upd to 0.2

This commit is contained in:
ivan 2023-07-27 21:34:46 +03:00
parent 8d123343a3
commit 1225caf012
3 changed files with 289 additions and 140 deletions

View File

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
mySQL image downloader / replacer wizard
v.0.1 alpha
v.0.2 beta adopted for php8
DWTWL license https://soundragon.su/license/license.html
This is alpha version written for specific needs. If you want complete and expanded version of this script, then make the request.
This is beta version written for specific needs. If you want complete and expanded version of this script, then make the request.
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ Using:
3. Add write privilegies for this directory.
4. Login to wizard by web-browser:

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
* mySQL image replacer - https://github.com/zlaxy/mysqlimagereplacer
* v.0.1 alpha - uder DWTWL license https://soundragon.su/license/license.html
* mySQL image replacer - https://gitlab.com/zlax/mysqlimagereplacer
* adopted for php8.2
* v.0.2 beta - uder DWTWL license https://soundragon.su/license/license.html
* exec script
@ -33,9 +34,9 @@ function DownloadFopen($URL) {
} else {
if (exif_imagetype($fileprefix.rawurldecode(pathinfo($URL)['basename']))>0) $result=$fileprefix.pathinfo($URL)['basename'];
else {
unlink ($fileprefix.rawurldecode(pathinfo($URL)['basename']));
unlink ($fileprefix.rawurldecode(pathinfo($URL)['basename']));
} else {
file_put_contents(rawurldecode(pathinfo($URL)['basename']), file_get_contents($URL));
@ -67,22 +68,40 @@ $htmlprefix=$indatacsv[11];
unlink ("indata.csv");
if ($logmessage=="emptyindata") echo "Can't read data file, please check write pirivlegies for ",$execdir," directory";
if (isset($logmessage) && $logmessage=="emptyindata")
echo "Can't read data file, please check write pirivlegies for ",$execdir," directory";
if ($subdir) chdir ($subdir);
$resulttable=mysqli_query($dbconnection,"SELECT * FROM ".$dbtable);
SaveStatus ($totalstatus,$rawsedit,$updatedurls,$failedtoupdate,$deletedurls,$execdir);
if ($subdir)
chdir ($subdir);
$resulttable=mysqli_query($dbconnection,"SELECT * FROM ".$dbtable);
SaveStatus ($totalstatus,$rawsedit,$updatedurls,$failedtoupdate,$deletedurls,$execdir);
if (!empty($filtcolumn) && !empty($filtvalue)) {
if ($row[$filtcolumn] == $filtvalue) {
if (!empty($row[$dbcolumn]))
} else { if (!empty($row[$dbcolumn]))
if (isset($originalcontent)) {
if ($fixbroken) {
$contentpost=new DOMDocument();
@ -106,10 +125,25 @@ if ($subdir) chdir ($subdir);
for ($i = $imageTags->length; --$i >= 0; ) { // http://php.net/manual/class.domnodelist.php#83390
$tag = $imageTags->item($i);
if ($ahrefparents) {
$aofimg=$contentpost->importNode($tag->parentNode, true);
if (isset($aofimg)) {
if ($ahreofimg=="") $ahreofimg=$tag->getAttribute('src');
} else $imgsrctag=$tag->getAttribute('src');
if ((!empty($parsedimgsrctag['host'])&&!empty($parsedimgsrctag['path']))&&(($parsedimgsrctag['scheme']=="http")||($parsedimgsrctag ['scheme']=="https"))&&(!($parsedimgsrctag['host']==$servername))) {
if ($webarchived) {
if ($parsedimgsrctagarch['host']==$webarchived) {
} else
} else
if ($newimgsrc) {
if ($htmlprefix=="http") {
@ -120,7 +154,7 @@ if ($subdir) chdir ($subdir);
if ($subdir) $srcbase=$srcbase.rawurlencode($subdir)."/";
SaveStatus ($totalstatus,$rawsedit,$updatedurls,$failedtoupdate,$deletedurls,$execdir);
@ -138,9 +172,10 @@ if ($subdir) chdir ($subdir);
SaveStatus ($totalstatus,$rawsedit,$updatedurls,$failedtoupdate,$deletedurls,$execdir);
SaveStatus ($totalstatus,$rawsedit,$updatedurls,$failedtoupdate,$deletedurls,$execdir);
echo $updatedurls," urls was downloaded and updated, ",$failedtoupdate," urls was failed to update","<br>\n";
if ($fixbroken or $fixundownload) echo $deletedurls, " tags was deleted<br>\n";
SaveStatus ($totalstatus,$rawsedit,$updatedurls,$failedtoupdate,$deletedurls,$execdir);
echo $updatedurls," urls was downloaded and updated, ",$failedtoupdate," urls was failed to update","<br>\n";
if ($fixbroken or $fixundownload) echo $deletedurls, " tags was deleted<br>\n";

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
* mySQL image replacer - https://github.com/zlaxy/mysqlimagereplacer
* v.0.1 alpha - uder DWTWL license https://soundragon.su/license/license.html
* mySQL image replacer - https://gitlab.com/zlax/mysqlimagereplacer
* adopted for php8.2
* v.0.2 beta - uder DWTWL license https://soundragon.su/license/license.html
* interface script
@ -12,17 +13,18 @@
* todo: rawurlencode for non-latin domains
if (!isset($_SESSION["template"])) $_SESSION["template"]="Custom";
function PageView() {
// First wizard-page
// First wizard-page view
if ($_SESSION["step"]==0) {
echo "STEP 1: choose database:<br>\n";
echo "<form action=index.php method=post>\n";
echo " database host: <input type=text name=\"dbhost\" value=\"localhost\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " database user: <input type=text name=\"dbuser\" value=\"",$_SESSION["dbuser"],"\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " database user: <input type=text name=\"dbuser\" value=\"",$_SESSION["dbuser"] ?? null,"\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " database pass: <input type=password name=\"dbpass\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " database name: <input type=text name=\"dbname\" value=\"",$_SESSION["dbname"],"\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " database name: <input type=text name=\"dbname\" value=\"",$_SESSION["dbname"] ?? null,"\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " type template: <select name=\"dbtype\">\n";
echo " <option value=\"Custom\"";
if (($_SESSION["template"]=="Custom")||(!$_SESSION["template"])) echo " selected";
@ -42,22 +44,27 @@ function PageView() {
if ($_SESSION["error"]=="dbconnection") echo " Error: ", mysqli_connect_error(),"<br>\n";
if ($_SESSION["error"]=="dbconnectionname") echo " Error: enter database name.<br>\n";
// Second wizard-page
// Second wizard-page view
if ($_SESSION["step"]==1) {
echo "STEP 2: entries and directories:<br>\n";
echo "<form action=index.php method=post>\n";
echo " entries located in ",$_SESSION["dbname"],"@",$_SESSION["dbhost"],"<br>\n";
echo " Table name: <input type=text name=\"dbtable\" value=\"",$_SESSION["dbtable"],"\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " Column name: <input type=text name=\"dbcolumn\" value=\"",$_SESSION["dbcolumn"],"\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " Content directory: ~/<input type=text name=\"dirname\" value=\"",$_SESSION["dirname"],"\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " Column name: <input type=text name=\"dbcolumn\" value=\"",$_SESSION["dbcolumn"],"\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " Content directory: ~/<input type=text name=\"dirname\" value=\"",$_SESSION["dirname"],"\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " Filter column: <input type=text name=\"IDcolumn\" value=\"",$_SESSION["IDcolumn"],"\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " Filter column: <input type=text name=\"filtcolumn\" value=\"",$_SESSION["filtcolumn"],"\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " Filter column value: <input type=text name=\"filtvalue\" value=\"",$_SESSION["filtvalue"],"\" maxlength=255><br>\n";
echo " <i>(F.e. to filter posts from drafts and attachments in Wordpress6+)</i><br>\n";
echo " <input type=submit name=\"prev1\" value=\"Previous\"> <input type=submit name=\"next1\" value=\"Next\">\n";
echo "</form>\n";
if ($_SESSION["error"]) echo $_SESSION["error"],"<br>\n";
// Third wizard-page
// Third wizard-page view
if ($_SESSION["step"]==2) {
echo "STEP 3: check data:<br>\n";
@ -66,21 +73,47 @@ function PageView() {
$resulttable=mysqli_query($dbconnection,"SELECT * FROM ".$_SESSION["dbtable"]);
if (!empty($_SESSION["IDcolumn"]))
// Checking table
// -- Checking table
while($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($resulttable)) {
$contentpost=new DOMDocument();
if (!empty($_SESSION["filtcolumn"]) && !empty($_SESSION["filtvalue"])) {
if ($row[$_SESSION["filtcolumn"]] == $_SESSION["filtvalue"]) {
if (!empty($row[$_SESSION["dbcolumn"]]))
} else {
if (!empty($row[$_SESSION["dbcolumn"]]))
foreach($imageTags as $tag) {
if (!empty($_SESSION["IDcolumn"]))
$aofimg=$contentpost->importNode($tag->parentNode, true);
if (isset($aofimg)) {
if ($ahreofimg=="") $ahreofimg=$tag->getAttribute('src');
if ((!empty($testurl['host'])&&!empty($testurl['path']))&&(($testurl['scheme']=="http")||($testurl ['scheme']=="https"))&&(!($testurl['host']==$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))) $_SESSION["correctimagenumber"]++;
else if ($testurl['host']==$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) $_SESSION["alreadyimagenumber"]++;
else $_SESSION["brokenimagenumber"]++;
if ((!empty($testurl['host'])&&!empty($testurl['path']))&&(($testurl['scheme']=="http")||($testurl ['scheme']=="https"))&&(!($testurl['host']==$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])))
else if (isset($testurl['host']) && ($testurl['host']==$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))
else $_SESSION["brokenimagenumber"]++;
@ -89,6 +122,7 @@ function PageView() {
echo " ",getcwd(),"/<input type=text name=\"subdir\" value=\"",$_SESSION["subdir"],"\" maxlength=63> (leave blank if you don't need subdir)<br>\n";
echo " type of html-prefix:<br>\n";
echo " <input type=\"radio\" name=\"htmlprefix\" value=\"http\"";
if (!isset($_SESSION["htmlprefix"])) $_SESSION["htmlprefix"]="wo";
if ($_SESSION["htmlprefix"]=="http") echo " checked";
echo ">http://<br>\n";
echo " <input type=\"radio\" name=\"htmlprefix\" value=\"https\"";
@ -99,32 +133,42 @@ function PageView() {
echo ">without prefix and domain name<br>\n";
echo " type of download:<br>\n";
echo " <input type=\"radio\" name=\"dwnldtype\" value=\"put\"";
if (!($_SESSION["downloadtype"]=="curl")) echo " checked";
if (!isset($_SESSION["downloadtype"])) $_SESSION["downloadtype"]="put";
if ($_SESSION["downloadtype"]=="put") echo " checked";
echo ">file_put_contents<br>\n";
echo " <input type=\"radio\" name=\"dwnldtype\" value=\"curl\"";
if ($_SESSION["downloadtype"]=="curl") echo " checked";
echo " disabled"; // usopported in alpha version
echo ">curl<br>\n";
echo " disabled"; // unsupported yet
echo ">curl <i>[unsupported yet]</i><br>\n";
echo " <input type=\"radio\" name=\"dwnldtype\" value=\"wget\"";
if ($_SESSION["downloadtype"]=="wget") echo " checked";
echo " disabled"; // usopported in alpha version
echo ">wget<br>\n";
echo " disabled"; // unsupported yet
echo ">wget <i>[unsupported yet]</i><br>\n";
echo " number of rows in table: $resultrows<br>\n";
echo " filtered rows: $filteredpostnumber<br>\n";
echo " number of rows with imgsrc tags: ",count($_SESSION["imgsrcs"]),"<br>\n";
echo " total number of img src tags: $totalimagenumber<br>\n";
echo " broken image links: ",$_SESSION["brokenimagenumber"],"<br>\n";
echo " already downloaded image links: ",$_SESSION["alreadyimagenumber"],"<br>\n";
echo " correct external image links for download: ",$_SESSION["correctimagenumber"],"<br>\n";
echo " <input type=checkbox name=fixbroken value=true";
echo " <input type=checkbox name=\"ahrefparents\" value=\"yes\"";
if (!isset($_SESSION["ahrefparents"])) $_SESSION["ahrefparents"]=true;
if ($_SESSION["ahrefparents"]) echo " checked";
echo ">download parent a hrefs if exists?<br>\n";
echo "Domain for webarchive download: <input type=text name=\"webarchived\" value=\"",$_SESSION["webarchived"],"\" maxlength=127> (leave blank if you don't need to download images from webarchive)<br>\n";
echo " <input type=checkbox name=\"fixbroken\" value=\"yes\"";
if (!isset($_SESSION["fixbroken"])) $_SESSION["fixbroken"]=false;
if ($_SESSION["fixbroken"]) echo " checked";
echo ">delete broken tags?<br>\n";
echo " <input type=checkbox name=fixundownload value=true";
echo " <input type=checkbox name=\"fixundownload\" value=\"yes\"";
if (!isset($_SESSION["fixundownload"])) $_SESSION["fixundownload"]=false;
if ($_SESSION["fixundownload"]) echo " checked";
echo ">remove undownloadble tags?<br>\n";
echo " <input type=checkbox name=fixalready value=true";
echo " <input type=checkbox name=\"fixalready\" value=\"yes\"";
if (!isset($_SESSION["fixalready"])) $_SESSION["fixalready"]=false;
if ($_SESSION["fixalready"]) echo " checked";
echo " disabled"; // usopported in alpha version
echo ">fix prefix to already downloaded tags?<br>\n";
echo " disabled"; // unsupported yet
echo ">fix prefix to already downloaded tags? <i>[unsupported yet]</i><br>\n";
echo " <input type=submit name=\"prev2\" value=\"Previous\"> <input type=submit name=\"deta2\" value=\"Details\"> <input type=submit name=\"next2\" value=\"Next\">\n";
echo "</form>\n";
if ($_SESSION["error"]) echo $_SESSION["error"],"<br>\n";
@ -132,19 +176,31 @@ function PageView() {
if ($_SESSION["details"]=="step2") {
echo "green links will be try to downloaded, yellow (already downloaded) and red (broken) - not:<hr>\n";
foreach ($_SESSION["imgsrcs"] as $postnum=>$postimgs) {
echo ($postnum+1),":<br>\n";
foreach ($postimgs as $imgs) {
echo ($postnum+1);
if (!empty($_SESSION["IDcolumn"]))
echo " (ID ", $_SESSION["imgsrcsID"][$postnum],")";
echo ":<br>\n";
foreach ($postimgs as $imgnum=>$imgs) {
if ((!empty($testurl['host'])&&!empty($testurl['path']))&&(($testurl['scheme']=="http")||($testurl ['scheme']=="https"))&&(!($testurl['host']==$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))) echo " <font color=green>";
else if ($testurl['host']==$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) echo " <font color=yellow>";
else echo " <font color=red>";
echo $imgs,"</font><br>\n";
else if (isset($testurl['host']) && ($testurl['host']==$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))
echo " <font color=yellow>";
else echo " <font color=red>";
echo $imgs,"</font>, (";
if ($_SESSION["imgsrcahrefs"][$postnum][$imgnum]==$_SESSION["imgsrcs"][$postnum][$imgnum])
echo "<i>";
else echo "<b>";
echo $_SESSION["imgsrcahrefs"][$postnum][$imgnum];
if ($_SESSION["imgsrcahrefs"][$postnum][$imgnum]==$_SESSION["imgsrcs"][$postnum][$imgnum])
echo "</i>";
else echo "</b>";
echo ")<br>\n";
echo "<hr>\n";
// Approve page
// Approve page view
if ($_SESSION["step"]==3) {
echo "STEP 4: approve processing:<br>\n";
echo "<form action=index.php method=post>\n";
@ -158,77 +214,90 @@ function PageView() {
if ($_SESSION["subdir"]) echo "/",$_SESSION["subdir"];
echo "/<br>\n";
if ($_SESSION["fixbroken"]) echo $_SESSION["brokenimagenumber"]," tags will be deleted<br>\n";
if ($_SESSION["ahrefparents"])
echo "parent a hrefs will be downloaded (if exists)<br>\n";
if ($_SESSION["webarchived"])
echo "this domain will be downloaded via webarchive: ", $_SESSION["webarchived"], "<br>\n";
if ($_SESSION["fixbroken"])
echo $_SESSION["brokenimagenumber"]," tags will be deleted<br>\n";
echo " are you sure to proceed?<br>\n";
echo " <input type=submit name=\"prev3\" value=\"Previous\"> <input type=submit name=\"next3\" value=\"Next\">\n";
echo "</form>\n";
// Start page
// Start page view
if ($_SESSION["step"]==4) {
echo "RESULT:<br>\n";
if ($_SESSION["subdir"]) {
if (!chdir($_SESSION["subdir"])) $_SESSION["error"]="error to apperate with new directory";
if (!is_dir($_SESSION["subdir"]))
if (!chdir($_SESSION["subdir"]))
$_SESSION["error"]="can't to operate with new directory";
} else {
if (mkdir ("testimuploaddir")) rmdir("testimuploaddir");
else $_SESSION["error"]="error to apperate with directory, check privilegies";
if (mkdir ("testimuploaddir"))
else $_SESSION["error"]="can't to operate with directory, check privilegies";
if ($_SESSION["error"])
echo $_SESSION["error"]."<br>\n";
else {
exec("php -q exec.php < /dev/null > exec.log &");
echo "Process started, it's take some time. Please press Details for check status<br>\n";
if ($_SESSION["error"]) echo $_SESSION["error"]."<br>\n";
else {
exec("php -q exec.php < /dev/null > exec.log &");
echo "Process started, it's take some time. Please press Details for check status<br>\n";
echo "<form action=index.php method=post>\n";
echo " <input type=submit name=\"deta4\" value=\"Details\">\n";
echo "</form>\n";
// Result page
if ($_SESSION["step"]==5) {
echo "RESULT:<br>\n";
if (file_exists("outdata.csv"))
$outdatacsv=fgetcsv($fhandle, 1024, ",");
echo "raws edited: ",$rawsedit,", urldecode downloaded: ",$updatedurls,", failed to download: ",$failedtoupdate,", deleted tags: ",$deletedurls,"<br>\n";
} else {
// Result page view
if ($_SESSION["step"]==5) {
echo "RESULT:<br>\n";
if (file_exists("outdata.csv")) {
$outdatacsv=fgetcsv($fhandle, 1024, ",");
echo "raws edited: ",$rawsedit,", urldecode downloaded: ",$updatedurls,", failed to download: ",$failedtoupdate,", deleted tags: ",$deletedurls,"<br>\n";
} else echo "no results<br>\n";
if (file_exists("exec.log")) {
echo $logexec;
} else echo "no log<br>\n";
echo "<form action=index.php method=post>\n";
echo " <input type=submit name=\"deta5\" value=\"Details\">\n";
echo "</form>\n";
// First wizard-page handler
if ($_POST["next0"]) {
if (isset($_POST["next0"])) {
@ -239,33 +308,46 @@ if ($_SESSION["step"]==5) {
if (!$dbconnection) {
} if ($_SESSION["template"]=="Wordpress") {
if ($_SESSION["template"]=="Wordpress") {
} if ($_SESSION["template"]=="Joomla") {
if ($_SESSION["template"]=="Joomla") {
} if ($_SESSION["template"]=="Drupal") {
if ($_SESSION["template"]=="Drupal") {
} if (!$_POST["dbname"]) {
if (!$_POST["dbname"]) {
if ($_POST["prev1"]) {
// Second wizard-page handler
if (isset($_POST["prev1"])) {
} if ($_POST["next1"]) {
} if (isset($_POST["next1"])) {
$columns=mysqli_query($dbconnection, "SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$_SESSION["dbtable"]);
if (!$columns) {
@ -274,54 +356,86 @@ if ($_SESSION["step"]==5) {
if (mysqli_num_rows($columns)>0) {
$_SESSION["error"]="Column not found";
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($columns)) if ($row[Field]==$_SESSION["dbcolumn"]) $_SESSION["error"]="";
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($columns)) if ($row['Field']==$_SESSION["dbcolumn"]) $_SESSION["error"]="";
} else $_SESSION["error"]="Table is empty or not exists";
if ($uploadsdir) { if (!is_writeable(getcwd())) $_SESSION["error"]="Cant write to directory, check previlegies"; }
else $_SESSION["error"]="Cant open directory";
if (!$_SESSION["error"]) $_SESSION["step"]=2;
else $_SESSION["step"]=1;
if ($uploadsdir) {
if (!is_writeable(getcwd())) $_SESSION["error"]="Cant write to directory, check previlegies";
} else $_SESSION["error"]="Cant open directory";
if (!$_SESSION["error"])
else $_SESSION["step"]=1;
if ($_POST["prev2"]) {
// Third wizard-page handler
if (isset($_POST["prev2"])) {
} if ($_POST["deta2"]) {
if (isset($_POST["deta2"])) {
if (isset($_POST['ahrefparents']) && ($_POST['ahrefparents'] == 'yes'))
else $_SESSION["ahrefparents"]=false;
if (isset($_POST['webarchived']))
else $_SESSION["webarchived"]=false;
if (isset($_POST['fixbroken']) && ($_POST['fixbroken'] == 'yes'))
else $_SESSION["fixbroken"]=false;
if (isset($_POST['fixundownload']) && ($_POST['fixundownload'] == 'yes'))
else $_SESSION["fixundownload"]=false;
if (isset($_POST['fixalready']) && ($_POST['fixalready'] == 'yes'))
else $_SESSION["fixalready"]=false;
} if ($_POST["next2"]) {
if (isset($_POST["next2"])) {
if (isset($_POST['ahrefparents']) && ($_POST['ahrefparents'] == 'yes'))
else $_SESSION["ahrefparents"]=false;
if (isset($_POST['webarchived']))
else $_SESSION["webarchived"]=false;
if (isset($_POST['fixbroken']) && ($_POST['fixbroken'] == 'yes'))
else $_SESSION["fixbroken"]=false;
if (isset($_POST['fixundownload']) && ($_POST['fixundownload'] == 'yes'))
else $_SESSION["fixundownload"]=false;
if (isset($_POST['fixalready']) && ($_POST['fixalready'] == 'yes'))
else $_SESSION["fixalready"]=false;
if ($_POST["fixbroken"]) { if (($_SESSION["correctimagenumber"]<1)&($_SESSION["brokenimagenumber"]<1)) $_SESSION["step"]=2; }
else if ($_SESSION["correctimagenumber"]<1) $_SESSION["step"]=2;
if (isset($_POST['fixbroken']) && ($_POST['fixbroken'] == 'yes')) {
if (($_SESSION["correctimagenumber"]<1)&($_SESSION["brokenimagenumber"]<1))
} else if ($_SESSION["correctimagenumber"]<1)
if ($_POST["prev3"]) {
// Approve page handler
if (isset($_POST["prev3"])) {
} if ($_POST["next3"]) {
if (isset($_POST["next3"])) {
if ($_POST["deta4"]) {
// Start page handler
if (isset($_POST["deta4"])) {
if ($_POST["deta5"]) {
// Result page handler
if (isset($_POST["deta5"])) {
@ -334,4 +448,4 @@ if ($_SESSION["step"]==5) {
<?php PageView();?>