
294 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File

# Palimg plugin that allows Perlbal to serve palette altered images
package Perlbal::Plugin::Palimg;
use strict;
use warnings;
# called when we're being added to a service
sub register {
my ($class, $svc) = @_;
# verify that an incoming request is a palimg request
$svc->register_hook('Palimg', 'start_serve_request', sub {
my Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase $obj = $_[0];
return 0 unless $obj;
my Perlbal::HTTPHeaders $hd = $obj->{req_headers};
my $uriref = $_[1];
return 0 unless $uriref;
# if this is palimg, peel off the requested modifications and put in headers
return 0 unless $$uriref =~ m!^/palimg/(.+)\.(\w+)(.*)$!;
my ($fn, $ext, $extra) = ($1, $2, $3);
return 0 unless $extra;
my ($palspec) = $extra =~ m!^/p(.+)$!;
return 0 unless $fn && $palspec;
# must be ok, setup for it
$$uriref = "/palimg/$fn.$ext";
$obj->{scratch}->{palimg} = [ $ext, $palspec ];
return 0;
# actually serve a palimg
$svc->register_hook('Palimg', 'start_send_file', sub {
my Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase $obj = $_[0];
return 0 unless $obj &&
(my $palimginfo = $obj->{scratch}->{palimg});
# turn off writes
# create filehandle for reading
my $data = '';
Perlbal::AIO::aio_read($obj->reproxy_fh, 0, 2048, $data, sub {
# got data? undef is error
return $obj->_simple_response(500) unless $_[0] > 0;
# pass down to handler
my Perlbal::HTTPHeaders $hd = $obj->{req_headers};
my $res = PalImg::modify_file(\$data, $palimginfo->[0], $palimginfo->[1]);
return $obj->_simple_response(500) unless defined $res;
return $obj->_simple_response($res) if $res;
# seek into the file now so sendfile starts further in
my $ld = length $data;
sysseek($obj->{reproxy_fh}, $ld, &POSIX::SEEK_SET);
$obj->{reproxy_file_offset} = $ld;
# reenable writes after we get data
$obj->tcp_cork(1); # by setting reproxy_file_offset above, it won't cork, so we cork it
return 1;
return 1;
# called when we're no longer active on a service
sub unregister {
my ($class, $svc) = @_;
# clean up time
return 1;
# called when we are loaded/unloaded ... someday add some stats viewing
# commands here?
sub load { return 1; }
sub unload { return 1; }
####### PALIMG START ###########################################################################
package PalImg;
sub parse_hex_color
my $color = shift;
return [ map { hex(substr($color, $_, 2)) } (0,2,4) ];
sub modify_file
my ($data, $type, $palspec) = @_;
# palette altering
my %pal_colors;
if (my $pals = $palspec) {
my $hx = "[0-9a-f]";
if ($pals =~ /^g($hx{2,2})($hx{6,6})($hx{2,2})($hx{6,6})$/) {
# gradient from index $1, color $2, to index $3, color $4
my $from = hex($1);
my $to = hex($3);
return 404 if $from == $to;
my $fcolor = parse_hex_color($2);
my $tcolor = parse_hex_color($4);
if ($to < $from) {
($from, $to, $fcolor, $tcolor) =
($to, $from, $tcolor, $fcolor);
for (my $i=$from; $i<=$to; $i++) {
$pal_colors{$i} = [ map {
int($fcolor->[$_] +
($tcolor->[$_] - $fcolor->[$_]) *
($i-$from) / ($to-$from))
} (0..2) ];
} elsif ($pals =~ /^t($hx{6,6})($hx{6,6})?$/) {
# tint everything towards color
my ($t, $td) = ($1, $2);
$pal_colors{'tint'} = parse_hex_color($t);
$pal_colors{'tint_dark'} = $td ? parse_hex_color($td) : [0,0,0];
} elsif (length($pals) > 42 || $pals =~ /[^0-9a-f]/) {
return 404;
} else {
my $len = length($pals);
return 404 if $len % 7; # must be multiple of 7 chars
for (my $i = 0; $i < $len/7; $i++) {
my $palindex = hex(substr($pals, $i*7, 1));
$pal_colors{$palindex} = [
hex(substr($pals, $i*7+1, 2)),
hex(substr($pals, $i*7+3, 2)),
hex(substr($pals, $i*7+5, 2)),
substr($pals, $i*7+1, 6),
if (%pal_colors) {
if ($type eq 'gif') {
return 404 unless PaletteModify::new_gif_palette($data, \%pal_colors);
} elsif ($type eq 'png') {
return 404 unless PaletteModify::new_png_palette($data, \%pal_colors);
# success
return 0;
####### PALIMG END #############################################################################
####### PALETTEMODIFY START ####################################################################
package PaletteModify;
$PaletteModify::HAVE_CRC = eval "use String::CRC32 (); 1;";
sub common_alter
my ($palref, $table) = @_;
my $length = length $table;
my $pal_size = $length / 3;
# tinting image? if so, we're remaking the whole palette
if (my $tint = $palref->{'tint'}) {
my $dark = $palref->{'tint_dark'};
my $diff = [ map { $tint->[$_] - $dark->[$_] } (0..2) ];
$palref = {};
for (my $idx=0; $idx<$pal_size; $idx++) {
for my $c (0..2) {
my $curr = ord(substr($table, $idx*3+$c));
my $p = \$palref->{$idx}->[$c];
$$p = int($dark->[$c] + $diff->[$c] * $curr / 255);
while (my ($idx, $c) = each %$palref) {
next if $idx >= $pal_size;
substr($table, $idx*3+$_, 1) = chr($c->[$_]) for (0..2);
return $table;
sub new_gif_palette
my ($data, $palref) = @_;
# make sure we have data to operate on, or the substrs below die
return unless $$data;
# 13 bytes for magic + image info (size, color depth, etc)
# and then the global palette table (3*256)
my $header = substr($$data, 0, 13+3*256);
# figure out how big global color table is (don't want to overwrite it)
my $pf = ord substr($header, 10, 1);
my $gct = 2 ** (($pf & 7) + 1); # last 3 bits of packaged fields
# final sanity check for size so the substr below doesn't die
return unless length $header >= 13 + 3 * $gct;
substr($header, 13, 3*$gct) = common_alter($palref, substr($header, 13, 3*$gct));
$$data = $header;
return 1;
sub new_png_palette
my ($data, $palref) = @_;
# subroutine for reading data
my ($curidx, $maxlen) = (0, length $$data);
my $read = sub {
# put $_[1] data into scalar reference $_[0]
return undef if $_[1] + $curidx > $maxlen;
${$_[0]} = substr($$data, $curidx, $_[1]);
$curidx += $_[1];
return length ${$_[0]};
# without this module, we can't proceed.
return 0 unless $PaletteModify::HAVE_CRC;
my $imgdata;
# Validate PNG signature
my $png_sig = pack("H16", "89504E470D0A1A0A");
my $sig;
$read->(\$sig, 8);
return 0 unless $sig eq $png_sig;
$imgdata .= $sig;
# Start reading in chunks
my ($length, $type) = (0, '');
while ($read->(\$length, 4)) {
$imgdata .= $length;
$length = unpack("N", $length);
return 0 unless $read->(\$type, 4) == 4;
$imgdata .= $type;
if ($type eq 'IHDR') {
my $header;
$read->(\$header, $length+4);
my ($width,$height,$depth,$color,$compression,
$filter,$interlace, $CRC)
= unpack("NNCCCCCN", $header);
return 0 unless $color == 3; # unpaletted image
$imgdata .= $header;
} elsif ($type eq 'PLTE') {
# Finally, we can go to work
my $palettedata;
$read->(\$palettedata, $length);
$palettedata = common_alter($palref, $palettedata);
$imgdata .= $palettedata;
# Skip old CRC
my $skip;
$read->(\$skip, 4);
# Generate new CRC
my $crc = String::CRC32::crc32($type . $palettedata);
$crc = pack("N", $crc);
$imgdata .= $crc;
$$data = $imgdata;
return 1;
} else {
my $skip;
# Skip rest of chunk and add to imgdata
# Number of bytes is +4 becauses of CRC
for (my $count=0; $count < $length + 4; $count++) {
$read->(\$skip, 1);
$imgdata .= $skip;
return 0;
####### PALETTEMODIFY END ######################################################################