
329 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable File

# Pool class
package Perlbal::Pool;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Perlbal::BackendHTTP;
# how often to reload the nodefile
use constant NODEFILE_RELOAD_FREQ => 3;
# balance methods we support
use constant BM_SENDSTATS => 1;
use constant BM_ROUNDROBIN => 2;
use constant BM_RANDOM => 3;
use fields (
'name', # string; name of this pool
'use_count', # int; number of services using us
'nodes', # arrayref; [ip, port] values (port defaults to 80)
'node_count', # int; number of nodes
'node_used', # hashref; { ip:port => use count }
'balance_method', # int; BM_ constant from above
# used in sendstats mode
'sendstats.listen', # what IP/port the stats listener runs on
'sendstats.listen.socket', # Perlbal::StatsListener object
# used in nodefile mode
'nodefile', # string; filename to read nodes from
'nodefile.lastmod', # unix time nodefile was last modified
'nodefile.lastcheck', # unix time nodefile was last stated
'nodefile.checking', # boolean; if true AIO is stating the file for us
sub new {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = shift;
$self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self;
my ($name) = @_;
$self->{name} = $name;
$self->{use_count} = 0;
$self->{nodes} = [];
$self->{node_count} = 0;
$self->{node_used} = {};
$self->{nodefile} = undef;
$self->{balance_method} = BM_RANDOM;
return $self;
sub set {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = shift;
my ($key, $val, $out, $verbose) = @_;
my $err = sub { $out->("ERROR: $_[0]"); return 0; };
my $ok = sub { $out->("OK") if $verbose; return 1; };
my $set = sub { $self->{$key} = $val; return $ok->(); };
if ($key eq 'nodefile') {
# allow to unset it, which stops us from checking it further,
# but doesn't clear our current list of nodes
if ($val =~ /^(?:none|undef|null|""|'')$/) {
$self->{'nodefile'} = undef;
$self->{'nodefile.lastmod'} = 0;
$self->{'nodefile.checking'} = 0;
$self->{'nodefile.lastcheck'} = 0;
return $ok->();
# enforce that it exists from here on out
return $err->("File not found")
unless -e $val;
# force a reload
$self->{'nodefile'} = $val;
$self->{'nodefile.lastmod'} = 0;
$self->{'nodefile.checking'} = 0;
$self->{'nodefile.lastcheck'} = time;
return $ok->();
if ($key eq "balance_method") {
$val = {
'sendstats' => BM_SENDSTATS,
'random' => BM_RANDOM,
return $err->("Unknown balance method")
unless $val;
return $set->();
if ($key =~ /^sendstats\./) {
return $err->("Can only set sendstats listening address on service with balancing method 'sendstats'")
unless $self->{balance_method} == BM_SENDSTATS;
if ($key eq "sendstats.listen") {
return $err->("Invalid host:port")
unless $val =~ m!^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+:\d+$!;
if (my $pbs = $self->{"sendstats.listen.socket"}) {
unless ($self->{"sendstats.listen.socket"} =
Perlbal::StatsListener->new($val, $self)) {
return $err->("Error creating stats listener: $Perlbal::last_error");
return $set->();
sub populate_sendstats_hosts {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = shift;
# tell the sendstats listener about the new list of valid
# IPs to listen from
if ($self->{balance_method} == BM_SENDSTATS) {
my $ss = $self->{'sendstats.listen.socket'};
$ss->set_hosts(map { $_->[0] } @{$self->{nodes}}) if $ss;
# returns string of balance method
sub balance_method {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = $_[0];
my $methods = {
&BM_SENDSTATS => "sendstats",
&BM_ROUNDROBIN => "round_robin",
&BM_RANDOM => "random",
return $methods->{$self->{balance_method}} || $self->{balance_method};
sub load_nodefile {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = shift;
return 0 unless $self->{'nodefile'};
if ($Perlbal::OPTMOD_LINUX_AIO) {
return $self->_load_nodefile_async;
} else {
return $self->_load_nodefile_sync;
sub _parse_nodefile {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = shift;
my $dataref = shift;
my @nodes = split(/\r?\n/, $$dataref);
# prepare for adding nodes
$self->{nodes} = [];
$self->{node_used} = {};
foreach (@nodes) {
if (/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(?::(\d+))?/) {
my ($ip, $port) = ($1, $2);
$self->{node_used}->{"$ip:$port"} ||= 0; # set to 0 if not set
push @{$self->{nodes}}, [ $ip, $port || 80 ];
# setup things using new data
$self->{node_count} = scalar @{$self->{nodes}};
sub _load_nodefile_sync {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = shift;
my $mod = (stat($self->{nodefile}))[9];
return if $mod == $self->{'nodefile.lastmod'};
$self->{'nodefile.lastmod'} = $mod;
open NODEFILE, $self->{nodefile} or return;
my $nodes;
{ local $/ = undef; $nodes = <NODEFILE>; }
sub _load_nodefile_async {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = shift;
return if $self->{'nodefile.checking'};
$self->{'nodefile.checking'} = 1;
Perlbal::AIO::aio_stat($self->{nodefile}, sub {
$self->{'nodefile.checking'} = 0;
# this might have gotten unset while we were out statting the file, which
# means that the user has instructed us not to use a node file, and may
# have changed the nodes in the pool, so we should do nothing and return
return unless $self->{'nodefile'};
# ignore if the file doesn't exist
return unless -e _;
my $mod = (stat(_))[9];
return if $mod == $self->{'nodefile.lastmod'};
$self->{'nodefile.lastmod'} = $mod;
# construct a filehandle (we only have a descriptor here)
open NODEFILE, $self->{nodefile}
or return;
my $nodes;
{ local $/ = undef; $nodes = <NODEFILE>; }
return 1;
sub add {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = shift;
my ($ip, $port) = @_;
$self->remove($ip, $port); # no dupes
$self->{node_used}->{"$ip:$port"} = 0;
push @{$self->{nodes}}, [ $ip, $port ];
$self->{node_count} = scalar(@{$self->{nodes}});
sub remove {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = shift;
my ($ip, $port) = @_;
delete $self->{node_used}->{"$ip:$port"};
@{$self->{nodes}} = grep { "$_->[0]:$_->[1]" ne "$ip:$port" } @{$self->{nodes}};
$self->{node_count} = scalar(@{$self->{nodes}});
sub get_backend_endpoint {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = $_[0];
my @endpoint; # (IP,port)
# re-load nodefile if necessary
if ($self->{nodefile}) {
my $now = time;
if ($now > $self->{'nodefile.lastcheck'} + NODEFILE_RELOAD_FREQ) {
$self->{'nodefile.lastcheck'} = $now;
if ($self->{balance_method} == BM_SENDSTATS) {
my $ss = $self->{'sendstats.listen.socket'};
if ($ss && (@endpoint = $ss->get_endpoint)) {
return @endpoint;
# no nodes?
return () unless $self->{node_count};
# pick one randomly
return @{$self->{nodes}[int(rand($self->{node_count}))]};
sub backend_should_live {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = $_[0];
my Perlbal::BackendHTTP $be = $_[1];
# a backend stays alive if we still have users. eventually this whole
# function might do more and actually take into account the individual
# backend, but for now, this suits us.
return 1 if $self->{use_count};
return 0;
sub node_count {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = $_[0];
return $self->{node_count};
sub nodes {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = $_[0];
return $self->{nodes};
sub node_used {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = $_[0];
return $self->{node_used}->{$_[1]};
sub mark_node_used {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = $_[0];
sub increment_use_count {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = $_[0];
sub decrement_use_count {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = $_[0];
sub name {
my Perlbal::Pool $self = $_[0];
return $self->{name};
# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
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