
464 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 Description
This class will make a proper daemon out of an arbitrary subroutine.
Your script will automatically inherit daemon command line flags, that
can intermix with your existing flags. (As long as you use Getopt!)
=head1 Examples
=head2 Basic usage
use Danga::Daemon;
Danga::Daemon::daemonize( \&worker );
sub worker
# do something
=head2 Advanced usage
# This spawns a listener on localhost:2000, adds a command to the CLUI,
# and does the daemon work as user 'nobody' 4 times a second:
interval => .25,
shedprivs => 'nobody',
listenport => 2000,
bindaddr => '',
listencode => \&cmd,
sub cmd
my ( $line, $s, $c, $codeloop, $codeopts ) = @_;
if ($line =~ /newcommand/i) {
# do something
print $c ".\nOK\n";
return 1;
=head1 Command line switches
=over 4
=item --foreground
Run the script without daemon code, and print output to screen.
=item --stop
Stop an existing daemon.
=item --pidfile
Store the pidfile in a location other than /var/run. Useful if you are
running the script as a non-root user. Use the string 'none' to disable
pidfiles entirely.
=head1 Options list
Options are passed as the second argument to daemonize(), in the form of
a hashref.
=over 4
=item args [ array of args ]
A normal list of arguments that will be passed to the worker subroutine.
=item bindaddr [ ip address ]
If using a listener, bind to a specific IP. Not defining this will let
the listener bind to all IPs.
=item chdir [ directory ]
Tell the worker where to 'live'. Listener also, if one exists.
Defaults to '/'.
=item interval [ number in fractional seconds ]
Default eventloop time is 1 minute. Set this to override, in seconds,
or fractions thereof.
=item listenport [ port ]
The port the listener will bind to. Setting this option is also the
switch to enable a listener.
=item listencode [ coderef ]
An optional coderef that can add to the existing default command line
options. See the above example.
=item override_loop [ boolean ]
Your daemon may need to base its looping on something other than a time
value. Setting this puts the looping burden on the caller. Note in
this instance, the 'interval' option has no meaning.
=item shedprivs [ system username ]
If starting up as root, automatically change process ownership after
=item shutdowncode [ coderef ]
If your child is doing special processing and needs to know when it's
being killed off, provide a coderef here. It will be called right before
the worker process exits.
=head1 Default telnet commands
These commands only apply if you use the 'listenport' option.
=over 4
=item pids
Report the pids in use. First pid is the listener. Any remaining are
=item ping
Returns the string 'pong' along with the daemon name.
=item reload
Kill off any workers, and reload them. An easy way to restart a worker
if library code changes.
=item stop
Shutdown the entire daemon.
package Danga::Daemon;
use strict;
use Carp qw/ confess /;
use Getopt::Long qw/ :config pass_through /;
use POSIX 'setsid';
use FindBin qw/ $RealBin $RealScript /;
use vars qw/ $busy $stop $opt $pidfile $pid $shutdowncode /;
# Make daemonize() and debug() available to the caller
*main::debug = \&Danga::Daemon::debug;
*main::daemonize = \&Danga::Daemon::daemonize;
# Insert global daemon command line opts before script specific ones,
# With the addition of Getopt::Long's 'config pass_through', this
# essentially merges the command line options.
$opt = {};
GetOptions $opt, qw/ stop foreground pidfile=s /;
# put arbitrary code into a loop after forking into the background.
sub daemonize
my $codeloop = shift || confess "No coderef loop supplied.\n";
confess "Invalid coderef\n" unless ref $codeloop eq 'CODE';
my $codeopts = shift || {};
$SIG{$_} = \&stop_parent foreach qw/ INT TERM /;
$pidfile = $opt->{'pidfile'} || "/var/run/$RealScript.pid";
$| = 1;
# setup shutdown ref if necessary
if ( $codeopts->{'shutdowncode'} && ref $codeopts->{'shutdowncode'} eq 'CODE' ) {
$shutdowncode = $codeopts->{'shutdowncode'};
# shutdown existing daemon?
if ( $opt->{'stop'} ) {
if ( -e $pidfile ) {
open( PID, $pidfile );
chomp( $pid = <PID> );
close PID;
else {
confess "No pidfile, unable to stop daemon.\n";
if ( kill 15, $pid ) {
print "Shutting down daemon.";
unlink $pidfile;
else {
print "Daemon not running?\n";
exit 0;
# display something while we're waiting for a
# busy daemon to shutdown
while ( kill 0, $pid ) { sleep 1 && print '.'; }
print "\n";
exit 0;
# daemonize.
if ( !$opt->{'foreground'} ) {
if ( -e $pidfile ) {
print "Pidfile already exists! ($pidfile)\nUnable to start daemon.\n";
exit 0;
fork && exit 0;
POSIX::setsid() || confess "Unable to become session leader: $!\n";
$pid = fork;
confess "Couldn't fork.\n" unless defined $pid;
if ( $pid != 0 ) { # we are the parent
unless ($pidfile eq 'none') {
unless ( open( PID, ">$pidfile" ) ) {
kill 15, $pid;
confess "Couldn't write PID file. Exiting.\n";
print PID ($codeopts->{listenport} ? $$ : $pid) . "\n";
close PID;
print "daemon started with pid: $pid\n";
# listener port supplied? spawn a listener!
spawn_listener( $codeloop, $codeopts )
if $codeopts->{listenport};
exit 0; # exit from parent if no listener
# we're the child from here on out.
child_actions( $codeopts );
# the event loop
if ( $codeopts->{override_loop} ) {
# the caller subref has its own idea of what
# a loop is defined as.
chdir ( $codeopts->{chdir} || '/') or die "Can't chdir!";
$codeloop->( $codeopts->{args} );
else {
# a loop is just a time interval inbetween
# code executions
return eventloop( $codeloop, $codeopts );
return 1;
sub eventloop
my $codeloop = shift || confess "No coderef loop supplied.\n";
confess "Invalid coderef\n" unless ref $codeloop eq 'CODE';
my $codeopts = shift || {};
chdir ( $codeopts->{chdir} || '/') or die "Can't chdir!";
no warnings;
$SIG{CHLD} = undef;
while (1) {
$busy = 1;
$codeloop->( $codeopts->{args} );
$busy = 0;
last if $stop;
select undef, undef, undef, ( $codeopts->{interval} || 60 );
return 0;
sub child_actions
my $codeopts = shift || {};
$SIG{$_} = \&stop_child foreach qw/ INT TERM /;
$0 = $RealScript . " - worker";
umask 0;
chdir ( $codeopts->{chdir} || '/') or die "Can't chdir!";
# shed root privs
if ( $codeopts->{shedprivs} ) {
my $uid = getpwnam( $codeopts->{shedprivs} );
$< = $> = $uid if $uid && ! $<;
no warnings;
close STDIN && open STDIN, "</dev/null";
close STDOUT && open STDOUT, "+>&STDIN";
close STDERR && open STDERR, "+>&STDIN";
sub spawn_listener
my $codeloop = shift || confess "No coderef loop supplied.\n";
confess "Invalid coderef\n" unless ref $codeloop eq 'CODE';
my $codeopts = shift || {};
use IO::Socket;
$0 = $RealScript . " - listener";
my ( $s, $c );
$s = IO::Socket::INET->new(
LocalAddr => $codeopts->{bindaddr}, # undef binds to all
ReuseAddr => 1,
Listen => 2,
LocalPort => $codeopts->{listenport},
unless ($s) {
kill 15, $pid;
unlink $pidfile;
confess "Unable to start listener.\n";
# pass incoming connections to listencode()
while ($c = $s->accept()) {
default_cmdline( $s, $c, $codeloop, $codeopts );
# shouldn't reach this.
close $s;
exit 0;
sub stop_parent
debug("Shutting down...\n");
if ($pid) { # not used in foreground
kill 15, $pid;
waitpid $pid, 0;
unlink $pidfile;
exit 0 unless $busy;
$stop = 1;
sub stop_child
# call our children to have them shut down
$shutdowncode->() if $shutdowncode;
exit 0 unless $busy;
$stop = 1;
sub debug
return unless $opt->{'foreground'};
print STDERR (shift) . "\n";
# shutdown daemon remotely
sub default_cmdline
my ( $s, $c, $codeloop, $codeopts ) = @_;
while ( <$c> ) {
# remote commands
next unless /\w/;
if (/pids/i) {
print $c "OK $$ $pid\n";
elsif (/ping/i) {
print $c "OK pong $0\n";
elsif (/(?:stop|shutdown)/) {
kill 15, $pid;
unlink $pidfile;
print $c "OK SHUTDOWN\n";
exit 0;
elsif (/(?:restart|reload)/i) {
# shutdown existing worker
# wait for it to completely exit
kill 15, $pid;
# re-fork a new worker (no listener)
my $newpid = fork;
unless ($newpid) {
close $s;
$0 =~ s/listener/worker/;
child_actions( $codeopts );
eventloop( $codeloop, $codeopts );
exit 0;
# remember the new child pid for
# future restarts
$pid = $newpid;
print $c "OK $pid\n";
else {
next if
$codeopts->{listencode} &&
ref $codeopts->{listencode} eq 'CODE' &&
$codeopts->{listencode}->( $_, $s, $c, $codeloop, $codeopts );
if (/help/i) {
foreach (sort qw/ ping stop pids reload /) {
print $c "\t$_\n";
print $c ".\nOK\n";
print $c "ERR unknown command\n";