
508 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

# HTTP Connection from a reverse proxy client
package Perlbal::ClientProxy;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base "Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase";
use fields (
'backend', # Perlbal::BackendHTTP object (or undef if disconnected)
'backend_requested', # true if we've requested a backend for this request
'reconnect_count', # number of times we've tried to reconnect to backend
'high_priority', # boolean; 1 if we are or were in the high priority queue
'reproxy_uris', # arrayref; URIs to reproxy to, in order
'reproxy_expected_size', # int: size of response we expect to get back for reproxy
'currently_reproxying', # arrayref; the host info and URI we're reproxying right now
'content_length_remain', # int: amount of data we're still waiting for
'responded', # bool: whether we've already sent a response to the user or not
'last_request_time', # int: time that we last received a request
'primary_res_hdrs', # if defined, we are doing a transparent reproxy-URI
# and the headers we get back aren't necessarily
# the ones we want. instead, get most headers
# from the provided res headers object here.
use constant READ_SIZE => 4096; # 4k, arbitrary
use constant READ_AHEAD_SIZE => 8192; # 8k, arbitrary
use Errno qw( EPIPE );
use POSIX ();
# ClientProxy
sub new {
my ($class, $service, $sock) = @_;
my $self = $class;
$self = fields::new($class) unless ref $self;
$self->SUPER::new($service, $sock); # init base fields
$self->{last_request_time} = 0;
$self->{read_buf} = []; # scalar refs of bufs read from client
$self->{read_ahead} = 0; # bytes sitting in read_buf
$self->{read_size} = 0; # total bytes read from client
$self->{backend} = undef;
$self->{high_priority} = 0;
$self->{responded} = 0;
$self->{content_length_remain} = undef;
$self->{backend_requested} = 0;
$self->{reproxy_uris} = undef;
$self->{reproxy_expected_size} = undef;
$self->{currently_reproxying} = undef;
bless $self, ref $class || $class;
return $self;
# call this with a string of space separated URIs to start a process
# that will fetch the item at the first and return it to the user,
# on failure it will try the second, then third, etc
sub start_reproxy_uri {
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $self = $_[0];
my Perlbal::HTTPHeaders $primary_res_hdrs = $_[1];
my $urls = $_[2];
# at this point we need to disconnect from our backend
$self->{backend} = undef;
# failure if we have no primary response headers
return unless $self->{primary_res_hdrs} ||= $primary_res_hdrs;
# construct reproxy_uri list
if (defined $urls) {
my @uris = split /\s+/, $urls;
$self->{currently_reproxying} = undef;
$self->{reproxy_uris} = [];
foreach my $uri (@uris) {
next unless $uri =~ m!^http://(.+?)(?::(\d+))?(/.*)?$!;
push @{$self->{reproxy_uris}}, [ $1, $2 || 80, $3 || '/' ];
# if we get in here and we have currently_reproxying defined, then something
# happened and we want to retry that one
if ($self->{currently_reproxying}) {
unshift @{$self->{reproxy_uris}}, $self->{currently_reproxying};
$self->{currently_reproxying} = undef;
# if we have no uris in our list now, tell the user 404
return $self->_simple_response(503)
unless @{$self->{reproxy_uris} || []};
# set the expected size if we got a content length in our headers
if ($primary_res_hdrs && (my $expected_size = $primary_res_hdrs->header('X-REPROXY-EXPECTED-SIZE'))) {
$self->{reproxy_expected_size} = $expected_size;
# pass ourselves off to the reproxy manager
# called by the reproxy manager when we can't get to our requested backend
sub try_next_uri {
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $self = $_[0];
shift @{$self->{reproxy_uris}};
$self->{currently_reproxying} = undef;
# this is a callback for when a backend has been created and is
# ready for us to do something with it
sub use_reproxy_backend {
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $self = $_[0];
my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $be = $_[1];
# get a URI
my $datref = $self->{currently_reproxying} = shift @{$self->{reproxy_uris}};
unless (defined $datref) {
# return error and close the backend
return $self->_simple_response(503);
# now send request
$self->{backend} = $be;
$be->{client} = $self;
my $headers = "GET $datref->[2] HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n";
$be->{req_headers} = Perlbal::HTTPHeaders->new(\$headers);
# this is called when a transient backend getting a reproxied URI has received
# a response from the server and is ready for us to deal with it
sub backend_response_received {
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $self = $_[0];
my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $be = $_[1];
# a response means that we are no longer currently waiting on a reproxy, and
# don't want to retry this URI
$self->{currently_reproxying} = undef;
# we fail if we got something that's NOT a 2xx code, OR, if we expected
# a certain size and got back something different
my $code = $be->{res_headers}->response_code + 0;
if ($code < 200 || $code > 299 ||
(defined $self->{reproxy_expected_size} &&
$self->{reproxy_expected_size} != $be->{res_headers}->header('Content-length'))) {
# fall back to an alternate URL
$be->{client} = undef;
return 1;
return 0;
sub start_reproxy_file {
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $self = shift;
my $file = shift; # filename to reproxy
my Perlbal::HTTPHeaders $hd = shift; # headers from backend, in need of cleanup
# at this point we need to disconnect from our backend
$self->{backend} = undef;
# call hook for pre-reproxy
return if $self->{service}->run_hook("start_file_reproxy", $self, \$file);
# set our expected size
if (my $expected_size = $hd->header('X-REPROXY-EXPECTED-SIZE')) {
$self->{reproxy_expected_size} = $expected_size;
# start an async stat on the file
Perlbal::AIO::aio_stat($file, sub {
# if the client's since disconnected by the time we get the stat,
# just bail.
return if $self->{closed};
my $size = -s _;
unless ($size) {
# FIXME: POLICY: 404 or retry request to backend w/o reproxy-file capability?
return $self->_simple_response(404);
if (defined $self->{reproxy_expected_size} && $self->{reproxy_expected_size} != $size) {
# 404; the file size doesn't match what we expected
return $self->_simple_response(404);
# if the thing we're reproxying is indeed a file, advertise that
# we support byteranges on it
if (-f _) {
$hd->header("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
my ($status, $range_start, $range_end) = $self->{req_headers}->range($size);
my $not_satisfiable = 0;
if ($status == 416) {
$hd = Perlbal::HTTPHeaders->new_response(416);
$hd->header("Content-Range", $size ? "*/$size" : "*");
$not_satisfiable = 1;
# change the status code to 200 if the backend gave us 204 No Content
$hd->code(200) if $hd->response_code == 204;
# fixup the Content-Length header with the correct size (application
# doesn't need to provide a correct value if it doesn't want to stat())
if ($status == 200) {
$hd->header("Content-Length", $size);
} elsif ($status == 206) {
$hd->header("Content-Range", "$range_start-$range_end/$size");
$hd->header("Content-Length", $range_end - $range_start + 1);
# don't send this internal header to the client:
$hd->header('X-REPROXY-FILE', undef);
# rewrite some other parts of the header
# just send the header, now that we cleaned it.
if ($self->{req_headers}->request_method eq 'HEAD' || $not_satisfiable) {
$self->write(sub { $self->http_response_sent; });
Perlbal::AIO::aio_open($file, 0, 0 , sub {
my $fh = shift;
# if client's gone, just close filehandle and abort
if ($self->{closed}) {
CORE::close($fh) if $fh;
# handle errors
if (! $fh) {
# FIXME: do 500 vs. 404 vs whatever based on $! ?
return $self->_simple_response(500);
# seek if partial content
if ($status == 206) {
sysseek($fh, $range_start, &POSIX::SEEK_SET);
$size = $range_end - $range_start + 1;
$self->reproxy_fh($fh, $size);
# Client
# get/set backend proxy connection
sub backend {
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $self = shift;
return $self->{backend} unless @_;
my $backend = shift;
$self->state('draining_res') unless $backend;
return $self->{backend} = $backend;
# our backend enqueues a call to this method in our write buffer, so this is called
# right after we've finished sending all of the results to the user. at this point,
# if we were doing keep-alive, we don't close and setup for the next request.
sub backend_finished {
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $self = shift;
# mark ourselves as having responded (presumeably if we're here,
# the backend has responded already)
$self->{responded} = 1;
# our backend is done with us, so we disconnect ourselves from it
$self->{backend} = undef;
# now, two cases; undefined clr, or defined and zero, or defined and non-zero
if (defined $self->{content_length_remain}) {
# defined, so a POST, close if it's 0 or less
return $self->http_response_sent
if $self->{content_length_remain} <= 0;
} else {
# not defined, so we're ready for another connection?
return $self->http_response_sent;
# called when we've sent a response to a user fully and we need to reset state
sub http_response_sent {
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $self = $_[0];
# persistence logic is in ClientHTTPBase
return 0 unless $self->SUPER::http_response_sent;
# if we get here we're being persistent, reset our state
$self->{backend_requested} = 0;
$self->{backend} = undef;
$self->{high_priority} = 0;
$self->{reproxy_uris} = undef;
$self->{reproxy_expected_size} = undef;
$self->{currently_reproxying} = undef;
$self->{content_length_remain} = undef;
$self->{primary_res_hdrs} = undef;
$self->{responded} = 0;
return 1;
# Client (overrides and calls super)
sub close {
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $self = shift;
my $reason = shift;
# don't close twice
return if $self->{closed};
# signal that we're done
$self->{service}->run_hooks('end_proxy_request', $self);
# kill our backend if we still have one
if (my $backend = $self->{backend}) {
print "Client ($self) closing backend ($backend)\n" if Perlbal::DEBUG >= 1;
$backend->close($reason ? "proxied_from_client_close:$reason" : "proxied_from_client_close");
} else {
# if no backend, tell our service that we don't care for one anymore
# call ClientHTTPBase's close
# Client
sub event_write {
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $self = shift;
# obviously if we're writing the backend has processed our request
# and we are responding/have responded to the user, so mark it so
$self->{responded} = 1;
# trigger our backend to keep reading, if it's still connected
if (my $backend = $self->{backend}) {
# figure out which maximum buffer size to use
my $buf_size = defined $backend->{service} ? $self->{service}->{buffer_size} : $self->{service}->{buffer_size_reproxy_url};
$backend->watch_read(1) if $self->{write_buf_size} < $buf_size;
# ClientProxy
sub event_read {
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $self = shift;
# mark alive so we don't get killed for being idle
$self->{alive_time} = time;
# used a few times below to trigger the send start
my $request_backend = sub {
return if $self->{backend_requested};
$self->{backend_requested} = 1;
$self->tcp_cork(1); # cork writes to self
unless ($self->{req_headers}) {
if (my $hd = $self->read_request_headers) {
print "Got headers! Firing off new backend connection.\n"
if Perlbal::DEBUG >= 2;
return if $self->{service}->run_hook('start_proxy_request', $self);
# if defined we're waiting on some amount of data. also, we have to
# subtract out read_size, which is the amount of data that was
# extra in the packet with the header that's part of the body.
$self->{content_length_remain} = $hd->content_length;
$self->{content_length_remain} -= $self->{read_size}
if defined $self->{content_length_remain};
# note that we've gotten a request
$self->{last_request_time} = $self->{alive_time};
# request a backend, or start buffering
if ($self->{service}->{buffer_backend_connect} && $self->{content_length_remain}) {
# buffer logic; note we don't do anything here except set our state and move on
} else {
# dispatch to backend
# read data and send to backend (or buffer for later sending)
if ($self->{read_ahead} < ($self->{service}->{buffer_backend_connect} || READ_AHEAD_SIZE)) {
my $bref = $self->read(READ_SIZE);
my $backend = $self->backend;
$self->drain_read_buf_to($backend) if $backend;
if (! defined($bref)) {
my $len = length($$bref);
$self->{read_size} += $len;
$self->{content_length_remain} -= $len
if defined $self->{content_length_remain};
# just dump the read into the nether if we're dangling. that is
# the case when we send the headers to the backend and it responds
# before we're done reading from the client; therefore further
# reads from the client just need to be sent nowhere, because the
# RFC2616 section 8.2.3 says: "the server SHOULD NOT close the
# transport connection until it has read the entire request"
if ($self->{responded}) {
# in addition, if we're now out of data (clr == 0), then we should
# either close ourselves or get ready for another request
return $self->http_response_sent
if defined $self->{content_length_remain} &&
($self->{content_length_remain} <= 0);
# at this point, if the backend has responded then we just return
# as we don't want to send it on to them or buffer it up, which is
# what the code below does
if ($backend) {
} else {
push @{$self->{read_buf}}, $bref;
$self->{read_ahead} += $len;
# this is when we have read all their data
if defined $self->{content_length_remain} &&
$self->{content_length_remain} <= 0;
} else {
# our buffer is full, so turn off reads for now
# we've exceeded our buffer_backend_connect, start getting a backend for us
sub as_string {
my Perlbal::ClientProxy $self = shift;
my $ret = $self->SUPER::as_string;
if ($self->{backend}) {
my $ipport = $self->{backend}->{ipport};
$ret .= "; backend=$ipport";
} else {
$ret .= "; write_buf_size=$self->{write_buf_size}"
if $self->{write_buf_size} > 0;
$ret .= "; highpri" if $self->{high_priority};
$ret .= "; responded" if $self->{responded};
$ret .= "; waiting_for=" . $self->{content_length_remain}
if defined $self->{content_length_remain};
$ret .= "; reproxying" if $self->{currently_reproxying};
return $ret;
# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# c-basic-indent: 4
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: