
136 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable File

package S2::NodeFormals;
use strict;
use S2::Node;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
$VERSION = '1.0';
@ISA = qw(S2::Node);
sub new {
my ($class, $formals) = @_;
my $node = new S2::Node;
$node->{'listFormals'} = $formals || [];
bless $node, $class;
sub cleanForFreeze {
my $this = shift;
delete $this->{'tokenlist'};
foreach (@{$this->{'listFormals'}}) { $_->cleanForFreeze; }
sub parse {
my ($class, $toker, $isDecl) = @_;
my $n = new S2::NodeFormals;
my $count = 0;
$n->requireToken($toker, $S2::TokenPunct::LPAREN);
while ($toker->peek() != $S2::TokenPunct::RPAREN) {
$n->requireToken($toker, $S2::TokenPunct::COMMA) if $count;
my $nf = parse S2::NodeNamedType $toker;
push @{$n->{'listFormals'}}, $nf;
$n->requireToken($toker, $S2::TokenPunct::RPAREN);
return $n;
sub check {
my ($this, $l, $ck) = @_;
my %seen;
foreach my $nt (@{$this->{'listFormals'}}) {
my $name = $nt->getName();
S2::error($nt, "Duplicate argument named $name") if $seen{$name}++;
my $t = $nt->getType();
unless ($ck->isValidType($t)) {
S2::error($nt, "Unknown type " . $t->toString);
sub asS2 {
my ($this, $o) = @_;
return unless @{$this->{'listFormals'}};
sub toString {
my ($this) = @_;
return "(" . join(", ", map { $_->toString }
@{$this->{'listFormals'}}) . ")";
sub getFormals { shift->{'listFormals'}; }
# static
sub variations {
my ($nf, $ck) = @_; # NodeFormals, Checker
my $l = [];
if ($nf) {
$nf->getVariations($ck, $l, [], 0);
} else {
push @$l, new S2::NodeFormals;
return $l;
sub getVariations {
my ($this, $ck, $vars, $temp, $col) = @_;
my $size = @{$this->{'listFormals'}};
if ($col == $size) {
push @$vars, new S2::NodeFormals($temp);
my $nt = $this->{'listFormals'}->[$col]; # NodeNamedType
my $t = $nt->getType();
foreach my $st (@{$t->subTypes($ck)}) {
my $newtemp = [ @$temp ]; # hacky clone (not cloning member objects)
push @$newtemp, new S2::NodeNamedType($nt->getName(), $st);
$this->getVariations($ck, $vars, $newtemp, $col+1);
sub typeList {
my $this = shift;
return join(',', map { $_->getType()->toString }
# debugging implementation:
#my @list;
#foreach my $nnt (@{$this->{'listFormals'}}) { # NodeNamedType
# my $t = $nnt->getType();
# if (ref $t ne "S2::Type") {
# print STDERR "Is: $t\n";
# S2::error()
# }
# push @list, $t->toString;
#return join(',', @list);
# adds all these variables to the stmtblock's symbol table
sub populateScope {
my ($this, $nb) = @_; # NodeStmtBlock
foreach my $nt (@{$this->{'listFormals'}}) {
$nb->addLocalVar($nt->getName(), $nt->getType());