memories::get_keywordids($memoryu, $memory->{memid}) || [];
foreach my $kwid (@$kwids) {
my $kw = $exist_kw->{$kwid};
next if ($kw eq "*");
if ($keywords) { $keywords .= ", "; }
$keywords .= $kw;
$selected_keyword{$kw} = 1;
if (!$log || ($jid && $log->{'anum'} != $anum))
LJ::Memories::delete_by_id($memoryu, $memory->{memid});
$title = $ML{'Error'};
$body = $ML{'.error.entry_deleted'};
elsif (!$log || ($jid && $log->{'anum'} != $anum))
$title = $ML{'Error'};
$body = $ML{'error.noentry'};
$title = $ML{'.title.add_memory'};
# this is a new memory.
my $user = LJ::get_username($log->{'journalid'});
my $dt = substr($log->{'eventtime'}, 0, 10);
my $item = LJ::Talk::get_journal_item($ju, $itemid);
my $subject = $item->{'subject'};
$des = "$dt: $user: $subject";
# it'd be nice to only show the authas form when adding an entry and not
# when editing one, but if user u is logged in and has post p as a memory
# already then wants to add it to community c, when u clicks the "add memory"
# link on p, u gets the "edit entry" page and they need to be able to switch
# to c.
$body .= "<form method='get' action='memadd.bml'>\n";
$body .= LJ::make_authas_select($remote, { 'authas' => $GET{'authas'} }) . "\n";
$body .= LJ::html_hidden(journal => $GET{journal}) if $GET{journal};
$body .= LJ::html_hidden(itemid => $GET{itemid});
$body .= "</form>\n\n";
$body .= $ML{'.add_previous'};
my $getextra = "?itemid=$dbitemid";
$getextra .= "&amp;authas=$authas" if $authas ne $remote->{'user'};
# we still need to pass the dbitemid and not the itemid to ourself.
$getextra .= "&amp;journal=$journal" unless $oldstyle;
$body .= "<form method='post' action='memadd.bml$getextra'>";
$body .= LJ::html_hidden(mode => "save");
$body .= "<table cellpadding='4'>";
$body .= "<tr><th align='right' valign='top'>$ML{'.description'}</th><td>";
$body .= LJ::html_text({name => 'des', value => $des, maxlength => LJ::CMAX_MEMORY, size => 40});
$body .= "<br /><small>$ML{'.description.text'}</small></td></tr>";
$body .= "<tr><th align='right' valign='top'>$ML{'.keywords'}</th><td>";
$body .= LJ::html_text({name => 'keywords', maxlength => LJ::CMAX_KEYWORD, size => 40, value => $keywords});
$body .= "<br /><small>$ML{'.keywords.text'}</small><br />";
if (@all_keywords) {
my $size = scalar(@all_keywords);
$size = 15 if $size > 15;
$body .= "<small>$ML{'.keywords.select'}</small><div style='margin-left: 30px;'>";
$body .= LJ::html_select( { name => 'oldkeywords', size => $size, multiple => 1,
selected => [ keys %selected_keyword ], noescape => 1 },
map { (LJ::ehtml($_), LJ::ehtml($_)) } @all_keywords);
$body .= "</div><small>$ML{'.multiple_selections'}</small>";
} else {
$body .= "<small>$ML{'.keywords.example'}</small>";
$body .= "</td></tr>\n";
$body .= "<tr><th align='right' valign='top'>$ML{'.security'}</th><td>";
$body .= LJ::html_select({name => 'security', selected => defined $memory ? $memory->{'security'} : undef},
map { ($_, $secopts{$_}) } qw(public friends private));
if ($memoryu->{'journaltype'} eq "C") {
$body .= "<br /><small>$ML{'.whocansee.comm'}</small></td></tr><tr><th></th><td>\n";
} else {
$body .= "<br /><small>$ML{'.whocansee'}</small></td></tr><tr><th></th><td>\n";
$body .= LJ::html_submit(undef, $ML{'.form.submit'});
$body .= LJ::html_submit(undef, $ML{'.form.reset'}, {type => 'reset'}) if defined $memory;
$body .= "</td></tr></table></form>";
if ($POST{'mode'} eq "save")
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
if (! $POST{'des'}) {
# then we're deleting.
if (defined $memory) {
LJ::Memories::delete_by_id($memoryu, $memory->{memid});
$title = $ML{'.title.deleted'};
$body = "<?h1 $ML{'.error.deleted.title'} h1?><?p " .
BML::ml(".error.deleted.body", { 'desc' => $memory->{'des'} }) .
} else {
$title = $ML{'Error'};
$body = "<?h1 $ML{'.error.nodescription.title'} h1?><?p ";
$body .= BML::ml('.error.nodescription.body');
$body .= " p?>";
#### we're inserting/replacing now into memories
my @keywords;
my %kws;
foreach (split(/\s*,\s*/, $POST{'keywords'})) { $kws{$_} = 1; }
# oldkeywords were split at the beginning
foreach (@{$POST{'oldkeywords'}}) { $kws{$_} = 1; }
@keywords = keys %kws;
if (scalar(@keywords) > 5) {
$title = $ML{'Error'};
$body = "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p $ML{'.error.fivekeywords'} p?>";
@keywords = grep { $_ } map { s/\s\s+/ /g; LJ::trim($_); } @keywords;
push @keywords, "*" unless (@keywords);
my @kwid;
my $needflush = 0;
foreach my $kw (@keywords) {
if (length($kw) > 40) {
$title = $ML{'Error'};
$body = "<?h1 $ML{'Error'} h1?><?p " .
BML::ml(".error.maxsize", { 'keyword' => LJ::ehtml($kw) }) . "p?>";
my $kwid = LJ::get_keyword_id($memoryu, $kw);
$needflush = 1 unless defined $exist_kw->{$kwid};
push @kwid, $kwid;
unless (exists $secopts{$POST{'security'}}) {
$title = $ML{'Error'};
$body = $ML{'.error.invalid_security'};
my $des = LJ::text_trim($POST{'des'}, LJ::BMAX_MEMORY, LJ::CMAX_MEMORY);
my $sec = $POST{'security'};
# handle edits by deleting the old memory and recreating
LJ::Memories::delete_by_id($memoryu, $memory->{memid})
if defined $memory;
LJ::Memories::create($memoryu, {
journalid => $jid,
ditemid => $ditemid,
des => $des,
security => $sec,
}, \@kwid);
LJ::Memories::updated_keywords($memoryu) if $needflush;
$title = $ML{'.title.added'};
$body = "<?h1 $ML{'.body.added.header'} h1?><?p ";
my $backlink = LJ::item_link($ju->{user}, $itemid, $anum);
$body .= BML::ml('.body.added.body2', {'aopts' => "href='$backlink'"});
$body .= " p?>";
$title = $ML{'Error'};
$body = $ML{'error.unknownmode'};
title=><?_code return $title; _code?>
body=> <?_code return $body; _code?>
<?_c <LJDEP>
link: htdocs/login.bml
post: htdocs/tools/memadd.bml
</LJDEP> _c?>