
133 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use RRDs;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Getopt::Long;
use Danga::Daemon;
# parse out command line options
my ($server, $port, $rrd_path);
my $res = GetOptions(
"server=s" => \$server,
"port=i" => \$port,
"rrd-path=s" => \$rrd_path,
die "Unable to parse options.\n" unless $res;
# make sure we have a minimum set of options
die "Please specify a path to access the RRD files in --rrd-path.\n"
unless $rrd_path;
die "RRD path $rrd_path does not exist or is not a directory.\n"
unless -e $rrd_path && -d $rrd_path;
die "Requires --server (and a --port if it's not 9107).\n"
unless $server;
# setup more internal variables
$port ||= 9107;
my $spud_server = "$server:$port";
# connect to local spud server
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $spud_server)
or die "Can't connect to server: $!\n";
print $sock "sub *\r\n";
# data storage
my $shutdown = 0;
my $lastpurge = time();
my (%data, %exists);
# now we want to daemonize
interval => 1,
# process updates as they come in
sub worker {
# try to reconnect?
debug("Worker start...");
unless ($sock) {
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $spud_server)
or return;
print $sock "sub *\r\n";
# loop and process what they're giving us
debug("Beginning main loop...");
while (<$sock>) {
my $line = $_;
$line =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
next unless $line =~ /^set\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)$/i;
my ($what, $time, $dpoint) = ($2, $1, $3);
# fix up the colons in $what to be underscores :/
$what =~ s/:/_/g;
push @{$data{$what} ||= []}, [ $time, $dpoint ];
# and if necessary, do a purge
if ($Danga::Daemon::stop || ($lastpurge + 60 < time())) {
$lastpurge = time();
# done if we were told to shutdown
return if $Danga::Daemon::stop;
# got undef from $sock... so undef $sock itself
debug("Oops, lost connection to SPUD server...");
$sock = undef;
sub do_purge {
debug("** Beginning purge...");
# dump to file
my ($keys, $count);
foreach my $what (keys %data) {
# update this particular file
my $fn = "$rrd_path/$what";
unless ($exists{$fn}) {
unless (-e $fn) {
"--start", "-120", # up to two minutes ago... should be enough
"--step", "5", # data is expected to be 5 seconds apart
"DS:val:GAUGE:10:U:U", # all data in 'val', 10 seconds before UNKNOWN
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1440', # past 2 hours of data
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:288', # 5 minute averages for the day
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:360:336', # 30 minute averages for a week
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:720:720', # 1 hour averages for 30 days
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:17280:365', # 1 day averages for a year
'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:120960:520', # 1 week averages for 10 years
if (my $err = RRDs::error) {
die "Error creating RRD file: $err\n";
$exists{$fn} = 1;
# now pipe out the updates
my @updates;
foreach my $row (@{$data{$what}}) {
push @updates, "$row->[0]:$row->[1]";
RRDs::update($fn, @updates);
#debug("\t$what: ", scalar(@updates), " written");
if (my $err = RRDs::error) {
warn "WARNING: Error updating $fn: $err\n";
debug("\tupdates processed: $count");
debug("\tfiles touched: $keys");
debug("\tratio: %.2f updates per file\n", ($count / $keys));
# and now that we're done with that old data ...
%data = ();