
174 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File

package S2::NodeArrayLiteral;
use strict;
use S2::Node;
use S2::NodeExpr;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
$VERSION = '1.0';
@ISA = qw(S2::Node);
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
my $node = new S2::Node;
$node->{'keys'} = [];
$node->{'vals'} = [];
bless $node, $class;
sub canStart {
my ($class, $toker) = @_;
return $toker->peek() == $S2::TokenPunct::LBRACK ||
$toker->peek() == $S2::TokenPunct::LBRACE;
# [ <NodeExpr>? (, <NodeExpr>)* ,? ]
# { (<NodeExpr> => <NodeExpr> ,)* }
sub parse {
my ($this, $toker) = @_;
my $nal = new S2::NodeArrayLiteral;
my $t = $toker->peek();
if ($t == $S2::TokenPunct::LBRACK) {
$nal->{'isArray'} = 1;
$nal->setStart($nal->requireToken($toker, $S2::TokenPunct::LBRACK));
} else {
$nal->{'isHash'} = 1;
$nal->setStart($nal->requireToken($toker, $S2::TokenPunct::LBRACE));
my $need_comma = 0;
while (1) {
$t = $toker->peek();
# find the ends
if ($nal->{'isArray'} && $t == $S2::TokenPunct::RBRACK) {
$nal->requireToken($toker, $S2::TokenPunct::RBRACK);
return $nal;
if ($nal->{'isHash'} && $t == $S2::TokenPunct::RBRACE) {
$nal->requireToken($toker, $S2::TokenPunct::RBRACE);
return $nal;
S2::error($t, "Expecting comma") if $need_comma;
if ($nal->{'isArray'}) {
my $ne = S2::NodeExpr->parse($toker);
push @{$nal->{'vals'}}, $ne;
} elsif ($nal->{'isHash'}) {
my $ne = S2::NodeExpr->parse($toker);
push @{$nal->{'keys'}}, $ne;
$nal->requireToken($toker, $S2::TokenPunct::HASSOC);
$ne = S2::NodeExpr->parse($toker);
push @{$nal->{'vals'}}, $ne;
$need_comma = 1;
if ($toker->peek() == $S2::TokenPunct::COMMA) {
$nal->requireToken($toker, $S2::TokenPunct::COMMA);
$need_comma = 0;
sub getType {
my ($this, $ck, $wanted) = @_;
# in case of empty array [] or hash {}, the type is what they wanted,
# if they wanted something, otherwise void[] or void{}
my $t;
my $vals = scalar @{$this->{'vals'}};
unless ($vals) {
return $wanted if $wanted;
$t = new S2::Type("void");
$t->makeArrayOf() if $this->{'isArray'};
$t->makeHashOf() if $this->{'isHash'};
return $t;
$t = $this->{'vals'}->[0]->getType($ck)->clone();
for (my $i=1; $i<$vals; $i++) {
my $next = $this->{'vals'}->[$i]->getType($ck);
next if $t->equals($next);
S2::error($this, "Hash/array literal with inconsistent types: ".
"starts with ". $t->toString .", but then has ".
if ($this->{'isHash'}) {
for (my $i=0; $i<$vals; $i++) {
my $t = $this->{'keys'}->[$i]->getType($ck);
next if $t->equals($S2::Type::STRING) ||
S2::error($this, "Hash keys must be strings or ints.");
$t->makeArrayOf() if $this->{'isArray'};
$t->makeHashOf() if $this->{'isHash'};
return $t;
sub asS2 {
my ($this, $o) = @_;
die "Not ported.";
sub asPerl {
my ($this, $bp, $o) = @_;
$o->writeln($this->{'isArray'} ? "[" : "{");
my $size = scalar @{$this->{'vals'}};
for (my $i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
if ($this->{'isHash'}) {
$this->{'keys'}->[$i]->asPerl($bp, $o);
$o->write(" => ");
$this->{'vals'}->[$i]->asPerl($bp, $o);
$o->tabwrite($this->{'isArray'} ? "]" : "}");
public void asS2 (Indenter o)
o.writeln(isArray ? "[" : "{");
ListIterator liv = vals.listIterator();
ListIterator lik = keys.listIterator();
Node n;
while (liv.hasNext()) {
if (isHash) {
n = (Node) lik.next();
o.write(" => ");
n = (Node) liv.next();
o.tabwrite(isArray ? "]" : "}");